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波特蘭 Somebody Feed Phil Portland

Subtitle Translation
這些這裡 Now these are from right here?
這裡剝生 [Peter] Yeah, these are from right here. Do you know how to shuck oysters?
所以插進這裡會感覺到 So once you kind of go in here, you'll feel, like,
好像刀尖進去 kind of the tip, kind of go in.
- -沿著上面 -Yeah. -You go along the top.
這樣 Voilà.
- -享用 -[Phil] Me? -You can enjoy, yeah.
謝謝各位 Thank you. All right, people.
How's this for a fantasy?
有個很棒主廚剝生 坐在海邊白酒 Have a great chef shuck you oysters while you drink Chenin Blanc on the bay.
顧著這些真的很棒 Don't just feed me. I want you to eat. They're-- they're really good.
-乾杯 -乾杯 -All right. Well, cheers. -Cheers.
試試 Would you like to try?
Uh, I guess.
所以這樣 So you want to kind of…
-這裡 - -Right here? -Yeah.
-已經最大力氣 -覺得 -I'm literally pushing as hard as I can. -I think you're far in enough.
-覺得波特如何 -本來喜歡直到現在 -What do you think of Portland so far? -I liked it until right now.
快活人 ♪ A happy, hungry man's Traveling all across the sea ♪
走遍陸地穿越海洋 ♪ A happy, hungry man's Traveling all across the sea ♪ ♪ And the land ♪
努力了解 ♪ He's trying to understand ♪
美味 ♪ The art of pasta, pork Chicken, and lamb ♪
驅車前來 ♪ He will drive to you ♪
飛奔 ♪ He will fly to you ♪
唱歌 ♪ He will sing for you ♪
跳舞 ♪ And he'll dance for you ♪
一起歡笑 ♪ He will laugh with you ♪
哭泣 ♪ And he'll cry for you ♪
只求一樣回報 ♪ There's just one thing He asks in return ♪
♪ Somebody feed, somebody feed ♪
♪ Can somebody ♪
♪ Somebody feed Phil? ♪
 波特 ♪ Somebody feed him now ♪
你們知道全世界 哪些城市街頭小吃 Do you know what the best cities in the world are for street food?
馬拉喀什曼谷 Marrakesh, Rio, Bangkok,
俄勒岡州波特 and Portland, Oregon. Yeah!
一點 -[pleasant music playing] -I was shocked to read that.
如果你們一樣喜歡街頭小吃 I think if you're like me, you love street food.
什麼因為隨興簡單 而且做得好美味 Why? Because it's casual, it's easy, and it's great when it's done well.
我們感謝市政府獎勵 We have the city government to thank for all this bounty.
自從一次經濟衰退 這裡戶外用餐開始起飛 Outdoor dining took off here during the last recession,
政府簡化法規 開設小吃店簡單 and regulations were streamlined to make it easier to set up shop.
真是聰明政府 That's a smart government.
怎麼沒來這裡 這裡我家開車只要兩個 How have I never been here before? It's literally two hours from my house.
不曾這裡 Never here. Never been.
I'm a little stupid.
很快聰明 知道什麼美食 But I'm told I'll get smart quick at something called a food pod.
什麼美食 What's a food pod?
美食廣場 It's like a food court.
他們一家普羅斯特 The best one, they tell me, is Prost!
一定要去試試 You want to go there.
這些美食餐車精心設計 搭配非常得宜 It's this beautifully curated collection of very complementary food trucks,
期待三星四星食物 and you would not expect to get three-star, four-star food.
確實可以 But you do.
麥可羅這些食物故事 已經十年 Michael Russell's been writing about these food pods for ten years,
這裡形成獨特文化 and there's quite a culture here.
每個社區自己美食 Every cool neighborhood has their food pod.
-這位 -派克 -Who's this young man? -Hi. Name's Deepak.
派克菲爾 就是著名印度料理 Hi, Deepak, I'm Phil. This is the famous Desi.
-沒錯 -印度 -[Deepak] Yes, it is. -[Phil] Oh, I love Indian.
雞肉 [Michael] I was thinking about the chicken,
外面有位年輕小姐 我們必須羊肉 but a young lady outside said we had to order the lamb.
兩種一個 Gotta do one of each.
雞肉羊肉一下 Chicken and lamb? Be a couple minutes.
太好了 [Phil] All right. Great.
我們這個時候別的 Maybe we should order something else while this is happening.
-什麼 -試試小野洋子 -What should I have? -Gotta try the Yoko Ono.
小野洋子 辣椒混鬥 -Yoko Ono, and then… -[Michael] The Sriracha Mix-A-Lot.
這麼 Yeah, let's do that too.
-準備餐點 -謝謝 -Let me get it together. -Beautiful. Thank you.
-我們兩家 -第三回合 -All right, so we got two. -Round three.
我們兩家食物 需要點別 [Phil] So we ordered those two things. Are we supposed to order something else?
-西煎蛋 -麥特烤肉如何我們 -Desi, Fried Egg-- -What about Matt's barbecue? Let's go.
麥特烤肉 城裡烤肉店 Matt's Barbecue. Let's do it. That's the best barbecue in the city.
這裡 Oh, right here?
-你好麥特 -你好麥特 -How you doing? Are you Matt? -[Matt] How are you? I am.
麥克不已 Mike is saying very nice things about you.
-太棒了 -準備綜合食品樣本 -Yeah, awesome. -Are you doing a mixed sampler?
我們一種一點 Yeah, we're gonna give you a little bit of everything. Plenty of food.
喜歡每樣東西一點 That's my favorite thing, is a little bit of everything.
-嬰兒一樣 - -[Matt] Hold it like a baby. -[Phil] Wow!
- -麥克什麼 -Oh, mama. -What's Mike gonna eat?
各位 Lookie, lookie, people!
就是反應 That's the reaction you want.
我們坐在這裡 We're gonna be right here.
如果你們幸運剩下 If you're lucky, you'll get some leftovers.
牛腩顯然 [Michael] Okay, so, brisket, ribs, obviously…
-火雞最愛 -火雞好吃 -Yes. Turkey, my favorite. -Turkey's delicious.
-墨西哥辣椒起司香腸 -香腸喜歡 -That's his jalapeño-cheddar sausage. -Links. I love that.
盤上一種食物 Every bite that I'm having on this tray…
- -非常好吃 -Yeah. -…is pretty phenomenal.
煎蛋 -[upbeat music plays] -[Phil] Fried Egg I'm in Love.
好吃 Oh, that's good.
美妙玩意 So that's a beautiful thing.
小野洋子喜歡音樂 Are you a fan of Yoko Ono's music? The namesake.
風格超前那個年代 可愛 Way ahead of her time, and a-- a lovely person.
世人評價糟糕 有害披頭解散 And, uh, you know, she got a terrible rap. She didn't break up the Beatles.
所以披頭到底什麼解散 覺得他們受不了林哥笑話 -Why did the Beatles break up, though? -They couldn't take Ringo's jokes anymore.
接下印度 [Phil] Next, Indian.
-羊肉 -沒錯 -And that's the lamb? -Correct.
各位羊肉 Look at that. The lamb, people.
很棒試菜好吃 Beautiful spicing. Yeah, that's nice.
喜歡這裡 No wonder you like it here.
喜歡 Oh my God! I love that.
-德西一級 -哪裡 [chuckles] Desi rules. Where is he?
-派克那裡 -派克厲害 -Deepak's right over there. -Deepak's awesome.
派克 Young man… Deepak… I gotta tell you,
必須告訴 去過印度餐廳之一 Young man… Deepak… I gotta tell you, this is a great-- one of the best Indian restaurants
而且狹小餐車烹調 I've ever been to, and you're doing it out of a tiny cart.
廚師多久有什麼故事 How long you been cooking? What's your story?
餐車工作六年 Uh, I've been cooking at the cart for about six years.
故事就是原本科技 My story is, I was a tech industry guy.
40歲時決定轉行做別 開始餐車 I decided when I turned 40, I want to go do something else and start a food cart.
-所以這麼 - -That's why I love you! -Yeah.
因為裡面 放棄科技 Because your heart is in it. And you gave up tech.
- -一些科技問題 -Yup. -Can I ask you some tech questions?
-因為電腦 -不行光光 -'Cause my computer-- -[laughs] No! I don't remember anymore.
時人 可以電腦 People ask me sometimes, "Can you fix my computer?"
不行 可以好吃咖哩 I'm like, "No, but I can make you some pretty good curry."
如果得到不在乎電腦 If you can make this, -I don't care about my computer. -[laughs]
蒂森煎蛋三明治 Madison, I wanna-- I loved your fried egg sandwiches so much.
-知道喜歡 -好吃 -Oh, I'm so glad. I knew you would. -They're so delicious.
三明治裡面通常炒蛋 A lot of times you get a-- an egg sandwich, and it's a scrambled egg.
一口下去流出 I mean, you want to bite into it, you want stuff to come out. That's…
-本身醬汁 -沒錯 -It's a sauce on its own. -Exactly.
大家何不這樣 Why doesn't everybody do it?
因為他們不想衣服 Do they think-- 'Cause they don't want it to get on their shirt?
我們收到最大抱怨 上衣 That's our biggest complaint. "I-- I got yolk on my shirt."
-不然期待什麼 -我們特色抱歉沒辦 -Yeah. What do you expect? -"That's our thing. Sorry, not sorry."
抱歉沒辦 "Sorry, not sorry."
-麥特 -菲爾 -Matt… -[Matt] Oh, hey, Phil.
-一桌天才 -烤肉怎麼樣 -I'm at a table of geniuses here. -How was the barbecue?
數一數二烤肉 不是隨便 It's some of the best I've ever had, and I'm not-- I'm not just saying that.
-太棒了 -覺得太棒了 -[Matt] Oh, awesome. -I think it's amazing.
大力 I-- I said a large.
波特朋友波特 之前怎麼遇到你們 -To my new friends in Portland. -[Michael] To you. To Portland! Where have you been all my life?
這些太棒了 Great. Great. Great. Great. Great.
真是太好玩 It's just so much fun…
因為食物很棒 because the food is spectacular.
真的很棒看看 Wow, that's really good, right? -Look at you! -[laughs]
我們一些廣角鏡頭 [man] We're just going to get some wides.
所以繼續站著東西開心玩樂 So just keep on standing and eating and having fun.
如果繼續站著東西 一堆鏡頭 If I keep standing and eating, you'll get plenty of wide.
去過莫斯科一次 I've been to Moscow once.
俄國以前情境喜劇 改成大家科斯帝亞 The Russians had asked me to turn my old sitcom into Everybody Loves Kostya.
建議你們出口雷蒙 I suggest you see Exporting Raymond.
家人超愛因為不少 My family loves it because of how much I suffer.
莫斯科一件 就是他們食物 But one thing that I fell in love with in Moscow was their food.
沒有料到食物好吃 I didn't expect to, but it's all delicious,
而且適合搭配伏特加 and it's all brilliantly designed to go with vodka.
- -妳是邦妮莫拉雷 -Hi! -You are Bonnie Morales.
- -菲爾 -Yes, I am. -I'm Phil.
-高興認識菲爾 -興認 -Nice to meet you, Phil. -It's so nice to meet you.
俄勒崗波特 餐廳之一 So I heard that one of the best restaurants in Portland, Oregon,
叫做卡奇卡 is a place called Kachka.
菜單靈感俄羅斯 其他蘇聯共和 Which features a menu inspired by Russia and other former Soviet Republics.
清楚情況 邦妮莫拉雷不是俄國名字 Um, I don't know everything, but I'm guessing Bonnie Morales is not a Russian name.
爸媽蘇聯移民過來 My parents, when they immigrated from the Soviet Union,
美國名字 wanted, like, a nice American name.
他們覺得邦妮 異國情調美國 And they thought "Bonnie" sounded so exotic and American.
丈夫姓氏莫拉雷 And then my husband's last name is Morales.
-半個墨西哥人所以 - -He's, uh, half-Mexican, so, uh… -Is this him?
-就是 -你好 -That is him. What are you doing here? -Hello. It is me.
-這裡什麼 -伊斯雷爾一個俄羅斯名字 -That is him. What are you doing here? -Hello. It is me. -Israel. Another non-Russian name. -[Israel] Hello.
你好 -Israel. Another non-Russian name. -[Israel] Hello.
娘家姓氏什麼 What is your family's last name?
弗拉 Frumkin.
-沒錯 -莫拉雷 -[Israel] There you go. -I'm not gonna say Morales is an upgrade.
- -侮辱弗拉 -Yeah! -I wouldn't insult the Frumkins.
-何必 - [Israel] Why would you? -No. -[Israel] Yeah.
聽著猶太 我們很多有趣名字 Listen, I'm-- I'm Jewish too. We have a lot of, uh, funny names.
-沒錯 -許多利普希茨 -[Bonnie] That's right. -There's a lot of Lipschitz in there.
什麼伏特加 Now, what-- what, uh, vodka is this?
我們辣根伏特加 This is horseradish vodka that we make.
必須舉杯敬酒 You need to commemorate with a toast, though.
-要敬什麼 -一杯敬菲爾 -What's the toast? -This is to Phil.
貼心你們 That's very sweet. And to you guys.
整杯 這麼小口 Oh, you did the whole thing. I don't do that. I'm a sipper.
一小明白 想要一飲而盡 Have a little and you'll figure out that you want to have all of it.
想要一瓶放進行李箱 All right, that… I want to put a bottle of that in my suitcase.
我們可以安排 We can make that happen.
-看看這個 -你好上菜 -Oh, look at this. -Hello. Here we go.
-移到旁邊 -開心 -Move that out of the way. -I-- I could not be happier.
岳母概念就是 [Israel] My mother-in-law has this idea that, you know,
擺桌要擺得滿滿 a properly set table is where you shouldn't
盤子之間不能手指插入縫隙 be able to put your finger in between two plates, you know?
盤子一起 It should be jammed together.
餐桌如此 Every table should be that.
-同意 - -[Israel chuckles] I think so, right? -Right?
俄國餃子 內餡牛肉豬肉小牛肉 These are pelmeni, which are a beef, pork, and veal dumpling.
-喜歡這個 - -[Phil gasps] Who doesn't like this? -[Israel] Oh yeah.
奶油醬汁史麥塔納 Dressed in a little bit of butter, a little vinegar, and then smetana,
我們酸奶 which is a-- a cultured dairy that we make.
味道比賣好多 That is so much better than it looks!
起來好像 That-- No. I mean, it looks like…
要是每次有人這樣 -If I had a nickel for every time… -[both laughing]
起來很美 It-- It looks like… It's a beautiful…
就是餃子 It's little dumplings.
味道整個嘴巴炸開 完全想到 But then there's an explosion of flavor. I did not expect that.
以為只是食物 I thought it was gonna be just a "comforty" thing.
想到其中驚喜 I didn't expect it to have a kick to it.
老天太棒了 Oh man. It's awesome.
我們希望人們可以記住道菜 -[Bonnie] Like, we want people… -[man laughs] …to add this cuisine to their, like,
-美食記憶庫加上這個 -沒錯 -mental Rolodex of foods. -Exactly.
例如今晚什麼 "What do I want to have for dinner tonight?"
-平常想到俄國 -壽司大利 -Yes. You don't think of Russian. -"Sushi, Italian…"
他們以為俄國菜會乏味 Right. They think it's gonna be very dull and very, uh…
-單調 -單調 -Drab. Mm-hmm. -[Phil] Yes, drab.
上菜 [Francisco] Here we are.
- -你好 -Hi. -[Francisco] Oh, hello.
-法蘭西斯科我們主廚 -幸會 -[Bonnie] This is Francisco, our CDC. -[Phil] Nice to meet you.
高興認識先生 [Francisco] Nice to meet you.
大人物出來大人物 -The big guns have come out. -[chuckles softly] -You're the big gun. -Show the big guns. [laughs]
看看實力 -You're the big gun. -Show the big guns. [laughs]
-法蘭西斯科 -全力以赴 -Come on, Francisco! -[Francisco] All the guns.
我們經典料理之一兔肉 So this is one of our classic dishes here. Rabbit in a clay pot.
我們酸奶 -[Phil] Oh! -Um, braised in our house-made smetana.
一點牛肝菌櫻桃 A little bit of, uh, porcini. Sour cherries.
一堆大蒜 -Um… -[Bonnie] And a ton of garlic.
一堆大蒜 [Francisco] Ton of garlic.
餐廳外場工作 [Israel] Want to work in the dining room?
一直申請餐廳外場實習 I've been asking for a stage in the front of the house for a while,
但是餐廳老板沒有回覆所以 but the ownership's not getting back to me, so…
什麼餐廳叫做卡奇卡 [Phil] So why is the restaurant called Kachka?
我們決定要開餐廳 Um, so when we decided we really wanted to do this,
立刻想到父親媽媽 機會見到祖母 I immediately thought of my father's mother, who I never got to meet.
第二次世界大戰德軍入侵白俄 During World War II, you know, Germans were advancing into Belarus,
試圖說服爸媽弟弟妹妹 and she was trying to convince her fam-- her younger siblings and her parents that they should all go.
他們應該通通離開 her fam-- her younger siblings and her parents that they should all go.
所以抱著三個孩子離開 So she left with a three-month-old in her arms
逃往俄羅斯有人攔下 and, um, was heading towards Russia, and somebody stopped her and was, like,
妳是猶太 烏克蘭 "You're a Jew," and she said, "No. No, no, I'm Ukrainian."
只是這裡婆家 "Just passing through to get to my in-laws."
他們如果妳是烏克蘭 And they were like, "Oh yeah, if you're Ukrainian,
鴨子烏克蘭語怎麼 how do you say 'duck' in Ukrainian?"
顯然不懂烏克蘭語 所以卡奇卡 And she doesn't know Ukrainian, obviously, and so she just guessed "kachka."
他們通過 And they let her through.
原來烏克蘭語鴨子卡奇卡 And it turns out that kachka is the word for duck in Ukrainian,
白羅斯波蘭意第緒語都一樣 Belarusian, Polish, uh, and Yiddish.
鴨子這個你們 And the word "duck" saves your life.
救命 And that it saves your life.
來說這個重要 And to me, this was like such an important word.
每個自己卡奇卡版本 Everyone has their version of "kachka," so…
微乎其微幸運 And-- and the-- the thinnest line of luck…
- -我們存活下來 -Yeah. -…that we all live on, right?
-總是幸運 -美的故事 -There's always luck. -That's a beautiful story.
-真是難以置信 -謝謝 -It's unbelievable. -Thank you.
加入我們所有事物 To everything that joins us.
- -我們一些故事 -Aw, that's sweet. Right? -Yeah, we all have something,
記住這樣時刻重要 and I think in these times it's important to remember.
現在穿越城市 [Phil] And now, for a bike ride through the city.
這個公園城裡 Yes, this park is in the city.
狗狗 Hey, puppy.
小狗 Two puppies.
彼得出色主廚 紐約工作多年 Peter Chao has been a great chef in New York for many years,
搬到波特 這家很棒餐廳 and then he moved to Portland and he opened this incredible place
叫做他家 called Han Oak, in his house.
一個美麗家庭 -[Sun] Yay! -He has this beautiful family.
妻子 兒子法蘭奇艾略特 I met his wife, Sun, and his sons, Frankie and Elliot.
準備丟了 [Peter] Ready? Throw it to--
正中臉部 [Peter] Right in the face.
幸運 [Phil] And I got lucky.
今天車庫準備私人午餐 He's making me a private lunch here today in his garage.
真的房子 This is your actual house?
我們這裡五年 Yeah, so we lived here for five years.
絕對想到綠洲 You'd never suspect this oasis is back here.
當然 For sure.
我們一些 All right, so we got a little short rib.
韓式排骨 This is kalbi, marinated.
紋路很美油脂豐富好吃 Nice and marbled too. This stuff is very fatty, delicious.
可以高高 -Can I get a high five? -[Peter] Yeah!
這裡服務非常熱情 [Phil] The waitstaff here is very enthusiastic.
飲料如何 -Ow! -Hey, how about some beverages?
冰箱爸爸最愛飲料 You want to to get Dad's favorite drink from the fridge?
-You can open it too, right? -[laughs]
-那個想要 -就是這個 -Is that the one? Is that what you wanted? -This is the one.
-法蘭奇 -可以打開 -Frankie… -[Peter] Can you open it?
…you're the best.
驕傲時刻 -[mouthing silently] -Is this your proudest moment,
孩子第一次啤酒 when your kid brings you a beer for the first time?
謝謝法蘭奇打開 [Phil] Thank you, Frankie! You want to open that one?
-強壯 -什麼 -You're strong. But that's-- -What's that?
麥克風 Oh, that's called a microphone.
謝謝啤酒法蘭奇 [laughs] That's good. Thanks for the beer, Frankie.
- -謝謝 怎麼回事 -Oh, what… what's happening? -[Peter] Thank you.
波特蘭曾掀起瘋狂漢堡熱潮 There was this sort of Smashburger craze that swept Portland.
所以我們心想 我們漢堡 And so we were kind of like, okay, let's just smash a couple patties,
放進這個刈包 put it in this bao bun, and then pan-sear it.
所以餃子但其實是 So this is like a pan-fried dumpling, really, but it's…
-起司漢堡 - -But it's a cheeseburger. -Yeah.
你們一定喜歡 All right, you gotta like this, people. Come on.
認為孩子大學基金 So, yeah, I think that's gonna be the kids' college fund.
當然 Of course it is. Holy moly.
那種了不起發明心想 It's just one of these brilliant inventions that you go,
什麼以前想到 "Why haven't I had that before?"
可以小朋友 [Peter] You got this, bud. You got it.
這邊 非常 -Don't touch this part. It's a little hot. -[Phil] Very good!
-做得好小朋友 -非常 -[Peter] Good job, bud! Yes! -[Phil] Very good!
徒弟已經取代師父 [chuckling] The pupil has replaced the master.
巨大 事情這樣 [Peter] All right, I'm gonna make you this giant lettuce wrap, but here's the deal.
知道必須一大口吃下去 You know how big of a bite this has to be, right?
幾乎嘴巴 It's gotta be so big you can barely shove it in your mouth.
-整卷 -一口吃掉 You mean, the whole thing? Yeah, you gotta do the whole thing. This is the move.
吃法就是這樣所以 Yeah, you gotta do the whole thing. This is the move. [Richard] Ah!
真的假 沒聽這樣 -[Peter] This is a little-- -Serious? I never heard that. That's a thing?
- -必須 -Oh yeah. -You have to…
看起一個 This seems giant.
就是這個 This right here.
理查 Right. How about Richard?
-每個 -理查一個 -Yes. Everyone. -Should we have Richard do one?
-真的這樣 - This is real? -[Peter] Yeah. -[Sun chuckles]
小孩子 一顆餃子入口簡單 Even the little kid does it, eh, with a dumpling, like it's nothing.
什麼 -What? -[Richard] Oh…
- - -All right, here we go. -All right.
-一口 -得到慢用 -All together? -I think you can do this. Yeah. Cheers.
[Sun] Wow.
[Phil] Look. Look. Look.
加油 Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
也許現在適合告訴 [Sun] Maybe this isn't the right time to tell you…
Too much.
-成功 -做得好 -[Peter] You nailed it. -[Sun] Nice work.
喜歡時候已經做好準備 [chuckling] I love this. You're bracing yourself as you eat.
因為必須小心 'Cause you have to be careful.
沒錯來點 [laughs] Totally. All right, have some--
真是你好 That was spectacular. Yes, hello.
可以 -[Richard] That was so fun. -I can eat,
一盤十顆餃子一口一個 uh, finish, uh, ten dumplings on one plate in ten bites.
可以 You-- you can?
十顆餃子十口吃掉 覺得只是炫耀 -He finished ten dumplings in ten bites. -I think he's just bragging.
喜歡炫耀 謙虛炫耀 Yeah, he-- he likes to brag. It's a humble-brag, right?
-炫耀 -十足炫耀 -[chuckles] That's a straight-up brag. -That's a brag-brag. [laughs]
就是炫耀孩子一點謙虛 That's just "brag." Nothing humble about that kid.
安靜 All right, I want to finish eating in peace.
Okay. [laughs]
唉呀 -[Peter] Oh, sure. -[chuckles]
喜歡大自然 [Phil] You like nature?
今天我們克拉克默斯郡划皮艇 Today, we're going kayaking in Clackamas County.
雖然情況險峻 And despite hazardous conditions…
Wake. Giant wake.
愚蠢理查一艘小艇 …stupid Richard wants me to get in a tiny kayak.
緊張時刻 This is my most nervous part.
一次各位雖然隨著節目進行 Again, people, even though I have gotten
嘗試比較冒險 a little bit more adventurous as these shows continue…
面向這邊正確 沒錯 -Is it facing the right way? -[man] It sure is.
喜歡戶外活動 …I'm still not much of an outdoorsman.
莫妮卡 Goodbye, Monica.
雙手中間移動 [man] Move your hands right into the middle.
這樣 [Phil] Is that right?
不到竅門 I do not have the hang of this.
拿著單槳皮艇 五分肩膀開始 Within five minutes, my shoulders hurt from the kayaking and the paddling.
認為這樣血病 And I think scurvy might be setting in.
划船時身體會 Do you lean forward when you're paddling?
所以放進水中轉動 So as soon as I dip the oar and then turn it,
船槳滴落大腿 all the water from the oar pours right into my lap in the boat.
那邊 那邊船槳大腿 And then you do it this way, and all that water pours into your lap from the boat.
唯一要求唯一告訴大家 My only requirement, the only thing I told everybody,
就是不管什麼狀況不想 is under no circumstances would I like to get wet.
不該淋濕魔怪 I shouldn't get wet. It's like Gremlins.
I'm listing.
歡迎收看一集划船 Welcome to another episode of The Crooked Kayaker.
突然遇到幾個自得 [Phil's voice] Suddenly, I'm confronted by people somehow enjoying themselves.
原諒第一次 [Phil] Forgive me. It's my first time.
-划得如何 - -[Phil] How am I doing? -[woman 1] Great.
開始明白什麼 [Phil's voice] And I think I'm beginning to see why.
這裡真是寧靜 [Phil] Well, this is peaceful.
漂亮 Very pretty!
非常漂亮 Very pretty.
划船 I'm a kayaker.
喜歡頂尖廚師 看過俄勒崗波特蘭頂廚師 Do you like Top Chef? Did you see Top Chef Portland, Oregon?
看過肯定中島翔 If you did, then you love Shota Nakajima.
今天我們一個很酷地方 名字起來怎麼樣 Today we're going to a very cool place that didn't sound very cool to me.
雅各布森鹽業公司 It's called the Jacobsen Salt Company.
今天中島翔 雅各布森鹽業公司 I'm meeting the head of Jacobsen Salt Company today
他們負責人雅各布森 with Shota, Ben Jacobsen.
了解巴的 Guy knows a lot about salt.
-兩位 -以為就是 -Hey, guys. -I thought salt was salt.
-顯然不是 -不是 -But apparently it's not. -[chuckles] It is, but it's not.
-高興認識 -高興見到 -[chuckles] Nice to meet you. -Good to see you.
高興見到你們歡迎 我們下去海邊 Good to see you. Welcome. Come on down to the water.
濕身 All right. I'm not gonna get wet, am I?
這裡奈塔海灣 This is Netarts Bay,
你們海水入口 and we'll take you out here, show you our water intake.
我們一家精巧公司 We've got this neat little salt company,
但其就是5公分PVC塑膠 拉到這個海灣裡面 but it's like a two-inch PVC line -that is sitting out here in the bay-- -[Shota] I love it.
什麼意思所有 What do you mean? All the…
-鹽巴導入這條水管 -所有海水 -The salt is funneled through this line? -[chuckles] Yeah, all the seawater is.
海水就是這條水管 The seawater, and it's all this little pipe?
平淡無奇水管沒錯 [Ben] This underwhelming little pipe. Yeah, exactly.
聽著平淡無奇水管 Listen, I know about underwhelming pipes.
這個海灣養殖幾百萬顆牡蠣 [Ben] Tens of millions of oysters are farmed in this bay.
-保護海洋河口 - -This is a protected marine estuary. -Yeah.
所以這裡大規模發展 Um, so, you know, mass, major development will not happen here.
-太好了 -我們海鹽品質 -Great. -Um, the quality of our salt,
完全取決於海灣健康 um, is directly dependent on the health of the bay.
我們就是這個環境小型蒸餾器 We're literally a micro distillation of this environment here.
這些緊鄰海岸大樹很棒 And you got to love the giant trees coming right up against the shore.
漂亮 It's beautiful. [sighs happily]
我們不要走上 看看 Should we walk up the hill and show you how salt is made?
- -了解這樣 -[Shota] Yeah. -You know, here's what I know about salt.
以前任何食物上桌一樣 My father used to, you know-- Any-- any food that came to the table,
這樣 he did this.
媽會麥斯嚐嚐看吧 And my mother would say, "Max, why don't you taste it first?"
喜歡 He'd say, "I like salt."
-我們 -我們 -Are we hair netting? -[Ben] We are hair netting.
你好 -[in high voice] Hello. -[Ben laughs]
我們小屋 This is our boil shed.
我們過濾海水煮沸 We filter seawater, then we boil it,
煮沸移除 and we boil it to remove calcium and magnesium.
全世界這樣 Is this the way it's done around the world?
使用不同海水不同 You start with different seawater, and you use different processes,
得到不同形式 and you end up with different types of salt.
-我們來看 - -All right, let's see the salt. -Let's do it.
裡面可以很多大利 You could make a lot of pasta in there.
-可以一大 -很多大利 -[laughs] You can make a lot of pasta. -A lot of pasta. [laughs]
大利加多少 適量 -How much do you salt your pasta water? -[Shota] Uh, "T.R.A." The Right Amount.
這裡開始有意思 [Ben] This is where things begin to get really, really fun.
我們這些底下 使用加熱設備 So we use, um, a tiny bit of heat underneath these evaporation tables.
- -可以看到 -Yeah. -And you can see
結晶表面慢慢成形 salt crystals forming very slowly on the surface.
-作法就是這樣 -就是我們使用方法 -[Phil] This is the method? -[Ben] This is the method we use. Yes.
Oh my God. [gasps]
-很漂亮 -現在可以 -[Ben] Isn't that pretty? -[Phil] Is that edible now?
-美麗鹽片 - -So this is a beautiful flake. -Look at that.
-看看這個 - -[Phil] Look at that. Like a snowflake. -[Ben] Beautiful. Like a snowflake.
-雪花一樣 -雪花 -[Phil] Look at that. Like a snowflake. -[Ben] Beautiful. Like a snowflake. -It's gorgeous. -Cheers, my friend.
朋友 -It's gorgeous. -Cheers, my friend.
-喜歡味道一直持續 -很酷 -I like that. It keeps going. -Isn't that cool?
-尾韻很甜 - -Yeah, it's really sweet at the end. -Yeah.
任何人一旦食鹽 Anybody, once they try great salts…
- -嚐出差異性 -Yeah. -…will taste the difference.
剛剛嚐到 感覺啟發 I just tasted that, and it was kind of revelatory, right?
沒錯 Absolutely. You want to take a shot here?
- - -[Phil] Yeah! I do. -All right.
-這裡開始 -知道方向 -So start from here. -I knew there was a wrong way to do it.
-那邊 - -[laughing] -See how it just went across there and… [Phil] Oh yeah.
一路 …all the way across.
可以一路過去 You can go all the way across as well. Yeah.
-做得好 -這個工作怎麼 -Nice job. -I am a salt-- What do you call the job?
-鹽人 - -Salt man? -Salt maker.
I'm a salt maker.
看看裡面 Look right in there.
美麗非法毒品 Beautiful snow or an illegal drug.
爸媽工作當備 My parents always said I should have something to fall back on.
-菲爾 -菲爾高興認識 -Phil. -Phil, nice to meet you.
好喝 Whoa, that's really good.
以為比較了解這個城市 Just when you think you got a handle on this city,
波特投出一記變化 Portland throws another curveball.
彼得今天愛店 Peter Chao is taking me to one of his favorites,
一輛當作餐廳使用貨車 根本知道餐廳 a truck that serves a cuisine I didn't even know was a cuisine.
我們西餐 We're heading to Ruthie's,
他們特色摩門教傳統菜餚 which features food based in Mormon traditions,
使用波特方式料理 but cooked in a Portland style.
喜歡真的 I love it. Come on. This is happening.
- -你好 -Hey. -How's it going?
-柯林 -你好 -Are you Colin? -I am. How are you?
-菲爾 -高興認識 -Hi, I'm Phil. -[Colin] Nice to meet you.
幸會朋友 Nice to meet you, my friend.
-你好 -兄弟你好 -What's up? -What's up, dude?
這輛不到三坪拖車 [Phil's voice] Out of this hundred-square-foot trailer,
柯林艾倫 Colin and his partner Aaron have created
充滿美食 柯林祖母露西致敬 a culinary love letter to Colin's grandma Ruthie.
我們兩個猶他州格登 So, we're both from Ogden, Utah, originally.
奶奶露西就是餐車名字 摩門教徒 My grandmother, who the cart is named after, is Mormon,
一本教友食譜 and she has what's called a ward cookbook.
他們教會所有教徒 收集各自家庭 All the people at her church, uh, gather recipes from their families
歷代傳承食譜放進本書 from generations and put it in this little book.
- -我們靈感 -Yeah. -But that's where we draw, like,
很多自我祖母烹飪 a good amount of our inspiration from, is my grandma's cooking,
以及保存教友食譜 her preserving, ward cookbook.
當然本地農場 -[Phil] Right. -And, of course, the local farms.
-太棒了 -我們 -Awesome, we're stoked. -Should we sit?
我們你們準備一些食物 Yeah, we got-- we got some food just about ready for you.
飲料 [Phil] Look, there's drinks for us!
-你好 - -Hello. -[Colin] Alrighty.
柯林 我們玉米沙拉 -Colin. -[Colin] So, we got our corn salad here.
一些醃漬番茄 -漂亮 -羅勒 -A bit of marinated tomatoes, basil. -[Phil] Beautiful.
上面配料玉米高梁米 [Colin] And then on top is corn bread and puff sorghum.
我們石頭三明治 And then that's our rockfish slider.
魚肉一小 It's cured for an hour.
再煎表皮酥脆 Stiffens it up, makes it nice and crispy.
像是 This is our pork coppa, kind of like a pork steak.
要用粉紅一天 It's cured for one day in pink salt.
- -舒肥24 -[Phil] Yes. -[Colin] Sous vide for 24 hours.
- -放在柴火 -[Phil] Yes. -Seared in the wood-fire oven.
這些我們驕傲喜悅 露西奶奶 And then these are our pride and joy. These are my Grandma Ruth's rolls.
小吃 I've had them my whole life.
東西之一 They're one of my favorite things I've ever ate.
微笑  -They're smiling. -[Colin] They're happy.
柯林 [Phil] Thank you, Colin.
就是每種一點 Just kind of like, you know, get a little bit of everything.
如果拇指 Man, if you only had thumbs.
非常新鮮涼爽 So fresh and cold and…
玉米番茄 corn and tomato and…
口感清脆起司濃郁 crunchy and cheesy.
-太妙了 -很棒 -It's fantastic. -No, this is great.
已經 You ate your thing already?
一口看到 Yeah, one bite. You didn't even see it? [laughs]
這個韓國生菜包肉 Now, see, this is very similar to the ssam bite, right?
-各種配料一點 -一點 -You gotta get a little of everything. -Yes. Little of everything.
-現在明白這個概念 -好吃 -I understand the concept now. Look. -So good.
通通夾到 [Phil] I have everything?
- - -Yeah! -It's his fault!
看吧現在 See? Now you're learning.
以為好吃 [Phil] And just when you think you can't beat the pork…
Oh my God.
這個烤魚三明治好吃 裹著漂亮醬汁一級 This is a delicious grilled fish sandwich on a beautiful bun with great sauce.
好吃 That's good, right?
什麼美國魚類三明治 用炸不用 Okay, why does every fish sandwich, America, need to be fried? It doesn't.
這個好吃 可以一週三次有何不可 It's just delicious. I could eat this two or three times a week. Why not?
這個三明治任何人 This is as good a fish sandwich as anyone's ever made.
謝謝我們喜愛酥脆趣味 Hey, thank you. We love clean, crisp and fun.
大家很多我們食物 I want people to be able to eat a lot of our food,
希望大家放慢速度 and I don't want it to, like, slow them down.
這週輩子餐車食物 I've had the best truck food I've ever had in my life this week.
這裡很多特別東西 Yeah. There's a lot of people out here doing really special stuff and…
-狹小廚房 - -In a tiny space. -[Colin] Yeah.
認為餐車優點 因為空間很小 I think that's the benefit of the trucks, right, is it's small.
不能誇張必須超級專注 You can't go crazy. It's super focused.
必須專注擅長項目 You have to, like, stay in your lane.
- -所以 -[Phil] Yes. -[Colin] So…
吃光剩下自己看著 I'm having your bottom. Make of that what you will.
Oh. Carly and Crystal, I presume.
Phil, I presume.
Yes! You presume right.
第一次走進波特甜甜 一家素食甜甜 When you first walk into Doe Donuts, a vegan donut shop here in Portland,
可能以為走進 喜劇波特風情場景 you might think you stepped into a scene from Portlandia.
聽到純素緊張 [Phil] Hearing "vegan" makes me slightly nervous
起來沒有 健康甜甜那麼好吃 that they're not going to be as good as bad-for-you donuts.
甜甜 And then you taste the donut.
我們照顧根本出差 -We'll take care of you here. -All right. You're not gonna know the difference.
一種 I'm gonna start with what you tell me to start with.
我們歡迎口味波特 Okay, well, our most popular one is our Portland Fog.
外層格雷伯爵糖衣 So it's an Earl Grey glaze.
上面奶油 It's got a little puff of whipped cream on top,
一些香草 and some vanilla bean dusted on top of that.
-波特蘭喜歡格雷伯爵 -什麼 -Portland loves Earl Grey. -Why is that?
我們黑暗陰沉 我們喜歡黑暗陰沉食物 We're dark and gloomy people who like dark and gloomy food.
好笑 [Phil] Hilarious.
Look at that. Look at that.
了解這個吸引力 Yes, I understand the appeal.
等等如果純素什麼 Wait a minute. If it's vegan… -[Carly] Mm-hmm? -…what is that?
椰子黃豆 [Carly] It's made from coconut and soy.
-永遠不到 -多數知道 You would never know.
我們大部分顧客不是素食者 Most people don't. I'd say the majority of our customers are not vegan.
-他們只是好吃甜甜 -他們明人 They're here for good donuts. -They're smart, the people. -[chuckles]
-俄勒岡步道 - -This is our Oregon Trail. -Oh man!
我們喜歡甜甜 所以南瓜子 We love doing sweet and salty here, so it's pretzels, pepitas,
新鮮覆盆子迷你巧克力碎片 fresh raspberries, mini chocolate chips.
-完整營養早餐 -完美健行食物 -This is a complete, nutritious breakfast. -Perfect hiking food, really.
不用健行完美 [Phil's voice] Even more perfect without the hike.
-地方 -和克莉絲朵 [Phil] This is your place. You own this place. Yes, myself and Crystal.
我們心想何不波特 一家素食甜甜圈店 We thought, why not make a vegan donut shop in Portland
-沒有其他人 -第一家 -before anyone else did, so… -And you were the first?
我們第一家依然唯一一家 And we were the first, and still the only.
- - -Is that right? -Yeah, yeah.
-口味 -玉米 -What's your favorite? -Right now, mine is the corn fritter,
玉米 表面楓糖糖衣 'cause it has corn in the dough with a maple glaze,
上面玉米片 and then a corn streusel on top.
玉米份量不小 Fritters are never small.
優點之一 [chuckling] No. That's one of the good things about them.
好吃想飆 Wow. It makes me want to curse.
說來有趣卡莉和克莉絲朵 邀請廚房 [Phil] Foolishly, Carly and Crystal invite me into the kitchen.
喜歡 I like it.
我們拉西糖衣 [Carly] So this is our rhubarb lassi glaze
豆蔻肉豆蔻椰漿 with green cardamom and nutmeg and coconut milk.
印度風味 Indian.
甜甜 Time to wreck the donuts.
多一點 What do you think? It needs more, right?
可能需要一點 It could use a little more.
-害羞 -稍微一下 -I was a little shy. -Do a little swirl.
There you go.
甜甜 I'm making donuts.
花瓣椰子碎片 Just add safflower petals and coconut chips.
吃掉 Then I'd eat it.
這種口味 Wow! Never had anything like that.
重量配料桃子甜甜 That's a heavy topped… [laughs] …peach donut.
Too much?
這樣 [Carly] I would say right there is good enough.
但是看看 Okay, but let me see one that you did.
那裡 Right there. Behind you.
-[Phil giggles] Delicate. -[man laughs]
介意不是做生意 Do you mind? I'm not telling you how to run your thing,
一些配料 but you might want to try a little extra sprinkles.
葡萄炸餅 覆蓋杏仁奶油糖衣 This is a-- a red grape fritter in an almond butter glaze, right?
[Carly] Yes.
必須擅長這個 [Phil] I have to say, I've gotten pretty good at this.
特別擅長這個 And I'm especially good at this.
這個杏仁奶油葡萄甜甜 This almond butter and grape donut
終極花生果醬體驗 was like the ultimate peanut butter and jelly experience.
認為大家體驗 I think you need that.
需要 I think I need that.
可能天才 You may be a genius.
理查 Richard.
這個太好了麥特 This one is too good for you. I'm going to give it to Matt.
小心滴下 It's a little drippy.
大概12甜甜 I ate about 12 donuts.
一個變成最愛 Every time I have one, that's my new favorite.
原本還以素食 Any thoughts of veganism
可能一般食物那麼好吃 might not be as good as regular-ism,
那種想法消失 go away.
現在超愛純素甜甜 Now I'm a vegan donut lover.
谷歌保羅萊瑟 Hey, Google, video call Paul Reiser.
-你好 -什麼 -Oh! Hello there. -What?
你好菲爾 Hello, Phil.
下榻旅館 The hotel where I'm staying,
俄勒岡州波特美麗巧克力 放在房間 they put these beautiful Portland, Oregon, chocolates in my room.
必須已經一顆 理查一顆 And I have to say, I already ate one. I think Richard ate one too.
沒錯 [Richard] I did.
什麼 Mm! Mm, what is that?
俗濫色情片 This is very much like bad porn.
看著一個猶太人東西 I'm watching a-- a Jew eat…
一無所有 -I told-- -…while I have nothing.
沒有面包什麼 I have nothing. What's inside there?
-雞肉 -巧妙 -Chicken? -A lovely, like--
所以這些松露巧克力如此特別 That's what makes these truffles so unusual.
真的因為感覺好像焦糖奶油 Really? [laughs] 'Cause you think they're gonna be like some sort of creamy caramel.
這裡蘑菇羅勒 I've got another mushroom basil thing over here.
這裡瘋狂 I got-- It's crazy here.
牛奶巧克力配黑鱈魚 -Almost-- Mm. -It's milk chocolates with-- with-- with black cod.
什麼 -[Phil and Richard laugh] -What?
這樣 That's not right.
保羅今天什麼 What'd you eat today, Paul?
有意思竟然問起這個 已經打好等等 Well, it's funny you should ask. I have it typed up. Hold on.
什麼有趣食物 I-- I ate nothing interesting.
喜歡整個節目 介紹餐車食物 But I love that you did a whole show with food trucks,
因為大都教導 不要路邊餐車食物 because my whole life, I was raised to not eat off a truck.
不敢餐車旁邊東西 I was discouraged from eating near a truck.
餐車食物那個 "That came off a truck, don't eat that."
-波特提升餐車水準 -刻意不吃餐車食物 -In Portland, they've elevated it. -You go out of your way to eat from one.
波特餐車食物 提升一種藝術形式 They've elevated it to an art form here in Portland.
要是肚子 回去他們餐車開走 What if it turns out you get sick, you go back to yell at them, they're gone?
他們移到一個街角 They moved to another corner.
餐廳開在汽車上頭 [laughs] That's the advantage of having a restaurant on wheels.
-保羅 -怎樣 -Paul… -Yes? Well, okay.
-我們現在進行節目 - -…we've now come to the part of our show… -Yes.
謝謝熱心自告奮勇 …where you have graciously volunteered to do…
- -一段麥斯 -Yes. -…what we're calling a joke for Max.
剪掉這段之前一切 Yes. I-- And you'll cut out everything -preceding this, but… -[laughs]
家中找到一張唱片 I found an old record in my house,
邁倫寇恩唱片 an old Myron Cohen record.
-超愛 -邁倫寇恩 -Love him. -And I love Myron Cohen,
知道你們那一區長 who I know grew up in your neighborhood.
- -長大 -Yeah. -"Grew up."
-長大 -那時1847 -"Grew up." Yeah. [laughing] -When you were-- In 1847.
當時 老家那一帶長 But he lived in your-- You grew up in his neighborhood.
但是聽到這個 有點諷刺 But when I heard this joke, ironically, I said,
真是麥斯羅森塔爾笑話 "That is such a Max Rosenthal joke."
猶太人玩笑 調低12%15% And I will-- I will tone down the Jewishness by 12 to 15%.
- -自動裁切 -Okay. [chuckles] -Just as an automatic cut. Um…
一位老先生心臟病發作醫院 So an older gentleman has a heart attack, goes into the hospital.
醫院幾週完全 He's there for a few weeks. He's fully recuperated.
回家實在開心 He gets home and he can't be more thrilled to be home.
看到美麗妻子 想到陣子有點孤單 He sees his beautiful wife and he's been feeling a little lonely.
看著老婆擠眉弄眼 He looks at his wife amorously, gives her a little, uh, raised eyebrow.
阻止 And she stopped him, she goes, "Don't even think about it."
我們不能那種病人 "We're not gonna do anything like that. You're sick. You're a sick person."
剛剛出院 "You can't-- You just got out of the hospital."
沒事可以 He said, "I'm fine. I'm fine. I can do--"
醫生證明 我們再來討論 She said, "Get me a note from your doctor, and then we'll talk."
所以回去醫生解釋這個情況 So he goes back to the doctor, explains the situation.
醫生樂意幫忙 Doctor says, "I'll be happy to help."
醫生拿出紙筆寫下 Takes out a piece of paper and pen, and he writes,
親愛列文太太 先生主治醫生 "Dear Mrs. Levine, as your husband's primary physician,
可以保證完全 I can assure you he is fully recuperated."
"His heart is in great shape."
可以選擇任何體能活動 想要情事 "He can pursue any physical activities or affairs of the heart he should so choose."
不光那樣我們新藥 "Not only that, but with the new medications that we have him on,
力量耐力活力 年紀只有一半年輕人 he has the strength, the stamina, and the vigor of a man half his age."
醫生這樣可以 醫生一個 "How's that?" This guy says, "Uh, Doc, do me a favor."
劃掉上面列文太太 改成敬啟者 "Cross out where it says 'Mrs. Levine,' put in, 'To whom it may concern.'"
-Yes! -[men laugh]
要是那個 改成電話 If your dad told that joke, he would have worked in a phone.
所以醫生 "So he calls the doctor…"
 看得出一個 Yeah, he would say. "Yeah, you can tell this is an old joke."
[chuckles] Yes. Yes.
總之就是這樣 正是美妙之處 Anyway, there it is. That's a-- It's a beauty of a joke, and…
-沒錯 -這個麥斯 -It is. -…I give that to Max.
貼心 Aw, that's so sweet.
一句可以 可以放進節目 But I will say this. May I say this? You can include this in your little show.
Do it.
很榮幸能麥斯 因為父親 I'm so honored to do a joke for Max, because I loved your father.
-謝謝 -一直以來 -Thank you. -And-- and I have always been
持續受到感動啟發 and continue to be moved and inspired by the fact that,
考慮早期生活 considering how the early part of his life went,
以及一些可怕 and some of the horrible things,
變成如此成功快樂 that he became such a successful and happy man
喜歡喜歡很棒笑話 who relished telling and hearing great jokes,
認為那樣人生經歷 and I think the arc of that life
真是再好 is as good as you can get.
人生就是這樣 接受逆境依然取得勝利 Isn't that the whole thing? Take adversity and still win.
一點 So I loved him for that.
-真好我們切掉 -向來不在乎 -That's very nice. We're gonna cut all-- -Your mother, I never cared for.
只是實話實說 I'm just-- Look, we're being honest.
知道 I was waiting for-- I knew it was coming. I knew something was coming.
- -貼心 -No! Leave it alone. -That's sweet.
告訴大家 And I want to tell the people…
保羅 Uh, Paul,
我爸醫院幾天 on my dad's last days in the hospital,
保羅真的一些 我們不停 uh, Paul actually recorded some jokes for him, and we laughed and laughed, and it was so sweet and so great.
真的貼心真是太好了 and we laughed and laughed, and it was so sweet and so great.
永遠那個珍貴記憶一部分 And you'll forever be part of that legacy.
很榮幸能協助謝幕 That was an honor to help close the show.
協助謝幕沒錯 Yes. To help close the show. That's right.
-保羅好孩子 -菲爾 -I love you, Paul. You're a nice boy. -All right. Love you.
-謝謝邀請 -家人 -Thanks for including me. I will, uh-- -I love your family. Say hello.
謝謝菲爾謝謝理查 I will. Thanks, Philip. Thanks, Richard.
-謝謝保羅 -改天不要感謝理查 -[Richard] Thank you, Paul! -I'll see you soon. Don't thank Richard.
重頭 最愛事物之一 [Phil] Last but not least, one of my very favorite things in the world,
美食 a food festival.
波特美食 It's Feast Portland.
我們一些老朋友 交些朋友 We're gonna see some, uh, old friends and make some new ones.
一切起來怎麼樣 Everything looks good. Everything looks good. Oh! Good?
我們有個開始 We're off to a good start.
卡奇卡邦妮伊斯雷爾 最先見到 Bonnie and Israel from Kachka are the first people I see.
最愛 Oh, here are my favorites right here.
- -邦妮 -[Bonnie] Hey. -Hi, Bonnie.
-你好 -你好伊斯雷爾 -[Bonnie] How you doing? -Hi, Israel.
[Israel] Hi!
- -我什麼 -Can I feed you? -From you, I'd take anything.
請用 什麼 -[Bonnie] Yeah. Please. Take. -What, uh-- what am I having?
一些原種番茄葵花籽芝麻 [Bonnie] Some heirloom tomatoes with a sunflower tahini,
阿奇卡調味葵花籽 加上金盞花葵花油 some ajika-seasoned sunflower seeds, and then a marigold and sunflower oil.
妳有不好 Do you do anything badly?
桃子 Porchetta and peaches?
-德隆 -德隆什麼 -[women] And padrón! -[Phil] What's a padrón?
-辣椒 -青色辣椒 -It's a pepper. -Little green pepper.
如果知道這些玩意 他們收掉節目 They're gonna take my show away if I don't know these things.
謝謝 Thank you.
紅醬 Red Sauce Pizza?
沒錯傳統口袋披薩創新 This is, uh, yes, a re-creation of the old-school pizza pocket
三種不同口味 with three different sauces.
真是愉快食物 [hums] That's a little joyful thing.
Oh my God!
有什麼可以 Oh my God! What am I having?
 香辣酸橘醃醬西瓜 Seared albacore with coconut chili, leche de tigre, watermelon,
花生椰香杜卡紫蘇芽 and, uh, peanut and coconut duqqa, and baby shiso.
-[man] He's got it. -[woman chuckles]
地方 I am in my element!
你們 Oh, I heard about you guys.
泰國餐廳 This is Nong's Khao Man Gai,
主打泰式海南雞飯 where Nong makes Thai chicken and rice.
寶貝 Here we go, baby.
完美 Yes, perfect.
 需要幫忙如何好吃 -Nong? -How may I help you? Yes? Very good?
-非常好吃 -謝謝 -[man chuckles] -It's very, very good. Oh, thank you, thank you.
停不下 Can't stop.
You want more sauce?
時候 覺得這種醬汁應該裝瓶來賣 As I was eating it, I thought this sauce should be bottled and sold.
發現真的 海南雞醬 And then I found out that it is, and it's called Nong's Khao Man Gai Sauce.
應該美味醬汁 It should be called Nong's Delicious Sauce That You Should Put On Everything.
醬汁特別 The sauce is extraordinary.
謝謝注意 Thanks for noticing that.
大家自己擅長 醬汁一樣 Everyone should be as good at what they do as Nong is at what she does.
好吃 Mm. Yum yum.
好吃 -Yum yum. -[chuckles]
西 Have you had that one over there?
- -沒錯 -You want me to? -I do.
-可以 - -Okay. I can. -Come on.
Yes, yes, yes.
認為需要休息一下 I think Nong needs a break.
你好 Oh, hello!
交易 I'm here to broker a trade.
如果一些你們食物 剛好認識 -[laughs] -If you give Nong and I some of yours, I happen to know Nong, she's gonna give you some of hers.
一些食物 I happen to know Nong, she's gonna give you some of hers.
上面辣醬蜂蜜 [woman] That one has hot sauce and honey on top.
-辣醬蜂蜜 -辣醬蜂蜜 -Hot sauce and honey. -Hot sauce, honey. Okay.
拿出一大口 Take that out and have it one big bite.
-不行 -可以 -[Phil] No, I can't put-- -Yes! You can. I believe in you.
-相信可以 -波特怎麼回事 -[Phil] No, I can't put-- -Yes! You can. I believe in you. -What is with Portland? -[laughs]
大家一口下去 Everybody wants me to eat in one bite!
必須一口一種味道 You have to have every taste, though, in one bite.
明白怎麼一口下去 I understand. How-- You didn't do one bite.
正在努力 -Uh, I, uh-- I'm working on it. -[chuckles]
- -準備 -All right. Here we go. -[woman] Ready?
一點點 -Oh. -Yes! Almost, almost. There you go.
-好吃 -好吃 -Yeah? -This is good.
- -兮兮好吃 -[woman chuckles] Yeah. -[Phil] Still a mess, but good.
-太棒了 - -Oh, it's amazing. -Wow.
黑莓創意 How about the marionberry in the waffle? That's kind of genius.
出來 Who thought of that?
這個女孩這個 This-- this-- this girl. This person.
什麼節目 兩個美女沒有 Why do I have a show, and these two beautiful people don't have a show?
-覺得應該節目 -節目 -I feel like this should be a thing. -This is a good show right here.
黑莓 配炸鵪鶉 I love you. I love your marionberry waffle with your fried chicken and your quail egg
上面蜂蜜 and your honey on top.
-高興你們喜歡 -喜歡 -[woman] Glad you liked it. -I love it. Thanks.
沒有整個團隊一個不到 I couldn't have done it without my whole team here.
- - -[Phil] Yes! -[woman] Yeah!
剛好相反一個 -[women cheering] -As opposed to me. I do it all myself.
這些巴特范多梅親手 [Phil] These pies are handmade by Bart VanDomelen.
喜歡這個流程 And I just love the process.
各位榮譽制度 You are on the honor system, people!
便宜指示 Don't take advantage. Do what it says.
一個理查 That one's for Richard.
派餅 [all chanting] Pie! Pie! Pie! Pie! Pie! Pie! Pie! Pie!
非常 一個 [Phil] Very nice. That's the one I dropped.
黑莓  -[woman] The marionberry. -You dropped it?
還是 -Yes. It's still good. -[man laughs]
藍莓哪裡 -他們稱為黑莓 -好吃 [man] Where is the marionberry? Damn, it's good.
你們最愛 -[Phil] To you people! -[man] Yeah! To you! -[Phil] To my favorite people! -[man] Cheers!
攝影機交麥特一下 因為東西 Give the camera to Matt for a second, 'cause I have to give you something.
香蕉 [cameraman] Banana.
That's for you.
推薦俄勒岡波特 I recommend Portland, Oregon.
可能去過平均所得城市 美食 Probably the best food city per capita I've ever been to,
因為許多成功餐廳 一個非常狹小空間 because there's so many home runs, right? In a very small space.
喜歡這些聰明創意年輕人 I love these brilliant, creative, young people
利用狹窄空間 taking tiny spaces
作出驚人美味 and producing immense flavors out of them.
什麼沒有早點過來 Why didn't I come here sooner?
現在 Now, look, I'm very old.
本來可以經常這裡 I could have been coming this whole time.
所以這種發生身上 就是最好教訓 So don't let that happen to you. Let me be a lesson to you.
波特各位 [Phil] Portland, everybody!
-[man] Yeah. -[all] Whoo!
-[theme song plays] -♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
♪ Somebody ♪
♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
♪ Somebody ♪
♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
♪ Somebody ♪
♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
♪ Somebody ♪
♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
♪ Somebody ♪
♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
♪ Somebody ♪
菲爾 ♪ Somebody feed Phil ♪
♪ Oh please, somebody ♪
♪ Somebody feed Phil ♪
♪ Somebody feed him now ♪

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Dear future me 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

發展史室 History Exhibition Room
物品室 Storeroom
掛號室 Registration
預約門診 Appointments
初診掛號 First Visit Registration
批價處 Cashier
掛號批價處 Registration and Cashier
門診掛號批價處 Registration and Cashier
批價掛號台 Cashier and Registration Counter
批價/收費處/繳費處 Cashier
內科檢查登記室 Internal Medicine Check-up Registration
X光登記台 X-ray Registration
健保卡換發處 NHI IC Cards Renewal
健康檢查服務處 Physical Examination Service
出生証明書 Birth Certificates
死亡證明書 Death Certificates
診斷証明書 Diagnosis Certificates
門診大樓 Outpatient Building
門診大樓 Outpatient Building
急診大樓 Emergency Service Building
病房大樓 Inpatient Building
精神大樓 Psychiatry Building
綜合大樓 General Building
醫療大樓 Medical Building
護理大樓 Nursing Building
門診部 Outpatient Clinic Department
急救站 First Aid Station
急診室 Emergency Room
急診 Emergency Service Department
轉診中心 Referral Office
不孕症 Infertility Clinic
不孕症門診 Infertility Clinic
中醫門診 Chinese Medicine Clinic
內科診察室 Medical Consulting Room
心臟血管/一般 Cardiovascular Clinic
外科診察室 Surgical Consulting Room
甲狀腺/一般 Thyroid / General
早期療育 Early Intervention Clinic
老人病科 Geriatrics Department / Division
耳鼻喉科門診 Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) Clinic
肝膽腸胃/一般 Gastroenterology Clinic (GI)
兒科診察室 Pediatric Consulting Room
肩頸疼痛 Shoulder and Neck Pain Clinic
門診體檢中心 OPD Physical Examination Clinic
保健室 Clinic
急診檢傷分類 ER Examination
胸腔/一般 Chest Clinic
胸腔/戒菸 Chest and Smoking Cessation Clinic
脊隨損傷 Spinal Injury Clinic
高危險妊娠 High-risk Pregnancy Clinic
高壓氧特別門診 Hyperbaric Oxygen Clinic
婦科診察室 Gynecology Consulting Room
婦科腫瘤 Gynecology Tumor Clinic
婦科腫瘤門診 Gynecology Tumor Clinic
復健科門診 Rehabilitation Clinic
減重門診 Weight Reduction Clinic
腎臟/一般 Nephrology Clinic
診療室 Clinic / Consulting Room
運動傷害 Sports Medicine Clinic
衛教門診 Health Education Clinic
糖尿病/一般 Diabetes Clinic
營養諮詢門診 Nutrition Counseling Clinic
營養諮詢門診 Nutrition Counseling Clinic
矯正特診 Orthodontic Clinic
癩病門診 Hansen's Disease Clinic
體格檢查 Physical Examination Clinic
體適能門診 Physical Fitness Clinic
CT攝影室 CT Room
X光判讀室 X-ray Reading Room
X光檔案室 X-ray Storage
X光檢查 X-ray Examination
一般檢驗區 General Testing Area / General Testing Laboratory
內視鏡 Endoscopy
內視鏡室 Endoscopy Room
化療調配室 Chemotherapy Preparation Room
廿四小時心電圖室 Holter's Monitor ECG
心理回饋室 Psychofeedback Room
心理測驗室 Psychological Testing Room
心理測驗室 Psychology Testing Room
心理衛生中心 Mental Health Center
心理諮詢室 Counseling Room
心臟超音波 Echocardiography Room
手術恢復室 Postoperative Intensive Care Unit
支氣管鏡 Bronchoscopy Room
生化檢驗區 Clinical Chemistry Laboratory
生理檢查室 Physiology Examination Room
危險性特殊檢查室 Critical Examination Room
老人日間照護 Geriatric Psychiatric Day Care Center
老人日間照護中心 Geriatric Psychiatric Day Care Center
肌電圖室 Electromyography (EMG) Room
血液室 Hematology Laboratory
血液透析室 Hemodialysis Unit
血清疫苗研製中心 Vaccine Center
血管攝影室 Angiography Room
免疫室 Immunology Laboratory
兒童牙科矯正 Pediatric Orthodontic Center
兒童治療室 Pediatric Therapy Unit
兒童復健 Pediatric Rehabilitation Center
呼吸治療中心 Respiratory Therapy Center
呼吸照護病房 Respiratory Care Ward (RCW)
居家護理 Home Care Center
居家護理衛教室 Home Care Education Room
抽血室 Blood Collection Room
治療計畫室 Therapy Planning Room
物理治療室 Physical Therapy Room
社區護理室 Community Nursing Room
肺功能室 Pulmonary Testing Room
待產室 Delivery Suite / Labor Room
流質管灌區 Nasal Gastrula Feeding Area
洗腎室 Hemodialysis Center
看片室 X-ray Reading Room
看護中心 Ward Helpers
胚胎植入室 Embryo Embedding Room
胃鏡室 Endoscopy Room
家族治療室 Family Therapy Room
核子醫學 Nuclear Medicine
核衰敗室 Nuclear Decay Room
核磁共振 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Laboratory
特別治療室 Special Therapy Room
病毒室 Virology Laboratory
病理室 Pathology Room
病理解剖室 Pathology Anatomy Room
神經檢查室 Neurologic Examination Room
高壓氧洗腎室 Hyperbaric Oxygen Dialysis Room
康復之家 Recovery Home
採血區 Blood Collection Area
產房 Delivery Room
產後照護中心 Postpartum Patient Center
眼科特別檢查室 Special Examination Room, Ophthalmology Department
眼科特別檢查室細胞室 Cytology Laboratory, Ophthalmology Department
祥和復健園區 Sianghe Rehabilitation Campus
第一(二、三)攝影室 X-ray Room 1
第五病房護理站 5th Ward Nursing Station
第四攝影室 X-ray Room 4
細胞室 Cytology Laboratory
細胞診斷室 Cytologic Diagnosis Room
組織培養室 Tissue Culture Laboratory
麻醉恢復室 Anesthesia Recovery Room
幅傷救護中心 First-aid Center for Radiated Injury
幅傷觀察室 Observation Room for Radiated Injury
復健中心 Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Clinic
超音波檢驗區 Ultrasonography Room
開刀房 Operating Room
微生物室 Microbiology Laboratory
感染控制室 Infection Control Center
義肢/裝具 Prosthetics and Orthotics
腹部超音波 Abdominal Ultrasonography
腦波室 EEG Room
腦波檢查 Electroencephalographic Examination
解剖室 Autopsy Room
運動治療室 Exercise Therapy Room
運動復健中心 Exercise Rehabilitation Center
雷射美容室 Laser Cosmetology Room
電腦斷層室 Computerized Tomography
電腦攝影室 Digital Imaging Room
電療室 Electrotherapy Room
團體心理治療室 Group Psychologic Therapy Room
睡眠中心 Sleep Center
睡眠中心 Sleep Center
語言治療中心 Speech Therapy Center
衛教室 Health Education Clinic
檢查室 Examination Room
檢視鏡區 Endoscopy Area
檢驗諮詢區 Medical Report Consultation Area
職能治療室 Occupational Therapy Room
醫療部 Medical Department
鏡檢室 Microscopy Room
攝影室 X-ray Room
護理之家 Nursing Home
護理站 Nursing Station
讀片室 X-ray Reading Room
體外震波碎石室 Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy
體檢中心 Physical Examination Center
體檢中心 Physical Examination Center
體檢處理室 Physical Examination Room
觀察室 Observation Room
住院處 Admission Department
出院處 Discharge
住院服務中心 Admission Information
住院室 Admission Department
內科病房 Medical ward
外科病房 Surgical Ward
病房 Ward
小兒科加護病房 Pediatrics Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
內科加護病房 Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
日間留院 Psychiatric Day Care Center
3樓病房 3F Ward
綜合病房 General Ward
加護病房 Intensive Care Unit
外科加護病房 Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)
休養室 Recovery Room
安寧房 Hospice
成人日間病房 Adult Psychiatric Day Care Center
老人日間病房 Geriatric Psychiatric Day Care Center
扥嬰室 Nursery Room
兒童日間病房 Child Psychiatric Day Care Center
病房A棟 Ward Building A
病患一覽表 Patients List
加護病房 Intensive Care Unit
新生兒加護病房 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
神經加護病房 Neurologic Intensive Care Unit
神經外科加護病房 Neurosurgery Intensive care unit
燒燙傷中心加護病房 Burn Unit Intensive Care Ward
婦科病房 Gynecology Ward
產科病房 Maternity Ward
第三加護病房 Intensive Care Unit 3
普通病房 General Ward
新生嬰兒室 Newborn Baby Room
精神科日間照護病房 Psychiatric Outpatient Ward /
Psychiatric Day Care Center
養護房 Special Care Room
燒傷病房 Burn Ward
嬰兒室 Nursery Room
癡呆病患照顧病房 Dementia Ward
藥癮病房 Drug Addiction Ward
藥局 Pharmacy
領葯程序表 Prescription Pick-up Flow Chart
領藥處 Dispensary
藥水室 Liquid Medicine Room
領藥處 Dispensary
門診領藥處 OPD Dispensary
門診調劑台 OPD Dispensing Counter
中藥局 Chinese Medicine Pharmacy
藥局 Pharmacy
急診領藥處 ER Dispensary
西藥領藥窗 Pharmaceutical Dispensary
病房領藥處 Ward Dispensary
中藥領藥窗口 Chinese Medicine Dispensary
住院領藥窗口 Inpatient Pharmaceutical Dispensary
吃藥及注射室 Medication and Injection
放射性製藥室 Radiopharmaceutical Compounding
衛星藥局 Satellite Pharmacy
營養室 Nutrition Department
配餐室 Dietician Room / Kitchen
配膳室 Dietician Room / Kitchen
病患廚房 Inpatient Kitchen
治療配膳區 Special Diet Preparation Area
全營養調配室 TPN Preparation Room
配膳室 Dietician Room / Kitchen
飲食指導室 Diet Counseling Room
調奶室 Milk Blending Room
被服庫 Linens Storage
被服室 Linens Room
器材室 Equipment Room
醫材室 Medical Materials Room
衛材室 Medical Supplies Room
衛材庫房 Medical Supplies Storeroom
氣體室 Gases Treatment Room
R.O. 滲透室 Reverse Osmosis Room
氣體機房 Gases Storage
貯片室 Photographic Records Room
供應中心 Supplies Center
血庫 Blood Bank
庫房 Storeroom / Storage Room
乾料庫房 Storeroom
被服間 Linens Room
醫療氣體機房 Medical Gases Room
磁帶室 Tape Storage Room
鋼瓶室 O2 Tank
模型室 Model Room
純水製造室 Filtering Room
高壓氧中心 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Unit
暗房 Darkroom
電池間 Battery Room
醫務行政室 Medical Administrative Office
心理師辦公室 Psychologist
感染管制辦公室 Infection Control Office
內科值班醫師室 Physician On Duty
外科值班醫師室 Surgeon On Duty
志工室 Volunteers
病歷傳輸室 Medical Records Delivery Room
檢察官室 Inspectors' Office
醫師室 Physicians' Office
社工辦公室 Social Workers' Office
管理員室 Janitor
護士休息室 Nurses' Lounge
行政值班室 Duty Room
視廳講堂 Lecture Hall
報告室 Medical Reports Room
病歷室 Medical Records Department
協談室 Counseling Room
調度場 Motor Pool
冷氣室 Air Conditioning Room
社會服務室 Social Services Office
社區健康部 Community Health Department
團體活動室 Group Activity Room
監印處 Seal Imprint Office
UD 作業區 UD Station
行政中心 Administration Center
活動中心 Activity Center
報告查詢區 Medical Report Inquiries Area
員工康樂室 Recreation Room
眼科討論室 Meeting Room, Ophthalmology Department
社區醫療辦公室 Community Medical Office
家屬休息室 Family Lounge
病患置物室 Patients Belongings Room
病床專用電梯 Patient Beds Only
教堂 Chapel
禱告室 Prayer Room
祈禱室 Prayer Room
佛堂 Buddhist Chapel
醫療用品商店 Medical Appliances Store
洗瓶室 Bottle Cleaning Room
烘衣室 Dryer Room
清洗室 Cleaning Room
清潔室 Janitorial Supplies Room
污物室 Soiled Linens Room
幅傷除污室 Clear-up Room for Radiated Injury
餐具洗滌室 Dishwashing Room
垃圾及被服管道間 Waste Room / Wastes and Soiled Linens Room
垃圾及污物室 Waste Room / Wastes and Soiled Linens Room
回收處 Recycling
高輻射管制區 Warning: High Radiation Control Area!
太平間 Mortuary
停屍間 Mortuary
消毒區 Sterile Area
消毒室 Sterilization Room

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  • Jul 03 Wed 2024 18:02
  • 法規

食品與相關產品查驗登記及許可文件管理辦 Regulations Governing the Management of the Review, Registration and Issuance of Permit Documents for Food and Related Products
第 一 章 總則 Chapter I General Provisions
第 1 條 Article 1
本辦法依食品安全衛生管理法(以下簡稱本法)第二十一條第五項規定訂定之。 The Regulations are enacted pursuant to the provisions of Article 21 Paragraph 5 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation (hereafter referred to as “the Act”).
第 2 條 Article 2
本辦法所稱查驗登記,指審查、檢驗、登載及核發許可文件之程序。 The term “review and registration” herein stated refer to the process of review, test, and registration and the issuance of permit documents.
前項許可文件之登載內容,依產品類別及特性,包括下列事項: The registration referred in the preceding paragraph shall include the following information based on the product classification and characteristics:
一、中文及外文品名。 1.Product name in Chinese and foreign language,
二、原料成分。 2.Ingredients,
三、包裝。 3.Packaging,
四、製造廠名稱及地址。 4.Name and address of the manufacturer,
五、申請廠商名稱及地址。 5.Name and address of the applicant,
六、許可文件有效期間。 6.Validity period of the permit document,
七、其他中央主管機關指定之事項。 7.Other registration information designated by the central competent authority.
第 3 條 Article 3
食品業者向中央主管機關申請查驗登記時,應填具申請書,繳納審查費、檢驗費、證書費,並依產品類別及特性,分別檢附下列文件、資料: A food business operator applying for review and registration with the central competent authority shall complete an application form, pay the due review, test, and certificate fees, and attach following documents or information to the application form based on the product classification and characteristics:
一、產品成分含量表、規格表、檢驗方法、檢驗成績書、營養成分分析表、製程作業重點資料。 1.Table of ingredient content, specifications, test method, certificate of analysis, nutrients analysis report, and manufacturing process summary;
二、完整技術性資料。 2.Complete technical information;
三、標籤、包裝、中文標示、說明書、樣品、實物照片。 3.Labels, packaging, Chinese labeling, user instruction, sample, and photo of the actual product;
四、申請輸入查驗登記者,原製造廠依法設立或登記之證明文件。所出具之證明文件為影本,應經原產國公證單位簽證與正本相符。 4.An application filed for imported product review and registration shall be attached with the official substantiating documents certifying that the original manufacturer is legally established or registered. If the documents are photocopies of the original, they shall be attested as true copies of the original by a notary public in the country of origin;
五、委託製造者,其委託證明文件正本。 5.A contract manufacturer is required to provide the original copy of the manufacturing contract;
六、申請廠商公司登記或商業登記證明文件影本。 6.Photocopy of the applicant’s company registration or business registration certificate;
七、其他中央主管機關指定之文件、資料。 7.Other essential documents and information specified by the central competent authority.
前項文件、資料,以非英文之外文記載者,應檢附立案翻譯社出具之中文或英文譯本。 The foregoing documents or information in languages other than English and Chinese must be accompanied with English or Chinese translations provided by a registered translation agency.
第 4 條 Article 4
申請查驗登記,經中央主管機關審查通過後,應於接獲通知後二個月內領取許可文件;屆期未領者,視同放棄,並由中央主管機關逕予廢止許可文件。 Applicant applying for review and registration shall claim the permit document within two months after the central competent authority approves the application through review procedure and issues a notification letter advising the permit document issuance. Failure of applicant to claim the permit document within the deadline shall constitute the abandonment of application; whereupon, the central competent authority is entitled to process the nullification of the issued permit document.
第 5 條 Article 5
依本法第二十一條第一項及第二項規定向中央主管機關申請之許可文件,其有效期間為一年至五年,由中央主管機關依產品類別及特性公告之。 Permit documents issued on applications filed pursuant to the provisions of Article 21 Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Act shall have a validity period ranging from one to five years subject to the announcement made by the central competent authority based on the product classification and characteristics.
前項有效期間屆滿需展延者,應於期滿前三個月內,填具申請書,檢附許可文件及第三條所定文件、資料,向中央主管機關申請展延,並繳納審查費。每次核定展延之期間,不得超過五年;其應換發新證者,並應繳納證書費。 Where an extension shall be required, a pertinent application form complete with the permit document and the documents or information herein prescribed in Article 3 shall be filed with the central competent authority for extension approbation within three months before expiration. The applicant shall pay the review fee when filing an extension application. The maximum validity period of the extended permit document shall be five years. Where issuance of a new certificate shall be necessary, a certificate processing fee shall be collected.
第 6 條 Article 6
許可文件之登記事項有變更者,應填具申請書,檢附許可文件及第三條所定文件、資料,向中央主管機關申請變更登記,並繳納審查費;其應換發新證者,並應繳納證書費。 In the event of amendment in the registered information of the permit document, an application form complete with the permit document and the documents or information herein prescribed in Article 3 shall be filed with the central competent authority for amendment of registration records. The applicant shall pay the review fee when filing an application. Where issuance of a new certificate shall be necessary, a certificate processing fee shall be collected.
第 7 條 Article 7
許可文件持有人移轉時,應填具申請書,檢附第三條所定文件、資料,向中央主管機關申請移轉登記,並繳納審查費;其許可文件為證書者,另應繳納證書費。 In the event of permit document ownership transfer, an application form complete with the documents or information herein prescribed in Article 3 shall be filed with the central competent authority for the transfer registration and an review fee shall be collected. Additionally, if the permit document is a certificate, a certificate processing fee shall be collected.
第 8 條 Article 8
許可文件有污損或遺失者,應填具申請書,檢附第三條所定文件、資料,向中央主管機關申請換發或補發,並繳納審查費、證書費。污損之許可文件,應同時繳銷。 In the event of the defacement or loss of a permit document, an application form and the documents or information herein prescribed in Article 3 shall be filed with the central competent authority for replacement or reissuance. The applicant shall pay the review fee and certificate processing fee. Where application is filed due to defacement, the original permit document shall be surrendered for destruction.
前項換發或補發之許可文件,其有效期間,同原許可文件。 The new permit document issued under the replacement or reissuance application as referred in the preceding paragraph shall bear the same expiration date as the original permit document.
第 9 條 Article 9
原取得許可文件之產品,經依本法規定公告禁止製造或輸入者,應廢止其原許可文件。 For products that have already obtained permit documents, if the manufacture or importation of a product is officially banned under the Act, the original permit document issued for which shall be nullified.
第 10 條 Article 10
食品業者得填具申請書,檢附許可文件及有關文件、資料,向中央主管機關申請廢止許可;經中央主管機關核定後廢止,並公告之。 A food business operator applying for the cancellation of its permit document shall submit the application form complete with the permit document and related documents or information to the central competent authority for annulment. Upon due approval, the central competent authority shall issue an official announcement declaring the permit document null and void.
第 11 條 Article 11
食品業者申請查驗登記及許可文件之換發、補發、展延、移轉、廢止、登記事項變更,經中央主管機關通知送驗或補送文件者,應於二個月內辦理,必要時得申請延期一個月;屆期未補正者,其申請案得逕予駁回。 A food business operator applying for the review and registration and the permit document replacement, re-issuance, extension, transfer, or cancellation, or amendment of registered information shall process the required procedure within two months after receiving the official notice of document submission for test or supplementary information from the central competent authority. Where circumstances shall require, the food business operator may apply for a one-month extension period. Failure to submit documents within the prescribed deadline is subject to rejection with no further notice.
第 12 條 Article 12
本辦法所定查驗登記事項,其申請書格式、申請書應載明之事項、申請案應檢附之文件、資料及許可文件格式,由中央主管機關定之。 Regarding the review and registration matters defined in the Regulations, the application form format, information to be contained in the application form, documents or information to be attached to the application form, and the official permit document format are subject to the discretion of the central competent authority.
第 二 章 嬰兒與較大嬰兒配方食品查驗登記 Chapter II Review and Registration of Infant Formula and Follow-up Infant Formula
本條文有附件 第 13 條 Article 13
申請嬰兒與較大嬰兒配方食品查驗登記新案,應填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料及樣品,並繳納費用,向中央主管機關提出,不適用第三條規定: Applications for review and registration of infant formula and follow-up infant formula shall submit the application form, along with the following documents and information as well as product samples, to the central competent authority, and pay the related fees, while the provisions in Article 3 do not apply:
一、產品成分含量表正本:原製造廠最近一年內出具,並載明所有原料、食品添加物之詳細名稱及含量。 1.Original table of ingredient content of the product: The table shall be issued by the original manufacturer and dated within the past one year and contain the detailed name and net quantity of contents of all the raw materials and food additives.
二、產品規格表正本:原製造廠最近一年內出具,並載明產品之衛生及營養成分規格;其熱量及營養素,應符合附表一所定之規格;其含有附表一以外營養素者,應就該營養素,提具科學實證或其他採用引據。 2.Original product specification: The product specification shall be issued by the original manufacturer and dated within the past one year and contain the hygiene and nutrients specification of the product. Its calories and nutrients shall meet the specifications set out in Schedule 1; if it contains nutrients other than those in Schedule 1, scientific evidence or other references shall be provided for the nutrients.
三、衛生及營養成分分析表正本:原製造廠或中央主管機關認證之食品檢驗機構最近一年內出具。 3.Original hygiene and nutrients analysis report: The report shall be the original issued by the original manufacturer or accreditation of food testing institution by the central competent authority and dated within the past one year.
四、販售證明及產品,或試用報告:國外之販售證明及產品,或有效樣本數二十人以上之試用報告。 4.The applicant is required to submit the original substantiating document verifying the product is for sale in a market outside the territory of Taiwan and a product sample, or a trial report of the product with a valid sample size of more than 20 subjects.
五、製程作業重點資料。 5.Manufacturing process summary.
六、原製造廠依法設立或登記之證明文件: 6.Certification document verifying that the original manufacturer is legally established or registered;
(一)國內製造者:工廠登記證明文件影本。 (1.Domestic manufacturer: Carbon copy of the factory registration certificate.
(二)國外製造者:出產國管理產品衛生安全或核發製造廠證照之政府機關最近二年內,以全銜出具,並載明製造廠名稱、地址、營業項目、產品種類、工廠之衛生狀況,經該政府機關或其主管官員戳記或簽章;其為影本者,經原產國公證單位簽證與正本相符。 (2.Foreign manufacturer: The original official certificate issued by a competent government agency responsible for product hygiene and safety or factory licensing in the country of origin and dated within the past two years, shall be provided. The certificate shall specify the name and address of the manufacturer, its business activities, categories of products, hygienic status of the factory, and full name of the government agency issuing the certificate with official stamp or authorized signature. If the certificate verifying the legitimacy of the original manufacturer is a copy of the original, the document shall be a certified true copy of the original by a notary public in the country of origin.
七、獲授權販售者,其原製造廠或經銷商出具之授權證明正本。 7.In cases of authorized sales, the original certificate of authorization issued by the original manufacturer or distributor is required.
八、委託製造者,其受託製造廠出具之受託製造證明正本。 8.In cases of entrusted manufacturing, the original certificate of entrusted manufacturing issued by the entrusted manufacturer is required.
九、產品中文標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書之實體或彩色擬稿各二份;其包裝規格、型態、材質不同者,分別檢附之;說明書內容相同者,得檢送任一規格、型態、材質者之說明書。 9.Two copies each of the physical or color drafts of the Chinese label, container or outer packaging, and user instructions; the above items shall be attached separately for different packaging specifications, forms, and materials; if the contents of the user instructions are the same, the user instruction of any specifications, forms, and materials may be submitted
十、申請廠商公司登記或商業登記證明文件影本。 10.The applicant shall submit a carbon copy of its company registration or business registration certificate.
十一、完整樣品:有不同包裝規格、型態或材質者,各別檢附之。 11.Where the complete sample is available to the market in different packaging specifications, forms or materials, the applicant is required to submit one sample for each option.
十二、申請產品於國內再分裝者,並檢附下列文件及樣品: 12.Where the product is intended to be re-packed in new containers for sale in Taiwan, the applicant shall submit the following documents:
(一)輸入之產品,原製造廠出具分裝證明或同意文件正本。 (1.The manufacturer’s original re-packing certificate or the original document of consent to product re-packing for imported products.
(二)國內分裝工廠之工廠登記證明文件影本,且該文件應登載有關食品分裝、加工或製造項目。 (2.The domestic re-packing facility’s factory registration certificate in carbon copy. Food re-packing, processing or manufacturing shall be listed in the scope of business stated on the factory registration certificate.
(三)原製造廠或中央主管機關認證之食品檢驗機構最近一年內出具分裝產品衛生及營養成分分析表正本。 (3.The original copy of the hygiene and nutrition analysis report on the re- packed product issued within the past one year by the original manufacturer or accreditation of food testing institution by the central competent authority.
(四)分裝產品中文標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書之實體或彩色擬稿各二份;其包裝規格、型態、材質不同者,分別檢附之;說明書內容相同者,得檢送任一規格、型態、材質者之說明書。 (4.Two copies each of the physical or color drafts of the Chinese label, container or outer packaging, and user instructions of the re-packed products; the above items shall be attached separately for different packaging specifications, forms, and materials; if the contents of the user instructions are the same, the user instruction of any specification, form, and materials may be submitted
(五)分裝後樣品:不同分裝規格、型態、材質者,各別檢附之。 (5.Where the re-packed product sample is available in different packaging specifications, forms and materials, the applicant is required to submit one sample for each option.
十三、其他中央主管機關指定之文件、資料。 13.Other essential documents and information specified by the central competent authority.
前項文件、資料,以非英文之外文記載者,應檢附立案翻譯社出具之中文或英文譯本。 The foregoing documents or information in languages other than English and Chinese must be accompanied with English or Chinese translations provided by a registered translation agency.
第一項申請案經審核符合本法規定者,核發有效期間為五年之許可文件。 The permit documents issued on the applications filed in compliance with Paragraph 1 and approved pursuant to the Act shall be valid for five years.
第 14 條 Article 14
申請嬰兒與較大嬰兒配方食品查驗登記許可展延,應於期滿前三個月內,填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料及產品,並繳納費用,向中央主管機關提出,不適用第五條規定: Applications for extension of the permit document for infant formula and follow-up infant formula shall submit an application form within three months prior to the expiry date of permit, along with the following documents, information and product sample, to the central competent authority, and pay the related fees, while the provisions in Article 5 do not apply:
一、原許可文件。 1.Original permit document.
二、原製造廠最近一年內出具依原許可內容繼續製造之證明或同意文件正本,或產品成分含量表正本。 2.The original certificate or document of consent to renewal of the product manufacturing agreement, or original table of ingredient content issued by the original manufacturer based on the content of originally issued permit within the past one year.
三、獲授權販售者,其原製造廠或經銷商出具之授權證明正本。 3.In cases of authorized sales, the original certificate of authorization issued by the original manufacturer or distributor is required.
四、委託製造者,其受託製造廠出具之受託製造證明正本。 4.In cases of entrusted manufacturing, the original certificate of entrusted manufacturing issued by the entrusted manufacturer is required.
五、產品中文標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書之實體或彩色擬稿各二份;其包裝規格、型態、材質不同者,分別檢附之;說明書內容相同者,得檢送任一規格、型態、材質者之說明書。 5.Two copies each of the physical or color drafts of the product labels in Chinese, containers or outer packaging, and user instructions; the above items shall be attached separately for different packaging specifications, forms, and materials; if the contents of the user instructions are the same, the user instruction of any specification, form, and materials may be submitted
六、原製造廠出具或簽署之產品最近五年國內、外使用情形說明;其內容至少應包括產品上市情形、國內、外不良反應通報、原製造廠最近一次經政府機關或其委託機構稽查情形。 6.Description of product usage: The report issued or signed by the original manufacturer describing the situations of domestic and overseas consumer usage of the product in the last five years, and the content of which shall at least include the sales situations, adverse reactions reported domestically and overseas, and the latest results of inspection imposed on the original manufacturer by the competent authorities or its entrusted institution.
七、原製造廠最近一年內,出具之產品衛生及營養成分規格表正本。 7.Original hygiene and nutrients specifications issued by the original manufacturer within the past one year.
八、原製造廠或中央主管機關認證之食品檢驗機構,出具最近一年內生產批次之產品衛生及營養成分分析表正本;最近一年內無生產者,應出具最近生產批次之分析表正本。 8.Original hygiene and nutrients analysis report of the batches of production within the past year issued by the original manufacturer or accreditation of food testing institution by the central competent authority. The original analysis report of the latest batch of production shall be provided in case there is no production within the past year.
前項文件、資料,以非英文之外文記載者,應檢附立案翻譯社出具之中文或英文譯本。 The foregoing documents or information in languages other than English and Chinese must be accompanied with English or Chinese translations provided by a registered translation agency.
第一項展延申請案,經審核符合本法規定者,核發有效期間五年之許可文件;其應換發新證者,並應繳納證書費。 The permit document issued on the applications for extension filed in compliance with Paragraph 1 and approved pursuant to the Act shall be valid for five years. If it is necessary to reissue a new permit document, a certificate processing fee shall be collected.
本辦法中華民國一百十二年十一月三十日修正發布後一年內,申請案件未能依第一項第六款提供最近五年國內、外使用情形說明者,得以國外之販售證明及產品,或有效樣本數二十人以上試用報告替代之。 In case that, within one year of the amendment and implementation of these Regulations on November 30, 2023, the applicant is unable to provide a description of domestic and overseas usage in the past five years as specified in Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 6, the submission of overseas sales certificates and the product, or trial usage reports with a sample size of twenty or more subjects may be accepted as a substitute.
第 15 條 Article 15
申請嬰兒與較大嬰兒配方食品查驗登記事項變更者,應填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料,並繳納費用,向中央主管機關提出,不適用第六條規定: Applications for amendment of the permit document for infant formula and follow- up infant formula shall submit an application form, along with the following documents or information, to the central competent authority, and pay the related fees, while the provisions in Article 6 do not apply:
一、原許可文件。 1.Original permit document.
二、變更涉及產品中文標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書者,其實體或彩色擬稿各二份;其包裝規格、型態、材質不同者,分別檢附之;說明書內容相同者,得檢送任一規格、型態、材質者之說明書。 2.Two copies each of the physical or color drafts of the Chinese labels, container or outer packaging, and user instructions of the product that are involved in amendment; the above items shall be attached separately for different packaging specifications, forms, and materials; if the contents of the user instructions are the same, the user instructions of any specifications, forms, and materials may be submitted.
除前項規定外,依申請變更之項目,另應檢附下列文件、資料或樣品︰ In addition to the foregoing requirements, the following documents, information or sample shall be additionally submitted according to the application of amendment:
一、產品名稱變更:產品為輸入者,其原製造廠出具產品名稱變更之證明或同意文件正本。 1.Product name change: The certificate or document of consent to change of the product name issued by the original manufacturer for imported products.
二、許可文件持有廠商名稱、地址或負責人變更: 2.Change of name, address or person-in-charge of the manufacturer holding the permit document:
(一)許可文件持有廠商公司登記或商業登記證明文件影本。 (1.Photocopy of company registration or business registration certificate of the manufacturer holding the permit document.
(二)許可文件持有廠商之所有許可產品清冊,並載明許可字號、產品中文名稱及許可文件有效期限。 (2.A complete list of product items shown on the permit document held by the manufacturer. The list is required to contain the registration numbers, Chinese names of the product items and expiry date of the permit document.
三、原製造廠名稱變更: 3.Change of the original manufacturer’s name:
(一)國內製造者︰工廠登記證明文件影本。 (1.Domestic manufacturer: Carbon copy of the factory registration certificate.
(二)國外製造者︰出產國管理產品衛生安全或核發製造廠證照之政府機關最近二年內,以全銜出具,並載明製造廠名稱、地址、營業項目、產品種類、工廠之衛生狀況,經該政府機關或其主管官員戳記或簽章;其為影本者,經原產國公證單位簽證與正本相符。 (2.Foreign manufacturer: The original official certificate issued by a competent government agency responsible for product hygiene and safety or factory licensing in the country of origin and dated within the past two years, shall be provided. The certificate shall specify the name and address of the manufacturer, its business activities, categories of products, hygienic status of the factory, and full name of the government agency issuing the certificate with official stamp or authorized signature. If the certificate verifying the legitimacy of the original manufacturer is a copy of the original, the document shall be a certified true copy of the original by a notary public in the country of origin.
(三)原製造廠之所有許可產品清冊,並載明許可字號、產品中文名稱及許可文件有效期限。 (3.A complete list of product items of the original manufacturer shall be provided. The list is required to contain the registration numbers, Chinese names of product items, and expiry date of the permit document.
四、原製造廠門牌整編: 4.Building number adjustment of the original manufacturer’s address:
(一)國內製造者︰政府機關所出具,足資證明門牌整編之文件影本。 (1.In cases of domestic manufacturers: The applicant shall submit a photocopy of the documents issued by a competent government agency certifying the address building number adjustment.
(二)國外製造者︰出產國政府機關以全銜出具,足資證明門牌整編之文件;其為影本者,經原產國公證單位簽證與正本相符。 (2.In cases of foreign manufacturers: The original certificate issued by a competent government agency of the country of origin in its full title certifying the building number adjustment, whereas the certificate submitted is a photocopy, the document shall be notarized as a true copy of the original by a notary public in the country of origin.
(三)原製造廠之所有許可產品清冊,並載明許可字號、產品中文名稱及許可文件有效期限。 (3.A complete list of product items of the original manufacturer shall be provided. The list is required to contain the registration numbers, Chinese names of the product items, and expiry dates of the permit document.
五、第十三條第一項第二款之產品規格變更: 5.Amendment of the product specifications set forth in Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 1 of Article 13:
(一)原製造廠最近一年內出具之變更合理性評估報告,包括變更內容前後對照表。 (1.The evaluation report on the rationale of amendment issued by the original manufacturer within the past one year (including a chart of comparison of the content before and after the amendment).
(二)第十三條第一項第一款及第二款規定之文件,並依變更之規格項目,檢附同條項第三款規定之文件。 (2.The documents set forth in Subparagraphs 1 and 2, Paragraph 1 of Article 13, attaching those set forth in Subparagraph 3 of the same Article and Paragraph, based on the amended items of specifications.
六、包裝規格、型態、材質變更: 6.Amendment to the packaging specification, form and material:
(一)產品為輸入者,其原製造廠出具包裝變更之證明或同意文件正本。 (1.For imported product items, the original manufacturer’s certificate or document of consent to the change of packaging in original copy shall be submitted.
(二)型態或材質變更者,檢附樣品。 (2.Product samples are required if changes involve product forms or materials.
(三)產品為須再分裝者,檢附第十三條第一項第十二款規定之文件及樣品。 (3.Where the product will be re-packed in new containers for sale, the applicant shall submit the documents and sample set forth in Article 13 Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 12 of the Regulations.
七、中文標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書變更: 7.Amendment of the Chinese label, container or outer packaging, and user instructions of the product:
(一)變更前後對照表。 (1.A chart of comparison of the content before and after the amendment.
(二)產品為輸入者,檢附原製造廠出具中文標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書變更之證明或同意文件正本。 (2.For imported product items, the original manufacturer’s certificate or document of consent to the amendment of the Chinese label, container or outer packaging, and user instructions in original copy.
(三)營養標示變更: (3.For amendment to the nutrition facts:
1.原製造廠最近一年內出具之變更合理性評估報告。 A.The evaluation report on the rationale of amendment issued by the original manufacturer within the past one year.
2.原製造廠或中央主管機關認證之食品檢驗機構最近一年內出具之營養成分分析表正本。 B.The original copy of the nutrition analysis report issued by the original manufacturer or accreditation of food testing institution by the central competent authority within the past one year.
3.第十三條第一項第一款及第二款規定之文件。 C.The documents set forth in Subparagraphs 1 and 2, Paragraph 1 of Article 13.
前項文件、資料,以非英文之外文記載者,應檢附立案翻譯社出具之中文或英文譯本。 The foregoing documents or information in languages other than English and Chinese must be accompanied with English or Chinese translations provided by a registered translation agency.
製造廠更換、遷移或增列者,其申請程序、文件、資料與樣品之檢附,及費用之繳納,準用第十三條申請查驗登記新案之規定辦理。 For the application process and the submission of documents and information, product samples, and related fees in case of change, relocation or expansion of the manufacturer, the provisions of Article 13 on new registration applications shall apply mutatis mutandis.
辦理第一項變更應換發新證者,並應繳納證書費。 If it is necessary to reissue a new permit document, a certificate processing fee shall be collected.
第二項第五款產品規格變更及第七款第三目營養標示變更,以產品成分及含量均未變更者為限。 For the product specifications as set forth in Subparagraph 5 of Paragraph 2 and the nutrition facts in Item 3 of Subparagraph 7, amendment shall be limited to cases where neither the product composition nor the content has been amended.
第 16 條 Article 16
嬰兒與較大嬰兒配方食品之中文標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書之變更,有下列情形之一者,免辦理變更申請: Applications for the amendment of Chinese label, container or outer packaging, and user instructions of the infant and follow-up formula are exempted in one of the following situations:
一、圖樣或顏色更改。 1.Amendment of patterns or colors.
二、原核准圖文依比例縮小或放大。 2.Proportionate reduction or enlargement of the approved images and texts.
三、原核准圖文位置移動。 3.Movement of the position of the approved images and texts.
四、原核准文字之字體更改。 4.Amendment of the fonts of the approved text.
前項標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書,刊載本法以外其他相關機關規定之內容者,其變更應依各該法規規定辦理。 The amendment in the preceding paragraph of the Chinese labels, container or outer packaging and user instructions which contain the content stipulated by relevant authorities other than those specified in this Act shall be subject to the provisions of respective regulations.
許可文件持有人,應就第一項免辦變更之事項,作成書面紀錄,並妥善保存。 For items exempted from amendment applications as set forth in the first paragraph, the permit holder shall produce a written record for retention.
第 17 條 Article 17
申請嬰兒與較大嬰兒配方食品查驗登記許可文件持有人移轉者,受讓人應填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料,並繳納審查費及證書費,向中央主管機關提出,不適用第七條規定: Applications for transference of the permit document for infant formula and follow- up infant formula, the transferee is required to submit an application form, along with the following documents or information, to the central competent authority for review, and pay the review and certificate processing fees, while the provisions in Article 7 do not apply:
一、讓與人同意讓與之證明文件正本。 1.Transferor’s certificate or document of consent to transfer of permit document ownership in original copy.
二、獲授權販售者,其原製造廠或經銷商出具之授權證明正本。 2.In cases of authorized sales, the original certificate of authorization issued by the original manufacturer or distributor is required.
三、委託製造者,其受託製造廠出具之受託製造證明正本。 3.In cases of entrusted manufacturing, the original certificate of entrusted manufacturing issued by the entrusted manufacturer is required.
四、原許可文件。 4.Original permit document.
五、產品中文標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書之實體或彩色擬稿各二份;其包裝規格、型態、材質不同者,分別檢附之;說明書內容相同者,得檢送任一規格、型態、材質者之說明書。 5.Two copies each of the physical or color drafts of the Chinese labels, container or outer packaging, and user instruction of the product; the above items shall be attached separately for different packaging specifications, forms, and materials; if the contents of the user instructions are the same, the user instructions of any specifications, forms, and materials may be submitted.
六、產品須再分裝者,檢附第十三條第一項第十二款第一目至第四目之文件。 6.Where the product will be re-packed in new containers for sale, the applicant shall submit the documents set forth in Article 13 Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 12 Items 1-4 of the Regulations.
七、產品成分含量表影本。 7.Photocopy of the table of product ingredient content.
八、申請廠商公司登記或商業登記證明文件影本。 8.Photocopy of the applicant’s company registration or business registration certificate.
前項文件、資料,以非英文之外文記載者,應檢附立案翻譯社出具之中文或英文譯本。 The foregoing documents or information in languages other than English and Chinese must be accompanied with English or Chinese translations provided by a registered translation agency.
第 18 條 Article 18
嬰兒與較大嬰兒配方食品查驗登記許可文件污損或遺失,其申請換發或補發者,應填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料,並繳納費用,向中央主管機關提出,不適用第八條規定: Applications for reissuance or replacement the permit document for infant formula and follow-up infant formula review and registration due to defacement or loss, the applicant is required to submit an application form, along with the following documents or information, to the central competent authority, and pay the related fees, while the provisions in Article 8 do not apply:
一、申請廠商公司登記或商業登記證明文件影本。 1.The applicant shall submit the photocopy of the applicant’s company registration or business registration certificate.
二、換發者,繳銷之原許可文件。 2.For replacement application, the applicant shall submit the originally issued permit document.
三、補發者,原許可文件作廢之切結聲明。 3.For re-issuance application, the applicant shall submit a statement that declares the original permit document null and void.
前項換發或補發之許可文件,其有效期間,同原許可文件。 The new permit document issued under the replacement or reissuance application as referred in the preceding paragraph shall bear the same expiration date as the original permit document.
第 三 章 特定疾病配方食品查驗登記 Chapter III Review and Registration of Formula for Certain Disease
本條文有附件 第 19 條 Article 19
本章所稱特定疾病配方食品,指因病人生理功能失調,致無法進食、消化、吸收或代謝一般食品或食品中特定營養成分,或醫學上認定有其他特殊營養需求,且不易透過日常飲食調整所獲取,而依據其適用對象特別加工或配製之食品。 Formula for certain disease referred to in this chapter is intended for the dietary management of patients who have impaired capacity to ingest, digest, absorb or metabolize ordinary foods or certain nutrients, or who, for any medically-proven reason, have special dietary requirements that cannot be easily met with re-balancing daily diet. The food products in this category are processed or formulated according to the needs of the target users.
前項特定疾病配方食品,其範圍如下: The scope of formula for certain disease as referred in the preceding paragraph is as follows:
一、可作為單一營養來源之營養完整配方食品: 1.Nutritionally complete food that may be used as the single source of nutrients:
(一)營養均衡完整配方食品:指以均衡營養為基礎,供應病人維持生理所需之基礎熱量及營養素;其營養素規格,除供一歲至十八歲病人使用者外,應符合附表二規定。 (1.Nutritionally complete food with balanced formula: The products in this category are designed to maintain caloric and nutritional sustenance of patients. The various nutrients contained in the product shall comply with the regulations provided in the Schedule 2, except for formulae for patient children aged one to eighteen.
(二)營養調整完整配方食品:指依病人需求增減特定營養素,供應病人維持生理所需之基礎熱量及營養素。該特定營養素,應具科學實證;其他營養素,準用附表二規定。 (2.Nutritionally complete food with customized formula: The products in this category are designed to maintain caloric and nutritional sustenance of patients by delivering complete nutrition with added or reduced nutrients to meet the patients’ specific needs. The nutrient addition or reduction shall be based on scientific evidence. For other nutrients, the regulations provided in Schedule 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
二、不可作為單一營養來源之營養補充配方食品︰ 2.Nutrition supplement formula food that may not be used as the single source of nutrients:
(一)營養調整補充配方食品:指依病人特定營養需求,作為部分營養補充使用,並符合下列條件者: (1.Nutrition adjusted supplementary formula food: The products in this category are designed to be used as part of nutritional supplement for patients of specific nutritional needs and meet the following requirements:
1.補充之特定營養素,應具科學實證,其他營養素每一百大卡應可達附表二之下限值,且每日建議攝取量不得超過食品添加物使用範圍及限量暨規格標準最高限量規定。 A.The specific nutrients to be supplemented shall be based on scientific evidence. For the non-customized nutrition portion of the product, every serving size (100 Kcal) shall reach the lower limit as specified in Schedule 2. The recommended daily nutrition allowance for the product shall not exceed the maximum allowance specified in the Standards for Specification, Scope, Application and Limitation of Food Additives.
2.特定補充營養素以外之其他營養素,每一百大卡未達附表二之下限值者,應於國內進行臨床人體食用研究後,證明該產品使用者,依建議之飲食攝取方式及內容可達營養需求。 B.Where the non-customized nutrition portion of the product under application per 100 Kcal does not reach the lower limit as specified in Schedule 2, a domestic clinical study on the product is required to prove that the users of such product will be able to meet the nutritional requirements by following the recommended diet.
(二)特殊單素配方食品:指為供特定疾病營養或代謝所需,而具有單素且該單素符合下列規定之配方食品: (2.Special modular formula food: The products in this category are designed to deliver a specific nutrient or ingredient to meet the nutritional needs deriving from specific illness or metabolic needs and contain the element meeting the following requirements:
1.所含單素之來源食品添加物,屬同一類別營養素之營養添加劑。 A.The source food additives containing the modular formula are the nutritional additives within the same domain of nutrients.
2.有科學證據證明該單素為特定疾病營養或代謝所需不可或缺者。 B.There is scientific evidence that this element is essential for the nutritional needs deriving from specific illness or metabolic needs.
前項食品,得依口味調整或加工之必要,併同使用其他食品原料或食品添加物。 The products as referred in the preceding paragraph may use other food ingredients or additives to meet the flavoring or processing requirements.
第 20 條 Article 20
申請特定疾病配方食品查驗登記新案,應填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料及樣品,並繳納費用,向中央主管機關提出,不適用第三條規定: Applications for review and registration of formula for certain disease shall submit the application form, along with the following documents and information as well as product samples, to the central competent authority, and pay the related fees, while the provisions in Article 3 do not apply:
一、產品成分含量表正本:原製造廠最近一年內出具,並載明所有原料、食品添加物之詳細名稱及含量。 1.Original table of ingredient content: The table shall be issued by the original manufacturer and dated within the past one year and contain the detailed name and net quantity of contents of all the raw materials and food additive.
二、產品規格表正本:原製造廠最近一年內出具,並載明產品之衛生及營養成分規格。 2.Original product specification: The product specification shall be issued by the original manufacturer and dated within the past one year and contain the hygiene and nutrients specification of the product.
三、衛生及營養成分分析表正本:原製造廠或中央主管機關認證之食品檢驗機構最近一年內出具。 3.Original hygiene and nutrients analysis report: The report shall be the original issued by the original manufacturer or accreditation of food testing institution by the central competent authority and dated within the past one year.
四、製程作業重點資料。 4.Manufacturing process summary.
五、原製造廠依法設立或登記之證明文件: 5.Certification document verifying that the original manufacturer is legally established or registered:
(一)國內製造者:工廠登記證明文件影本。 (1.Domestic manufacturer: Carbon copy of the factory registration certificate.
(二)國外製造者:出產國管理產品衛生安全或核發製造廠證照之政府機關最近二年內,以全銜出具,並載明製造廠名稱、地址、營業項目、產品種類、工廠之衛生狀況,經該政府機關或其主管官員戳記或簽章;其為影本者,經原產國公證單位簽證與正本相符。 (2.Foreign manufacturer: The original official certificate issued by a competent government agency responsible for product hygiene and safety or factory licensing in the country of origin and dated within the past two years, shall be provided. The certificate shall specify the name and address of the manufacturer, its business activities, categories of products, hygienic status of the factory, and full name of the government agency issuing the certificate with official stamp or authorized signature. If the certificate verifying the legitimacy of the original manufacturer is a copy of the original, the document shall be a certified true copy of the original by a notary public in the country of origin.
六、獲授權販售者,其原製造廠或經銷商出具之授權證明正本。 6.In cases of authorized sales, the original certificate of authorization issued by the original manufacturer or distributor is required.
七、委託製造者,其受託製造廠出具之受託製造證明正本。 7.In cases of entrusted manufacturing, the original certificate of the entrusted manufacturing issued by the entrusted manufacturer is required.
八、產品中文標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書之實體或彩色擬稿各二份;其包裝規格、型態、材質不同者,分別檢附之;說明書內容相同者,得檢送任一規格、型態、材質者之說明書。 8.Two copies each of the physical or color drafts of the Chinese label, container or outer packaging, and user instructions of the product; the above items shall be attached separately for different packaging specifications, forms, and materials; if the contents of the user instruction are the same, the user instruction of any specifications, forms, and materials may be submitted.
九、申請廠商公司登記或商業登記證明文件影本。 9.The applicant shall submit a carbon copy of its company registration or business registration certificate.
十、完整樣品,其有不同包裝規格、型態或材質者,各別檢附之。 10.Where the complete sample is available to the market in different packaging specifications, forms or materials, the applicant is required to submit one sample for each option.
十一、產品須再分裝者,檢附第十三條第一項第十二款之文件及樣品。 11.Where the product is intended to be re-packed in new containers for sale in Taiwan, the applicant shall submit the documents and sample set forth in Article 13 Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 12 of the Regulations.
十二、除營養均衡完整配方食品者外,應另檢附下列文件、資料: 12.All applicants, except for nutritionally complete food with balanced formula, are required to submit the following:
(一)產品適用對象因疾病或醫療狀況導致特定營養素或成分需求之說明及佐證資料。 (1.Information on the specific nutritional requirement for intended product users that would otherwise not be met without the product due to illness or medical conditions, along with supporting documents.
(二)前目特定營養需求難以日常飲食達成之說明及佐證資料。 (2.Information on why the intended users cannot otherwise meet the specific nutritional requirement described in the preceding subparagraph from the daily diet, along with supporting documents.
(三)產品設計原理。 (3.The mechanism behind the product design.
(四)產品使用方式及食用量可達成第一目及第二目特定需求之說明及佐證資料。 (4.Information on how the intended use and quantity of intake of the product help the users to achieve the objectives described in subparagraphs (1) and (2) of this paragraph, along with supporting documents.
(五)臨床人體食用研究報告:先後或同時申請複數產品,其添加不同色素、香料或甜味劑,而其他成分及營養成分規格相同,無影響產品安全之虞者,得以其中一產品之報告為代表。 (5.Clinical human consumption report: In case of subsequent or concurrent applications for multiple products of different pigments, flavors or sweeteners, while keeping the other ingredients identical and maintaining the same nutritional specifications with no influence on safety, the report of one of the products will suffice for application.
十三、特定疾病用之高蛋白質食品,應提供蛋白質效率(Protein Efficiency Ratio, PER)、蛋白質經消化率修正的胺基酸評分值(Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score, PDCAAS)或其他國際間認可之蛋白質測定方法。 13.For high-protein disease-specific formulas, the applicant is required to provide information on the Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER), Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) or other internationally-recognized protein determination indicators.
十四、其他中央主管機關指定之文件、資料。 14.Other essential documents and information specified by the central competent authority.
前項文件、資料,以非英文之外文記載者,應檢附立案翻譯社出具之中文或英文譯本。 The foregoing documents or information in languages other than English and Chinese must be accompanied with English or Chinese translations provided by a registered translation agency.
第一項申請案經審核符合本法規定者,核發有效期間五年之許可文件。 The permit documents issued on the applications filed in compliance with Paragraph 1 and approved pursuant to the Act shall be valid for five years.
第 21 條 Article 21
中央主管機關為前條申請案之審查,得召開專家會議;必要時,並得指定申請廠商到會陳述或答覆。 The central competent authority may convene an expert review meeting for reviewing the applications filed in accordance with the preceding Article, and when necessary, may demand the presence of the applicant for presentations or questioning.
召開前項會議時,中央主管機關應通知申請廠商限期檢送指定之文件、資料;屆期未檢送或檢送不完備者,其申請案得逕予駁回。 For the convening of the meeting referred to in the preceding paragraph, the central competent authority shall notify the applying company to submit necessary documents and information within the designated time. Failure of submission or submission of incomplete documents and information within the designated time may result in the rejection of application with no further notice.
第 22 條 Article 22
申請特定疾病配方食品查驗登記許可展延,應於期滿前三個月內,填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料及產品,並繳納費用,向中央主管機關提出,不適用第五條規定: Applications for extension of the permit document for formula for certain disease shall submit an application form within three months prior to the expiry date of permit, along with the following documents, information and product sample, to the central competent authority, and pay the related fees, while the provisions in Article 5 do not apply:
一、原許可文件。 1.Original permit document.
二、原製造廠最近一年內出具依原許可內容繼續製造之證明或同意文件正本,或產品成分含量表正本。 2.The original certificate or document of consent to renewal of the product manufacturing agreement, or original table of ingredient content issued by the original manufacturer based on the content of originally issued permit within the past one year.
三、獲授權販售者,其原製造廠或經銷商出具之授權證明正本。 3.In cases of authorized sales, the original certificate of authorization issued by the original manufacturer or distributor is required.
四、委託製造者,其受託製造廠出具之受託製造證明正本。 4.In cases of entrusted manufacturing, the original certificate of entrusted manufacturing issued by the entrusted manufacturer is required.
五、產品中文標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書之實體或彩色擬稿各二份;其包裝規格、型態、材質不同者,分別檢附之;說明書內容相同者,得檢送任一規格、型態、材質者之說明書。 5.Two copies each of the physical or color drafts of the Chinese label, container or outer packaging, and user instructions of the product; the above items shall be attached separately for different packaging specifications, forms, and materials; if the contents of the user instructions are the same, the user instructions of any specification, form, and materials may be submitted.
六、原製造廠最近一年內,出具之產品衛生及營養成分規格表正本。 6.Original hygiene and nutrients specifications issued by the original manufacturer within the past one year.
七、原製造廠或中央主管機關認證之食品檢驗機構出具最近一年內生產批次之產品衛生及營養成分分析表正本;最近一年內無生產者,應出具最近生產批次之分析表正本。 7.Original hygiene and nutrients analysis report of the batches of production within the past year issued by the original manufacturer or accreditation of food testing institution by the central competent authority. The original analysis report of the latest batch of production shall be provided in case there is no production within the past year.
八、臨床人體食用研究報告,其曾檢附或屬營養均衡完整配方者免附。 8.Clinical study report for the product under application (applications for nutritionally complete food with balanced formula or with attached clinical study report already is exempted from the requirement).
前項文件、資料,以非英文之外文記載者,應檢附立案翻譯社出具之中文或英文譯本。 The foregoing documents or information in languages other than English and Chinese must be accompanied with English or Chinese translations provided by a registered translation agency.
第一項展延申請案,經審核符合本法規定者,核發有效期間五年之許可文件;其應換發新證者,並應繳納證書費。 The permit document issued on the extension applications filed in compliance with Paragraph 1 and approved pursuant to the Act shall be valid for five years. If it is necessary to reissue a new permit document, a certificate processing fee shall be collected.
第 23 條 Article 23
申請特定疾病配方食品查驗登記事項變更,應填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料,並繳納費用,向中央主管機關提出,不適用第六條規定: Applications for amendment of the permit document for certain disease shall submit an application form, along with the following documents or information, to the central competent authority, and pay the related fees, while the provisions in Article 6 do not apply:
一、原許可文件。 1.Original permit document.
二、變更涉及產品中文標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書者,其實體或彩色擬稿各二份;其包裝規格、型態、材質不同者,分別檢附之;說明書內容相同者,得檢送任一規格、型態、材質者之說明書。 2.Two copies each of the physical or color drafts of the Chinese label, container or outer packaging, and user instruction that are involved in amendment; the above items shall be attached separately for different packaging specifications, forms, and materials; if the contents of the user instructions are the same, the user instructions of any specification, form, and materials may be submitted.
除前項規定外,依申請變更之項目,另應檢附下列文件、資料或樣品︰ In addition to the foregoing requirements, the following documents, information or sample shall be additionally submitted according to the application of amendment:
一、產品名稱變更:產品為輸入者,其原製造廠出具產品名稱變更之證明或同意文件正本。 1.Product name change: The certificate or document of consent to change of the product name issued by the original manufacturer for imported products.
二、許可文件持有廠商名稱、地址或負責人變更: 2.Change of name, address or person-in-charge of the manufacturer holding the permit document:
(一)許可文件持有廠商公司登記或商業登記證明文件影本。 (1.Photocopy of the company registration or business registration certificate of the manufacturer holding the permit document.
(二)許可文件持有廠商之所有許可產品清冊,並載明許可字號、產品中文名稱及許可文件有效期限。 (2.A complete list of product items shown on the permit document held by the manufacturer. The list is required to contain the registration numbers, Chinese names of the product items, and expiry date of the permit document.
三、原製造廠名稱變更︰ 3.Change of the original manufacturer’s name:
(一)國內製造者︰工廠登記證明文件影本。 (1.Domestic manufacturer: Carbon copy of the factory registration certificate.
(二)國外製造者︰出產國管理產品衛生安全或核發製造廠證照之政府機關最近二年內,以全銜出具,並載明製造廠名稱、地址、營業項目、產品種類、工廠之衛生狀況,經該政府機關或其主管官員戳記或簽章;其為影本者,經原產國公證單位簽證與正本相符。 (2.Foreign manufacturer: The original official certificate issued by a competent government agency responsible for product hygiene and safety or factory licensing in the country of origin and dated within the past two years, shall be provided. The certificate shall specify the name and address of the manufacturer, its business activities, categories of products, hygienic status of the factory, and full name of the government agency issuing the certificate with official stamp or authorized signature. If the certificate verifying the legitimacy of the original manufacturer is a copy of the original, the document shall be a certified true copy of the original by a notary public in the country of origin.
(三)原製造廠之所有許可產品清冊,並載明許可字號、產品中文名稱及許可文件有效期限。 (3.A complete list of product items of the original manufacturer shall be provided. The list is required to contain the registration numbers, Chinese names of the product items, and expiry date of the permit document.
四、原製造廠門牌整編: 4.Building number adjustment of the original manufacturer’s address:
(一)國內製造者︰政府機關出具,足資證明門牌整編之文件影本。 (1.In cases of domestic manufacturers: The applicant shall submit a photocopy of the official certificate issued by a competent government agency certifying the building number adjustment.
(二)國外製造者︰出產國政府機關以全銜出具,足資證明門牌整編之文件;其為影本者,經原產國公證單位簽證與正本相符。 (2.In cases of foreign manufacturers: The original official certificate issued by a competent government agency of the country of origin in its full title certifying the address building number adjustment, whereas the certificate submitted is a photocopy, the document shall be notarized as a true copy of the original by a notary public in the country of origin.
(三)原製造廠之所有許可產品清冊,並載明許可字號、產品中文名稱及許可文件有效期限。 (3.A complete list of product items of the original manufacturer shall be provided. The list is required to contain the registration numbers, Chinese names of the product items, and expiry date of the permit document.
五、第二十條第一項第二款之產品規格變更: 5.Amendment of the product specifications as set forth in Article 20, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2:
(一)原製造廠最近一年內出具之變更合理性評估報告,包括變更內容前後對照表。 (1.The evaluation report on the rationale of amendment issued by the original manufacturer within the past one year (including a chart of comparison of the content before and after the changes).
(二)第二十條第一項第一款及第二款規定之文件,並依變更之規格項目,檢附同條項第三款規定之文件。 (2.The documents set forth in Article 20, Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1 and 2, attaching those set forth in Subparagraph 3 of the same Article and Paragraph, based on the amended items of specifications.
六、包裝規格、型態、材質變更: 6.Amendment to the packaging specification, form and material:
(一)產品為輸入者,其原製造廠出具包裝變更之證明或同意文件正本。 (1.For imported product items, the original manufacturer’s certificate or document of consent to the change of packaging in original copy shall be submitted.
(二)型態或材質變更者,應檢附樣品。 (2.Product samples are required if changes involve product forms or materials.
(三)產品為須再分裝者,檢附第十三條第一項第十二款規定之文件及樣品。 (3.Where the product will be re-packed in new containers for sale, the applicant shall submit the documents or sample set forth in Article 13 Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 12 of the Regulations.
七、中文標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書變更: 7.Amendment of Chinese label, container or outer packaging, and user instructions of the product:
(一)變更前後對照表。 (1.A chart of comparison of the content before and after the changes.
(二)產品為輸入者,檢附原製造廠出具中文標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書變更之證明或同意文件正本。 (2.For imported product items, the original manufacturer’s certificate or document of consent to the amendment of Chinese label, container or outer packaging, and user instructions in original copy shall be submitted.
(三)營養標示變更者: (3.For amendment to the nutrition facts label (with no changes of the product ingredients and content):
1.原製造廠最近一年內出具之變更合理性評估報告。 A.The evaluation report on the rationale of amendment issued by the original manufacturer within the past one year;
2.原製造廠或中央主管機關認證之食品檢驗機構最近一年內出具之營養成分分析表正本。 B.The original copy of the nutrition analysis report issued by the original manufacturer or accreditation of food testing institution by the central competent authority within the past one year.
3.第二十條第一項第一款及第二款規定之文件。 C.The documents set forth in Article 20, Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1 and 2.
前項文件、資料,以非英文之外文記載者,應檢附立案翻譯社出具之中文或英文譯本。 The foregoing documents or information in languages other than English and Chinese must be accompanied with English or Chinese translations provided by a registered translation agency.
製造廠更換、遷移或增列者,其申請程序、文件、資料與樣品之檢附,及費用之繳納,除第二十條第一項第十二款第五目之報告免檢附外,準用第二十條申請查驗登記新案之規定辦理。 For the application process, attachment of documents and information and product samples, and fee payment in cases of change, relocation or expansion of the manufacturer, except for the exemption provided for the clinical report under Article 20, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 12, Item 5, the provisions of Article 20 on new case applications shall apply mutatis mutandis.
辦理第一項變更應換發新證者,並應繳納證書費。 If it is necessary to reissue a new permit document, a certificate processing fee shall be collected.
第二項第五款產品規格變更及第七款第三目營養標示變更,以產品成分及含量均未變更者為限。但因應本辦法修正,調整產品配方微量營養素之成分或含量者,不在此限。 For the product specifications as set forth in Subparagraph 5 of Paragraph 2 and the nutrition facts in Item 3 of Subparagraph 7, amendment shall be limited to cases where neither the product composition nor the content has been amended. This does not apply to cases where the ingredients or content of the micronutrients in the product formula are adjusted in accordance with the revisions to the regulations.
第 24 條 Article 24
特定疾病配方食品之中文標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書之變更,有下列情形之一者,免辦理變更申請: Applications for the amendment of the Chinese label, container or outer packaging, and user instructions of the food formula for specific diseases are exempted in one of the following situations:
一、圖樣或顏色更改。 1.Amendment of patterns or colors.
二、原核准圖文依比例縮小或放大。 2.Proportionate reduction or enlargement of the approved images and texts.
三、原核准圖文位置移動。 3.Movement of the position of the approved images and texts.
四、原核准文字之字體更改。 4.Amendment of the fonts of the approved text.
前項標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書,刊載本法以外其他相關機關規定之內容者,其變更應依各該法規規定辦理。 The amendment in the preceding paragraph of the Chinese labels, container or outer packaging and user instructions which contain the content stipulated by relevant authorities other than those specified in this Act shall be subject to the provisions of respective regulations.
許可文件持有人,應就第一項免辦變更之事項,作成書面紀錄,並妥善保存。 For items exempted from modification applications as set forth in the first paragraph, the permit holder shall produce a written record for retention.
第 25 條 Article 25
申請特定疾病配方食品查驗登記許可文件持有人移轉者,受讓人應填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料,並繳納審查費及證書費,向中央主管機關提出,不適用第七條規定: Applications for transference of the permit document for formula for certain disease, the transferee is required to submit an application form, along with the following documents or information, to the central competent authority for review, and pay the review and certificate processing fees, while the provisions in Article 7 do not apply:
一、讓與人同意讓與之證明文件正本。 1.Transferor’s certificate or document of consent to transfer of permit document ownership in original copy.
二、獲授權販售者,其原製造廠或經銷商出具之授權證明正本。 2.In cases of authorized sales, the original certificate of authorization issued by the original manufacturer or distributor is required.
三、委託製造者,其受託製造廠出具之受託製造證明正本。 3.In cases of entrusted manufacturing, the original certificate of entrusted manufacturing issued by the entrusted manufacturer is required.
四、原許可文件。 4.Original permit document.
五、產品中文標籤、容器或外包裝及說明書之實體或彩色擬稿各二份;其包裝規格、型態、材質不同者,分別檢附之;說明書內容相同者,得檢送任一規格、型態、材質者之說明書。 5.Two copies each of the physical or color drafts of the Chinese label, container or outer packaging, and user instructions of the product; the above items shall be attached separately for different packaging specifications, forms, and materials; if the contents of the user instructions are the same, the user instructions of any specification, form, and materials may be submitted.
六、產品須再分裝者,檢附第十三條第一項第十二款第一目至第四目之文件。 6.Where the product will be re-packed in new containers for sale, the applicant shall submit the documents set forth in Article 13 Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 12 Items 1-4 of the Regulations.
七、產品成分含量表影本。 7.Photocopy of the table of product ingredient content.
八、申請廠商公司登記或商業登記證明文件影本。 8.Photocopy of the applicant’s company registration or business registration certificate.
前項文件、資料,以非英文之外文記載者,應檢附立案翻譯社出具之中文或英文譯本。 The foregoing documents or information in languages other than English and Chinese must be accompanied with English or Chinese translations provided by a registered translation agency.
第 26 條 Article 26
特定疾病配方食品查驗登記許可文件污損或遺失,其申請換發或補發者,應填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料,並繳納費用,向中央主管機關提出,不適用第八條規定: Applications for reissuance or replacement the permit document for formula for certain disease review and registration due to defacement or loss, the applicant is required to submit an application form, along with the following documents or information, to the central competent authority, and pay the related fees, while the provisions in Article 8 do not apply:
一、申請廠商公司登記或商業登記證明文件影本。 1.The applicant shall submit the photocopy of the applicant’s company registration or business registration certificate.
二、換發者,繳銷之原許可文件。 2.For replacement application, the applicant shall submit the originally issued permit document.
三、補發者,原許可文件作廢之切結聲明。 3.For re-issuance application, the applicant shall submit a statement that declares the original permit document null and void.
前項換發或補發之許可文件,其有效期間,同原許可文件。 The new permit document issued under the replacement or reissuance application as referred in the preceding paragraph shall bear the same expiration date as the original permit document.
第 四 章 食品添加物查驗登記 Chapter IV Review and Registration of Food Additives
第 27 條 Article 27
申請食品添加物查驗登記新案,應填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料,並繳納費用,向中央主管機關提出,不適用第三條規定: Applications for review and registration of food additives shall submit an application form to the central competent authority with fees paid and the following documents and materials attached, while the provisions in Article 3 do not apply:
一、產品成分含量表正本:原製造廠最近一年內出具,並載明所有成分名稱及含量百分比。 1.Original table of ingredient content: The table shall be issued by the original manufacturer within the past one year and contain the names and content percentages of all the ingredients.
二、產品規格表正本:原製造廠最近一年內出具,並載明鑑別、純度及定量檢驗項目之規格。 2.Original product specification: The product specification shall be issued by the original manufacturer within the past one year and contain the specifications of the test requirement such as identification, purity and quantification.
三、檢驗方法:前款檢驗項目之檢驗方法。 3.Test method: the test method used on the test requirement in the preceding paragraph.
四、檢驗成績書正本:原製造廠最近一年內出具,就第二款之項目,自行或委託檢驗者。 4.The original copy of the certificate of analysis: The analysis shall be issued by the original manufacturer or an entrusted inspection body within the past one year on the requirement specified in the Paragraph 2.
五、製程作業重點資料。 5.Essential information of the manufacturing process of the original manufacturer.
六、原製造廠依法設立或登記之證明文件: 6.Certification document that that the original manufacturer is legally established or registered:
(一)國內製造者:工廠登記證明文件影本;其屬免辦工廠登記者,得以載明有關食品添加物製造或加工、調配、改裝營業項目之公司或商業登記文件,及轄管工業主管機關發給之免辦工廠登記證明文件替代之。 (1.Domestic manufacturer: photocopy of the factory registration certificate; or, in case of an exemption from factory registration, the certificate of company or business registration listing the business files of food additive manufacturing, processing, formulation, re-packing, etc., and the certificate issued by the competent authority on the exemption from factory registration
(二)國外製造者︰出產國管理產品衛生安全或核發製造廠證照之政府機關最近五年內,以全銜出具,並載明製造廠名稱、地址、營業項目、產品種類、工廠衛生狀況,經該政府機關或其主管官員戳記或簽章;其為影本者,經出產國公證單位簽證與正本相符。 (2.Foreign manufacturer: The original certificate issued in its full name by a competent government agency in charge of product hygiene and safety or factory licensing in the country of origin and dated within the past five years, shall be provided. The certificate shall specify the name and address of the manufacturer, its business scope, categories of products, and hygienic status of the factory, and full name of the government agency issuing the certificate with official stamp or authorized signature. If the certificate verifying the legitimacy of the original manufacturer is a copy of the original, the document shall be a certified true copy of the original by a notary public in the country of origin.
七、獲授權販售者,其原製造廠或經銷商最近一年內出具之授權證明正本。 7.In cases of authorized sales, the original certificate of authorization issued by the original manufacturer or distributor within the past one year is required.
八、委託製造者,其受託製造廠最近一年內出具之受託製造證明正本。 8.In cases of entrusted manufacturing, the original of the entrusted manufacturing certificate issued by the entrusted manufacturer within the past one year is required.
九、產品中文標籤、容器或內外包裝材質說明文件及標示內容可清晰辨識之產品彩色照片;其申請不同包裝規格、型態、材質者,每一規格、型態、材質均應分別檢附之;輸入者應附原文標籤,國外未販售者免附。 9.Color photos of the product with clearly legible label in Chinese, the descriptions of the container or inner and outer packaging materials, and the labeling on the container or outer packaging; for applications for different packaging specifications, forms, and materials, color photos to the above effect shall be attached for each one of the specifications, types, and materials; for products imported from overseas, the labels in original foreign languages shall be attached unless the product is not sold in an overseas market.
十、國內製造者,原料內非屬香料之單方食品添加物,其查驗登記許可證影本;其他原料,其來源為食品業者之證明文件。 10.In cases of domestic manufacturers, a copy of the review and registration license for single food additives that are not spices in ingredients; and the certificate of sources from the food industry for other ingredients.
十一、申請廠商公司登記或商業登記證明文件影本。其營業項目之登載,輸入者應包含食品添加物之進口;國內製造者應包含食品添加物之製造或加工、調配、改裝。 11.A copy of the company registration or business registration certificate of the applicant, in which the business activities, in the case of importers, shall include the import of food additives, and in cases of domestic manufacturers, shall include the food additive manufacture, processing, formulation, re-packing, etc.
十二、衛生管理相關人員文件: 12.Documents of hygiene management personnel:
(一)國內製造者:經直轄市、縣(市)主管機關備查在案之原製造廠衛生管理人員證明文件影本。 (1.Domestic manufacturer: photocopy of the certification document of the manufacturer's hygiene management personnel that has been verified and filed by the municipal or county (city) competent authority.
(二)國外製造者:申請廠商之管理衛生人員在職證明文件。 (2.Foreign manufacturer: The employment certification documents of the hygiene management personnel of the applying company.
十三、其他中央主管機關指定之文件、資料。 13.Other essential documents and information specified by the central competent authority.
前項文件、資料,以非英文之外文記載者,應檢附立案翻譯社出具之中文或英文譯本。 The foregoing documents or information in languages other than English and Chinese must be accompanied with English or Chinese translations provided by a registered translation agency.
第一項申請案經審核符合本法規定者,核發有效期間五年之許可文件。 The permit document issued on the applications filed in compliance with Paragraph 1 and approved pursuant to the Act shall be valid for five years.
第 28 條 Article 28
申請食品添加物查驗登記許可展延,應於期滿前三個月內,填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料,並繳納費用,向中央主管機關提出,不適用第五條規定: Applications for extension of the permit document for food additive permit document shall submit an application form within three months prior to the expiry date of permit, along with the following documents, information, to the central competent authority, and shall pay the related fees, while the provisions in Article 5 do not apply:
一、原許可文件。 1.Original permit document.
二、獲授權販售者,其原製造廠或經銷商最近一年內出具之授權證明正本。 2.In cases of authorized sales, the original certificate of authorization issued by the original manufacturer or distributor within the past one year is required.
三、委託製造者,其受託製造廠最近一年內出具之受託製造證明正本。 3.In cases of entrusted manufacturing, the original certificate of entrusted manufacturing issued by the entrusted manufacturer within the past one year is required.
四、國內製造者,原料內非屬香料之單方食品添加物,其查驗登記許可證影本;其他原料,其來源為食品業者之證明文件。 4.In cases of domestic manufacturers, a copy of the review and registration license for single food additives that are not spices in ingredients; and the certificate of sources from the food industry for other ingredients.
前項文件、資料,以非英文之外文記載者,應檢附立案翻譯社出具之中文或英文譯本。 The foregoing documents or information in languages other than English and Chinese must be accompanied with English or Chinese translations provided by a registered translation agency.
第一項展延申請案經審核符合本法規定者,核發有效期間五年之許可文件;其應換發新證者,並應繳納證書費。 The permit document issued on the applications for extension filed in compliance with Paragraph 1 and approved pursuant to the Act shall be valid for five years. If it is necessary to reissue a new permit document, a certificate processing fee shall be collected.
第 29 條 Article 29
申請食品添加物查驗登記事項變更者,應填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料,並繳納費用,向中央主管機關提出,不適用第六條規定: Applications for amendment of the permit document for food additives shall submit an application form, along with the following documents and information to the competent authority, and shall pay the related fees, while the provisions in Article 6 do not apply:
一、產品名稱變更: 1.Changes of the product name:
(一)原許可文件。 (1.Original permit document.
(二)產品為輸入者,其原製造廠出具產品名稱變更之證明文件正本。 (2.In cases of imported products, the original document issued by the manufacturer certifying the amendment of the name of product.
二、包裝規格、型態、材質變更: 2.Changes of packaging specifications, forms, and materials:
(一)原許可文件。 (1.Original permit document.
(二)原製造廠出具包裝變更之證明或同意文件正本。 (2.The original document or consent document issued by the manufacturer certifying the amendment of packaging.
三、許可文件持有廠商名稱、地址或負責人變更: 3.Change of the name, address or person in charge of the manufacturer holding the permit document:
(一)原許可文件。 (1.Original permit document.
(二)申請廠商公司登記或商業登記證明文件影本。其營業項目之登載,輸入者應包含食品添加物之進口;國內製造者應包含食品添加物之製造或加工、調配、改裝。 (2.A copy of the company registration or business registration certificate of the applicant, in which the business scope, in the case of importers, shall include the import of food additives, and in case of domestic manufacturers, shall include the food additive manufacturing, processing, formulation, re- packing, etc.
(三)許可文件持有廠商之所有許可產品清冊,並載明許可字號、產品中文名稱及許可文件有效期限。 (3.The complete list of the licensed products of the manufacturer holding the license, specifying the license number, the Chinese name of the product and the validity period of the permit document.
四、原製造廠名稱變更: 4.Amendment of the name of the original manufacturer:
(一)原許可文件。 (1.Original permit document.
(二)國內製造者︰工廠登記證明文件影本。 (2.Domestic manufacturer: A copy of the factory registration certificate.
(三)國外製造者︰製造廠所出具廠名變更之證明文件正本。 (3.Foreign manufacturer: An original document issued by the manufacturer certifying the change of its name.
(四)原製造廠之所有許可產品清冊,並載明許可字號、產品中文名稱及許可文件有效期限。 (4.The complete list of the licensed products of the original manufacturer, specifying the license number, the Chinese name of the product and the validity period of the permit document.
五、原製造廠門牌整編: 5.Building number adjustment of the original manufacturer:
(一)原許可文件。 (1.Original permit document.
(二)國內製造者︰政府機關出具,足資證明門牌整編之文件影本。 (2.Domestic manufacturer: The applicant shall submit a photocopy of the official certificate issued by a competent government agency certifying the building number adjustment.
(三)國外製造者︰出產國政府機關以全銜出具,足資證明門牌整編之文件;其為影本者,經原產國公證單位簽證與正本相符。 (3.Foreign manufacturer: The original official certificate issued by a competent government agency in its full title certifying the building number adjustment, whereas the certificate submitted is a photocopy, the document shall be notarized as a true copy of the original by a notary public in the country of origin.
(四)原製造廠之所有許可產品清冊,並載明許可字號、產品中文名稱及許可文件有效期限。 (4.A complete list of product items of the original manufacturer shall be provided. The list is required to contain the registration numbers, Chinese names of products, and expiry date of the permit document.
前項文件、資料,以非英文之外文記載者,應檢附立案翻譯社出具之中文或英文譯本。 The foregoing documents or information in languages other than English and Chinese must be accompanied with English or Chinese translations provided by a registered translation agency.
製造廠更換、遷移或增列者,其申請程序、文件與資料之檢附,及費用之繳納,準用第二十七條申請查驗登記新案之規定辦理。 For the application process and the submission of documents and information, and related fees in case of change, relocation, or expansion of the manufacturer, the provisions of Article 27 on new registration applications shall apply mutatis mutandis.
辦理第一項變更應換發新證者,並應繳納證書費。 If it is necessary to reissue a new permit document, a certificate processing fee shall be collected.
第 30 條 Article 30
申請食品添加物查驗登記許可文件持有人移轉者,受讓人應填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料,並繳納審查費及證書費,向中央主管機關提出,不適用第七條規定: Applications for transference of the permit document for food additive, the transferee is required to submit an application form, along with the following documents or information, to the central competent authority for review, and pay the review and certificate processing fees, while the provisions in Article 7 do not apply:
一、原許可文件。 1.Original permit document.
二、讓與人同意讓與之證明文件正本。 2.Transferor’s certificate or document of consent to transfer of permit document ownership in original copy.
三、獲授權販售者,其原製造廠或經銷商出具之授權證明正本。 3.In cases of authorized sales, the original certificate of authorization issued by the original manufacturer or distributor is required.
四、委託製造者,其委託證明文件正本。 4.In cases of entrusted manufacturing, the original certificate of entrusted manufacturing is required.
五、產品中文標籤、容器或內外包裝材質說明文件及包裝標示內容可清晰辨識之產品彩色照片;其申請不同包裝規格、型態、材質者,每一規格、型態、材質均應分別檢附之;輸入者應另附原文標籤。 5.Color photos of the product with clearly legible label in Chinese, the descriptions of container or the inner and outer packaging materials, and the labeling on the container or outer packaging; for applications for different packaging specifications, forms, and materials, color photos to the above effect shall be attached separately for each one of the specifications, types, and materials; for products imported from overseas, the labels in original foreign languages shall be attached.
六、產品成分含量表影本。 6.A copy of the table of product ingredient content.
七、申請廠商公司登記或商業登記證明文件影本。其營業項目之登載,輸入者應包含食品添加物之進口;國內製造者應包含食品添加物之製造或加工、調配、改裝。 7.A photocopy of the applicant’s company registration or business registration certificate. For the listing of its business items, the importer shall include the import of food additives; the domestic manufacturer shall include the manufacturing, processing, formulation and re-packing of food additives.
前項文件、資料,以非英文之外文記載者,應檢附立案翻譯社出具之中文或英文譯本。 The foregoing documents or information in languages other than English and Chinese must be accompanied with English or Chinese translations provided by a registered translation agency.
第 31 條 Article 31
食品添加物查驗登記許可文件污損或遺失,其申請換發或補發者,應填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料,並繳納費用,向中央主管機關提出,不適用第八條規定: Applications for reissuance or replacement the permit document for food additive review and registration due to defacement or loss, the applicant is required to submit an application form, along with the following documents or information, to the central competent authority, and pay the related fees, while the provisions in Article 8 do not apply:
一、申請廠商公司登記或商業登記證明文件影本。 1.The photocopy of the applicant’s company registration or business registration certificate.
二、換發者,繳銷之原許可文件。 2.For replacement application, the permit document originally issued.
三、補發者,原許可文件作廢之切結聲明。 3.For reissuance application, the applicant’s affidavit that declares the original permit document null and void.
前項換發或補發之許可文件,其有效期間,同原許可文件。 The new permit document issued under the replacement or reissuance application as referred in the preceding paragraph shall bear the same expiration date as the permit document originally issued.
第 五 章 附則 Chapter V Supplementary Provisions
第 32 條 Article 32
本辦法所定申請案件,食品業者得至衛生福利部食品藥物管理署建置之食品線上申辦平臺辦理;其文件、資料,得以掃描上傳。 Applications in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations may be filed by the food industry operators on the web platform of Taiwan Food and Drug Administration, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, with the documents and information scanned and uploaded.
許可文件展延、查驗登記內容變更、移轉及換發之申請案件,食品業者依前項規定辦理後,應將原許可文件正本寄送中央主管機關登載用印或繳銷。 After completion of applications by food business operators for permit document extension, amendment of registration contents, document transference or document replacement pursuant to provisions in the preceding paragraph, the original permit document shall be sent to the central competent authority for registration or cancellation.
第 33 條 Article 33
中華民國一百十二年十一月三十日修正發布之下列規定,自發布後一年施行: The following provisions of these Regulations shall take effect one year after the promulgation of the amendment on November 30, 2023.
一、第十三條第一項第三款、第十五條第二項第五款第二目、第二十條第一項第三款、第二十二條第一項第七款與第二十三條第二項第五款第二目之衛生分析表正本。 1.Article 13 Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 3, Article 15 Paragraph 2 Subparagraph 5 Item 2, Article 20 Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 3, Article 22 Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 7, Article 23 Paragraph 2 Subparagraph 5 Item 2, which provide original hygiene analysis report related provisions.
二、第十四條第一項第七款與第八款及第二十二條第一項第六款。 2.Article 14 Paragraph 1 Subparagraphs 7 and 8, and Article 22 Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 6.
第 34 條 Article 34
本辦法除前條另定施行日期者外,自發布日施行。 Except for provisions with separate enforcement dates as stipulated in the preceding Article, these Regulations shall come into effect from the date of promulgation.
食品安全衛生管理法行政罰行為數認定標 Criteria for Determining the Number of Administrative Penalty of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation
第 1 條 Article 1
本標準依食品安全衛生管理法(以下簡稱本法)第五十五條之一規定訂定之。 These Criteria are prescribed in accordance with Article 55-1 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation (hereinafter “the Act”).
第 2 條 Article 2
依本法有不得製造、加工、調配、包裝、運送、貯存、販賣、輸入、輸出、作為贈品或公開陳列特定物品之義務而違反者,依下列基準判斷其行為數: Any person who has the obligations not to manufacture, process, prepare, package, transport, store, sell, import, export, present as a gift or publicly display certain articles under the Act and violates such obligations, the number of administrative penalty shall be determined pursuant to the following criteria:
一、不同日之行為。 1. Acts in different days.
二、不同品項之物品。 2. Articles under different items.
三、不同場所之行為或物品。 3. Acts or articles in different sites.
四、受侵害對象之個數。 4. The number of the infringed parties.
五、限期改善之期限。 5. The deadline to make corrections within a prescribed time period.
六、其他經主管機關認定之事項。 6. Others matters designated by the competent authority.
第 3 條 Article 3
實施違反本法第二十八條廣告限制規定之行為者,依下列基準判斷其行為數: Any person whose acts violate the advertisement restrictions under Article 28 of the Act, the number of administrative penalty shall be determined pursuant to the following criteria:
一、不同品項之產品。 1. Products under different items.
二、不同版本之廣告。 2. Advertisements of different versions.
三、不同刊播媒介之個數。 3. The number of different publishing and broadcasting media.
四、不同日之刊播。 4. Publishing and broadcasting in different days.
第 4 條 Article 4
判斷前二條之行為數時,應斟酌下列各款情事: When determining the number of administrative penalty under the preceding two Articles, the circumstances specified in the following subparagraphs shall be taken into consideration:
一、違反之動機及目的。 1. The motive and intent of violation.
二、違反之手段。 2. The means of violation.
三、違反義務之影響程度。 3. The impact degree of obligation violation.
四、違反義務所致之所生危害及損害。 4. The harm and damage caused by obligation violation.
第 5 條 Article 5
依本法有應作為之義務而不作為,其違法狀態持續者,以主管機關裁處行政罰之行政處分送達行為人時,為一行為。 Any person who has the obligation to act under the Act but fails to act, and such violation persists, it shall be regarded as one and single act when the administrative disposition made by the competent authority in imposing an administrative penalty serves upon the actor.
前項經主管機關裁處並於行政處分送達後,違反義務人仍不作為者,為另一違反義務之行為。 If such actor continues not to act after the above administrative disposition by the competent authority serves, it shall be regarded as another act.
第 6 條 Article 6
依本法有容忍主管機關進入製造、加工、調配、包裝、運送、貯存、販賣場所執行現場查核及抽樣檢驗之義務而規避、妨礙或拒絕者,以同一日相同行政目的之查核或檢驗要求所為規避、妨礙或拒絕,為一行為。依不同法規所為相同內容之查核或檢驗要求,亦同。 Any person who has the obligations to endure the entering the place of manufacturing, processing, preparation, packaging, transportation, storage and sales, performing on-site examination and conducting sampling and testing by the competent authority under the Act but evades, impedes or refuses to do so, it shall be regarded as one and single act if such evading, impediment or refusal pertains toexamination or test requests for the same administrative purpose in same day. This Article shall apply to examination or test requests regarding the same content pursuant to different laws or regulations.
第 7 條 Article 7
本標準自發布日施行。 These Criteria shall be implemented from the date of promulgation.
食品安全衛生管理法施行細 Enforcement Rules of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation
第 1 條 Article 1
本細則依食品安全衛生管理法(以下簡稱本法)第五十九條規定訂定之。 These Enforcement Rules are prescribed in accordance with the provisions of Article 59 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation (hereinafter referred to as “this Act”).
第 2 條 Article 2
本法第三條第二款所定嬰兒與較大嬰兒配方食品,包括嬰兒配方食品、較大嬰兒配方輔助食品及特殊醫療用途嬰兒配方食品。 The term “infant and follow-up formula” prescribed in subparagraph 2 of Article 3 of this Act shall include infant formula, follow-up infant formula and infant formula for special medical purposes.
第 3 條 Article 3
本法第三條第三款所稱中央主管機關之准用許可字號,指下列情形之一: The term “approval number granted by central competent authority” referred to in subparagraph 3 of Article 3 of this Act shall mean one of the following circumstances:
一、依本法第八條第三項規定完成登錄,取得之登錄字號及產品登錄碼。 1. The registration number and product registration code obtained from the completion of registration under paragraph 3 of Article 8 of this Act.
二、依本法第十八條所定食品添加物使用範圍及限量暨規格標準附表一食品添加物使用範圍及限量所定之編號。 2. The code prescribed in the Standards for Scope, Application and Limitation of Food Additives of the Appendix 1 of the Standards for Specification, Scope, Application and Limitation of Food Additives under Article 18 of this Act.
三、依本法第二十一條第一項規定,取得之查驗登記許可字號。 3. The registration approval number as stated in Paragraph 1 of Article 21 of this Act.
第 4 條 Article 4
本法第八條第五項所稱衛生安全管理系統,指本法第八條第一項或第二項規定之食品良好衛生規範準則或食品安全管制系統準則。 The term “sanitation and safety management systems” referred to in Paragraph 5 of Article 8 of this Act shall mean the regulations on good hygiene practice for foods or the regulations on food safety control system as stated in Paragraph 1 or 2 of Article 8 of this Act.
第 5 條 Article 5
本法第十五條第一項第三款所稱有毒,指食品或食品添加物含有天然毒素或化學物品,而其成分或含量對人體健康有害或有害之虞者。 The term “toxic” referred to in subparagraph 3, paragraph 1 of Article 15 of this Act shall mean foods or food additives which contain natural toxins or chemicals and the ingredients or contents of which are harmful to human health or may possibly harm the human health.
第 6 條 Article 6
本法第十五條第一項第四款所稱染有病原性生物者,指食品或食品添加物受病因性生物或其產生之毒素污染,致對人體健康有害或有害之虞者。 The items that are contaminated by pathogenic organisms referred to in subparagraph 4, paragraph 1 of Article 15 of this Act shall mean foods or food additives contaminated by pathogenic organisms, or toxins derived from said pathogenic organisms, which are harmful to human health or may possibly harm human health.
第 7 條 Article 7
本法第二十二條第一項第一款及第二十五條第一項所定品名,其標示應依下列規定辦理: The labelling for the product names prescribed in subparagraph 1, paragraph 1 of Article 22 and paragraph 1 of Article 25 of this Act shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:
一、名稱與食品本質相符。 1. The product names shall conform to the nature thereof.
二、經中央主管機關規定者,依中央主管機關規定之名稱;未規定者,得使用中華民國國家標準所定之名稱或自定其名稱。 2. The names of those that are stipulated by the central competent authority shall be set in accordance with the stipulated names provided; whereas names that are not stipulated by the central competent authority may either be set in accordance with National Standards of the Republic of China (CNS) or by their own.
第 8 條 Article 8
本法第二十二條第一項第三款所定淨重、容量,應以法定度量衡單位或其代號標示之,並依下列規定辦理: The net weight and capacity prescribed in subparagraph 3, paragraph 1 of Article 22 of this Act shall be labelled using the legal units of measurement or their symbols and shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:
一、內容物中液汁與固形物混合者,分別標明內容量及固形量。但其為均勻混合且不易分離者,得僅標示內容物淨重。 1. Those ingredients that are a mixture of liquid and solid materials shall indicate their respective contents; whereas those ingredients which are a homogeneous mixture that are hard to separate may merely indicate the net weight thereof.
二、內容物含量,得視食品性質,註明最低、最高或最低與最高含量。 2. Depending on the nature of the foods, the contents may be indicated as minimum quantity, maximum quantity, or both the minimum and maximum quantities.
第 9 條 Article 9
本法第二十二條第一項第四款所定食品添加物名稱,應以食品添加物使用範圍及限量暨規格標準附表一食品添加物使用範圍及限量所定之品名,或一般社會通用之名稱標示之,並依下列規定辦理: The name of food additives prescribed in subparagraph 4, paragraph 1 of Article 22 of this Act shall be labelled in accordance with the food additive items prescribed in the Standards for Scope, Application and Limitation of Food additives of the Appendix 1 of the Standards for Specifications, Scope, Application and Limitation of Food Additives or the names commonly known by society, and shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:
一、屬甜味劑、防腐劑、抗氧化劑者,應同時標示其功能性名稱。 1. Sweeteners, preservatives and antioxidants shall indicate the names of their respective functions.
二、屬複方食品添加物者,應標示各別原料名稱。 2. Food additive combinations shall indicate the name of each material.
食品中之食品添加物係透過合法原料之使用而帶入食品,且其含量明顯低於直接添加於食品之需用量,對終產品無功能者,得免標示之。 The labelling of the food additives is not required when the food additives contained in foods were made through legalized materials and the contents of which are apparently below the normal amount as added to the foods and do not provide functions thereof.
第 10 條 Article 10
本法第二十二條第一項第五款及第二十四條第一項第五款所稱製造廠商,指下列各款情形之一者: The term “manufacturer” referred to in subparagraph 5, paragraph 1 of Article 22 and subparagraph 5, paragraph 1 of Article 24 of this Act shall mean one of the following circumstances:
一、製造、加工、調配製成終產品之廠商。 1. Those businesses that manufacture, process or prepare the end products.
二、委託製造、加工或調配者,其受託廠商。 2. Those businesses that are entrusted to manufacture, process or prepare products.
三、經分裝、切割、裝配、組合等改裝製程,且足以影響產品衛生安全者,其改裝廠商或前二款之廠商。 3. For those products made through the repacking process such as sub packaging, cutting, assembling or combining, and that are enough to affect the sanitation and safety of the product, the repacking factory or businesses referred to in the two previous subparagraphs.
前項製造廠商之標示,應依下列規定辦理: The labelling of the manufacturers referred to in the preceding paragraphs shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:
一、輸入食品或食品添加物之製造廠商名稱、地址,以中文標示之。但難以中文標示者,得以國際通用文字或符號標示之。 1. Name and address of the manufacturer of imported foods or food additives shall be labelled in Chinese. For those names that are hard to recognize in Chinese, they may be labelled in commonly known characters or symbols.
二、食品或食品添加物係由同一公司所屬之工廠製造,且其設立地皆屬同一國家者,製造廠商得以總公司或所屬製造工廠擇一為之;其名稱、地址及電話,應與標示之總公司或工廠一致。但其設立地屬不同國家者,仍應以實際製造工廠標示之。 2. Where the foods or food additives are manufactured by the factory belonging to the same company and registered under the same country, the labelling of the manufacturer can be either the head company or the manufacturing factory. The name, address and telephone number shall be labelled as of the head company or factory; when the registered place of the factory is different from that of the company’s, the manufacturing factory that engaged in the actual manufacturing process shall be on the label.
三、前項第三款之改裝廠商,以「改裝製造廠商」標示之。 3. The repacking factory referred to in the preceding subparagraph 3 shall be labelled as “repacking manufacturer.”
第 11 條 Article 11
本法第二十二條第一項第五款、第二十四條第一項第五款、第二十六條第四款及第二十七條第四款所稱國內負責廠商,指對該產品於國內直接負法律責任之食品業者。 The responsible domestic company referred to in subparagraph 5, paragraph 1 of Article 22, subparagraph 5, paragraph 1 of Article 24, subparagraph 4 of Article 26 and subparagraph 4 of Article 27 of this Act shall mean food businesses that are responsible for the liability of the products.
本法第二十二條第一項第五款及第二十四條第一項第五款所稱應標示製造廠商或國內負責廠商名稱、電話號碼及地址,屬輸入之食品或食品添加物,指應標示國內負責廠商之名稱、電話號碼及地址,並得另標示國外製造廠商之名稱、電話號碼及地址;屬國內製造之食品或食品添加物,指應標示製造廠商之名稱、電話號碼及地址,或標示國內負責廠商之名稱、電話號碼及地址,或二者均標示。 Name, telephone number and address of the manufacturer or that of the responsible domestic company of the imported foods or food additives referred to in subparagraph 5, paragraph 1 of Article 22 and subparagraph 5, paragraph 1 of Article 24 shall mean the labelling of the names, telephone number and address of the responsible domestic company and the names, telephone number and address of the foreign manufacturer can also be labelled in addition. For those foods or food additives manufactured domestically, the labelling thereof shall be either the name, telephone number or address of the manufacturer or that of the responsible domestic company or both.
第 12 條 Article 12
本法第二十二條第一項第六款所稱原產地(國),指製造、加工或調配製成終產品之國家或地區。 The country of origin referred to in subparagraph 6, paragraph 1 of Article 22 of this Act shall mean the country or region where the end products are manufactured, processed or prepared.
前項原產地(國)之標示,應依下列規定辦理: The labelling of the country of origin referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:
一、輸入食品之原產地(國),依進口貨物原產地認定標準認定之。 1. The Country of Origin of imported goods shall be determined in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Determination of Country of Origin of an Imported Good.
二、輸入食品依進口貨物原產地認定標準,屬不得認定為實質轉型之混裝食品,應依各食品混裝含量多寡由高至低標示各別原產地(國)。 2. Where the food product is not an assorted product of substantial transformation based on the Regulations Governing the Determination of Country of Origin of an Imported Good, the labelling of which shall be the respective country of origin based on the volume of contents it possesses.
三、中文標示之食品製造廠商地址足以表徵為原產地(國)者,得免為標示。 3. Where the address of the manufacturer in Chinese can obviously represent the country of origin, the labelling may be exempted.
第 13 條 Article 13
本法第二十二條第一項第七款所定有效日期之標示,應印刷於容器或外包裝之上,並依習慣能辨明之方式標明年月日。但保存期限在三個月以上者,其有效日期得僅標明年月,並以當月之末日為終止日。 The labelling of the expiry date prescribed in subparagraph 7, paragraph 1 of Article 22 of this Act shall be printed on the container or package and the year, month and day shall be marked in a way that is customarily decipherable. However, for products of which the shelf life is 3 months or longer, the expiry date may be marked with the year and month only and the last date of that month shall be the expiry date.
第 14 條 Article 14
本法第二十四條第一項第一款所定品名,其為單方食品添加物者,應以食品添加物使用範圍及限量暨規格標準附表一食品添加物使用範圍及限量所定之品名,或中央主管機關公告之通用名稱標示之;其為複方食品添加物者,得自定其名稱。 Where the product names prescribed in subparagraph 1, paragraph 1 of Article 24 of this Act is for a single food additive, it shall be labelled in accordance with the food additive items prescribed in the Standards for Scope, Application and Limitation of Food additives of the Appendix 1 of the Standards for Specifications, Scope, Application and Limitation of Food Additives or the names commonly known prescribed by the central competent authority in a public announcement; whereas when the product name is for food additive combinations, the names may be set by their own.
依前項規定自定品名者,其名稱應能充分反映其性質或功能。 Product names set by their own in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall be sufficient to reflect the nature or function of the product.
本細則中華民國一百零六年七月十三日修正施行前,經中央主管機關查驗登記,取得許可文件之食品添加物,其品名未能符合前二項規定者,應於一百零七年七月一日前,依本法第二十一條第一項規定申請品名變更登記;一百零八年一月一日以後製造者,應以變更後之品名標示於容器或外包裝。 Food additive that has been registered with the central competent authority and received a permit document prior to the amendment of this Enforcement Rules on 13th July 2017, the product name of which is unable to comply with the two preceding paragraphs shall apply for a change of the product name in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 21 of this Act before 1st July 2018. The changed product name shall be labeled on the container or package from 1st January 2019.
第 15 條 Article 15
本法第二十四條第一項第三款所定食品添加物名稱,應以食品添加物使用範圍及限量暨規格標準附表一食品添加物使用範圍及限量所定之品名,或中央主管機關公告之通用名稱標示之。 The food additive names prescribed in subparagraph 3, paragraph 1 of Article 24 shall be labelled in accordance with the food additive items prescribed in the Standards for Scope, Application and Limitation of Food additives of the Appendix 1 of the Standards for Specifications, Scope, Application and Limitation of Food Additives or the names commonly known prescribed by the central competent authority in a public announcement.
第 16 條 Article 16
本法第二十四條第一項第四款所定淨重、容量,應以法定度量衡單位或其代號標示之。 The net weight and capacity prescribed in subparagraph 3, paragraph 1 of Article 24 of this Act shall be labelled using the legal units of measurement or their symbols.
第 17 條 Article 17
本法第二十四條第一項第六款所定有效日期之標示,應印刷於容器或外包裝之上,並依習慣能辨明之方式標明年月日。但保存期限在三個月以上者,其有效日期得僅標明年月,並以當月之末日為終止日。 The labelling of the expiry date prescribed in subparagraph 6, paragraph 1 of Article 24 of this Act shall be printed on the container or package and the year, month and day shall be marked in a way that is customarily decipherable. However, for products of which the shelf life is 3 months or longer, the expiry date may be marked with the year and month only and the last date of that month shall be the expiry date.
第 18 條 Article 18
本法第二十四條第一項第八款所稱原產地(國),指製造、加工或調配製成終產品之國家或地區。 The country of origin referred to in subparagraph 8, paragraph 1 of Article 24 of this Act shall mean the country or region where the end products are manufacture, processed or prepared.
前項原產地(國)之標示,應依下列規定辦理: The labelling of the country of origin referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:
一、輸入食品添加物之原產地(國),依進口貨物原產地認定標準認定之;其產品經於我國進行產品之分類、分級、分裝、包裝、加作記號或重貼標籤者,不得認定為實質轉型,仍應標示實際製造、加工或調配製成終產品之國家或地區。 1. The Country of Origin of imported goods shall be determined in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Determination of Country of Origin of an Imported Good; whereas the products cannot be determined as a substantial transformation because of classification, categorizations, sub-packaging, packaging, marking or relabeling in our country, the labelling shall still be set as the country or region where the end products are manufactured, processed or prepared.
二、中文標示之食品添加物製造廠商地址足以表徵為原產地(國)者,得免為標示。 2. Where the address of the manufacturer in Chinese can obviously represent the country of origin, the labelling may be exempted.
第 19 條 Article 19
有容器或外包裝之食品、食品原料、食品添加物及食品添加物原料之標示,應依下列規定辦理: The labelling of pre-packaged foods, food raw materials, food additives and their raw materials shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:
一、標示字體之長度及寬度各不得小於二毫米。但最大表面積不足八十平方公分之小包裝,除品名、廠商名稱及有效日期外,其他項目標示字體之長度及寬度各得小於二毫米。 1. The length and width of the characters marked on the labels shall not be less than two millimeters. However, where the area of the largest surface of a package is less than 80 square centimeters, the length and width of characters for all items other than the name of the product, the company name, and expiry date, may be less than two millimeters.
二、在國內製造者,其標示如兼用外文時,應以中文為主,外文為輔。 2. Where the products are domestically manufactured and their labels are in a foreign language, the labelling text in Chinese shall be primary and the labelling text in the foreign language is only supplementary.
三、輸入者,應依本法第二十二條及第二十四條規定加中文標示,始得輸入。但需再經改裝、分裝或其他加工程序者,輸入時應有品名、廠商名稱、日期等標示,或其他能達貨證相符目的之標示或資訊,並應於販賣前完成中文標示。 3. Where the products are imported from overseas, the importer is allowed to import such products when a Chinese label is added in accordance with the provisions of Article 22 and 24 of this Act. However, where products need to be repackaged, sub-packaged or go through other processing procedure, such products shall label the product name, manufacturer name, and date, or have other labels or information for proof of the authenticity of the items at the time of importation, and the labelling in Chinese shall be completed prior to the sale of the products.
第 20 條 Article 20
本法第二十五條第一項所稱散裝食品,指陳列販賣時無包裝,或有包裝而有下列情形之一者: The bulk foods referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 25 of this Act shall mean that the product is without a package while vending or with a package but meets one of the following circumstances:
一、不具啟封辨識性。 1. Does not have unpackaged identifiability.
二、不具延長保存期限。 2. Could not extend the shelf life.
三、非密封。 3. Is not sealed.
四、非以擴大販賣範圍為目的。 4. The purpose of selling is no more than vending in a small area.
第 21 條 Article 21
依本法第二十六條公告之食品器具、食品容器或包裝,應依下列規定標示: The food utensils, food containers and packages prescribed in Article 26 of this Act shall be labelled in accordance with the following provisions:
一、標示之位置:以印刷、打印、壓印或貼標於最小販賣單位之包裝或本體上,標示內容並應於販賣流通時清晰可見。經中央主管機關規定者,其主要本體之材質名稱及耐熱溫度二項標示,應以印刷、打印或壓印方式,標示於主要本體上。 1. The position of labels: labels shall be printed, stamped, pressed or marked on the package or object of the smallest unit of the vending products. The labeled content shall be clearly visible at the time of distribution and marketing. For those products prescribed by the central competent authority, the name of materials and thermal resistance temperature of its major part shall be printed, stamped or pressed on the object.
二、標示之方式:其以印刷或打印為之者,以不褪色且不脫落為準。 2. The method of labelling: if the labelling is made by way of printing or stamping, the ink shall sustain fading and shall not peel off.
三、標示之日期:依習慣能辨明之方式標明年月日或年月;標示年月者,以當月之末日為終止日,或以當月之末日為有效期間之終止日。 3. Labelling of Date: the labelling of the date shall consist of the year, month and day and date shall be marked in a way that is customarily decipherable. Where the labelling of the date consists of only the year and month, the last day of that month shall be regarded as the last expiry date or date of the shelf life.
四、標示之字體:其長度及寬度,各不得小於二毫米。 4. Font of Labelling: the length and width of the characters marked on the labels shall not be less than two millimetres.
第 22 條 Article 22
食品用洗潔劑之標示,應依下列規定辦理: The labelling of food cleansers shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:
一、標示之位置:以印刷、打印、壓印或貼標於最小販賣單位之包裝上,標示內容並應於販賣流通時清晰可見。 1. The position of labels: labels shall be printed, stamped, pressed or marked on the package of the smallest unit of the vending products. The labeled content shall be clearly visible at the time of distribution and marketing.
二、標示之方式:其以印刷或打印為之者,以不褪色且不脫落為準。 2. The method of labelling: if the labelling is made by way of printing or stamping, the ink shall sustain fading and shall not peel off.
三、標示之日期:依習慣能辨明之方式標明年月日或年月;標示年月者,以當月之末日為終止日,或以當月之末日為有效期間之終止日。 3. Labelling of Date: the labelling of the date shall consist of the year, month and day and date shall be marked in a way that is customarily decipherable. Where the labelling of the date consists of only the year and month, the last day of that month shall be regarded as the last expiry date or date of the shelf life.
四、標示之字體:其長度及寬度,各不得小於二毫米。 4. Font of Labelling: the length and width of the characters marked on the labels shall not be less than two millimetres.
五、輸入者,應依本法第二十七條規定加中文標示,始得輸入。但需再經改裝、分裝或其他加工程序者,輸入時應有品名、廠商名稱、日期等標示,或其他能達貨證相符目的之標示或資訊,並應於販賣前完成中文標示。 5. Where the products are imported from overseas, the importer is allowed to import such products when a Chinese label is added in accordance with the provisions of Article 27 of this Act. However, where products need to be repackaged, sub-packaged or go through other processing procedure, such products shall label the product name, manufacturer name, and date, or have other labels or information for proof of the authenticity of the items at the time of importation, and the labelling in Chinese shall be completed prior to the sale of the products.
第 23 條 Article 23
本法第二十六條第一款及第二十七條第一款所定品名,應與產品本質相符。 The product name prescribed in subparagraph 1 of Article 26 and subparagraph 1 of Article 27 of this Act shall conform to the nature thereof.
第 24 條 Article 24
本法第二十六條第三款及第二十七條第三款所定淨重、容量,應以法定度量衡單位或其代號標示之。 The net weight and capacity prescribed in subparagraph 3 of Article 26 and subparagraph 3 of Article 27 of this Act shall be labelled using the legal units of measurement or their symbols.
第 25 條 Article 25
本法第二十六條第五款及第二十七條第五款所稱原產地(國),指製造、加工或調配製成終產品之國家或地區。 The country of origin referred to in subparagraph 5 of Article 26 and subparagraph 5 of Article 27 of this Act shall mean the country or region where the end products are manufacture, processed or prepared.
前項原產地(國)之標示,應依下列規定辦理: The labelling of the country of origin referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:
一、輸入產品之原產地(國),依進口貨物原產地認定標準認定之;其產品經於我國進行產品之分類、分級、分裝、包裝、加作記號或重貼標籤者,不得認定為實質轉型,仍應標示實際製造、加工或調配製成終產品之國家或地區。 1. The Country of Origin of imported goods shall be determined in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Determination of Country of Origin of an Imported Good; whereas the products cannot be determined as a substantial transformation because of classification, categorizations, sub-packaging, packaging, marking or relabeling in our country, the labelling shall still be set as the country or region where the end products are manufactured, processed or prepared.
二、中文標示之製造廠商地址足以表徵為原產地(國)者,得免為標示。 2. Where the address of the manufacturer in Chinese can obviously represent the country of origin, the labelling may be exempted.
第 26 條 Article 26
本法第二十七條第二款所稱主要成分或成分,指食品用洗潔劑中具消毒、清潔作用者。 The “main ingredients” or “ingredients” referred to in subparagraph 2 of Article 27 of this Act shall mean the ingredients that are contained in the food cleansers and the function of which is to disinfect or clean.
第 27 條 Article 27
食品、食品添加物、食品器具、食品容器或包裝及食品用洗潔劑專供外銷者,其標示事項得免依本法第二十二條、第二十四條、第二十六條及第二十七條規定辦理。 Where the foods, food additives, food utensils, food containers, packages or food cleansers are exclusive for export, the labelling based on Article 22, 24, 26, and 27 of this Act may be exempted.
第 28 條 Article 28
本法第四十條所定檢驗方法、檢驗單位及結果判讀依據,其內容如下: The method of test, testing unit and the evidence used in interpreting the results prescribed in Article 40 of this Act, with the content as follows:
一、檢驗方法:包括方法依據、實驗流程、儀器設備及標準品。 1. The method of test: including the basis of the method adopted, experiment procedure, instruments and equipment for the test and standard materials.
二、檢驗單位:包括實驗室名稱、地址、聯絡方式及負責人姓名。 2. Testing Unit: including the name, address, contact information and responsible person of the laboratory.
三、結果判讀依據:包括檢體之抽樣方式、產品名稱、來源、包裝、批號或製造日期或有效日期、最終實驗數據、判定標準及其出處或學理依據。 3. Evidence used in interpreting the results: including the sampling method of the specimens, product names, source, package, batch number or manufacturing date or expiry date, data of finalized experiment, interpreting standard and its source or academic reference.
第 29 條 Article 29
食品、食品添加物、食品器具、食品容器或包裝及食品用洗潔劑,經依本法第五十二條第一項第一款至第三款規定沒入銷毀或通知限期消毒、改製或採行安全措施者,其範圍及於相同有效日期或批號之產品;未標示有效日期或批號無法辨識者,其範圍及於全部產品;其為來源不明而無法通知限期消毒、改製或採行安全措施者,沒入銷毀之。 Where foods, food additives, food utensils, food containers, food packages or food cleansers are confiscated, destroyed or are notified to be disinfected, reconditioned or remedied with safety measures within a set period in accordance with the provisions of subparagraphs 1 to 3, paragraph 1 of Article 52 of this Act, the scope of such confiscation, destruction, disinfection, reconditioning or remedies shall be extended to the finished products of the same expiry date, and shall be extended to all finished products on which no expiry date is marked or the expiry date is unintelligible. Products that are of unknown origin and cannot be notified to be disinfected, reconditioned or remedied with safety measures within a set time period shall be confiscated and destroyed.
第 30 條 Article 30
經營食品、食品添加物、食品器具或食品容器輸出之業者,為應出具證明文件之需要,得向主管機關申請辦理檢驗或查驗;其符合規定者,核發衛生證明、檢驗報告或自由銷售證明等外銷證明文件。 To meet the requirements of documentary proof, those engaging in the export of foods, food additives, food utensils or food containers may apply to the competent authority for an inspection and examination. Those that comply with the regulations shall be approved with the issuance of an export proof document such as sanitary certificate, test report or certificate of free sales and manufacture.
第 31 條 Article 31
本細則除第二十二條自發布後一年施行外,自發布日施行。 Other than Article 22 is implemented one year after promulgation, these Enforcement Rules shall be implemented as of its being promulgated.
第 1 條 Article 1
本標準依食品安全衛生管理法(以下簡稱本法)第四十四條第二項規定訂定之。 These Standards are prescribed in accordance with Paragraph 2, Article 44 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation (hereinafter “the Act”).
第 2 條 Article 2
本標準適用於依本法第四十四條第一項規定所為罰鍰之裁罰。 These Standards are applicable to fines imposed in accordance with Paragraph 1, Article 44 of the Act.
本條文有附件 第 3 條 Article 3
違反本法第八條第一項規定者,其罰鍰之裁罰基準,規定如附表一。 The Standards for fines imposed for violation of Paragraph 1, Article 8 of the Act are provided in Appendix 1.
違反本法第八條第二項規定者,其罰鍰之裁罰基準,規定如附表二。 The Standards for fines imposed for violation of Paragraph 2, Article 8 of the Act are provided in Appendix 2.
本條文有附件 第 4 條 Article 4
違反本法第十五條第一項第一款、第二款、第六款、第八款、第九款或第十六條第二款至第四款規定者,其罰鍰之裁罰基準,規定如附表三。 The Standards for fines imposed for violation of Subparagraph 1, 2, 6, 8 or 9, Paragraph 1, Article 15 or Subparagraphs 2 to 4, Article 16 of the Act are provided in Appendix 3.
違反本法第十五條第一項第三款、第七款、第十款或第十六條第一款規定者,其罰鍰之裁罰基準,規定如附表四。 The Standards for fines imposed for violation of Subparagraph 3, 7 or 10, Paragraph 1, Article 15 or Subparagraph 1, Article 16 of the Act are provided in Appendix 4.
違反本法第十五條第一項第四款規定者,其罰鍰之裁罰基準,規定如附表五。 The Standards for fines imposed for violation of Subparagraph 4, Paragraph 1, Article 15 of the Act are provided in Appendix 5.
違反本法第十五條第一項第五款或第十五條第四項規定者,其罰鍰之裁罰基準,規定如附表六。 The Standards for fines imposed for violation of Subparagraph 5, Paragraph 1, Article 15 or Paragraph 4, Article 15 of the Act are provided in Appendix 6.
本條文有附件 第 5 條 Article 5
經主管機關依本法第五十二條第二項規定,命其回收、銷毀而不遵行者,其罰鍰之裁罰基準,規定如附表七。 The Standards for fines imposed for incompliance with order by the competent authority to recover or destruction in accordance to Paragraph 2, Article 52 of the Act are provided in Appendix 7.
本條文有附件 第 6 條 Article 6
違反中央主管機關依本法第五十四條第一項所為禁止其製造、販賣、輸入或輸出之公告者,其罰鍰之裁罰基準,規定如附表八。 The Standards for fines imposed for violation of the public announcement by the central competent authority to ban the manufacture, sale, import or export in accordance to Paragraph 1, Article 54 of the Act are provided in Appendix 8.
第 7 條 Article 7
主管機關為審議裁處罰鍰案件之違規事實及額度,得邀請學者專家及機關代表組成審議小組為之。 To review and determine the facts of violations and the amounts of fines to be imposed, the competent authority may invite scholars, experts and representatives from authorities to form a review committee.
第 8 條 Article 8
裁罰時,違法行為數之認定,應依食品安全衛生管理法行政罰行為數認定標準辦理。 When a fine is imposed, the number of administrative penalty shall be determined in accordance to the Criteria for Determining the Number of Administrative Penalty of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation.
第 9 條 Article 9
本標準自發布日施行。 These Standards shall be implemented from the date of promulgation.
一般食品衛生標 Sanitation Standards for General Foods
第 1 條 Article 1
本標準依食品安全衛生管理法(以下簡稱本法)第十七條及第十五條第二項規定訂定之。 This Standard is prescribed in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 and the second paragraph of Article 15 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation (herein referred to as "this Act").
第 2 條 Article 2
食品衛生,除法規另有規定外,應符合本標準。 For foods which have their own sanitation standards, those standards shall be applied to the respective foods.
第 3 條 Article 3
販賣之食品,應具正常且合理可接受之性狀、風味及色澤,不得有因衛生不良、品質不佳或製程品管不當所導致之變色、異常氣味或風味、異常之凝結或沉澱、污染、肉眼可見霉斑、異物或蟲體、寄生蟲等情形。 Foods being sold shall have normal and reasonable acceptable traits, flavor and color. No discoloration, off odor or flavor, abnormal clot or precipitate, contamination, visible moldy, foreign matter, insects or parasite can be permitted; because of bad hygiene, poor quality or improper processing process control.
第 4 條 Article 4
食品中之重金屬、真菌毒素、其他污染物質及毒素,除另有規定外,應符合「食品中污染物質及毒素衛生標準」之規定。 The maximum levels of metals, mycotoxins, other contaminants and toxins in foods, except as foods which have their own sanitation standards, shall meet the “Sanitation Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food”.
第 5 條 Article 5
(刪除) (Delete)
第 6 條 Article 6
食品用水之規定: Water for food production:
一、食用冰塊、飲料、包裝飲用水及盛裝飲用水之原料水,應符合環境主管機關所訂「飲用水水質標準」之規定。 1. Water used in the production of food grade ice cubes, beverage, bottled and packaged drinking water shall meet the requirement of “Drinking Water Quality Standards” set by the competent environmental authorities.
二、包裝飲用水及盛裝飲用水之溴酸鹽含量應為 0.01 mg/L 以下。 2. The maximum levels of bromate in bottled and packaged drinking water shall not be more than 0.01 mg/L.
第 7 條 Article 7
有容器或包裝之液態飲料,其咖啡因含量之規定: The caffeine contents of packed beverages:
一、茶及可可飲料,咖啡因含量不得超過 500 mg/L 。 1. Caffeine contents of tea and cocoa shall not exceed 500 mg/L.
二、茶、咖啡及可可以外之飲料,咖啡因含量不得超過 320 mg/L 。 2. The beverages other than tea, coffee and cocoa, caffeine contents shall not exceed 320 mg/L.
第 8 條 Article 8
嬰兒配方食品、較大嬰兒配方輔助食品、特殊醫療用途嬰兒配方食品及嬰兒穀物類輔助食品等專供十二個月以下嬰兒食用之食品,不得含有農藥殘留超過0.01ppm,如農藥檢驗之定量極限大於或小於0.01ppm時,則以定量極限為準。 Infant formula, follow-up infant formula, infant formula for special medical purposes and cereal based foods for infants not more than 12 months of age, residue pesticide shall not be more than 0.01 ppm. This limit will reference to pesticides minimum detectable level, when this level is greater or less than 0.01 ppm.
違反本條規定者,另依違反本法第十五條第一項第五款規定論處。 That violation of this Article shall be sanctioned in accordance with violation subparagraphs 5 of paragraph 1 of Article 15 of this Act.
第 9 條 Article 9
本標準自中華民國一百零八年一月一日施行。 This Standard shall be implemented at release date.
本標準中華民國一百零九年十二月十日修正發布條文,自一百十年七月一日施行。 The amended articles shall apply form 1 July 2021.
不適合兒童長期食用之食品廣告及促銷管理辦 Regulations Governing Advertisement and Promotion of Food Products Not Suitable for Long-term Consumption by Children
第 1 條 Article 1
本辦法依食品安全衛生管理法(以下簡稱本法)第二十八條第三項規定訂定之。 This set of Regulations is enacted pursuant to Article 28 Paragraph 3 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation (“the Act”).
第 2 條 Article 2
本辦法所稱不適合兒童長期食用之食品,指具有下列各款情形之一,不適合未滿十二歲兒童長期食用之零食、糖果、飲料、冰品及直接供應飲食之場所所供應之食品: The food products not suitable for long-term consumption by children as herein stated refer to the snacks, candies, drinks, ice products and the food products sold by the food suppliers for direct consumption, which are not suitable for long-term consumption by children under 12 years of age and contain one of the following nutritional contents:
一、脂肪所占熱量為總熱量百分之三十以上。 1.Calories from fats accounting for more than 30% of the total calories;
二、飽和脂肪所占熱量為總熱量百分之十以上。 2.Calories from saturated fats accounting for more than 10% of the total calories;
三、鈉含量每份四百毫克以上。 3.Sodium content higher than 400 milligram (400 mg) per serving;
四、額外添加糖所占熱量為總熱量百分之十以上。 4.Calories from added sugar accounting for more than 10% of the total calories.
第 3 條 Article 3
前條所列食品,其廣告及促銷不得以下列方式為之: It is specified that the above-defined food products are banned from being advertised and promoted by the following practices:
一、十七時至二十一時,於兒童頻道刊播廣告。 1.Advertise on a dedicated TV channel for children from 5 pm to 9 pm;
二、以可取代正餐飲食之表示或表徵為廣告。 2.Advertise the food products by showing or implying that it can be a replacement of a regular meal;
三、對兒童以贈送、加購玩具或以玩具為獎勵等方式為促銷。 3.Promote the food products with toys that are given as free gifts, with additional price or as an encouragement.
前項第一款所稱兒童頻道,指衛星廣播電視事業執照申請書或境外衛星廣播電視事業許可申請書之頻道節目屬性欄位中,勾選為「兒童」者。 The “dedicated TV channel for children” in Paragraph 1 indicates the TV channel operators who identified the nature of their channels’ programme as “for children” on the application form of Satellite Broadcasting & Television License or Foreign Satellite Broadcasting & Television Permit.
第 4 條 Article 4
違反本辦法規定者,應依本法第四十五條規定處罰之。 Violators of the Regulations are subjected to penalties as set forth in Article 45 of the Act.
第 5 條 Article 5
本辦法自中華民國一百零五年一月一日施行。 This set of Regulations takes effect from January 1, 2016.
天然食用色素衛生標 Sanitation Standard for Natural Edible Colorants
第 1 條 Article 1
本標準依食品安全衛生管理法第十七條規定訂定之。 This Standard is prescribed in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation.
第 2 條 Article 2
萃取天然食用色素之溶劑來源,包括: The source of solvent to be used for extraction of natural edible colorants includes:
一、水、乙醇、植物油或其他食品原料。 1. Water, ethanol, vegetable oil or other food raw materials.
二、加工助劑衛生標準准用之溶劑。 2. Solvents permitted by Sanitation Standard for Processing Aids.
第 3 條 Article 3
添加賦形劑或其他添加物之天然食用色素,其所添加者,限於食品添加物使用範圍及限量暨規格標準所載品名別,或其他可供食用之食品原料。 The natural edible colorants with excipients or other additives added are limited to the product names listed in the Scope and Application Standard of Food Additives, or other food raw materials.
本條文有附件 第 4 條 Article 4
天然食用色素之來源、主成分及規格,應符合附表之規定。 The sources, major component and specifications standard of natural edible colorants shall comply with the requirements of the Appendix table.
第 5 條 Article 5
本標準自中華民國一百十三年一月一日施行。 This Standard shall be implemented from 1 January, 2024.
加工助劑衛生標 Sanitation Standard for Processing Aids
第 1 條 Article 1
本標準依食品安全衛生管理法第十八條之一規定訂定之。 The Standards are prescribed in accordance with the provisions of Article 18-1 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation.
第 2 條 Article 2
(刪除) (Deleted)
第 3 條 Article 3
加工助劑之使用量應以可達使用目的之最小量為原則,並應儘可能於終產品中降低其殘留量,且該殘留量不應對消費者健康造成危害。 The quantity of the substance used as processing aid shall be limited to the lowest achievable level necessary to accomplish its desired technological purpose. Residues or derivatives of the substance remaining in food should be reduced to the extent reasonably achievable and should not pose any health risk.
本條文有附件 第 4 條 Article 4
使用附表一之加工助劑應符合該表列載之使用規定。 The use of processing aids shall meet appendix 1.
本條文有附件 第 5 條 Article 5
附表一列載之加工助劑規格應符合附表二之規定。 The specification of processing aids shall meet appendix 2.
第 6 條 Article 6
本標準自發布日施行。 The Standards shall be implemented from the date of promulgation.
有機農業促進 Organic Agriculture Promotion Act
第 一 章 總則 Chapter 1 General Principles
第 1 條 Article 1
為維護水土資源、生態環境、生物多樣性、動物福祉與消費者權益,促進農業友善環境及資源永續利用,特制定本法。 The Act is established for maintaining water and soil resources, ecological environment, biodiversity, animal welfare and consumer interests, and promoting agricultural operation that is eco-friendly and sustainable use of resources.
第 2 條 Article 2
本法所稱主管機關:在中央為行政院農業委員會;在直轄市為直轄市政府;在縣(市)為縣(市)政府。 The term "competent authority" used in this Act is the Council of Agriculture of the Executive Yuan at the central level; the municipal/county/city governments at the local level.
第 3 條 Article 3
本法用詞,定義如下: The terms used in this Act shall be defined as the following:
一、農產品:指利用自然資源、農用資材及科技,從事農作、林產、水產、畜牧等生產或加工後供食用之物或其他經中央主管機關公告之物。 1.Agricultural product: Any product which is produced or processed as food by utilizing natural resources, agricultural materials and technology, including cultivation, forestry, aquaculture, and animal husbandry or any product promulgated by the Central Competent Authority.
二、農產品經營者:指生產、加工、分裝、進口、流通或販賣農產品者。 2.Operator: Any individual or legal entity who engages in the production, processing, packaging, importing, distribution or sale of agricultural products.
三、有機農業:指基於生態平衡及養分循環原理,不施用化學肥料及化學農藥,不使用基因改造生物及其產品,進行農作、森林、水產、畜牧等農產品生產之農業。 3.Organic agriculture: Any farming practice including cultivation, forestry, aquaculture, and animal husbandry without using chemical fertilizer, chemical pesticide, and genetically modified organism (GMO) and derived products, based on the principle of ecological balance and nutrient cycle.
四、有機農產品:指農產品生產、加工、分裝及流通過程,符合中央主管機關訂定之驗證基準,並經依本法規定驗證合格,或符合第十七條第一項規定之進口農產品。 4.Organic agricultural product: Any agricultural product that is produced, processed, packaged and distributed in accordance with the certification standard established by the Central Competent Authority and certified under this Act, or any imported agricultural product approved in accordance with Article 17 paragraph 1 of this Act.
五、有機轉型期農產品:指農產品生產、加工、分裝及流通過程,於轉型為有機農產品之期間內,符合中央主管機關訂定之驗證基準,並經依本法規定驗證合格者。 5.Organic in-conversion agricultural product: Any agricultural product that is undergoing conversion to organic, during which the product is required to be produced, processed, packaged and distributed in accordance with the certification standard established by the Central Competent Authority and certified under this Act.
六、有機農產品標章:指證明為有機農產品所使用之標章。 6.Organic mark: The mark used to indicate the agricultural product to be organic.
七、標示:指農產品於陳列販賣時,於農產品本身、裝置容器、內外包裝所為之文字、圖形、記號或附加之說明書。 7.Labeling: Words, graphics, symbols or additional instruction affixed to agricultural products, the containers or packaging of agricultural products when displayed or for sale.
八、認證機構:指經中央主管機關審查許可,具有執行本法所定認證業務資格之機構或法人。 8.Accreditation body: An institution or legal entity who is reviewed and permitted by the Central Competent Authority and with the qualification to conduct accreditation activities prescribed by this Act.
九、認證:指經認證機構與機構、學校或法人以私法契約約定,由認證機構就其是否具經營本法所定驗證業務資格者,予以審查之過程。 9.Accreditation: The process in which the accreditation body evaluates whether an institution, school or legal entity is qualified to provide certification services prescribed by this Act under a contract.
十、驗證機構:指經認證合格,得經營驗證業務之機構、學校或法人。 10.Certification body: An institution, school or legal entity who is accredited by the accreditation body to provide certification services.
十一、驗證:指驗證機構與農產品經營者以私法契約約定,由驗證機構就特定農產品之生產、加工、分裝及流通過程是否符合本法規定,予以審查之過程。 11.Certification: The process in which the certification body verifies whether the production, processing, packaging or distribution of a specific agricultural product is in compliance with this Act under a contract with the respective operator.
第 二 章 有機農業推廣 Chapter 2 Promotion of Organic Agriculture
第 4 條 Article 4
主管機關應推廣採用農藝、生物、機械操作及使用天然資源之農業生產管理系統,並排除合成化學物質、基因改造生物及其產品之使用,以符合友善環境要求之有機農業。 The competent authority shall promote the agricultural production management system which adopts the approach of agronomical, biological, and machinery operation and uses natural resources, excluding synthetic chemicals and GMO and derived products, in order to fulfill the eco-friendly requirement of organic agriculture.
前項主管機關應推廣之有機農業,包含未經第三條第十一款驗證之友善環境耕作。 The above organic agriculture that competent authority shall promote includes eco-friendly farming, despite it not certified as mentioned in subparagraph 11 of Article 3.
主管機關推廣有機農業,應秉持產銷均衡原則,以謹慎合理態度進行新科技之研發及應用,提升農產品經營者生產技術及產品品質,促進有機農產品普及並廣為宣導社會大眾瞭解,取得消費者之信任,促使農民願意主動從事有機農業。 The competent authority shall uphold the principle of balancing supply and demand in promotion of organic agriculture by proceeding with the development and implementation of new technology prudently and reasonably, improving production techniques of the operator and product quality, making the organic agricultural products accessible to consumers, enhancing the understanding, and gaining consumer trusts. All these efforts are for the purpose of making farmers willing to engage in organic agriculture.
第 5 條 Article 5
中央主管機關為促進農業永續發展,應設任務編組,並諮詢相關機關(構)、團體意見,以發展有機國家為目標,每四年提出有機農業促進方案,報請行政院核定後實施。 To promote the sustainable development of agriculture, the Central Competent Authority shall set up the consultant board, consult related authorities (institutions) and organizations on its path toward a country with full organic adoption. The Organic Agriculture Promotion Program shall be revised every four years and implemented after approved by the Executive Yuan.
前項有機農業促進方案之內容如下: Contents of the Organic Agriculture Promotion Program are as follow:
一、有機農業生產面積目標、占全國農業生產面積之比例及分年預算配置。 1.The target organic agricultural production area, its proportion of total arable land, and the annual budget allocation.
二、有機農業前瞻發展規劃及現況調查。 2.Forward-looking development plan and current status survey for organic agriculture.
三、有機農業生產、行銷及有機農產品驗證之輔導。 3.Counseling for organic agricultural production, marketing, and product certification.
四、轉型有機農業生產與維護生態保育之獎勵及補貼。 4.Incentives and subsidies for conversion to organic agriculture and environment preservation.
五、有機農業與有機農產品之農法技術、科技研發及人才培育。 5.Improvement of agricultural practices, research and development of agricultural technologies, and personnel training for organic agriculture and organic agricultural products.
六、各級機關(構)、學校與消費者對有機農產品及有機食農教育之推廣。 6.Promotion of organic agricultural products and organic food and agricultural education for authorities (institutions) at all levels, schools, and consumers.
七、相關民間團體辦理有機農業推廣工作之輔導。 7.Counseling relevant civil groups for the promotion of organic agriculture.
八、其他促進有機農業發展之工作。 8.Other tasks that facilitate the development of organic agriculture.
主管機關為推廣有機農業,應寬列預算,並每四年滾動檢討調升幅度,以達全國農業有機化為目標,配合辦理前項各款工作。 In promotion of organic agriculture, the competent authority shall allocate ample budget, which will be raised every four years on a rolling review of the rate of increase, for conducting tasks mentioned in the previous paragraph, in pursuance of full organic adoption.
第二項第四款獎勵及補貼之辦法,由中央主管機關依比例原則定之。 The Central Competent Authority shall establish the standard on the principle of proportionality for issuing incentives and subsidies mentioned in subparagraph 4 of paragraph 2.
第 6 條 Article 6
直轄市、縣(市)主管機關應視其轄區條件逐年檢討及開發設置有機農業促進區,並鼓勵民間合作生產或共同運銷組織參與設置。 The Local Competent Authorities shall review the districts of their jurisdiction annually and locate suitable areas to establish organic agricultural promotion zones while encouraging civil production cooperatives or collaborative marketing organizations to participate in the establishment.
公有土地或國營事業土地可供農業使用者,應優先設置有機農業促進區。 Public land or lands of state-owned enterprises suitable for agricultural production shall be prioritized for the establishment of organic agricultural promotion zones.
主管機關應優先輔導或補助建構有機農業促進區基礎公共工程設施及產銷設施(備)。 The competent authority shall prioritize in providing assistance or subsidies on public infrastructure and marketing facilities (equipment) in organic agricultural promotion zones.
直轄市、縣(市)主管機關得對依第一項規定設置之有機農業促進區內尚未採用有機農業生產之農民予以輔導轉型,並得要求其採取必要措施,避免妨礙毗鄰土地有機農業生產。 The Local Competent Authorities may provide assistance to farmers in organic agricultural promotion zones established under paragraph 1 who have not yet adopted organic agricultural production and require them to take necessary measures to avoid the impediment of organic agricultural production at neighboring lands.
第 7 條 Article 7
主管機關得對農產品經營者依本法驗證所需費用、技術提升、行銷通路擴展、產銷設施(備)、資材、資金貸款及其他與有機農業發展相關事項給予適當協助,並得獎勵有機農業之留種、育種及種苗生產;就前條有機農業促進區之農產品經營者,得優先予以協助、獎勵。 The competent authority may provide proper assistance to operators on the certification fees, the technology upgrade, marketing channel expansion, production-marketing facilities (equipment), materials, fund loan and other organic agriculture related matters in accordance with this Act as well as incentives for seed reserving, breeding, and seedling production of organic agriculture; the operators in organic agricultural promotion zones of the previous paragraph may be prioritized in receiving assistance and incentives.
農產品經營者承租公有土地或國營事業土地作有機農業使用,應給予土地租金優惠。 The operator who rents public lands or lands of state-owned enterprises for organic agricultural production shall be provided with a rental discount.
前項農產品經營者承租公有土地或國營事業土地並依第三條第十一款通過驗證者,其土地租期應給予十年以上二十年以下之保障,不受國有財產法第四十三條有關租期之限制。 For the operator who rents public lands or lands of state-owned enterprises under the previous paragraph for organic agricultural production and has been certified according to subparagraph 11 of Article 3, the land lease shall be guaranteed for a period from 10 years up to 20 years and free from the restriction of the lease period stipulated in Article 43 of National Property Act.
第二項之租金優惠、前項之租期保障及相關土地承租履約管理事項之辦法,由中央主管機關會商公有土地或國營事業土地管理機關及相關部會定之。 The regulations governing the rental discount mentioned in paragraph 2, guaranteed land lease period in the previous paragraph, and matters concerning lease management shall be established by the Central Competent Authority after it consult with the management authority of public lands or state-owned enterprises lands and relevant departments.
第 8 條 Article 8
主管機關應設置網路平臺,整合驗證機構驗證資料、有機農業生產、行銷及可用於有機農產品之資材、種苗、進口審查合格有機農產品等相關資訊,供公開查詢。 The competent authority shall establish online platforms to integrate certification data from certification bodies and information about organic farming, marketing, materials permitted for organic production, seedlings, qualified organic imports, and other relevant information for public query.
第 9 條 Article 9
主管機關應輔導相關機關(構)、團體或企業優先採用在地有機農產品。 The competent authority shall encourage relevant authorities (institutions), organizations or enterprises for preferential use of local organic agricultural products.
主管機關應輔導機關(構)、團體或企業成立農民市集,提供銷售有機農產品之管道。 The competent authority shall counsel authorities (institutions), organizations or enterprises to establish farmers' market to provide the channels for selling organic agricultural products.
主管機關得輔導有機農產品經營者設置網路資訊平臺,提供消費者直接向生產者購買之管道。 The competent authority may assist operators in establishing online platforms to provide consumers with direct channels to purchase from producers.
第 10 條 Article 10
主管機關應進行有機農業科技技術研發,提供資訊及人員培訓。 The competent authority shall devote to organic agriculture technology research and development, the provision of information and personnel training.
主管機關應鼓勵所屬人員參加有機農業相關教育訓練。 The competent authority shall encourage its personnel to participate in organic agriculture related training.
中央主管機關應參與國際組織及國際合作,進行有機農業相關資訊、技術、人員之交流。 The Central Competent Authority shall participate in international organizations and international cooperation affairs to carry out the exchange of information, technology and personnel related to organic agriculture.
第 三 章 認證及驗證機構管理 Chapter 3 Management of Accreditation Body and Certification Body
第 11 條 Article 11
機構、法人經營認證業務者,應檢附相關文件,向中央主管機關申請許可,並於取得認證機構許可證明文件後,始得為之;許可事項有變更者,亦同。 Any institution or legal entity shall not engage the following accreditation activities until submitting the documents to apply for and obtaining the permission from the Central Competent Authority and any amendments thereto.
前項許可證明文件之有效期間不得超過五年;期滿前一年得向中央主管機關申請許可展延,每次展延期間不得超過五年。 The validity of the certificate of the aforementioned permission shall not exceed 5 years; the application for accreditation renewal shall be submitted to the Central Competent Authority one year prior to expiration. The validity of renewed certificate shall not exceed 5 years.
認證機構之認證業務如下: The accreditation tasks conducted by accreditation bodies are the following:
一、受理及審查申請認證之案件。 1.Accepting and reviewing accreditation applications.
二、與認證合格者簽訂認證契約。 2.Signing accreditation contracts with those who are accredited.
三、依認證合格之驗證業務類別發給驗證機構認證證書。 3.Issuing accreditation certificates to the certification bodies in the qualified scope.
四、對經其認證合格之驗證機構所經營驗證業務實施評鑑。 4.Assessing the accredited certification bodies through examining their certification activities.
五、其他與認證有關之業務。 5.Other tasks related to accreditation activities.
認證機構經營認證業務,應遵守下列事項,並應接受中央主管機關之監督及查核,不得規避、妨礙、拒絕或提供不實資料: Accreditation bodies shall be subject to supervision by the Central Competent Authority and shall not evade from, impede, or refuse such supervision or provide false data. The accreditation bodies shall comply with the following:
一、於中央主管機關許可之國家或地區受理申請認證之案件。 1.Accepting accreditation applications from the countries or areas approved by the Central Competent Authority.
二、擬訂認證基準,報中央主管機關核定;其修正、廢止,亦同。 2.Establishing and submitting accreditation standards to the Central Competent Authority for approval. The amendments or abolishment of which are included.
三、依中央主管機關核定之認證基準審查申請認證之案件,並依認證基準對驗證機構所經營驗證業務實施評鑑。 3.Reviewing accreditation application and assessing the certification bodies in accordance with accreditation standards approved by the Central Competent Authority.
四、保存有關經營認證業務之紀錄五年以上,並報中央主管機關備查。 4.Retaining records related to accreditation tasks for at least 5 years and notifying the Central Competent Authority for the record.
五、協助並配合中央主管機關查核經其認證合格之驗證機構。 5.Assisting and coordinating with the Central Competent Authority on examining accredited certification bodies.
六、驗證機構未能繼續經營驗證業務者,認證機構應協調其他驗證機構承接其驗證業務。 6.For certification bodies unable to provide certification services, the accreditation bodies shall coordinate among certification bodies for their certification business to be taken over.
第一項申請許可及變更許可之資格、程序、應檢附文件、許可要件、第二項申請展延應檢附文件、第三項第三款認證證書應記載事項、前項認證機構之監督、管理、查核認證機構之程序、方法、認證基準應包括事項、經營認證業務紀錄之項目、申報備查之文件及其他應遵行事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The Central Competent Authority shall establish regulations to stipulate the eligibility, procedure, required documents, and criteria for the application of permission and its amendment specified in paragraph 1; required documents for renewal application specified in paragraph 2; the items that shall be described in the certificates specified in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 3; the procedures and methods for supervising, managing, examining the accreditation bodies, the required coverage of accreditation standards, the required items related to the accreditation tasks to be recorded, and the notification documents specified in the above paragraph; and other relevant requirements.
第 12 條 Article 12
機構、學校、法人經營驗證業務者,應經認證機構認證合格,並由認證機構依其經營驗證業務類別發給認證證書後,始得為之。 Any institution, school, or legal entity shall not engage in the certification activities until being accredited by an accreditation body and receiving the accreditation certificate in the qualified scope.
驗證機構之驗證業務如下: The certification activities of certification bodies are the following:
一、與農產品經營者簽訂契約,依驗證基準驗證農產品經營者之農產品。 1.Signing contracts with operators to certify their agricultural products in accordance with the certification standards.
二、製發有機農產品、有機轉型期農產品驗證證書,及管理經其驗證通過之農產品經營者使用有機農產品標章。 2.Issuing certificates of organic agricultural products and organic in-conversion agricultural products and controlling the organic marks used by the certified operators.
三、依契約查驗農產品。 3.Inspecting agricultural products according to the contracts.
四、其他經中央主管機關公告與驗證有關之業務。 4.Other certification related activities promulgated by the Central Competent Authority.
前項第一款之驗證基準、農產品類別、品項,由中央主管機關定之。 The Central Competent Authority shall establish the certification standards, categories, and items of agricultural products mentioned in subparagraph 1 of the above paragraph.
驗證機構經營第二項驗證業務,應依中央主管機關公告之項目、方式及期間,保存相關資料及紀錄;中央主管機關得隨時查核之,驗證機構不得規避、妨礙、拒絕或提供不實資料、紀錄。 The certification bodies engaging in the aforementioned certification activities shall retain the data and records according to the items, methods and periods promulgated by the Central Competent Authority. The certification bodies shall provide those data and records when requested by the Central Competent Authority. The certification bodies shall not evade, impede, or refuse the examination or provide false data or records.
第 13 條 Article 13
驗證機構與農產品經營者得就農產品生產、加工、分裝或流通過程約定實施驗證之範圍。 The certification bodies may sign agreements with operators to determine the scope of certification in production, processing, packaging, or distribution of agricultural products.
驗證機構經營驗證業務,中央主管機關得公告其收費上限。 The Central Competent Authority may promulgate the upper limit for certification service fee.
農產品經營者因與其簽約之驗證機構之認證終止、解除認證契約、解散或其他原因未能繼續經營驗證業務,應於中央主管機關公告期間內,改與其他驗證機構簽訂契約。該農產品經營者之有機農產品或有機轉型期農產品,於中央主管機關公告期間內,仍視為驗證合格。 When a certification body is unable to provide certification services due to revocation of accreditation, termination of accreditation contract, dismissal, or any other causes, the contracted operator shall sign a new contract with another certification body within the period specified by the Central Competent Authority. The status of organic agricultural products or organic in-conversion agricultural products remains certified during the above specified period.
第 14 條 Article 14
認證機構與驗證機構之認證契約、驗證機構與農產品經營者簽訂之契約,中央主管機關得公告其應記載或不得記載之事項。 The Central Competent Authority may promulgate mandatory or prohibitory items in the contracts between the accreditation bodies and certification bodies as well as between the certification bodies and operators.
違反前項公告之契約條款無效,除去該部分,契約亦可成立者,該契約之其他部分,仍為有效。但對當事人之一方顯失公平者,該契約全部無效。 Provisions of the contract that violate the above items are null and void. Other parts of the contract that stand without the above null and void parts may still be effective. But, if the contract is unconscionable to one of the parties, then the entire contract shall be rendered null and void.
中央主管機關公告應記載之事項,雖未記載於契約,仍構成契約之內容。 Provisions promulgated by the Central Competent Authority but not specified in contracts shall still constitute a part of the contract.
第 四 章 有機農產品管理 Chapter 4 Management of Organic Agricultural Products
第 15 條 Article 15
中央主管機關應公告有機農產品與有機轉型期農產品之生產、加工、分裝、流通及販賣過程可使用之物質。 The Central Competent Authority shall promulgate the substances allowed to be used in production, processing, packaging, distribution and sale of organic agricultural products and organic in-conversion agricultural products.
除前項物質以外,農產品經營者不得使用含有基因改造產品、化學農藥、化學肥料、動物用藥品或其他合成化學品等禁用物質。 Except for the aforementioned substances, operators shall not use prohibited substances such as GMO and derived products, chemical pesticides, chemical fertilizers, animal drugs, and other synthetic chemical substances.
農產品經營者應確保其生產、加工、分裝、流通、販賣之有機農產品及有機轉型期農產品,未含有前項所定禁用物質。 Operators shall ensure the organic agricultural products and organic in-conversion agricultural products they produced, processed, packaged, distributed, and sold contain no prohibited substances as stated in the previous paragraph.
第 16 條 Article 16
農產品之生產、加工、分裝及流通過程,經驗證合格者,始得以有機名義販賣、標示、展示或廣告。 Agricultural products shall be certified to be organic throughout their production, processing, packaging, and distribution before they can be sold, labelled, displayed or advertised as organic.
農產品之生產、加工、分裝及流通過程,經有機轉型期農產品驗證合格者,始得以有機轉型期名義販賣、標示、展示或廣告。 Agricultural products shall be certified to be organic in conversion throughout their production, processing, packaging, and distribution before they can be sold, labelled, displayed or advertised as organic in-conversion agricultural products.
自本法施行滿一年之次日起,法人、商號、農場、非法人團體、畜牧場等非自然人之農產品經營者,不得以有機為其名稱之全部或一部分。但其販賣之農產品均經驗證合格者,或均依第十七條第一項第二款規定審查合格者,不在此限。 The day after the anniversary date of the implementation of this Act, any non-natural operator, such as a legal entity, business, farm, unincorporated body, and ranch shall not use the term "organic", as a whole or a part of its name, unless all agricultural products sold are certified or reviewed qualified according to subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 17.
第 17 條 Article 17
進口農產品符合下列規定之一者,始得以有機名義販賣、標示、展示或廣告: Imported agricultural products shall meet one of the following conditions before they can be sold, labelled or advertised as organic:
一、經我國認證合格之境內或境外驗證機構,於認證證書記載之地區、國家境內實施之有機農產品驗證合格。 1.Certified by a domestic or foreign certification body accredited by ROC, given that the certification activities are performed within the territory prescribed on the accreditation certificate.
二、有機同等性之國家或世界貿易組織會員有機認證合格之驗證機構,於該國或會員境內驗證合格,並由進口業者向中央主管機關申請審查合格,取得同意文件。 2.Certified by a certification body accredited by a country or member of World Trade Organization that is in organic equivalence with ROC, given that the certification activities are performed within the territory of the accrediting country or WTO member, reviewed qualified by the Central Competent Authority at the request of the importer, and issued with an approval document.
前項第二款所定有機同等性之國家或世界貿易組織會員,應與我國完成簽訂雙邊有機同等性相互承認之條約、協定或其他官方約定文件後,由中央主管機關公告之。 Countries or members of WTO with organic equivalence defined in subparagraph 2 of the previous paragraph shall sign the mutual organic equivalence recognition treaty, agreement, or other official documents with ROC. After signing, the countries or members shall be promulgated by the Central Competent Authority.
第一項第二款進口有機農產品之申請要件、審查程序、資料保存、標示方式、管理及其他相關事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The Central Competent Authority shall establish the regulations to stipulate the application requirement, the review procedures, the data to retain, the labeling, the management, and other relevant items, as described in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1.
第 18 條 Article 18
有機農產品及有機轉型期農產品之容器或包裝,應以中文及通用符號,明顯標示下列事項: The container or packaging of organic agricultural products and organic in-conversion agricultural products shall be notably indicated in Chinese and common symbols with the following items:
一、品名。屬有機農產品者,應一併標示有機文字;屬有機轉型期農產品者,應一併標示有機轉型期文字。 1.Product name. For organic agricultural products, the term “organic” shall be indicated; for organic in-conversion agricultural products, the term “organic in-conversion” shall be indicated.
二、原料名稱。其為二種以上混合物時,應依其含量多寡由高至低分別標示之。但單一原料製成且與前款品名完全相同者,得免標示原料名稱。 2.Ingredients. Those containing more than one ingredient shall be accordingly indicated in a descending order of proportion; in the case of a product containing single ingredient represented by the product name, the product is exempted from ingredient indication.
三、農產品經營者名稱、地址及電話號碼。但進口之有機農產品,應標示其進口業者之名稱、地址及電話號碼。 3.The name, address, and telephone number of the operator. In the case of organic products being imported, the name, address, and telephone number of the importer shall be indicated instead.
四、原產地(國)。但已標示製造廠或驗證場所地址,且足以表徵原產地(國)者,不在此限。 4.Origin (country). However, those with the address of the manufacturing plant or certification site that can represent the origin indicated are exempted.
五、驗證機構名稱。 5.Name of the certification body.
六、驗證證書字號。符合第十七條第一項第二款規定之進口有機農產品者,應標示同意文件之字號。 6.Certificate number. Organic agricultural products imported in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 17 shall be indicated with the number of approval document.
七、其他經中央主管機關公告應標示事項。 7.Other items required to be indicated promulgated by the Central Competent Authority.
因面積、材質或其他因素難以標示前項所定事項者,中央主管機關得公告免一部之標示,或以其他方式標示。 In case of difficulty to label the items mentioned in the previous paragraph due to the limited package surface area, material, or other conditions, the Central Competent Authority may promulgate conditions for exemption or alternative indication methods.
第一項各款之標示事項有變更者,應自變更事實發生之日起三個月內更換原有標示。 For any changes to the subject matter being indicated according to the paragraph 1, the label shall be updated within three months of the occurrence of the changes.
第 19 條 Article 19
農產品經營者販賣散裝之有機農產品及有機轉型期農產品,應於陳列販賣處以告示牌展示品名及原產地(國),並展示有機農產品及有機轉型期農產品驗證證書影本;符合第十七條第一項第二款規定之進口有機農產品者,應展示同意文件影本。 Operators selling organic agricultural products and organic in-conversion agricultural products in bulk package shall display the name, the origin (country) of the products on site with billboards, with a duplicate copy of the certificate of organic certification or organic in-conversion certification presented. Those selling organic agricultural products imported under subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 17 shall present a duplicate copy of the approval document.
前項品名及原產地(國)之展示,準用前條第一項第一款及第四款規定。 The aforementioned disclosure of product name and origin (country) is subject to provisions in subparagraph 1 and 4 of paragraph 1 of the pervious article.
前二項及前條標示、展示之事項、方式及其他應遵行事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The Central Competent Authority shall establish the regulations governing the items, methods, and other requirements regarding indication and display specified in the above 2 subparagraphs and the previous article.
第 20 條 Article 20
經依本法驗證合格之農產品,始得使用有機農產品標章。 Only agricultural products certified as organic under this Act are allowed to be labeled with organic mark.
前項有機農產品標章之規格、圖式、使用規定及其他應遵行事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The Central Competent Authority shall establish regulations to stipulate the specification, design, use condition, and other requirements regarding the above organic mark.
第 21 條 Article 21
以有機或有機轉型期名義所為之農產品廣告,其接受委託刊播者,應自刊播廣告之日起六個月內,保存委託刊播者之姓名或名稱、國民身分證統一編號或營利事業統一編號、住居所、營業所或事務所、電話及託播內容資料;主管機關得要求提供,接受委託刊播者不得規避、妨礙、拒絕或提供不實資料。 Those entrusted to disseminate advertisement about organic agricultural products or organic in-conversion agricultural products shall retain the following records for 6 months from the date of the first broadcast: the entruster’s name, personal identification number or business registration number, residence, the address of the residence or office, the telephone number, and the content of dissemination. When requested for provision by the competent authority, the entrustee shall not evade, impede, refuse, or provide false data.
第 22 條 Article 22
主管機關得派員攜帶證明文件進入涉及有機或有機轉型期農產品生產、加工、分裝、貯存、販賣或其他相關場所及運輸工具,執行檢查、抽樣檢驗或要求農產品經營者提供相關資料、紀錄;任何人不得規避、妨礙、拒絕或提供不實資料、紀錄。 The competent authority may assign staff with proof of identity to enter the premise concerning production, processing, packaging, storing, selling, and other operations as well as transporting vehicles related to organic agricultural products or organic in-conversion agricultural products to examine, sample for test, or acquire data or records from operators. Any subject shall not evade, impede, refuse, or provide false data or records.
第 23 條 Article 23
有機農產品及有機轉型期農產品之檢驗,由中央主管機關準用中央衛生福利主管機關依食品安全衛生管理法所定檢驗方法為之。中央衛生福利主管機關未定檢驗方法者,得依國際間認可之方法為之。 For testing of organic agricultural products and organic in-conversion agricultural products, the Central Competent Authority shall refer to the test methods established in Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation by the Central Competent Authority of Health and Welfare. For the test methods not been established by the Central Competent Authority of Health and Welfare, other international recognized test methods can be referred to.
前項檢驗,中央主管機關得委任所屬檢驗機關(構)或委託其他機關(構)、學校、團體辦理。 The Central Competent Authority may appoint its affiliated testing authorities (institutions) or entrust other authorities (institutions), schools, or organizations for the above testing.
第 24 條 Article 24
農產品經營者對檢驗結果有異議者,得於收到通知後十五日內,繳納檢驗費用,向原抽樣檢驗機關申請複驗,並以一次為限。 Dissident for the result of testing, the operator may apply for a retest to the original sampling authority and pay the retest fees within 15 days on receiving the notice, and is limited to once.
受理前項複驗者,應於七日內通知原檢驗者就原檢體複驗之。但檢體已變質或無適當方法可資保存者,得不受理之。 Upon accepting the retest application, the sampling authority shall notify the original testing body to conduct a retest of the original specimen within 7 days. The authority may refuse the retest application if the specimen has deteriorated or could not be preserved properly.
第 25 條 Article 25
有機農產品及有機轉型期農產品,經檢出含有第十五條第二項所定禁用物質或有其他不符本法規定情形者,主管機關得令農產品經營者或所有人將農產品禁止移動、下架、回收或為其他適當處置。 When the organic agricultural products and organic in-conversion agricultural products tested contain the prohibited substances specified in paragraph 2 of Article 15 or any other matters violating the provision of this Act, the competent authorities may prohibit the operator or owner from transporting the agricultural products and order them to withdraw or recall the product from the market, or take other appropriate measures.
第 26 條 Article 26
主管機關對於檢舉查獲違反本法規定者,應對檢舉人身分資料保守秘密,並應給予獎勵。 The competent authority shall keep the identification of those reporting a potential violation of this Act confidential, and those enable the identification of such violation shall be ewarded.
前項檢舉、獎勵之方式及其他相關事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The Central Competent Authority shall establish regulations governing the reporting, rewarding and other relevant matters prescribed in the previous paragraph.
第 五 章 罰則 Chapter 5 Penalties
第 27 條 Article 27
有下列情形之一者,處新臺幣六十萬元以上六千萬元以下罰鍰: Under any of the following circumstances, a subject is fined from NTD600,000 up to NTD60,000,000:
一、違反第十一條第一項規定,未經中央主管機關許可,經營認證業務,或未經中央主管機關依第十一條第二項規定許可展延而經營認證業務。 1.Violation of paragraph 1 of Article 11, engaging in accreditation activities without the permission of the Central Competent Authority or engaging in accreditation activities without the renewal permission of the Central Competent Authority in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 11.
二、認證機構違反中央主管機關依第三十三條第一項規定所為停止受理新申請認證案件之處分。 2.Violation of the suspension of accepting new accreditation applications imposed on accreditation bodies by the Central Competent Authority under paragraph 1 of Article 33.
第 28 條 Article 28
違反第十二條第一項規定,未經認證機構認證合格並取得認證證書,經營驗證業務者,處新臺幣三十萬元以上三千萬元以下罰鍰。 Violating paragraph 1 of Article 12 by engaging in certification activities without accredited by an accreditation body and obtaining a corresponding certificate is fined from NTD300,000 up to NTD30,000,000.
第 29 條 Article 29
有下列情形之一者,處新臺幣二十萬元以上二百萬元以下罰鍰,並得按次處罰: Under any of the following circumstances, a fine from NTD200,000 up to NTD2,000,000 is applicable to each individual violation:
一、違反第二十條第一項規定,未經驗證合格,使用有機農產品標章。 1.Violation of paragraph 1 of Article 20, labeling organic mark on uncertified products.
二、違反主管機關依第三十二條第二項規定所為停止使用有機農產品標章之處分。 2.Violating the suspension of the usage of organic mark imposed by the Central Competent Authority under paragraph 2 of Article 32.
第 30 條 Article 30
有下列情形之一者,處新臺幣十萬元以上一百萬元以下罰鍰,並得按次處罰: Under any of the following circumstance, a fined from NTD100,000 up to NTD1,000,000 is applicable to each individual violation:
一、違反第十二條第四項規定,規避、妨礙或拒絕主管機關之查核,或提供不實資料、紀錄,或未依中央主管機關公告之項目、方式及期間,保存相關資料及紀錄。 1.Violation of paragraph 4 of Article 12, evading, impeding, or refusing the examination by the competent authority, or providing false data and records, or failing to retain relevant data and records in accordance with the items, methods, and time periods promulgated by the Central Competent Authority.
二、違反第二十一條規定,未保存資料,或規避、妨礙或拒絕提供資料,或提供不實之資料。 2.Violation of Article 21, failing to retain data, evading, impeding, or refusing to provide data or providing false data.
三、違反第二十二條規定,規避、妨礙或拒絕主管機關進入場所、運輸工具、執行檢查、抽樣檢驗,或未提供相關資料或紀錄,或提供不實之資料或紀錄。 3.Violation of Article 22, evading, impeding or refusing the staffs of the competent authority entering the premise or transporting vehicles for the purpose of conducting examination, or sampling specimen for testing, or failing to provide relevant data or records, or providing false data or records.
四、違反主管機關依第三十四條規定所為之處置。 4.Failing to comply with the proceedings by the Central Competent Authority under Article 34.
第 31 條 Article 31
農產品經營者有下列情形之一者,處新臺幣六萬元以上六十萬元以下罰鍰,並得按次處罰: Under any one of the following circumstances, an operator is subject to a fine from NTD60,000 up to NTD600,000 for each individual violation:
一、違反第十五條第二項規定,使用禁用物質。 1.Violation of paragraph 2 of Article 15, using the prohibited substances.
二、違反第十五條第三項規定,其有機農產品及有機轉型期農產品含有禁用物質。但農產品經營者證明其已採取必要之防護措施,且經主管機關認定為鄰田污染者,不罰。 2.Violation of paragraph 3 of Article 15, the organic agricultural products and organic in-conversion agricultural products containing the prohibited substances; however, operators validating that they have taken necessary prevention measures, and their fields are identified by the competent authority to be contaminated by adjacent farms, are exempted from penalties.
三、違反第十六條第一項、第二項或第十七條第一項規定,其農產品未經驗證合格,或未經進口審查合格,以有機名義或其他足使他人誤認之方法,而販賣、標示、展示或廣告。 3.Violation of paragraph 1 and 2 of Article 16 or paragraph 1 of Article 17, agricultural products not certified or imports not reviewed qualified being sold, labeled, displayed, or advertised as organic or in a misleading way.
四、違反第十六條第三項規定,非自然人之農產品經營者以有機為其名稱之全部或一部分,且其農產品未經驗證合格或未依第十七條第一項第二款規定審查合格。 4.Violation of paragraph 3 of article 16, non-natural person operator using the term “organic” as whole or a part of its name without having all its product certified or reviewed qualified under subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 17.
五、違反主管機關依第三十二條第二項規定所為停止以有機名義販賣、標示、展示或廣告之處分。 5.Violating the suspension of selling, labeling, displaying, or advertising products as organic imposed by the Central Competent Authority under paragraph 2 of Article 32.
農產品經營者依委託人或定作人之指示,生產、加工、分裝或流通農產品,而有前項各款所定情形之一者,以委託人或定作人為處罰對象。 Operators in the above situations in production, processing, packaging, or distribution under the instruction of an entruster or client shall inflict penalties on the entruster or client instead.
第 32 條 Article 32
農產品經營者有下列情形之一,應令其限期改正;屆期不改正者,處新臺幣三萬元以上三十萬元以下罰鍰,並得按次處罰: Under any of the following circumstances, operators shall be order to correct within a specified period; a fine from NTD30,000 up to NTD300,000 is applicable to those unable to comply in time and to each individual violation.
一、未依第十八條第一項規定標示或標示不實,或未依第十八條第三項規定,於變更事實發生之日起三個月內更換原有標示。 1.Not labeling in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 18, making false labeling, or not updating the label within 3 months of the date when a change to the subject matter indicated occurs in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 18.
二、未依第十九條第一項規定展示品名、原產地、有機農產品或有機轉型期農產品驗證證書影本、同意文件影本,或未依第十九條第二項準用第十八條第一項第一款及第四款規定,展示品名、原產地(國)。 2.Violation of paragraph 1 of Article 19, not displaying the product name, origin, a duplicate copy of the certificate of organic certification or organic in-conversion certification, or a duplicate copy of the approval document; violation of paragraph 2 of Article 19, which directly refers to subparagraph 1 and 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 18, not displaying the product name or origin (country).
三、違反第十九條第三項所定辦法有關標示、展示之事項、方式之規定。 3.Violation of paragraph 3 of Article 19 regarding the items and methods of labeling and displaying.
四、違反第二十條第二項所定辦法有關標章規格、圖式或使用之規定。 4.Violation of paragraph 2 of Article 20 regarding the specification, design, and usage of organic marks.
有前項各款情形之一者,主管機關並得令三個月以上一年以下期間,停止其使用有機農產品標章或以有機名義販賣、標示、展示或廣告。 For any one of the above circumstances, the competent authority shall suspend the operators’ usage of organic mark, selling, labeling, displaying, and advertising products as organic for a period from 3 months up to 1 year.
第 33 條 Article 33
認證機構有下列情形之一者,得按其情節輕重,予以警告,或令二個月以上二年以下期間,停止其受理新申請認證案件之處分: Under any of the following circumstances, the Central Competent Authority shall warn the accreditation bodies according to the severity, or impose a penalty of suspending the accreditation bodies to accept new accreditation applications for a period from 2 months up to 2 years:
一、違反第十一條第四項規定,規避、妨礙、拒絕接受中央主管機關之查核或提供不實資料。 1.Violation of paragraph 4 of Article 11, accreditation bodies evading, impeding, or refusing the supervision by the Central Competent Authority, or providing false data.
二、違反第十一條第四項第一款規定,於中央主管機關許可以外之國家或地區受理申請認證之案件。 2.Violation of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 4 of Article 11, accreditation bodies accepting accreditation applications from countries or areas not permitted by the Central Competent Authority.
三、違反第十一條第四項第二款規定,未將擬訂、修正或廢止之認證基準報中央主管機關核定。 3.Violation of subparagraph 2 of paragraph 4 of Article 11, accreditation bodies failing to report the formulation, amendment or abolishment of accreditation standards to the Central Competent Authority.
四、違反第十一條第四項第三款規定,未依中央主管機關核定之認證基準審查申請認證之案件或對驗證機構所經營驗證業務實施評鑑。 4.Violation of subparagraph 3 of paragraph 4 of Article 11, accreditation bodies failing to review accreditation applications or assess certification activities performed by the certification body in accordance with standards approved by the Central Competent Authority.
五、違反第十一條第四項第四款規定,未保存有關經營認證業務之紀錄五年以上、保存不實紀錄,或未報中央主管機關備查。 5.Violation of subparagraph 4 of paragraph 4 of Article 11, failing to retain records related to accreditation task for at least 5 years, keeping false records, or failing to notify the Central Competent Authority for the record.
六、違反第十一條第四項第五款規定,不配合中央主管機關查核經其認證合格之驗證機構。 6.Violation of subparagraph 5 of paragraph 4 of Article 11, accreditation bodies failing to comply with the Central Competent Authority on examining the certification bodies they accredited.
七、違反第十一條第四項第六款規定,於驗證機構未能繼續經營驗證業務時,未協調其他驗證機構承接其驗證業務。 7.Violation of subparagraph 6 of paragraph 4 of Article 11, accreditation bodies failing to coordinate with other certification bodies to take over the certification tasks when one certification body is unable to continue the certification business.
八、違反第十一條第五項所定辦法有關認證機構之監督、管理、經營認證業務紀錄之項目或申報備查文件之規定。 8.Violation of paragraph 5 of Article 11, regarding the supervision and management of accreditation bodies, the required items related to the accreditation tasks to be recorded, and the notification documents specified in the above paragraph.
認證機構於三年內,經中央主管機關依前項規定停止受理新申請認證業務二次後,再有前項各款情形之一者,中央主管機關應廢止其許可,並得令二年以上五年以下期間,禁止其依第十一條第一項規定,申請許可。 If an accreditation body has been suspended from accepting new applications by the Central Competent Authority under the above paragraph twice in the previous 3 years, another violation specified in the previous paragraph shall result in Central Competent Authority abolishing the permission and prohibit accreditation body to apply for permission under paragraph 1 of Article 11 for a period from 2 years up to 5 years.
依前項規定廢止許可之認證機構,自廢止之日起,其與驗證機構簽訂之認證契約,由中央主管機關繼受;各該驗證機構並應於中央主管機關公告之期間內,與其他認證機構簽訂認證契約,其與中央主管機關之認證契約同時終止。 For accreditation body revoked in accordance with the above paragraph, the Central Competent Authority shall assume the accreditation body’s contracts signed with the certification bodies; those certification bodies shall enter into an accreditation contract with other accreditation bodies within the period designated by the Central Competent Authority, and the accreditation contracts with the Central Competent Authority will thereby be terminated at the same time.
第 34 條 Article 34
農產品廣告中所涉農產品,有第三十一條或第三十二條所定情形之一者,除依本法規定處罰外,並得為下列處置: For agricultural products appearing in advertisements and meeting circumstances specified in Article 31 or Article 32, aside from penalties prescribed by this Act, the following proceedings also apply:
一、令委託刊播廣告者於原刊播之同一篇幅、時段刊播一定次數之更正廣告,其內容應載明表達歉意及排除錯誤之訊息。 1.Enforcing the advertiser to order the broadcast of corrective advertising on the same page or timeslots of the original broadcast that shall extend apology and corrective message.
二、令受委託刊播廣告者停止刊播、回收原刊播廣告資料。 2.Enforcing the broadcaster to suspend the broadcast and withdraw advertising materials.
第 35 條 Article 35
有第二十九條至第三十二條所定情形之一者,除依規定處罰外,並得公布其違規情節、農產品之名稱、農產品經營者姓名、地址、法人或團體之名稱、事務所或營業所、管理人或代表人之姓名及農產品抽樣地點、日期。 For situations specified between Article 29 and 32, aside from imposing penalties under the relevant regulations, the administrator may announce the details of violations, the product name, the name and address of operators, the name of its affiliated legal entities, organizations, firm offices, or business premise, the name of its manager or representative, and the site and date the agricultural product sampled.
第 36 條 Article 36
本法所定之處罰,除對認證機構及驗證機構之處罰,由中央主管機關為之外,由直轄市、縣(市)主管機關為之。 The penalties established by this Act, except those targeting accreditation bodies and certification bodies, which are imposed by the Central Competent Authority, are carried out by the municipality or county (city) government.
第 六 章 附則 Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions
第 37 條 Article 37
本法施行前,經中央主管機關依農產品生產及驗證管理法第六條第一項公告之有機同等性國家,自本法施行後一年內,未與我國完成簽訂雙邊有機同等性相互承認之條約、協定或其他官方約定文件者,由中央主管機關廢止其同等性認可公告。 For countries promulgated by the Central Competent Authority as organic equivalent under paragraph 1 of Article 6 of Agricultural Production and Certification Act prior to the implementation of this Act, if they fail to reach mutual organic equivalence with ROC by signing a bilateral treaty, agreement, or official document within one year of the implementation of this Act, the Central Competent Authority shall abolish the equivalence recognition.
依前項規定廢止同等性認可公告之國家認證之驗證機構,於廢止同等性認可公告生效前,其驗證合格之農產品,經中央主管機關審查合格後輸入者,於廢止同等性認可公告生效後,仍得以有機名義販賣、標示、展示或廣告。 For certification bodies of a country with equivalence recognition abolished under the previous paragraph, agricultural products certified by them and reviewed qualified by the Central Competent Authority prior to the abolishment are allowed to be sold, labeled, displayed, or advertised as organic, even after the abolishment enters into effect.
第 38 條 Article 38
本法施行前已依農產品生產及驗證管理法及其相關規定認證之有機農產品驗證機構,於本法施行之日起十八個月內,視為已依本法認證合格,得依農產品生產及驗證管理法有機農產品相關規定辦理驗證業務。 Prior to the implementation of this Act, the certification bodies that have been accredited to conduct certification activities under the Agricultural Production and Certification Act and other relevant regulations shall retain their accredited status for 18 months after the implementation of this Act. During which the certification bodies may conduct certification activities under Agricultural Production and Certification Act.
本法施行前已依農產品生產及驗證管理法及其相關規定驗證合格之有機農產品,於本法施行之日起十八個月內,其有機農產品驗證證書效期尚未屆滿者,視為已依本法驗證合格。 Prior to the implementation of this Act, the organic agricultural products that have been certified under the Agricultural Production and Certification Act shall be deemed certified under this Act for up to 18 months after the implementation of this Act, given that the certificate of organic certification is within its valid period.
第 39 條 Article 39
無本國機構或法人擔任認證機構時,中央主管機關得公告自行或指定機構、法人於一定期間擔任認證機構。 In the absence of domestic institutions or legal entities serving as accreditation bodies, the Central Competent Authority may promulgate itself, other designated institutions, or legal entities as the accreditation body for a limited period.
無本國機構、學校或法人擔任驗證機構時,中央主管機關得公告指定機構、學校或法人於一定期間擔任驗證機構。 In the absence of domestic institutions, schools or legal entities serving as certification bodies, the Central Competent Authority may promulgate institutions, schools, or legal entities as the certification body for a limited period.
第 40 條 Article 40
除本法另有規定外,自本法施行之日起,農產品生產及驗證管理法有關有機農產品之規定,不再適用。 Unless otherwise stipulated in this Act, the provisions of Agricultural Production and Certification Act relating to organic agricultural production no longer apply from the implementation date of this Act.
第 41 條 Article 41
本法施行細則,由中央主管機關定之。 Enforcement rules for this Act shall be established by the Central Competent Authority.
第 42 條 Article 42
本法自公布後一年施行。 This Act shall enter into force one year after the date of promulgation.
食用牛羊脂衛生標 Sanitation Standard for Edible Tallow
第 1 條 Article 1
本標準依食品安全衛生管理法第十七條規定訂定之。 This Standard is prescribed in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation.
第 2 條 Article 2
食用牛羊脂之原料來源,應符合食品安全衛生管理法之規定,並來自屠宰時健康之牛或羊所取得之清潔完整且可供食用之脂肪組織,及帶骨或肌肉之脂肪部分熬製而成之食用牛羊脂。 The raw materials of edible tallow shall meet the “Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation”, obtained by rendering the clean, sound, fatty tissues, attendant muscles and bones of bovine animals and/or sheep (Ovis aries) in good health at the time of slaughter and fit for human consumption.
第 3 條 Article 3
食用牛羊脂應具良好色澤(灰白色至淡黃色),不得有異味或酸敗氣味。 Edible tallow shall have good color (off white to pale yellow), no off odor or flat-sour spoilage flavor.
第 4 條 Article 4
食用牛羊脂之酸價,應為 2.5 mg KOH/g fat 以下。其衛生安全,應另符合食品安全衛生管理法所定之其他相關標準。 Edible tallow shall have acid value not more than 2.5 mg KOH/g fat. The products shall be in accordance with the other relevant standards set from the “Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation”.
第 5 條 Article 5
本標準自發布日施行。 This standard shall be implemented from the date of promulgation.
食用豬脂衛生標 Sanitation Standard for Pork Fat
第 1 條 Article 1
本標準依食品安全衛生管理法第十七條規定訂定之。 This Standard is prescribed in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation.
第 2 條 Article 2
食用豬脂之原料來源,應符合食品安全衛生管理法之規定,並來自健康豬隻所取得之乾淨且可供食用之組織。但不包括內臟器官、腦、脊髓及粗血管。 The raw materials of pork fat shall meet the “Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation”, obtaining from swine fatty tissues in good health, clean and fit for human consumption. The tissues for raw materials do not include viscera, brains, spinal marrow and large blood vessels.
第 3 條 Article 3
食用豬脂應具良好色澤,不得有異臭或酸敗氣味。 Pork fat shall have good color, no off odor or flat-sour spoilage flavor.
第 4 條 Article 4
食用豬脂之酸價,應為 2.0 mg KOH/g fat 以下;惟經精製程序(脫酸、脫色或脫臭等)之精製食用豬脂,其酸價應為1.3mgKOH/gfat以下。其衛生安全,應另符合食品安全衛生管理法所定之其他相關標準。 Pork fat shall have acid value not more than 2.0 mg KOH/g fat. The refined pork fats, which have the process for refining, bleaching and deodorization, shall have acid value not more than 1.3 mg KOH/g fat. Both of them shall be in accordance with the other relevant standards set from the “Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation”.
第 5 條 Article 5
本標準自發布日施行。 This standard shall be implemented from the date of promulgation.
食品工廠建築及設備設廠標 The Establishment Standards of Construction and Equipment of a Food Factory
第 一 章 通則 Chapter I: General Provisions
第 1 條 Article 1
本標準依食品安全衛生管理法第十條第二項規定訂定之。 These standards are set forth in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 10 of Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation.
第 2 條 Article 2
食品工廠建築及設備之設置,除法令另有規定外,依本標準之規定。 Unless otherwise stipulated by law, the construction of buildings and equipment of the food factories shall be made in accordance with the regulations of these standards.
第 3 條 Article 3
本標準所定之食品工廠,應依法辦理工廠登記。 The food factories prescribed by these standards refer to factories that should apply for factory registration.
第 4 條 Article 4
食品工廠設廠,應符合第二章之規定,下列專業食品工廠並應符合第三章之相關規定: The construction of food factories should conform to the regulations prescribed in Chapter 2; and the following specialized food factories should conform to regulations prescribed in Chapter 3. The relevant regulations for specialized food factories:
一、罐頭食品工廠。 (1) Canned food factories
二、冷凍食品工廠。 (2) Frozen food factories
三、蜜餞醃漬工廠。 (3) Candied fruit factories
四、飲料工廠。 (4) Beverage factories
五、醬油工廠。 (5) Soy sauce factories
六、乳品工廠。 (6) Dairy product factories
七、食用油脂工廠。 (7) Edible oil factories
八、脫水蔬果工廠。 (8) Dehydrated vegetable and fruit factories
九、餐盒食品工廠。 (9) Lunch box food factories
十、速食麵工廠。 (10) Instant noodle factories
十一、食品添加物工廠。 (11) Food additive factories
前項專業食品工廠之類別,參考中華民國行業標準分類及經濟部工業產品分類認定。 The classifications of the preceding specialized factories are made in reference with Taiwan’s Standard Occupational Classification and Industrial Category and Classification, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
第 二 章 食品工廠之基本共同標準 Chapter II: The Universal Basic Standards for Food Factories
第 5 條 Article 5
食品工廠之廠區環境應符合下列規定: The environment of food factories should conform to the following regulations:
一、廠區內應築有通暢之排水溝,空地應舖設混凝土、柏油或予以綠化,不得有塵土飛揚,環境應隨時保持清潔,地面應隨時清掃、保持清潔。 1.The factory premises should be constructed with unobstructed gutters, the open space paved with concrete, asphalt or green covering and free from flying dust. The environment should be kept clean always with the ground being swept regularly to maintain cleanliness.
二、排水系統應經常清理,保持暢通,不得有異味。 2.The drainage system should be cleaned up regularly to keep it unobstructed and free from foul smell.
三、禽畜、寵物等應予管制,並有適當的措施以避免污染食品。 3.Livestock, pets, etc., should be kept under control and appropriate measures should be taken to avoid contaminating the food.
四、員工宿舍應與作業場所完全隔離並分別設置出入口。 4.The staff dormitories should be completely isolated from the operating site and be constructed with separate entrance doors.
五、應實施病媒防治措施。 5.Vector control measures should be implemented.
第 6 條 Article 6
食品工廠包括辦公室、原料處理場、加工或調理場、檢驗或研究室、包裝室、倉庫、機電室、鍋爐室、修護室、更衣室、洗手消毒室、餐廳、員工休息室、員工宿舍及廁所等。凡使用性質或清潔程度要求不同之場所,應個別設置或有效隔離及管理,其建築並應符合下列規定: The food factories should include an office, raw material preparation site, processing or dressing site, inspection room or laboratory, packaging room, warehouse, electrical room, boiler room, maintenance room, changing rooms, hand washing and sterilizing room, restaurant, staff rest rooms, staff dormitories and toilets, etc. For sites with different applications and cleanliness requirements, they should be constructed individually or isolated effectively and managed, and their buildings should conform to the following regulations:
一、牆壁與支柱:原料處理場、加工或調理場等建築物之牆壁與支柱面應為白色或淺色,離地面至少一公尺以內之部分應使用非吸收性、不透水、易清洗之材料舖設,其表面應平滑無裂縫並經常保持清潔。 1. Walls and pillars: The walls and pillars of raw material preparation sites, processing, dressing and other buildings should be in white or light-colored, the section at least one meter above the ground should be paved with non-absorbent, water impermeable and easily-washable material, and its surface should be smooth with no cracks and kept clean regularly.
二、地面:原料處理場、加工或調理場、內包裝室建築物之地面,應採非吸收性、不透水且耐酸鹼、耐磨之材料舖設。地面應有良好之排水斜度及排水系統。 2. Floor: The building’s surface of raw material preparation, processing, dressing and indoor packaging sites should be paved with non-absorbent, water impermeable, acid/alkali resistant and wear resistant material. The floor should feature an appropriate drainage gradient and water discharge system.
三、樓板或天花板:應為白色或淺色、易清掃、可防止灰塵積儲之構築。食品暴露之正上方樓板或天花板不得有結露現象,並保持清潔、良好維修之狀態。 3. Floor slab or ceiling: It should be in white or light-colored to ease cleaning, constructed to avoid dust accumulation. Condensation is not allowed on the floor slab or ceiling directly above the exposed food, and it should be kept clean and maintained in good condition.
四、光線:食品工廠之廠房除倉庫以外,其他各項建築物應有足夠的光線,工作台面或調理台面應保持二百勒克斯以上,機器設備台面應保持一百勒克斯以上,使用之光源應不致改變食品之顏色。 4. Light: Except for warehouses, all other buildings of food factories should be able to get adequate light; the work table or dressing table should maintain more than 200 lux, and the machinery and equipment table should maintain more than 100 lux. The light source used should not be able to change the color of food.
五、通風:廠房建築物應通風良好,視需要裝設風扇、抽風機等有效換氣設備,且通風口應有防止病媒侵入之設施。如有密閉之加工室或包裝室,則應有空調設備。 5.Ventilation: The factory buildings should be well-ventilated, and installed with fans, exhaust fans and other effective ventilation equipment if necessary. The air vents should be equipped with facilities to prevent the intrusion of disease vectors. Any confined processing room or packaging room should be installed with air conditioning facilities.
六、出入口、門窗及其他孔道:應以非吸收性、易清洗、不透水堅固材料製作,並應設置防止病媒侵入之設施。 6. Entrances, doors, windows and other channels: They should be made of durable non-absorbent, easily-washable, water impermeable and durable materials, and equipped with facilities to prevent the intrusion of disease vectors.
七、排水系統:應有完整暢通之排水系統,排水溝應有攔截固體廢棄物之設施,出口處並應有防止病媒侵入之設施。 7.Water drainage system: There should be a complete unobstructed water drainage system and the gutters equipped with intercepting facilities to intercept solid wastes, and the exit equipped with facilities to prevent the intrusion of disease vectors.
八、倉庫:原料倉庫及成品倉庫應分別設置或予獨立,庫內地面應較庫外為高,並採用不透水材料建築,庫內所設之棧板須足以配合存貨及生產作業之需要。 8.Warehouse: The raw material warehouse and finished product warehouse should be constructed separately or independently, the floor at warehouse interior higher than warehouse exterior, and constructed with water impermeable material, and the warehouse interior prepared with sufficient pallets to cope with inventory and production operation needs.
九、廁所: 9. Toilet:
(一)廁所之設置地點應防止污染水源。 (1) The toilet construction site should be prevented from contaminating the water source.
(二)廁所不得正面開向食品作業場所,但如有緩衝設施及有效控制空氣流向以防止污染者,不在此限。 (2)The toilet entrance should not face directly towards the food processing site, but such restriction does not apply if it is constructed with a buffer facility to control airflow effectively and to prevent contamination.
(三)應有良好之通風、採光、防蟲、防鼠等設施,並備有流動自來水、清潔劑、烘手器或擦手紙巾等之洗手、乾手設施及垃圾桶。 (3)It should be equipped with ventilation, day lighting, anti-pest, anti-rodent and other facilities, as well as running tap water, detergent, hand washing and drying facilities with hand dryers or paper towels, and trash bins.
(四)應有如廁後應洗手之標示。 (4)It should be installed with a sign to remind users to wash their hands after visiting the toilet.
十、更衣室:食品工廠視其需要得設置更衣室,更衣室應設於加工調理場旁適當位置並與食品作業場所隔離,不同性別之更衣室應分開,室內應備有更衣鏡、潔塵設備及數量足夠之個人用衣物櫃及鞋櫃等。 10.Changing room: There is a need for food factories, depending on requirements, to construct changing rooms at appropriate locations adjacent to the processing/dressing site but isolated from the food processing site. Changing rooms should be separated by gender, and equipped with mirrors, dust cleaning equipment, and sufficient personal lockers, shoe cabinets, etc.
十一、洗手消毒室:食品工廠視其需要得設置洗手消毒室,其應與加工調理場或內包裝室相鄰,並設置數量足夠之洗手及乾手設施。 11.Hand sterilizing room: There is a need for food factories, depending on requirements, to set up a hand sterilizing room. It should be adjacent to the processing/dressing or indoor packaging room, and installed with sufficient hand washing and drying facilities.
十二、冷凍設備應有安全設施設置。 12. The safety facilities installations are required for freezing refrigeration equipment.
第 7 條 Article 7
食品工廠之機器設備設計及機器設備材質應符合下列規定: The mechanical design and material of machinery and equipment in food factories shall meetconform to the following requirements:
一、機器設備設計:用於食品或食品添加物產製用機器設備之設計和構造應能防止危害食品或食品添加物品質衛生,易於清洗消毒,並容易檢查。應有使用時可避免潤滑油、金屬碎屑、污水或其他可能引起污染之物質混入產品之結構。 1.Design of mMachinery and equipment design: The design and structure of the machinery and equipment used for production of food or food additives should prevent hazards from deteriorating the quality and hygiene of food or food additives and should permit easy cleaning, sterilization and inspection. Moreover, the structural design should safeguard products against contamination of lubricants, metal filings, wastewater, or other contaminants.
二、機器設備材質:所有用於食品或食品添加物處理區及可能接觸食品或食品添加物之設備與器具,應由不會產生或溶出毒素、無臭味或異味、非吸收性、耐腐蝕且可承受重複清洗和消毒之材料製造,同時應避免使用會發生接觸腐蝕的材料。 2.Materials of mMachinery and equipment material: The equipment and utensils used in the food or food additive processing section or likely to have contact with food or food additives should be made of materials incapable of producing or dissolving and generating toxins and bad or unpleasant odors; moreover, materials should be non-absorbent and corrosion-resistant and capable of withstanding repeated washing and sterilization procedures. The use of materials which produce contact corrosion shall also be avoided.
第 三 章 專業食品工廠之生產設備、檢驗設備及基本設施標準 Chapter III. Production and Inspection Equipment Standards and Basic Facility Requirements Standards ofor Food Factories
第 8 條 Article 8
罐頭食品工廠應具備下列生產及檢驗設備: The canned food factories should possess the following production and inspection equipment are required for canned food factories:
一、生產設備: 1.Production equipment:
(一)穩定熱能來源:蒸氣主管壓力應維持在六公斤/平方公分以上。 (1)Stable heat source: The main steam supply pipe pressure shall be maintained at 6kg/cm2 or above.
(二)封蓋設備:封蓋設備應能確保封蓋之安全性,其種類應符合產品之需要設置。 (2)Capping equipment: The capping equipment should be able to ensure safety cap sealing and the type used should be able to conform to product needs.
(三)殺菌設備。 (3)Disinfection equipment
二、檢驗設備: 2.Inspection equipment:
(一)定溫保溫箱。 (1)Constant temperature incubator
(二)罐頭真空測定器及耐壓測定器(金屬罐裝罐頭食品工廠必備)。 (2)Can vacuum tester and pressure resistance tester (essential for metal canned food factories)
(三)pH 測定器或試紙。 (3)pH meter or litmus paper
(四)捲封測微器(金屬罐裝罐頭食品工廠必備)。 (4)Closed volume micrometer (essential for metal canned food factories)
(五)耐壓強度測定裝置(殺菌袋裝罐頭食品工廠必備)。 (5)Compressive strength measuring device (essential for retort pouch canned food factories)
罐頭食品工廠視需要得具備下列生產及檢驗設備: The following production and inspection equipment are optional for canned food factories depending on the production and inspection needs:
一、生產設備: 1.Production equipment:
(一)原料洗滌設備。 (1)Raw material washing equipment
(二)殺菁設備(附冷卻設備)。 (2)Blanching equipment (equipped with cooler)
(三)調理台及調理工具。 (3)Dressing table and dressing tools
(四)脫氣設備。 (4)Degassing equipment
(五)清洗消毒設備。 (5)Cleaning and sterilizing equipment
(六)殺菌後冷卻設備。 (6) Post-disinfection cooling equipment
(七)填充液調配設備。 (7) Filling solution preparation equipment
(八)批號及日期標示設備。 (8)Batch number and date labeling equipment
(九)空罐(瓶)噴洗設備。 (9) Empty can (bottle) spray washing equipment
(十)冷凍(藏)庫。 (10)Freezer (refrigerator)
(十一)線上真空檢測器或打檢棒。 (11)In-process vacuum leak detector or vacuum probe.
二、檢驗設備: 2.Inspection equipment:
(一)固定之開罐器。 (1)Fixed can opener
(二)秤量器。 (2) Weighing scale
(三)溫度計。 (3) Thermometer
(四)糖度計。 (4) Glucose meter
(五)餘氯測定器或試紙。 (5) Residual chlorine analyzer or litmus paper
(六)給水裝置及洗滌等設備。 (6)Water supply device and washing equipment
(七)袋內殘留空氣量測定裝置。 (7)Measuring device for residual air in bag
(八)罐頭檢漏設備。 (8)Can leak detection device
(九)尖頭型鐵皮厚度測微器。 (9)Point micrometer
第 9 條 Article 9
冷凍食品工廠應具備凍結之生產設備。 The following freezing equipment are required for production processes in frozen food factories.
冷凍食品工廠視需要得具備下列生產及檢驗設備: The following production and inspection equipment are optional for a frozen food factoriesy depending on the production and inspection needs:
一、生產設備 1.Production equipment:
(一)原料洗滌設備。 (1)Raw material washing equipment
(二)殺菁及冷卻設備。 (2)Blanching and cooling equipment
(三)冷凍車:其溫度應能維持品溫在攝氏負十八度以下。 (3)Cold storage vehicle: If it is available, Tthe temperature of the food should be maintained at below -18°C.
(四)清洗消毒設備。 (4)Cleaning and sterilizing equipment
(五)金屬或其他異物檢出設備。 (5)Metal or and foreign matter detector
二、檢驗設備: 2.Inspection equipment:
(一)餘氯測定器或試紙。 (1)Residual chlorine analyzer or litmus paper
(二)微生物檢驗設備。 (2)Microbiological testing equipment
(三)產品品溫測定儀器。 (3)Product temperature testing instrument
(四)秤量器。 (4)Weighing scale (sensitivity below 1mg)
(五)氧化酵素測定設備、pH測定器或試紙、糖度計。 (5)Oxidase detection device, pH meter or litmus paper, glucose meter
(六)藥物殘留測定儀器。 (6)Drug residue detection device
(七)揮發性鹽基態氮定量裝置。 (7)Volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) determination device
(八)粗脂肪定量裝置。 (8)Crude fat quantitative determination device
(九)組織胺定量裝置。 (9)Histamine quantitative determination device
第 10 條 Article 10
蜜餞醃漬工廠應具備下列基本設施及檢驗設備: The following basic facilities and inspection equipment are required for candied fruit factories:
一、基本設施: 1.Basic facilities:
(一)加工及包裝場所如為密閉者,應有空氣調節設備。 (1)If the processing and packaging sites are confined spaces, they should be equipped with air conditioning equipment.
(二)鹽漬池應為遮蓋設施,糖漬槽或缸桶等均應設在室內並有遮蓋設施。 (2) The pickled pool should be a covered facility, and the pickled tank or barrels should be set up indoors and equipped with covers.
(三)需用曬場乾燥者,其曬場應以不透水材料構築。 (3)If a drying field is needed in drying, it should be constructed of water-impermeable material.
(四)二重釜、湯煮桶、糖漬槽或桶、匙槳、盤、刀、叉等用具,宜為不銹鋼材質,未產蜜餞之工廠免設。 (4)Steam-jacketed kettle, soup cooking barrels, candied tanks or barrels, paddles, plates, knives, forks and other utensils may should be made of stainless steel to the extent possible. These can be exempted for factories not manufacturing candied fruits.
二、檢驗設備: 2.Inspection equipment:
(一)糖度計或糖度折射計(未產蜜餞之工廠免設)。 (1)Glucose meter or glucose refractometer (can be exempted for factories not manufacturing candied fruits)
(二)鹽度計。 (2)Salinity meter
蜜餞醃漬工廠視需要得具備下列檢驗設備: The following inspection equipment are optional for candied fruit factories depending on the production and inspection needs:
一、餘氯測定器或試紙。 1.Residual chlorine analyzer or litmus paper
二、二氧化硫定量裝置。 2.Sulfur dioxide quantitative determination device
三、溫度計。 3.Thermometer
四、pH 測定器或試紙。 4.pH meter or litmus paper
五、秤量器。 5.Weighing scale
第 11 條 Article 11
飲料工廠應具備下列生產設備: The following production equipment are required for beverage factories:
一、一般飲料工廠: 1.General beverage factoriesmanufacturing plants:
(一)充填設備。 (1) Filling machine
(二)過濾設備。 (2) Filter
(三)殺菌設備。 (3) Disinfect equipment
二、果蔬汁飲料工廠: 2.Fruit and vegetable juice factoriesmanufacturing plants:
(一)充填設備。 (1)Filling machine
(二)精濾機、離心機或均質機。 (2)Fine filter, centrifuge or homogenizer
(三)殺菌設備。 (3)Disinfection equipment
飲料工廠視需要得具備下列生產及檢驗設備: The following production and inspection equipment are optional for beverage factories depending on the production and inspection needs:
一、生產設備: 1.Production eEquipment :
(一)一般飲料工廠: (1)General beverage factoryies:
1.容器洗滌消毒設備。 A.Container washing and sterilizing equipment
2.貯水槽:其容量應足供當日加工用水量。 B.Water reservoir: Its capacity should be sufficient to meet daily processing needs.
3.不銹鋼調和器及不銹鋼槽。 C.Stainless steel blender and stainless steel tank
4.瓶裝飲料檢查設備、浸水槽及燈光透視檢查台。 D.Bottled water inspection equipment, dip tank and lighting fluoroscopy unit, etc.
5.瓶裝飲料自動裝瓶機及打蓋機。 E.Bottled drink automatic filling and capping machines
6.罐裝飲料動力封蓋機。 F.Canned drink power cap sealing machine
7.碳酸氣混合機。 G.Carbonated mixer
8.冷凍機。 H.Freezer (essential for carbonated drink factories)
(二)果蔬汁飲料工廠: (2)Fruit and vegetable juice factories:
1.容器洗滌消毒設備。 A.Container washing and sterilizing equipment
2.洗滌槽或迴轉式洗滌機。 B.Washing tank or rotary washing machine
3.破碎機。 C.Crusher
4.榨汁機。 D.Juicer
5.冷卻設備。 E.Cooling equipment
二、檢驗設備: 2.Inspection equipment:
(一)顯微鏡。 (1)Microscope
(二)微生物檢驗設備。 (2)Microbiological testing equipment
(三)定溫保溫箱。 (3)Constant temperature incubator
(四)pH 測定器或試紙。 (4)pH meter or litmus paper
(五)糖度計或糖度折射計(包裝飲用水及礦泉水工廠除外)。 (5)Glucose meter or glucose refract meter (excluding packaged drink and mineral water factories)
(六)秤量器。 (6)Weighing scale
(七)餘氯測定器或試紙。 (7)Residual chlorine analyzer or litmus paper
(八)離心分離器及真空測定器。 (8)Centrifugal separator and vacuum tester
(九)壓力測定器。 (9)Pressure detector
(十)濁度及色度測定設備。 (10) Turbidity and color determination equipment
第 12 條 Article 12
醬油工廠應具備下列檢驗設備: The following inspection equipment are required for soy sauce factories:
一、pH 測定器或試紙。 1.pH meter or litmus paper
二、秤量器。 2.Weighing scale
三、食鹽測定或分析設備或鹽度計。 3. Salt detector, analyzer, orand salinity meter
四、酸度檢驗設備。 4. pH testing equipment
五、餘氯測定器或試紙。 5. Residual chlorine analyzer or litmus paper
醬油工廠視需要得具備下列生產及檢驗設備: The following production and inspection equipment are optional for soy sauce factories depending on the production and inspection needs:
一、生產設備: 1.Production equipment:
(一)原料選別設備(使用經選別之原料者得免設置)。 (1)Raw material sorting equipment (can be exempted for factories using pre-screened raw materials)
(二)蒸煮設備。 (2)Steam cooker
(三)炒麥設備(不加麥者免設)。 (3)Wheat frying equipment (can be exempted for factories not using wheat additive)
(四)混合設備。 (4)Blender
(五)製麴設備。 (5)Koji making equipment
(六)食鹽溶解設備。 (6)Salt dissolving equipment
(七)發酵設備。 (7)Fermentation equipment
(八)壓榨設備。 (8)Compressing equipment
(九)過濾設備。 (9)Filtering equipment
(十)澄清槽。 (10)Settling tank
(十一)殺菌設備或加熱調煮設備。 (11)Disinfection or heating/cooking equipment
(十二)噴洗瓶設備(重複性使用之玻璃瓶裝醬油工廠必備)。 (12)Spray washer (essential required for soy sauce factories that package product in reusable glass bottles)
(十三)充填設備(包括封瓶機)。 (13)Filling equipment (including capping machine)
二、檢驗設備 2.Inspection equipment
(一)無菌室、無菌箱或微生物培養室。 (1)Sterile room, sterile container or microbial incubator
(二)總氮測定裝置。 (2) Total nitrogen measuring device
(三)氨基態氮測定設置。 (3)Amino nitrogen determination equipment
(四)水份測定器。 (4)Moisture detector
(五)色度分析設備或比色板。 (5)Color analyzer or color disc
第 13 條 Article 13
乳品工廠應具備下列基本設施及檢驗設備: The following basic facilities, production and inspection equipment are required for dairy product factories:
一、基本設施: 1.Basic facilities
(一)乳品工廠貯乳、加工、分裝、或調配等過程必需在調理場內進行,所有之加工設備必須具備優良之衛生條件,乳液或乳粉流經之管道,及與乳液或乳粉接觸之設備,應為內壁光滑、無針孔、無直角、無狹縫之不銹鋼製品。 (1)Milk storage, processing, repacking, dressing and other treatments of dairy product factories should be done within the factories. All processing equipment must meet excellent sanitation conditions; the flowing channels of milk emulsion and powered milk, and the equipment that the milk emulsion or powered milk gets in touch with, should be made of stainless steel with smooth interior walls that are free from pinholes, right angles and slits.
(二)乳品工廠應具備供應冷卻水(或其他冷卻液)之設備,此等設備並應與加工調理場隔離(乳粉調配除外)。 (2)The dairy product factories should possess cooling water supply (or other cooling fluid) equipment and should be isolated from the processing/dressing site (excluding powered milk blending).
(三)收乳及貯乳設備(非使用生乳為原料之乳製品除外):秤量設備、儲乳槽、乳桶洗滌殺菌設備、牛乳幫浦、過濾器或雜質離心分離機、乳液冷卻設備、具冷卻設備之貯乳槽、生乳檢查設備(包括酒精試驗、沉澱物檢查器及取樣工具等)一套、冷藏運輸車。 (3)Milk collection and milk storage equipment (excluding dairy products made from raw milk as the raw material): Weighing equipment, milk storage tank, milk barrel washing and disinfection equipment, milk pump, filter or impurity centrifugal machine, milk cooling equipment, milk storage tank with cooling effect, a set of raw milk inspection equipment (including alcohol testing, precipitate tester, sampling equipment, etc.), cold storage vehicles.
二、檢驗設備: 2.Inspection equipment:
(一)生乳取樣器(乳粉調配除外)。 (1)Raw milk sampler (excluding powdered milk blending)
(二)酸度滴定裝置或滴定管。 (2)Acidic titration device and burette
(三)生乳比重計(乳粉調配除外)。 (3)Raw milk densometer (excluding powered milk blending)
(四)溫度計。 (4) Thermometer
(五)水分測定用乾燥器(生產廠必備)。 (5)Dryer for detecting moisture (essentialrequired for production factoriesyplants)
(六)秤量器。 (6)Weighing scale
(七)餘氧測定器(乳粉調配或製造必備)。 (7)Residual oxygen analyzer (essential for powdered milk blending or manufacturing)
(八)藥物殘留檢驗設備。 (8)Drug residue testing instruments
乳品工廠視需要得具備下列生產及檢驗設備: The following production and inspection equipment are optional for dairy product factories depending on the production and inspection needs:
一、生產設備 1.Production equipment
(一)鮮乳及調味乳處理工廠: (1)Fresh milk and flavored milk processing factories:
1.牛乳幫浦。 A.Milk pump
2.均質機。 B.Homogenizer
3.乳脂肪分離機。 C.Milk fat separator
4.洗瓶機(包括殺菌設備)及裝瓶機或自動紙器包裝機。 D.Bottle washing machine (including disinfection equipment), bottle filling machine or automatic paper packing machine
5.成品低溫(攝氏七度以下凍結點以上)貯存室(保久乳除外)。 E.Low-temperature (below 7°C and above freezing point) storage room for finished products (excluding enduring milk)
(二)濃縮乳(奶水及煉乳)製造: (2)Concentrated milk (milk and condensed milk) production plants:
1.均質機。 A.Homogenizer
2.預熱設備。 B.Pre-heat equipment
3.濃縮設備。 C.Enrichment equipment
4.冷卻設備。 D.Cooling equipment
5.調合處理設備。 E.Blending and processing equipment
6.牛乳幫浦。 F.Milk pump
7.空罐清洗及殺菌設備。 G.Empty can washing and disinfection equipment.
8.奶水及煉乳自動裝罐封罐機。 H.Milk and condensed milk automatic filling and sealing machines
(三)乳粉製造: (3)Powdered milk manufacturing plants:
1.牛乳幫浦。 A.Milk pump
2.乳脂肪分離機。 B.Milk fat separator
3.均質機。 C.Homogenizer
4.貯乳槽。 D.Milk storage tank
5.乳液預熱設備。 E.Milk emulsion pre-heat equipment
6.濃縮設備。 F.Enrichment equipment
7.乾燥製粉設備。 G.Milk powder making machine
8.集粉處理設備。 H.Powder collection and processing equipment
9.乳粉貯槽。 I.Powdered milk storage tank
10. 添加物混合設備。 J.Additive mixer
11. 空罐殺菌、清潔設備。 K.Empty can disinfection and cleaning equipment
12. 乳粉自動充填、封蓋設備。 L.Automatic powered milk filling and sealing equipment
13. 即溶奶粉相關設備。 M.Machinery relating to Iinstant milk powder related equipmentproduction
(四)醱酵乳製造: (4)Fermentation milk production plants:
1.牛乳幫浦。 A.Milk pump
2.乳脂肪分離機。 B.Milk fat separator
3.醱酵液調和槽。 C.Broth blending tank
4.醱酵槽。 D.Fermenter
5.均質機。 E.Homogenizer
6.稀釋調合設備。 F.Dilution blending equipment
7.洗瓶機及裝瓶機、或紙器包裝機、或其他容器包裝設備。 G.Bottle washing and filling machines, paper packing machine or other container packing machine
8.菌種管制設備。 H.Bacteria culture control equipment
9.成品低溫(攝氏七度以下凍結點以上)貯存室。 I.Low-temperature storage room for finished products (below 7°C and above freezing point)
(五)乳粉調配: (5)Powdered milk blending plants:
1.空調設備(調配及包裝場所必備)。 A.Air-conditioning equipment (essential for blending and packaging sites)
2.真空吸塵設備。 B.Vacuum cleaner
3.充氮設備或脫氧劑等同等設備替代之。 C.Nitrogen filling equipment, deoxidant or equipment with equivalent effect
4.檢重機。 D.Weight inspection machine
5.金屬或其他異物檢出設備。 E.Metal or foreign matter detector
6.空罐殺菌或清潔設備。 F.Empty can disinfection and cleaning equipment
7.乳粉自動充填、封蓋設備。 G.Powdered milk automatic filling and sealing equipment
8.秤量設備。 H.Weighing equipment
9.攪拌混合設備。 I.Mixing equipment
10. 篩粉機。 J.Screening machine
11. 儲粉設備或容器。 K.Powder storage equipment or container
二、檢驗設備: 2.Inspection equipment
(一)微生物檢驗設備。 (1)Microbiological analysis equipment
(二)餘氯測定器或試紙。 (2)Residual chlorine analyzer or litmus paper
(三)體細胞數測定設備。 (3)Somatic cell count equipment
第 14 條 Article 14
食用油脂工廠應具備下列基本設施: The following basic facilities are required for edible oil factories:
一、溶劑提油廠應設置溶劑貯桶及其貯藏場所,溶劑廠應有防爆裝置、滅火器、消防砂等消防設備。 1.Oil solvent extraction factories should construct solvent storage tanks and their storage site, and be equipped with anti-explosion devices and fire equipment such as fire extinguishers and fire sand, etc.
二、內包裝室:生產小包裝(三公斤以下包裝)產品工廠,應獨立設置內包裝室,並裝設紗窗、紗門或空氣簾、空氣清淨器相關設備,必要時設置殺菌裝置。(無生產小包裝者得免設置)。 2.Indoor packaging room: Factories producing small packages (less than 3 kg packs) of products should construct independent indoor packaging room equipped with screen windows, screen doors or air curtains, air purifying equipment and disinfection devices installations where necessary (The requirement does not apply to plants that do not manufacture products in small packages.).
三、動物性油脂工廠應設有攝氏零度以下之凍藏庫。 3.Animal fat factories should construct cold storage warehouse of temperature below the zero point.
四、各種食用油貯槽宜為不銹鋼材質,並有原料貯槽或原料儲存專區及成品貯槽。 4.All edible oil storage tanks should be made of stainless steel whenever possible. Raw Designated material storage tanks or material storage areasshelves and finished-product storage tanks shall be made available.
食用油脂工廠視需要得具備下列生產及檢驗設備: The following production and inspection equipment are optional for edible oil factories depending on the production and inspection need:
一、生產設備 1.Production equipment:
(一)大豆油工廠: (1)Soybean oil factories:
1.原油煉製廠: A.Crude soybean oil refineries:
(1)篩別機。 a.Screening machine
(2)乾燥機。 b.Dryer
(3)粉碎機。 c.Crusher
(4)壓扁機。 d.Flattening machine
(5)烘焙機。 e.Baking machine
(6)提油機(附 Miscella 蒸餾器、脫脂粕之脫溶劑器、溶劑蒸氣回收器)。 f.Oil extraction machine (built-in with Miscella distiller, desolventizer for defatted meal, solvent vapor collector)
2.精製油煉製: B.Refined oil manufacturing plants:
(1)精製大豆油工廠: a.Refined soybean oil factories:
離心分離機。 Centrifuge
脫色相關設備。 Bleaching equipment
壓濾機。 Pressure filter
真空幫浦。 Vacuum pump
預熱相關設備。 Pre-heat equipment
脫臭相關設備。 Deodorizing equipment
冷卻相關設備。 Cooling equipment
(2)大豆沙拉油工廠:同精製大豆油工廠,另宜設置冷凍室、脫臘設備及氮氣充填設備。 b.Soybean oil factories: Soybean oil factory equipment requirements include those identical to refined soybean oil factories. Additional installation of requirements are freezer, dewaxing equipment and nitrogen filling equipment is recommended.
(二)動物油脂工廠: (2)Animal fat factories:
1.熱炸法原油煉製廠: A.Hot fried soybean refineries:
(1)切(碎)肉機。 a.Slicing (shredding) machine.
(2)炸油鍋。 b.Frying pan.
(3)油壓機。 c.Hydraulic machine.
(4)冷卻槽。 d.Cooling tank.
2.精製動物油脂廠:同精製大豆油工廠。 B.Refined animal fat factories: Same as the various equipment required for refined soybean factories.
(三)人造奶油(Margarine) 、脂肪抹醬(Fat spreads) 及烤酥油(Shortening)工廠: (3) Margarine, fat spread and shortening oil factories:
1.一貫作業人造奶油、脂肪抹醬及烤酥油工廠: A.Margarine, fat spread and shortening oil integrated production plants:
(1)同精製大豆油工廠。 a.The equipment requirements include those identical refined soybean oil factories.
(2)乳化槽(間接加熱式)。 b.Emulsifying tank (indirect heating manner)
(3)殺菌設備。 c.Disinfection equipment
(4)急冷捏和機(附設冷凍機)。 d.Rapid cold quenching machine (built-in with freezer)
(5)計量器。 e.Quantifier
2.購用精製油為原料之加工廠:同一貫作業人造奶油、脂肪抹醬及烤酥油工廠。 B.Processing factories using refined oil as the raw material: The equipment requirements are identical to those of margarine, fat spread and shortening oil integrated production plants.
二、檢驗設備: 2.Inspection equipment:
(一)原油煉製廠:應能化驗酸價等項之儀器、器具及化學藥品外,另應購置秤量器、乾燥箱及乾燥器。 (1)Crude soybean oil refineries: The refineries are required to have instruments, equipment and chemicals needed to perform acidity test and other analyses. Additional equipment requirements include weighing scale, oven and dryer.
(二)精製油煉製廠:除應具備原油煉製廠檢驗設備外,尚應能化驗碘價、過氧化價及顏色等,其主要設備如下: (2)Refined oil refineries: In addition to inspection equipment for crude oil refineries, equipment needed to perform iodine value, peroxide value, and color tests are required. A main equipment list is provided below:
1.顏色測定器。 A.Color measuring device
2.秤量器。 B.Weighing scale
3.恆溫箱。 C.Incubator
4.乾燥箱。 D.Oven
(三)溶劑提油廠應購置溶劑殘留測定器。 (3)The solvent oil extraction plants should possess solvent residue detection device.
(四)人造奶油、脂肪抹醬及烤酥油工廠: (4)Margarine, fat spread and shortening oil factories:
1.一貫作業人造奶油、脂肪抹醬及烤酥油工廠:應具有精製油煉製廠檢驗設備外,尚應能檢驗融點、凍點、大腸桿菌、雜菌、含皂份等項,其主要設備如下: A.Margarine, fat spread and shortening oil integrated production factories: The inspection equipment requirements for these factories include those identical to refined oil refineries. Additional equipment requirements are instruments needed to perform melting point, freezing point, E. coli, bacteria, saponification value tests. The A main equipment are listed ais followsprovided below:
(1)細菌培養、檢驗設備或其快速試驗器材(器具、儀器或設備)。 a.Bacterial culture, testing equipment or rapid bioassay devices (apparatus, instrument and equipment)
(2)無菌室、無菌箱或微生物培養室(烤酥油工廠得免設置)。 b.Sterile room, sterile container or microbial incubator (not required for shortening oil factories)
(3)融點、凍點測定裝置。 c.Melting point, freezing point detection device
2.購用精製油為原料之加工廠:同本款第一目原油煉製廠檢驗設備之規定及本款第四目之一之一貫作業人造奶油、脂肪抹醬及烤酥油工廠檢驗設備(1) 至(3) 之各種設備。 B.Processing factories using refined oil as the raw material: The inspection equipment requirements include those of crude soybean oil refineries as provided in Subparagraph (1) of this Paragraph, the inspection equipment requirements for margarine, fat spread and shortening oil factories as provided in Items (a) to (c) of Subparagraph (4)A.
第 15 條 Article 15
脫水蔬果工廠應具備下列檢驗設備: The following inspection equipment are required for dehydrated vegetable and fruit factories:
一、水分或水活性測定設備。 1.Moisture or water activity measuring equipmentmeter
二、秤量器。 2.Weighing scale
脫水蔬果工廠視需要得具備下列生產及檢驗設備: The following production and inspection requirements are optional for dehydrated vegetable and fruit factories depending on the production and inspection needs:
一、生產設備: 1.Production equipment
(一)蔬菜工廠: (1)Dehydrated vegetable factories:
1.洗滌機。 A.Washing machine
2.殺菁機。 B.Blanching machine
3.除頭尾機。 C.Head and tail cutting machine
4.切條或切片機。 D.Slitting or slicing machine
5.熱風、冷凍或其他乾燥設備。 E.Hot-air drying, freeze-drying or other drying equipment
6.磨粉機(製粉工廠必備)。 F.Powder grinding machine (essential for powder making factories)
7.包裝設備。 G.Packaging equipment
(二)果實工廠: (2)Dehydrated fruit factories:
1.去皮器具。 A.Peeling equipment
2.除芯器具。 B.Decoring equipment
3.批次糖漬設備或連續糖漬設備。 C.Batch candied equipment or continuous candied equipment
4.洗滌機或容器。 D.Washing machine or container
5.切角機。 E.Corning cutting machine
6.磨粉機(製粉工廠必備)。 F.Powder grinding machine (essential for powder making factories)
8.殺菁機。 G.Slicer H.Blanching machine
9.熱風、冷凍或其他乾燥設備。 I.Hot-air drying, freeze-drying or other drying equipment
10. 包裝設備。 J.Packaging equipment
二、檢驗設備: 2.Inspection equipment:
(一)餘氯測定器或試紙。 (1)Residual chlorine analyzer or litmus paper
(二)糖度計或糖度折射計。 (2)Glucose meter and glucose refract meter
(三)pH測定器或試紙。 (3)pH meter or litmus paper
(四)灰分測定裝置。 (4)Ash measuring device
(五)乾燥箱。 (5)Oven
第 16 條 Article 16
餐盒食品工廠應具備下列基本設施及檢驗設備: The following basic facilities and inspection equipment are required for lunch box food factories:
一、基本設施: 1.Basic facilities:
(一)原料處理場。 (1)Raw material preparation site
(二)加工調理場。 (2)Processing/dressing site
(三)冷凍庫、冷藏庫。 (3)Freezer/ and refrigerator
(四)包裝場所:產品之配膳包裝應有獨立或專用之場所與設備。 (4)Packaging site: The meal distribution and packaging of the products should be done using an independent or specialized site and equipment.
二、檢驗設備: 2.Inspection equipment:
(一)微生物檢驗設備。 (1)Microbiological inspection equipment
(二)一般品質檢驗設備(測中心溫度之不銹鋼探針溫度計及餘氯測定器或試紙等)。 (2)General quality inspection equipment (stainless steel probe thermometer for detecting internal temperature, residual chlorine analyzer or litmus paper, etc.)
餐盒食品工廠視需要得具備下列生產設備: The following production equipment are optional for lunch box food factories industries depending on the production needs:
一、洗米煮飯設備或其他主食加工設備。 1.Rice washing, cooking and other staple food processing equipment
二、切菜切肉機及專用刀具。 2.Specialized vegetable and meat cutting tools
三、煎、煮、炒、油炸等烹飪設備。 3.Frying, cooking, stir frying, deep frying and other food processing equipment
四、輸送帶或不銹鋼調理台。 4.Conveyor belt or stainless-steel dressing table
五、食品器具容器洗滌消毒設備。 5.Food container washing and sterilizing equipment
六、刀具砧板保管箱設備。 6. Knife and cutting board storage cabinet
七、洗滌(熱水或蒸汽)設備。 7.Washingers (hot-water or steam) equipment
八、加工調理場在發生蒸汽、熱氣、煙臭或油炸等油脂加熱處理之機器或設備上應裝設排氣罩裝置(含抽油煙設備)。 8. The machines or equipment that would generate steam, hot air, fumes or frying oil while treating with the heating oil in the processing/dressing site should be installed with exhaust hood devices (including smoke exhaust equipment).
九、包裝作業場所應有空氣過濾及換氣設施。 9. The packaging site should be installed with filter or ventilation facilities.
十、成品應有適當之運送設備及運送專用車輛。 10.The finished products should be delivered by appropriate transportation equipment or specialized vehicles.
第 17 條 Article 17
速食麵工廠應具備下列生產設備: The following production equipment are required for instant noodle factories:
一、麵條製造設備。 1.Noodle manufacturing making equipment
二、連續式油炸設備或蒸麵乾燥機。 2.Continuous deep frying equipment or noodle steaming and drying machines
速食麵工廠視需要得具備下列生產及檢驗設備: The following production and inspection equipment are optional for instant noodle factories depending on the production and inspection needs:
一、生產設備 1.Production equipment:
(一)鍋爐。 (1)Boiler
(二)蒸煮機。 (2)Cooker
(三)冷卻設備。 (3)Cooling equipment
(四)包裝設備。 (4) Packaging equipment
(五)金屬或其他異物檢出設備。 (5)Metal or foreign matter detector
二、檢驗設備: 2.Inspection equipment:
(一)水份測定設備。 (1)Moisture detector
(二)秤量器。 (2)Weighing scale
(三)粗脂肪測定設備。 (3)Crude fat determination equipment
(四)油脂性質檢驗設備(含水份、酸價、過氧化價、碘價、總極性化合物等)。 (4)Oil nature inspection equipment (moisture content, acid value, peroxide value, iodine value and total polar compounds, etc.)
第 18 條 Article 18
食品添加物工廠應具備下列基本設施及檢驗設備: The following basic facilities and inspection equipment are required for food additive factories:
一、味精工廠 1.Monosodium glutamate (MSG) factories:
(一)基本設施: (1)Basic facilities:
1.應具備從基本原料至結晶味精一貫作業之整套設備(包括原料處理場、發酵工廠、麩酸工廠、精製工廠及包裝室等)。 A.These factories should possess a full set of integrated operation from basic raw materials until crystallization of MSG (including raw material preparation site, fermentation plant, glutamine acid plant, refining plant, packaging room, etc.).
2.自結晶罐排出之味精中間製品,應以密閉式之脫水機、輸送機、乾燥機、篩選機等連貫設備完成作業。 B.The intermediate product discharged from crystallization cans should be processed completely using confined coherent equipment including dewatering machine, conveyor, dryer, screening machine, etc.
3.微生物培養室及設備。 C.Microbial culture room and equipment.
4.包裝室,其設施應符合本標準第六條相關規定,包裝室外應有洗手設備。 D.The packaging room should conform to relevant regulations prescribed in Article 6 of these standards, and come with hand washing equipment.
(二)檢驗設備: (2)Inspection equipment:
1.麩酸測定器或自動化學分析儀。 A.Glutamic acid analyzer or automatic chemical analyzer
2.秤量器。 B.Weighing scale
3.pH 測定器或試紙。 C.pH meter or litmus paper
4.總氮測定裝置。 D.Total nitrogen detection equipment
5.氨基態氮測定裝置。 E.Amino nitrogen measuring device
6.微生物檢驗設備。 F.Microbiological testing equipment
二、除味精工廠外之食品添加物工廠應具備下列檢驗設備: 2.The following inspection equipment are requiredments for apply to all food additive factories with the exception of monosodium glutamate (MSG) factories:
(一)秤量器(感度在一毫克以下)。 (1)Weighing scale (sensitivity below 1mg)
(二)pH 測定器或試紙。 (2)pH meter or litmus paper
(三)水分測定器。 (3)Moisture detector
食品添加物工廠視需要得具備下列生產設備及檢驗設備: The following production and inspection equipment are optional for food additive factories depending on the production and inspection needs:
一、味精工廠之檢驗設備: 1.Inspection equipment for MSG factories:
(一)餘氯測定器或試紙。 (1)Residual chlorine analyzer or litmus paper
(二)顯微鏡。 (2)Microscope
(三)水分或水活性測定設備。 (3)Moisture or water activity measuring equipmentmeter
(四)保溫箱。 (4) Incubator
(五)乾燥箱。 (5)Oven
(六)光電比色計。 (6)Photoelectric colorimeter
(七)粒度篩別機。 (7)Granularity screening machine
(八)菌體量測定器。 (8)Biomass measuring device
二、除味精工廠外之食品添加物工廠: 2.Food additive factories other than MSG factories:
(一)生產設備: (1)Production equipment:
1.粉碎機。 A.Crusher
2.篩粉機。 B.Screening machine
3.混合或煉合機。 C.Mixer
4.乾燥機或乾燥箱。 D.Dryer or oven
5.噴霧、送風、乾燥設備。 E.Mist sprayer, air blower, and drying equipment
6.集粉處理設備。 F.Powder collection and processing equipment
7.攪拌及混合設備。 G.Stirring and blending equipment
8.過濾設備。 H.Filtering equipment
9.加熱反應設備。 I.Heating reactors
10. 濃縮設備。 J.Concentration equipment
11. 電解設備。 K.Electrolysis device
12. 溶解設備。 L.Dissolving equipment
13. 儲存設備。 M.Storage device
14. 充填設備。 N.Filling equipment
15. 金屬或其他異物檢出設備。 O.Metal or foreign matter detector
(二)檢驗設備: (2)Inspection equipment
1.光電比色計。 A.Photoelectric colorimeter
2.氣相層析儀。 B.Gas chromatography
3.液相層析儀。 C.Liquid chromatography
4.分光光度計。 D.Spectrophotometer
5.微生物檢驗設備。 E.Microbiological testing equipment
6.比重計。 F.Hydrometer
7.原子吸收光譜儀。 G.Atomic absorption spectrophotometer
8.濁度計。 H.Turbidimeter
9.導電度計。 I.Electrical conductivity meter
10. 比旋光度計。 J.Polarimeter
11. 折射計。 K.Refractometer
第 19 條 Article 19
本標準第八條至第十八條專業食品工廠未設應具備之基本設施、生產設備或檢驗設備者,應提出合理說明及相關文件。 Food factories that fail to meet the basic facility, production equipment or inspection equipment requirements provided in Article 8 to Article 18 in the Standards are required to submit a statement explaining the reason(s) and provide supporting documents.
第 四 章 附則 Chapter IV. Supplementary Provisions
第 20 條 Article 20
本標準自發布日施行。 These standards shall be implemented from the date of promulgation.
食品中污染物質及毒素衛生標 Sanitation Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food
第 1 條 Article 1
本標準依食品安全衛生管理法第十七條規定訂定之。 This Standard is prescribed in accordance with the provision of Article 17 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation.
第 2 條 Article 2
本標準所稱之污染物質,係指食品於製造、加工、調配、包裝、運送、貯存、販賣中產生或污染者,或因環境之污染,非有意添加而存在於食品者,但不包括蟲體碎片、毛髮或其他外來異物。 The contaminants in this standard shall mean the substance not intentionally added to food, which present in food as a result of production or pollution during the manufacturing, processing, preparing, packaging, transportation, storage, or selling, or as a result of environmental contamination. It does not include insect fragments, hairs and other extraneous matters.
本標準所稱之毒素,包括真菌毒素、海洋生物毒素及植物天然毒素。 The toxins in this standard include the mycotoxins, marine bio-toxins and natural toxins in plant origin.
本標準之訂定範圍,不包括農藥、動物用藥及加工助劑之殘留,亦不包括食品中之原子塵或放射能污染物、多氯聯苯及戴奧辛之限量及食品中微生物之衛生標準所規範之微生物及其毒素。 The scope of this standard does not include the residues of pesticides, veterinary drugs and processing aids; the tolerance of atomic dust and radioactivity contamination, polychlorinated biphenyl and dioxins; and the microorganisms and microbial toxins that are within the sanitation standard for microbiological in foods.
本條文有附件 第 3 條 Article 3
食品中之重金屬限量,應符合附表一之規定。 The maximum levels of metals in food shall meet the standard on Appendix 1.
本條文有附件 第 4 條 Article 4
食品中之真菌毒素限量,應符合附表二之規定。 The maximum levels of mycotoxins in food shall meet the standard on Appendix 2.
本條文有附件 第 5 條 Article 5
食品中所含其他污染物質及毒素之限量,應符合附表三之規定。 The maximum levels of other contaminants and toxins in food shall meet the standard on Appendix 3.
第 6 條 Article 6
本標準自中華民國一百零八年一月一日施行。 This standard shall be implemented from 1 January, 2019.
本標準中華民國一百零九年六月十七日修正發布之第三條附表一、第四條附表二、第五條附表三,自一百十年一月一日施行。 The articles of this standard amended on 17th June 2020 shall apply form 1 January 2021.
本標準中華民國一百十年二月四日修正發布之第五條附表三,自一百十年七月一日施行。 The articles of this standard amended on 4 February 2021 shall apply form 1 July 2021.
本標準中華民國一百十一年五月三十一日修正發布之第五條附表三,自一百十三年一月一日施行。 The articles of this standard amended on 31 May 2022 shall apply form 1 July 2024.
本標準中華民國一百十三年三月二十八日修正發布之第三條附表一,自一百十三年七月一日施行。 The articles of this standard amended on 28 March 2024 shall apply form 1 July 2024.
食品中原子塵或放射能污染容許量標 Standards for the Tolerance of Atomic Dust and Radioactivity Contamination in Foods
食品中微生物衛生標 Sanitation Standard for Microorganisms in Foods
第 1 條 Article 1
本標準依食品安全衛生管理法(以下簡稱本法)第十七條規定訂定之。 This standard is prescribed in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation (herein referred to as "this Act").
第 2 條 Article 2
本標準之訂定範圍,包括食品微生物及其毒素或代謝物,不包括真菌及其毒素。 The scopes of this standard include food microorganisms and their toxins or metabolites, but do not include fungi and mycotoxins.
本條文有附件 第 3 條 Article 3
食品中之微生物及其毒素或代謝物限量,應符合附表之規定。 The limits for food microorganisms and their toxins or metabolites shall meet the requirements in the table in Annex.
第 4 條 Article 4
食品有本法第十五條第一項第四款及本法施行細則第六條規定情事者,依違反本法第十五條第一項規定辦理。 Non-compliant under the jurisdiction of subparagraphs 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 15 of this Act and Article 6 of Rules for the Implementation of this Act, shall be sanctioned in accordance with violating Article 15 of this Act.
第 5 條 Article 5
本標準自中華民國一百十年七月一日施行。 This standard shall be implemented from July 1, 2021.
食品及其相關產品回收銷毀處理辦 Regulations of recall and destruction for food and related products
第 1 條 Article 1
本辦法依食品安全衛生管理法(以下簡稱本法)第五十二條第三項規定訂定之。 This regulation is prescribed in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 52 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”).
第 2 條 Article 2
食品及其相關產品(以下簡稱物品)之回收銷毀作業,由各該物品之製造、加工、調配、販賣、運送、貯存、輸入、輸出食品業者(以下簡稱責任廠商)為之。 The recall and destruction procedure for food and relevant products (hereinafter referred to as “products”) shall be carried out by the food industries (hereinafter referred to as “Responsible Manufacturers”) dealing with the manufacturing, processing, distribution, selling, storing, importing and exporting of the food or articles.
第 3 條 Article 3
責任廠商執行物品之回收銷毀作業,應以書面或其他足以查證方式訂定物品回收銷毀程序之計畫書,其內容應包括下列資料: Responsible Manufacturers shall perform article recall and destruction in written form or other action plans for such recall and destruction procedures that can be verified, including:
一、回收物品之品名、包裝、型態或可供辨識之特徵或符號。 1.product Name, package and form of recalled products or other identifiable features or signs;
二、回收物品所標示之日期、批號或代號等識別資料與編號。 2.identification, lot number, code or other identifiable information or number specified on recalled products;
三、回收物品完整之產銷紀錄,其內容包括物品之名稱、重量或容量、批號、受貨者之名稱及地址、出貨日期及數量。 3.complete production and sales record of recalled products, including name, weight or capacity, lot number, name and address of consignee, delivery date and quantity;
四、回收物品之負責廠商名稱、地址及電話。 4.title, address and telephone number of the Responsible Manufacturer for recalled products;
五、回收之原因及其可能產生之危害。 5.reasons for the recall and nature of the potential hazard;
六、回收物品之總量。 6.total quantity of recalled products;
七、回收物品在銷售通路中之產品總量。 7.total quantity of recalled products in distribution;
八、回收物品之配銷資料紀錄。 8.distribution record of recalled products;
九、採行之回收措施,包括回收層面、停止銷售該物品之指示及其他應執行之行動、回收執行完成之期限等。 9.recall measures to be adopted, including the level of recall, instructions to end sale of the products and other performed actions, expiry date of recall implementation, etc.;
十、後續之消毒、改製或改正等安全措施。 10.subsequent safety measures, such as disinfection, reconditioning or corrections;
十一、對消費者所需提出之警示及其內容。 11.alert issued to consumers and the contents thereof;
十二、回收物品為應銷毀者,應於回收計畫中明訂銷毀程序;銷毀程序有污染環境之虞,應依環保相關法規進行銷毀。 12.recalled products that should be destroyed shall be expressed on the recall project; any environmental contamination in the destruction procedure shall be destroyed pursuant to the relevant regulations of environment protection;
十三、其他經主管機關指定執行回收銷毀事項。 13.other matters regarding recall destructions assigned by competent authorities.
第 4 條 Article 4
本辦法所定之回收銷毀處理作業,由直轄市、縣(市)主管機關監督執行。 Local competent authorities of municipal or county (city) governments shall supervise and execute the recall and destruction operations set forth in these Regulations.
直轄市、縣(市)主管機關應查核責任廠商實施回收能力及監督執行回收措施,其作業包括下列事項: Local competent authorities of municipal or county (city) governments shall inspect the recall capability of the Responsible Manufacturer and supervise their performance of recall measures, operations of which include:
一、稽查違規物品,依法處理,並通知責任廠商進行回收。 1.inspect the violating products that do not conform to the laws, and notify the Responsible Manufacturer to conduct a recall;
二、審核責任廠商所提出回收計畫之回收等級及回收層面,並核定其回收計畫。 2.examine the class and level of the recall in recall projects presented by the Responsible Manufacturer for final approval;
三、監督回收計畫內容不完善之責任廠商限期改善。 3.supervise incomplete recall projects presented by the Responsible Manufacturer which should be amended within a limited time;
四、依據案件之急迫程度,指示廠商通報回收狀況之頻率,並追蹤責任廠商之回收進度。 4.give instruction on the frequency of reporting the recall condition of manufacture according to urgency of the cases and track recall progress of the Responsible Manufacturer;
五、定期進行查核,確認廠商回收計畫執行之達成度。 5.regularly process inspections to confirm achievement of performance on manufacturers’ recall projects;
六、監督責任廠商完成回收計畫。 6.supervise the Responsible Manufacturer to accomplish recall project;
七、查核責任廠商之回收報告。 7.inspect recall report of the Responsible Manufacturer;
八、對責任廠商進行後續輔導。 8.process subsequent guidance for the Responsible Manufacturer;
九、回收物品為應銷毀者,監督責任廠商限期完成銷毀行動。 9.supervise the Responsible Manufacturer and set a time limit for complete destruction of the recalled products that should be destroyed;
十、相關回收案例資料之建檔及必要之新聞發布。 10.data of relevant recall cases shall be filed and offered as a necessary press release;
十一、其他經中央主管機關指定事項。 11.other items, as specified by the central competent authority.
應回收之物品跨越不同縣市或對衛生安全有重大影響者,中央主管機關得指示直轄市、縣(市)主管機關為一定之處理,必要時得統一指揮。 In the event that any recalled products is cross-county (city) or has a significant influence on sanitation and safety, the central competent authority shall instruct local competent authorities of municipal or county (city) governments to act accordingly, or direct unified command if necessary.
第 5 條 Article 5
物品因違反食品衛生或其他相關法令規定,責任廠商應自行實施物品回收,不為自行回收者,主管機關應限期命其回收。 In case any products violates the regulations pursuant to the Act Governing Food Sanitation or relevant laws, the Responsible Manufacturer shall settle products recall by oneself; if failure to self-recall, the competent authorities shall order the Responsible Manufacturer to recall within a limited time.
第 6 條 Article 6
物品如有下列情形之一者,應予沒入銷毀: If any of the following conditions exist, products shall be confiscated for destruction:
一、違反本法第五十二條第一項第三款規定,經通知限期改善,屆期未改善者。 1.those violating Paragraph 1-3 of Article 52 of the Act that fails to duly improve within the given time limit after notice;
二、依本法第五十二條規定應予沒入銷毀者。 2.those that shall be confiscated for destruction according to the provisions of Article 52 of the Act.
第 7 條 Article 7
責任廠商應建立適當之編組,負責回收與銷毀時機評估、計畫研擬、執行監控及完成後彙總報告。 Responsible Manufacturers shall build up a proper organization into groups to be responsible for recall and destruction timing assessment, project planning, monitoring and filing summary reports after completion.
前項編組應置召集人一人,於物品回收原因發生時,召集相關部門為之。 One convener should be set for the aforementioned organization that convenes the relevant department when reasons to recall products occur.
第 8 條 Article 8
責任廠商應依回收物品對民眾健康可能造成之危害程度,依下列三個等級,自行訂定回收級別,辦理回收,但主管機關得變更級別: Responsible Manufacturers shall divide recall by themselves into the following three classes subject to the degree of harm the recalled articles cause to public health; however, the competent authorities may alter the classes:
一、第一級:指物品對民眾可能造成死亡或健康之重大危害,或主管機關命其應回收者。 1.class 1: The products may cause death or serious harm to public health, or the competent authorities order the recall;
二、第二級:指物品對民眾可能造成健康之危害者。 2.class 2: The products may cause harm to public health;
三、第三級:指物品對民眾雖然不致造成健康危害,但其品質不符合規定者。 3.class 3: The products may not cause harm to public health, but quality is not in conformity with the regulations.
責任廠商執行物品回收作業之前,應檢具其回收計畫向直轄市、縣(市)主管機關報備。 The Responsible Manufacturer shall submit a recalled project to report to the competent authorities of municipal or county (city) governments.
第 9 條 Article 9
物品回收深度分為三個層面: Products recall is divided into the following three levels depending on the extent sales channels concerned:
一、消費者層面:回收深度達到個別消費者之層面。 1.consumers: to the extent of individual consumers;
二、零售商層面:回收深度達到販售場所之層面。 2.retailers: to the extent of sales premises;
三、批發商層面:回收深度達到進口商、批發商等非直接售予消費者之層面。 3.wholesalers: to the extent of importer and wholesaler premises etc. where the products is not directly sold to consumers.
第 10 條 Article 10
各級回收情形,如有下列情形之一者,應發布新聞稿公告周知: Any one of the following conditions subject to recall classes shall provide a press release for wide publicity:
一、遇第一級回收之情況。 1.class 1 occurs;
二、遇第二級及第三級回收之情況,並經直轄市、縣(市)主管機關評估,該物品確有危害民眾健康之虞,且回收深度達消費者層面。 2.classes 2 or 3 occur and the products actually caused harm to public health reaching the level of consumers after being evaluated by the competent authorities of municipal or county (city) governments.
第 11 條 Article 11
責任廠商應於物品回收之過程中,定期向直轄市、縣(市)主管機關提出回收進度報告,其內容應包括下列資料: Responsible Manufacturers shall regularly report the recall progress in the procedure of recalling products to the competent authorities of municipal or county (city) governments, including the following data:
一、通知下游廠商家數或人數、日期及方式。 1.number of downstream manufacturers or individuals being notified, date and methods;
二、回應廠商家數及其持有該物品之數量。 2.number of responded manufacturers and total quantity of holding products;
三、未回應廠商家數或人數。 3.number of people of non-responding manufacturers or individuals;
四、已回收物品數量。 4.recalled products quantity;
五、回收物品保管地點,及負責保管之人員。 5.storage location and responsible person for recalled products;
六、查核次數及結果。 6.numbers and results of inspection;
七、預計完成之期限。 7.deadline of completion as scheduled;
八、其他經主管機關指定應報告事項。 8.other matters to report as appointed by the competent authorities.
第 12 條 Article 12
責任廠商於完成物品回收後,應將其處理過程及結果函報直轄市、縣(市)主管機關核備,必要時陳報中央主管機關。 After completion of the recall, Responsible Manufacturers shall report in writing the procedure and results to the competent authorities of municipal or county (city) governments, or the central competent authority if necessary.
第 13 條 Article 13
責任廠商之銷毀行動須經直轄市、縣(市)主管機關核可後,始得為之。 Any destruction action of the Responsible Manufacturer shall be subject to approval of the competent authorities of municipal or county (city) governments.
第 14 條 Article 14
責任廠商應詳載並保存有關物品回收與銷毀之完整書面資料,以供查核。 The Responsible Manufacturer shall record and keep written details of complete data for the relevant products recall and destruction for inspection.
第 15 條 Article 15
本辦法自發布日施行。 These Regulations shall be implemented as of its being promulgated.
食品及其相關產品追溯追蹤系統管理辦 Regulations Governing Traceability of Foods and Relevant Products
第 1 條 Article 1
本辦法依食品安全衛生管理法(以下簡稱本法)第九條第五項規定訂定之。 This regulation is prescribed in accordance with the provision of Paragraph 5 of Article 9 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation (hereinafter referred to as “this Act”).
第 2 條 Article 2
本辦法所稱食品及相關產品,指本法第三條第一項第一款至第六款之食品、特殊營養食品、食品添加物、食品器具、食品容器或包裝及食品用洗潔劑。 “Foods and relevant products” referred to in this regulation shall mean foods, special dietary foods, food additives, food utensils, food containers or packaging, and food cleansers prescribed under Subparagraphs 1 to 6, Paragraphs 1, Article 3 of this Act.
第 3 條 Article 3
本辦法所稱之追溯追蹤系統,指食品業者於食品及其相關產品供應過程之各個環節,經由標記得以追溯產品供應來源或追蹤產品流向,建立其資訊及管理之措施。 “Traceability” referred to in this regulation shall mean food businesses established the information and management to trace the source and track the flow of foods and relevant products at all stage of supply chain.
第 4 條 Article 4
食品業者從事食品及其相關產品製造、加工、調配業務時建立之追溯追蹤系統,至少應包含下列各管理項目: Food businesses that engage in the manufacture, processing, preparation of the foods and relevant products shall establish traceability system including at least the following management items:
一、原材料來源資訊: 1. Raw material source information:
(一)原材料供應商之名稱、食品業者登錄字號、地址、聯絡人及聯絡電話。 (1) name, food business registration number, address, contact person and contact telephone number of raw material supplier;
(二)原材料名稱。 (2) raw material name;
(三)淨重、容量、數量或度量。 (3) net weight, volume, quantity or measurement;
(四)批號。 (4) lot/batch number;
(五)有效日期、製造日期或其他可辨識該原材料來源之日期或資訊。 (5) expiry date, manufacture date or other recognizable date or information about the source of the raw material;
(六)收貨日期。 (6) receiving date; and
(七)原料原產地(國)資訊。 (7) country of origin of raw material.
二、產品資訊: 2. Product information:
(一)產品製造廠商。 (1)product manufacturer;
(二)產品國內負責廠商之名稱、食品業者登錄字號、地址、聯絡人及聯絡電話。 (2)name, food business registration number, address, contact person and contact phone number of the product responsible domestic company;
(三)產品名稱。 (3) product name;
(四)主副原料。 (4) main and minor raw materials;
(五)食品添加物。 (5) food additives;
(六)包裝容器。 (6) packaging containers;
(七)儲運條件。 (7) storage conditions;
(八)淨重、容量、數量或度量。 (8) net weight, volume, quantity or measurement; and
(九)有效日期及製造日期。 (9) expiry date and manufacture date.
三、標記識別:包含產品原材料、半成品及成品上任何可供辨識之獨特記號、批號、文字、圖像等。 3. Identification: including any unique mark, lot/batch number, text or picture that is identifiable on raw materials, semi- products or end products.
四、產品流向資訊: 4. Product flow information
(一)產品運送之物流業者其名稱、食品業者登錄字號、地址、聯絡人及聯絡電話。 (1)name, food business registration number, address, contact person and contact telephone number of the product transporting distributor;
(二)非屬自然人之直接產品買受者之名稱、地址、聯絡人及聯絡電話;其為食品業者,並應包含食品業者登錄字號。 (2) name, address, contact person and contact telephone number of the product recipient besides natural person; in the case of that is food business, the food business registration number shall be included;
(三)產品名稱。 (3) product name;
(四)淨重、容量、數量或度量。 (4) net weight, volume, quantity or measurement;
(五)批號。 (5) lot/batch number;
(六)有效日期或製造日期。 (6) expiry date or manufacture date;
(七)交貨日期。 (7) delivery date; and
(八)回收、銷貨退回與不良產品之名稱、總重量或總容量、原因及其處理措施;回收、銷貨退回產品之返貨者,其名稱及地址。 (8)name, total weight or total capacity, reason and follow-up measure of recall products, sales returned products and inferior products ; name and address of product-returning businesses.
五、庫存原材料及產品之名稱、總重量或總容量。 5. Name, total weight or total capacity of inventory materials and products.
六、報廢(含逾有效日期)原材料與產品之名稱、總重量或總容量、處理措施及發生原因。 6. Name, total weight or total capacity, follow-up measure and the cause of materials and products that discard (including passed their expiry date).
七、其他具有效串聯產品來源及流向之必要性追溯追蹤管理資訊或紀錄。 7. Other necessary information or record for internal traceability system management with effective connection for tracing the source and tracking the flow.
前項第一款第一目、第二款第二目及第四款第一目、第二目之食品業者登錄字號,指該業者屬中央主管機關公告應申請登錄始得營業者,應留存該業者之食品業者登錄字號之資訊。 The information of food business registration number mentioned in the Item 1 of Subparagraph 1, Item 2 of Subparagraph 2, and Item 1 and 2 of Subparagraph 4 of the preceding paragraph, shall mean that the food business registration number information for those food businesses designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall be retained.
第一項第一款第七目之原料原產地(國)資訊,其原料屬中央主管機關公告應標示原料原產地者,須留存原料原產地(國)資訊。 The information of country of origin of raw material mentioned in the Item 7 of Subparagraph 1 of the Paragraph 1 shall mean that the country of origin information for those raw materials required to be labeled designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall be retained.
第一項第二款第一目製造廠商與第二目國內負責廠商,若為相同者可擇一記錄。 If the manufacturer and the responsible domestic company in the Item 6 and 7 of Subparagraph 2 of the Paragraph 1 are the same, either of them may be chosen to be recorded.
第一項第四款第八目及第五款自中華民國一百零八年一月一日施行。 Item 8 of Subparagraph 4 of Paragraph 1 and Subparagraph 5 shall be implemented on 1 January 2019.
第 5 條 Article 5
食品業者從事食品及其相關產品輸入業務時建立之追溯追蹤系統,至少應包含下列各管理項目: Food businesses that engage in the import of the foods and relevant products shall establish traceability system including at least the following management items s:
一、產品資訊: 1. Product Information:
(一)產品中、英(外)文名稱。 (1) Chinese and English (foreign) product name;
(二)主副原料。 (2) main and minor raw materials;
(三)食品添加物。 (3) food additives;
(四)包裝容器。 (4) packaging containers;
(五)儲運條件。 (5) storage conditions;
(六)報驗義務人名稱之統一編號、食品業者登錄字號。 (6) employer identification number and food business registration number;
(七)國外出口廠商及製造(屠宰或產品國外負責)廠商之名稱或代號、地址、聯絡人及聯絡電話。 (7) name or factory code,address, contact person and contact phone number of the exporter and manufacturer (slaughter or responsible company of the export country) ;
(八)淨重、容量、數量或度量。 (8) net weight, volume, quantity or measurement;
(九)批號。 (9) lot/batch number;
(十)有效日期、製造日期或其他可辨識該產品來源之日期或資訊。 (10) expiry date, manufacture date or other recognizable date or information about the source of the product;
(十一)海關放行日期。 (11) date of customs release;
(十二)輸入食品查驗機關核發之食品及相關產品輸入查驗申請書號碼。 (12) application number for import food and relevant products inspection; and
(十三)原料原產地(國)資訊。 (13)country of origin of raw material.
二、標記識別:包含產品上任何可供辨識之獨特記號、批號、文字、圖像等。 2. Identification: including any unique mark, lot/batch number, text or picture that is identifiable on products
三、產品流向資訊: 3. Product flow information:
(一)產品運送之物流業者其名稱、食品業者登錄字號、地址、聯絡人及聯絡電話。 (1) name, food business registration number, address, contact person and contact telephone number of the product transporting distributor;
(二)非屬自然人之直接產品買受者之名稱、地址、聯絡人及聯絡電話;其為食品業者,並應包含食品業者登錄字號。 (2) name, address, contact person and contact telephone number of the product recipient besides natural person; in the case of that is food business, the food business registration number shall be included;
(三)產品名稱。 (3) product name;
(四)淨重、容量、數量或度量。 (4) net weight, volume, quantity or measurement;
(五)批號。 (5) lot/batch number;
(六)有效日期、製造日期或其他可辨識該產品來源及流向之日期或資訊。 (6) expiry date or manufacture date or other recognizable date or information about the source of the raw materials;
(七)交貨日期。 (7) delivery date; and
(八)回收、銷貨退回與不良產品之名稱、總重量或總容量、原因及其處理措施;回收、銷貨退回產品之返貨者,其名稱及地址。 (8) name, total weight or total capacity, reason and follow-up measure of recall products, sales returned products and inferior products ; name and address of product-returning businesses.
四、庫存產品之名稱、總重量或總容量。 4. Name, total weight or total capacity of inventory products.
五、報廢(含逾有效日期)產品之名稱、總重量或總容量、處理措施及發生原因。 5. Name, total weight or total capacity, follow-up measure and the cause of materials and products that discard (including passed their expiry date).
六、其他具有效串聯產品來源及流向之必要性追溯追蹤管理資訊或紀錄。 6. Other necessary information or record for internal traceability system management with effective connection for tracing the source and tracking the flow.
前項第一款第六目及第三款第一目、第二目之食品業者登錄字號,指該業者屬中央主管機關公告應申請登錄始得營業者,應留存該業者之食品業者登錄字號之資訊。 The information of food business registration number mentioned in the Item 6 of Subparagraph 1, Item 1 and 2 of Subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, shall mean that the food business registration number information for those food businesses designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall be retained.
第一項第一款第十三目之原料原產地(國)資訊,其產品之原料屬中央主管機關公告應標示原料原產地者,須留存原料原產地(國)資訊。 The information of country of origin of raw material mentioned in the Item 13 of Subparagraph 1 of the Paragraph 1 shall mean that the country of origin information for those raw materials in food products required to be labeled designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall be retained.
第一項第三款第八目及第四款自中華民國一百零八年一月一日施行。 Item 8 of Subparagraph 3 of Paragraph 1 and Subparagraph 4 shall be implemented on 1 January 2019.
第 6 條 Article 6
食品業者從事食品及其相關產品販賣、輸出業務時建立之追溯追蹤系統,至少應包含下列各管理項目: Food businesses that engage in the sale and export of the foods and relevant products shall establish traceability system including at least the following management items:
一、產品資訊: 1. Product Information:
(一)產品供應商之名稱、食品業者登錄字號、地址、聯絡人及聯絡電話。 (1) name, food business registration number, address, contact person and contact telephone number of product supplier;
(二)產品名稱。 (2) product name;
(三)淨重、容量、數量或度量。 (3) net weight, volume, quantity or measurement;
(四)批號。 (4) lot/batch number;
(五)有效日期、製造日期或其他可辨識該產品來源之日期或資訊。 (5) expiry date or manufacture date or other recognizable date or information about the source of the raw material;
(六)收貨日期。 (6) receiving date; and
(七)原料原產地(國)資訊。 (7) country of origin of raw material.
二、標記識別:產品上任何可供辨識之獨特記號、批號、文字、圖像等。 2. Identification: including any unique mark, lot/batch number, text or picture that is identifiable on products.
三、產品流向資訊: 3. Product flow information:
(一)產品運送之物流業者其名稱、食品業者登錄字號、地址、聯絡人及聯絡電話。 (1) name, food business registration number, address, contact person and contact telephone number of the product transporting distributor;
(二)非屬自然人之直接產品買受者之名稱、地址、聯絡人及聯絡電話;其為食品業者,並應包含食品業者登錄字號。 (2) name, address, contact person and contact telephone number of the product recipient besides natural person; in the case of that is food business, the food business registration number shall be included;
(三)產品名稱。 (3) product name;
(四)淨重、容量、數量或度量。 (4) net weight, volume, quantity or measurement;
(五)批號。 (5) lot/batch number;
(六)有效日期、製造日期或其他可辨識該產品來源及流向之日期或資訊。 (6) expiry date or manufacture date or other recognizable date or information about the source of the raw material;
(七)交貨日期。 (7) delivery date; and
(八)回收、銷貨退回與不良產品之名稱、總重量或總容量、原因及其處理措施;回收、銷貨退回產品之返貨者,其名稱及地址。 (8) name, total weight or total capacity, reason and follow-up measure of recall products, sales returned products and inferior products ; name and address of product-returning businesses.
四、庫存產品之名稱、總重量或總容量。 4. Name, total weight or total capacity of inventory products.
五、報廢(含逾有效日期)產品之名稱、總重量或總容量、處理措施及發生原因。 5. Name, total weight or total capacity, follow-up measure and the cause of materials and products that discard (including passed their expiry date).
六、其他具有效串聯產品來源及流向之必要性追溯追蹤管理資訊或紀錄。 6. Other necessary information or record for internal traceability system management with effective connection for tracing the source and tracking the flow.
前項第一款第一目及第三款第一目、第二目之食品業者登錄字號,指該業者屬中央主管機關公告應申請登錄始得營業者,應留存該業者之食品業者登錄字號之資訊。 The information of food business registration number mentioned in the Item 1 of Subparagraph 1, Item 1 and 2 of Subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, shall mean that the food business registration number information for those food businesses designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall be retained.
第一項第一款第七目之原料原產地(國)資訊,其產品之原料屬中央主管機關公告應標示原料原產地者,須留存原料原產地(國)資訊。 The information of country of origin of raw material information mentioned in the Item 7 of Subparagraph 1 of the Paragraph 1 shall mean that the country of origin information for those raw materials in food products required to be labeled designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall be retained.
第一項第三款第八目及第四款規定,自中華民國一百零八年一月一日施行。 Item 8 of Subparagraph 3 of Paragraph 1 and Subparagraph 4 shall be implemented on 1 January 2019.
第 7 條 Article 7
食品業者從事食品及其相關產品包裝業務時,應符合第四條規定。其原料進行組合後未改變原包裝型態者,則應符合前條規定。 Food businesses that engage in the packaging of the foods and relevant products shall comply with the provisions of Article 4. If the original packaging has not been changed after combining the various raw materials, the provisions of the previous articles shall be complied with.
第 8 條 Article 8
食品業者對第四條至第六條管理項目,應詳實記錄。 Food businesses shall record detailed information of management items referred to Articles 4 to 6.
食品業者應以書面或電子文件,完整保存食品追溯追蹤憑證、文件等紀錄至少五年。 Food businesses shall retain records such as complete proof and shall also keep documents regarding food traceability in written or electronic form for at least 5 years.
第 9 條 Article 9
直轄市、縣(市)主管機關為確認追溯追蹤系統紀錄,得進入食品業者作業場所查核及要求其提供相關證明文件,食品業者不得規避、妨礙或拒絕。 The municipal or county/city competent authority may enter the place of food businesses to perform on-site examination and ensure that food businesses are in compliance with the provisions of food traceability relevant documents, and businesses shall not evade, impede or refuse.
第 10 條 Article 10
本辦法除另定施行日期者外,自發布日施行。 Unless otherwise specified, these regulation shall take effect as of the date of promulgation.
食品及相關產品標示宣傳廣告涉及不實誇張易生誤解或醫療效能認定準 Regulations Governing Determination of the Label, Promotion and Advertisement of Foods and Food Products Identified as False, Exaggerated, Misleading or Having Medical Efficacy
第 1 條 Article 1
本準則依食品安全衛生管理法(以下簡稱本法)第二十八條第四項規定訂定之。 The Regulations are prescribed in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 4, Article 28 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”).
第 2 條 Article 2
本準則所稱食品及相關產品,指食品、食品添加物、食品用洗潔劑及經中央主管機關公告之食品器具、食品容器或包裝。 The “foods” and “food products” referred in the Regulations are defined as foods, food additives, food cleansers and food utensils, food containers or packaging designated by the central competent authority in the public announcement.
第 3 條 Article 3
本法第二十八條第一項或第二項所定標示、宣傳或廣告涉及不實、誇張、易生誤解,或醫療效能之認定,應就其傳達予消費者之品名、文字敘述、圖案、符號、影像、聲音或其他訊息,依整體表現,綜合判斷之。 The determining standards of the false, exaggerated or misleading labeling, promotion or advertisement referred to in Paragraph 1, Article 28 and medical efficacy referred to in Paragraph 2 in the Act shall be comprehensively judged by the overall presentation of the name, description, image, symbol, visual, audio or other messages conveyed to consumers of the product.
本條文有附件 第 4 條 Article 4
本法第二十八條第一項食品及相關產品之標示、宣傳或廣告,表述內容有下列情形之一者,認定為涉及不實、誇張或易生誤解: The labeling, promotion or advertisement of foods and food products referred to in Paragraph 1, Article 28 of the Act is identified as false, exaggerated or misleading if involving any of the following condition:
一、與事實不符。 (i) The description does not conform to facts.
二、無證據,或證據不足以佐證。 (ii) The description has no evidence or insufficient evidence to support it.
三、涉及維持或改變人體器官、組織、生理或外觀之功能。 (iii) The description involves maintaining or altering the physiology, appearance or function of human organs and tissue.
四、引用機關公文書字號或類似意義詞句。但依法令規定應標示之核准公文書字號,不在此限。 (iv) The content description refers to any number of official letters or any word or sentence with similar meanings; however, the use of approved official letter number complied with the laws and regulations are not subject to the limit.
食品以「健康」字樣為品名之一部分者,認定該品名為易生誤解。但取得許可之健康食品,不在此限。 If the word "health" as part of the food product name, it is identified as misleading. However, this regulation shall not apply to food product issued with a health food permit.
食品之標示、宣傳或廣告內容,得使用附件一所列通常可使用之詞句,或附件二所列營養素或特定成分之生理功能詞句;上開詞句,均不認定為涉及不實、誇張或易生誤解。 The phrases in Appendix 1 and the physiological functional description of the nutrients and specified components as in the Appendix 2 can be used for the labeling, promotion or advertisement of food products. The above descriptions are considered not false, exaggerated, or misleading.
第 5 條 Article 5
本法第二十八條第二項食品之標示、宣傳或廣告,表述內容有下列情形之一者,認定為涉及醫療效能: The labeling , promotion or advertisement of the foods referred to in Paragraph 2, Article 28 in the Act shall be identified as having medical efficacy if involving any of the following statement:
一、涉及預防、改善、減輕、診斷或治療疾病、疾病症候群或症狀。 (i) The description is related to prevention, improvement, mitigation, diagnosis or treatment of any diseases, syndromes or symptoms.
二、涉及減輕或降低導致疾病有關之體內成分。 (ii) The description is related to alleviation or reduction of any substances in human body caused by diseases.
三、涉及中藥材效能。 (iii) The description is related to the efficacy of raw materials in traditional Chinese medicine.
第 6 條 Article 6
本準則自發布日施行。 The Regulations shall be implemented upon promulgation.
本準則中華民國一百零九年八月四日修正發布之第四條,自一百十一年七月一日施行。 Articles 4 of these Regulations, amended and promulgated on 4 Auguest 2020, shall take force from 1 July 2022.

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食品安全衛生管理 Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation
第 一 章 總則 Chapter I General Principles
第 1 條 Article 1
為管理食品衛生安全及品質,維護國民健康,特制定本法。 This Act is enacted to govern the food sanitation, safety and quality, and protect the health of citizens.
第 2 條 Article 2
本法所稱主管機關:在中央為衛生福利主管機關;在直轄市為直轄市政府;在縣(市)為縣(市)政府。 For purposes of this Act, the term "competent authority" shall mean the competent health and welfare authority at the central government level, the municipal governments at the municipal level, and the county/city governments at the county/city level.
第 2-1 條 Article 2-1
為加強全國食品安全事務之協調、監督、推動及查緝,行政院應設食品安全會報,由行政院院長擔任召集人,召集相關部會首長、專家學者及民間團體代表共同組成,職司跨部會協調食品安全風險評估及管理措施,建立食品安全衛生之預警及稽核制度,至少每三個月開會一次,必要時得召開臨時會議。召集人應指定一名政務委員或部會首長擔任食品安全會報執行長,並由中央主管機關負責幕僚事務。 To enhance the coordination, monitoring, promotion, and inspection of national food safety affairs, the Executive Yuan shall establish the Food Safety Board. The Premier of the Executive Yuan shall serve as the convener with the participation of the heads of other relevant ministries and commissions, experts, scholars, and representatives of non-governmental organizations to take charge of inter-agency coordination for the food safety risk assessment and management measures as well as establish the alert and auditing system of food safety and sanitation. The Food Safety Board shall meet once at least every three months. When necessary, a temporary meeting may be convened. The convener shall appoint a Minister without Portfolio or a head of ministries and commissions to act as the Chief Executive of the Food Safety Board and the central competent authority shall be in charge of staff affairs.
各直轄市、縣(市)政府應設食品安全會報,由各該直轄市、縣(市)政府首長擔任召集人,職司跨局處協調食品安全衛生管理措施,至少每三個月舉行會議一次。 Each municipal/county/city government shall establish the Food Safety Board; the head of the municipality/county/city shall serve as the convener to take charge of inter-departmental coordination for the food safety management measures. A meeting shall be convened once at least every three months.
第一項食品安全會報決議之事項,各相關部會應落實執行,行政院應每季追蹤管考對外公告,並納入每年向立法院提出之施政方針及施政報告。 Decisions made by the Food Safety Board in Paragraph 1 shall be carried out and implemented in compliance by relevant ministries and commissions. Each quarter the Executive Yuan shall announce the supervision results included in its administrative policies report to the Legislative Yuan every year.
第一項之食品安全會報之組成、任務、議事程序及其他應遵行事項,由行政院定之。 The regulations governing the formation, tasks, parliamentary procedures and other matters to be complied with for such Food Safety Board in Paragraph 1 shall be prescribed by the Executive Yuan.
第 3 條 Article 3
本法用詞,定義如下: For purposes of this Act, the following terms shall have the meaning set forth below:
一、食品:指供人飲食或咀嚼之產品及其原料。 1. The term “foods” shall mean goods provided to people for eating, drinking, or chewing, and the raw materials of such goods.
二、特殊營養食品:指嬰兒與較大嬰兒配方食品、特定疾病配方食品及其他經中央主管機關許可得供特殊營養需求者使用之配方食品。 2. The term “special dietary foods” shall mean infant and follow-up formula, formula for certain disease or other formula approved by the central competent authority to be consumed by people with special nutrient requirement.
三、食品添加物:指為食品著色、調味、防腐、漂白、乳化、增加香味、安定品質、促進發酵、增加稠度、強化營養、防止氧化或其他必要目的,加入、接觸於食品之單方或複方物質。複方食品添加物使用之添加物僅限由中央主管機關准用之食品添加物組成,前述准用之單方食品添加物皆應有中央主管機關之准用許可字號。 3. The term "food additives" shall mean a single substance or combination of substances that are added to or brought into contact with foods for the purpose of coloring, seasoning, preserving, bleaching, emulsifying, flavoring, stabilizing quality, enhancing fermentation, increasing viscosity, enriching nutritional value, preventing oxidation or other necessary purpose. Contents of the food additive combinations shall be limited to food additives approved by the central competent authority. The single food additive shall be granted an approval number by the central competent authority.
四、食品器具:指與食品或食品添加物直接接觸之器械、工具或器皿。 4. The term "food utensils" shall mean instruments, tools, or containers that come into direct contact with foods or food additives.
五、食品容器或包裝:指與食品或食品添加物直接接觸之容器或包裹物。 5. The terms "food containers or packaging" shall mean containers and packaging materials that come into direct contact with foods and food additives.
六、食品用洗潔劑:指用於消毒或洗滌食品、食品器具、食品容器或包裝之物質。 6. The term "food cleansers" shall mean substances used to disinfect or clean foods, food utensils, food containers and food packaging.
七、食品業者:指從事食品或食品添加物之製造、加工、調配、包裝、運送、貯存、販賣、輸入、輸出或從事食品器具、食品容器或包裝、食品用洗潔劑之製造、加工、輸入、輸出或販賣之業者。 7. The term "food businesses" shall mean those businesses that engage in the manufacture, processing, preparation, packaging, transportation, storage, sale, import or export of foods, or engage in the manufacture, processing, import, export or sale of food utensils, food containers or packaging, or food cleansers.
八、標示:指於食品、食品添加物、食品用洗潔劑、食品器具、食品容器或包裝上,記載品名或為說明之文字、圖畫、記號或附加之說明書。 8. The term "labels" shall mean wording, pictures, symbols or additional instruction sheet affixed to foods, food additives, food cleansers, food utensils, food containers or food packaging to indicate the product name or to give explanation.
九、營養標示:指於食品容器或包裝上,記載食品之營養成分、含量及營養宣稱。 9. The term “nutrition label” shall mean the nutrients, contents or nutrient claims of the food affixed to food containers or packaging.
十、查驗:指查核及檢驗。 10. The term “inspection” shall mean examination and testing.
十一、基因改造:指使用基因工程或分子生物技術,將遺傳物質轉移或轉殖入活細胞或生物體,產生基因重組現象,使表現具外源基因特性或使自身特定基因無法表現之相關技術。但不包括傳統育種、同科物種之細胞及原生質體融合、雜交、誘變、體外受精、體細胞變異及染色體倍增等技術。 11. The term “genetic modification” shall mean the transferring of genetic materials or implant of live cells or organisms via genetic engineering, molecular biotechnology, or other related technologies to produce genetic recombination, exogenous genetic characteristics, or to suppress certain genes of the recipient. However, this does not include traditional breeding methods or techniques such as the merging, hybridization, mutation, in-vitro fertilization, somaclonal variation, and chromosome doubling of plants of the same species and protoplasts.
十二、加工助劑:指在食品或食品原料之製造加工過程中,為達特定加工目的而使用,非作為食品原料或食品容器具之物質。該物質於最終產品中不產生功能,食品以其成品形式包裝之前應從食品中除去,其可能存在非有意,且無法避免之殘留。 12. The term “processing aid” shall mean any substance or material, not including apparatus or utensils, and not consumed as a food ingredient by itself, intentionally used in the processing of raw materials, foods or its ingredients, to fulfill a certain technological purpose during treatment or processing and which may result in the non-intentional but unavoidable presence of residues or derivatives in the final product. Any residues of processing aids shall be removed before the food reaches its finished form and remaining in the food after processing should not perform a function in the final product.
第 二 章 食品安全風險管理 Chapter II Risk Management for Food Safety
第 4 條 Article 4
主管機關採行之食品安全衛生管理措施應以風險評估為基礎,符合滿足國民享有之健康、安全食品以及知的權利、科學證據原則、事先預防原則、資訊透明原則,建構風險評估以及諮議體系。 The actions taken by the competent authority in the governing of food safety and sanitation shall base on risk assessment and shall align with satisfying the citizens’right to have healthy and safe food and the right to know, as well as the principles of scientific evidence, precaution, and information transparency. The competent authority shall establish a risk assessment and advisory system.
前項風險評估,中央主管機關應召集食品安全、毒理與風險評估等專家學者及民間團體組成食品風險評估諮議會為之。其成員單一性別不得少於三分之一。 For the risk assessment mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the central competent authority shall assemble experts and scholars specialized in food safety, toxicology, risk assessment, and etc., as well as non-governmental organizations, to form a food risk assessment advisory committee. Each gender shall not be less than one-third of the total number of the committee members.
第一項諮議體系應就食品衛生安全與營養、基因改造食品、食品廣告標示、食品檢驗方法等成立諮議會,召集食品安全、營養學、醫學、毒理、風險管理、農業、法律、人文社會領域相關具有專精學者組成之。其成員單一性別不得少於三分之一。 The advisory system in Paragraph 1 shall refer to a council advisory committee comprising of experts and scholars specializing in food safety, nutrition, medicine, toxicology, risk management, agriculture, law, and humanities and social science to facilitate regulation of food sanitation and safety, nutrition, genetically modified foods, food advertising and labeling, and food testing methods. Each gender shall not be less than one-third of the total number of the committee members.
諮議會委員議事之迴避,準用行政程序法第三十二條之規定;諮議會之組成、議事、程序與範圍及其他應遵行事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The members of the committee shall abide by the recusal regulation of Article 32 of the Administrative Procedure Act. The regulations governing the formation, proceedings, procedures, scope and other matters to be complied with for such council advisory committee shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
中央主管機關對重大或突發性食品衛生安全事件,必要時得依預警原則、風險評估或流行病學調查結果,公告對特定產品或特定地區之產品採取下列管理措施: Whenever necessary, the central competent authority may take the following actions on specified products and products from specified areas on the basis of the precautionary principle, the risk assessment or the epidemiological survey result when a significant or an unexpected food safety incident occurs:
一、限制或停止輸入查驗、製造及加工之方式或條件。 1.to suspend import, manufacturing and processing of the specified products or products from specified areas, or to conduct control measures and requirements to restrict the import, manufacturing and processing of the specified products or products from specified areas.
二、下架、封存、限期回收、限期改製、沒入銷毀。 2.to withdraw from the market, seal the products, recall within a prescribed time period, recondition within a prescribed time period, confiscate and destroy.
第 5 條 Article 5
各級主管機關依科學實證,建立食品衛生安全監測體系,於監測發現有危害食品衛生安全之虞之事件發生時,應主動查驗,並發布預警或採行必要管制措施。 The competent authority at all levels shall establish a food sanitation and safety monitoring system based on scientific evidence. Upon discovery of incidents that may be harmful to food sanitation and safety during monitoring, an active inspection shall be conducted and an alert shall be issued or other necessary measures shall be implemented.
前項主動查驗、發布預警或採行必要管制措施,包含主管機關應抽樣檢驗、追查原料來源、產品流向、公布檢驗結果及揭露資訊,並令食品業者自主檢驗。 The issuance of the active inspection and alert or implementation of necessary measures referred to in the preceding paragraph which will be done by the competent authority shall include conducting sampling and testing, investigating the source of raw material and the flow of the product, publishing testing results, disclosing other relevant information and ordering food businesses to perform testing on their own.
第 6 條 Article 6
各級主管機關應設立通報系統,劃分食品引起或感染症中毒,由衛生福利部食品藥物管理署或衛生福利部疾病管制署主管之,蒐集並受理疑似食品中毒事件之通報。 The competent authority at all levels shall establish a reporting system, distinguishing poisoning caused by either food or infections, to be under the jurisdiction of either the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare or Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare, and to collect and handle the reporting of suspicious food poisoning incidents.
醫療機構診治病人時發現有疑似食品中毒之情形,應於二十四小時內向當地主管機關報告。 Upon diagnosing a patient suspected of food poisoning, a medical institution shall report to the local competent authority within 24 hours.
第 三 章 食品業者衛生管理 Chapter III Sanitary Control of Food Businesses
第 7 條 Article 7
食品業者應實施自主管理,訂定食品安全監測計畫,確保食品衛生安全。 Food businesses shall implement self-management and enact food safety monitoring plan to ensure food sanitation and safety.
食品業者應將其產品原材料、半成品或成品,自行或送交其他檢驗機關(構)、法人或團體檢驗。 Food businesses shall test their raw materials, semi-products or end products on their own, or deliver them to other testing agency (institution), corporation, or organization for testing.
上市、上櫃及其他經中央主管機關公告類別及規模之食品業者,應設置實驗室,從事前項自主檢驗。 Food businesses that are Exchange-Listed, OTC-Listed or belonging to a category and scale designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall be equipped with laboratories to perform said self-testing.
第一項應訂定食品安全監測計畫之食品業者類別與規模,與第二項應辦理檢驗之食品業者類別與規模、最低檢驗週期,及其他相關事項,由中央主管機關公告。 The central competent authority shall prescribe in a public announcement on the category and scale of the food businesses that shall enact the food safety monitoring plan in Paragraph 1 and conduct testing in Paragraph 2, the minimum testing cycle, and other relevant matters in paragraph 2.
食品業者於發現產品有危害衛生安全之虞時,應即主動停止製造、加工、販賣及辦理回收,並通報直轄市、縣(市)主管機關。 Upon discovery that food products may be harmful to sanitation and safety, the food businesses shall immediately cease manufacturing, processing, sale and recall such products voluntarily and report to the municipal or county/city competent authority.
第 8 條 Article 8
食品業者之從業人員、作業場所、設施衛生管理及其品保制度,均應符合食品之良好衛生規範準則。 The personnel, operation sites, sanitation management of facilities and quality assurance system of food businesses shall meet the regulations on good hygiene practice for foods.
經中央主管機關公告類別及規模之食品業,應符合食品安全管制系統準則之規定。 Food businesses belonging to a category and scale designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall meet the regulations on food safety control system.
經中央主管機關公告類別及規模之食品業者,應向中央或直轄市、縣(市)主管機關申請登錄,始得營業。 Food businesses belonging to a category and scale designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement may commence its business operation only after applying for registration with the central competent authority, the municipal or county/city competent authority.
第一項食品之良好衛生規範準則、第二項食品安全管制系統準則,及前項食品業者申請登錄之條件、程序、應登錄之事項與申請變更、登錄之廢止、撤銷及其他應遵行事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The regulations on good hygiene practice for foods referred to in Paragraph 1, the regulations on food safety control system referred to in Paragraph 2 and the regulations governing the condition, procedure, and the matters to be registered for the application for registration and application for amendment, revocation or termination of registration and other matters to be complied with mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
經中央主管機關公告類別及規模之食品業者,應取得衛生安全管理系統之驗證。 Food businesses belonging to a category and scale designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall obtain the certification of sanitation and safety management systems.
前項驗證,應由中央主管機關認證之驗證機構辦理;有關申請、撤銷與廢止認證之條件或事由,執行驗證之收費、程序、方式及其他相關事項之管理辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The certification in the preceding paragraph shall be performed by the institution accredited by the central competent authority. The regulations governing the condition or reason of the application, termination and revocation for accredition; the charge, procedure, method for performing such certification; and other relevant matters shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第 9 條 Article 9
食品業者應保存產品原材料、半成品及成品之來源相關文件。 Food businesses shall retain the related source documents of the raw materials, semi-products and end products.
經中央主管機關公告類別與規模之食品業者,應依其產業模式,建立產品原材料、半成品與成品供應來源及流向之追溯或追蹤系統。 Food businesses belonging to a category and scale designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall establish their own traceability system for tracing the source and tracking the flow of the raw materials, semi-products and end products according to their respective industry modes.
中央主管機關為管理食品安全衛生及品質,確保食品追溯或追蹤系統資料之正確性,應就前項之業者,依溯源之必要性,分階段公告使用電子發票。 To govern the food safety, sanitation and quality, and ensure the information accuracy of food traceability system, the central competent authority shall require the businesses in the preceding paragraph to use electronic uniform invoices in a phased public announcement, according to the necessity of tracing the source.
中央主管機關應建立第二項之追溯或追蹤系統,食品業者應以電子方式申報追溯或追蹤系統之資料,其電子申報方式及規格由中央主管機關定之。 The central competent authority shall establish the traceability system in Paragraph 2. Food businesses shall use electronic methods to declare the information of the traceability system. The electronic declaration method and specification shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第一項保存文件種類與期間及第二項追溯或追蹤系統之建立、應記錄之事項、查核及其他應遵行事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The types of documents to be retained and the period of retention mentioned in Paragraph 1 and the regulations governing the establishment, matters to be recorded, examination and other matters to be complied with for the traceability system mentioned in Paragraph 2 shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第 10 條 Article 10
食品業者之設廠登記,應由工業主管機關會同主管機關辦理。 Factory registration of food businesses shall be handled by the competent industrial authority in conjunction with the competent authority.
食品工廠之建築及設備,應符合設廠標準;其標準,由中央主管機關會同中央工業主管機關定之。 The construction and equipment of a food factory shall conform to the establishment standard, which shall be prescribed by the central competent authority in conjunction with the central competent industrial authority.
食品或食品添加物之工廠應單獨設立,不得於同一廠址及廠房同時從事非食品之製造、加工及調配。但經中央主管機關查核符合藥物優良製造準則之藥品製造業兼製食品者,不在此限。 The food or food additive factory shall be independently established and shall not engage in non-food manufacturing, processing, or preparation at the same address and the same factory. However, this regulation shall not apply to those factories manufacturing both drug and food products, were examined and confirmed to conform to the Pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations by the central competent authority.
本法中華民國一百零三年十一月十八日修正條文施行前,前項之工廠未單獨設立者,由中央主管機關於修正條文施行後六個月內公告,並應於公告後一年內完成辦理。 For the factories mentioned in the preceding paragraph that were not independently established prior to the amendment of this Act on 18th November 2014, the central competent authority shall announce within six months after promulgation of this Act, and those factories shall complete independent establishment within one year after the announcement.
第 11 條 Article 11
經中央主管機關公告類別及規模之食品業者,應置衛生管理人員。 Food businesses belonging to a category and scale designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall have sanitation control personnel.
前項衛生管理人員之資格、訓練、職責及其他應遵行事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The regulations governing the qualification, training, duty and other matters to be complied with for the sanitation control personnel of the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第 12 條 Article 12
經中央主管機關公告類別及規模之食品業者,應置一定比率,並領有專門職業或技術證照之食品、營養、餐飲等專業人員,辦理食品衛生安全管理事項。 Food businesses belonging to a category and scale designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall have a certain percentage of professionals with vocational or technical certification in food, nutrition, catering etc. responsible for food sanitation and safety control.
前項應聘用專門職業或技術證照人員之設置、職責、業務之執行及管理辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The regulations governing the placement, duty, execution of business, and management of professionals with vocational or technical certification mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第 13 條 Article 13
經中央主管機關公告類別及規模之食品業者,應投保產品責任保險。 Food businesses belonging to a category and scale designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall take out product liability insurance.
前項產品責任保險之保險金額及契約內容,由中央主管機關定之。 The insured amount and contents of the insurance contract of the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第 14 條 Article 14
公共飲食場所衛生之管理辦法,由直轄市、縣(市)主管機關依中央主管機關訂定之各類衛生標準或法令定之。 The regulations governing the sanitation of public food and beverage sites shall be prescribed by the municipal or county/city competent authority based on the various sanitation standards or laws promulgated by the central competent authority.
第 四 章 食品衛生管理 Chapter IV Food Sanitation Control
第 15 條 Article 15
食品或食品添加物有下列情形之一者,不得製造、加工、調配、包裝、運送、貯存、販賣、輸入、輸出、作為贈品或公開陳列: Foods or food additives with any one of the following circumstances shall not be manufactured, processed, prepared, packaged, transported, stored, sold, imported, exported, presented as a gift or publicly displayed:
一、變質或腐敗。 1. those that have deteriorated or rotten;
二、未成熟而有害人體健康。 2. those that are unripe and thus harmful to human health;
三、有毒或含有害人體健康之物質或異物。 3. those that are toxic or contain substances or foreign materials that are harmful to human health;
四、染有病原性生物,或經流行病學調查認定屬造成食品中毒之病因。 4. those that are contaminated by pathogenic organisms, or have been established by epidemiological survey to be cause of food poisoning;
五、殘留農藥或動物用藥含量超過安全容許量。 5. those with pesticide or veterinary drugs residue exceeding the permissible tolerance;
六、受原子塵或放射能污染,其含量超過安全容許量。 6. those that have been contaminated by and contain nuclear fallout or radioactivity exceeding the permissible tolerance;
七、攙偽或假冒。 7. those that have been adulterated or counterfeited;
八、逾有效日期。 8. those that have passed their expiry date;
九、從未於國內供作飲食且未經證明為無害人體健康。 9. those that have never been provided for human consumption and proven to be harmless to human health;or
十、添加未經中央主管機關許可之添加物。 10. those that contain food additives that are not approved by the central competent authority.
前項第五款、第六款殘留農藥或動物用藥安全容許量及食品中原子塵或放射能污染安全容許量之標準,由中央主管機關會商相關機關定之。 The standards governing the permissible tolerance of pesticide or veterinary drugs residue, and the nuclear fallout or radioactivity mentioned in Subparagraphs 5 and 6 of the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent authority through consultation with the relevant authorities.
第一項第三款有害人體健康之物質,包括雖非疫區而近十年內有發生牛海綿狀腦病或新型庫賈氏症病例之國家或地區牛隻之頭骨、腦、眼睛、脊髓、絞肉、內臟及其他相關產製品。 Substance that is harmful to human health mentioned in Subparagraph 3 of Paragraph 1 includes skulls, brains, eyes, spinal marrow, ground beef, viscera and other related products from non-epidemic areas and countries still having Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or New Variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease cases in past ten years.
國內外之肉品及其他相關產製品,除依中央主管機關根據國人膳食習慣為風險評估所訂定安全容許標準者外,不得檢出乙型受體素。 Beta-agonists shall not to be detected via tests in domestic and foreign meat products and other meat-related products, with the exception that the central competent authority may set a permissible tolerance of Beta-agonists after assessing risks in accordance to the citizens’ diet habits.
國內外如發生因食用安全容許殘留乙型受體素肉品導致中毒案例時,應立即停止含乙型受體素之肉品進口;國內經確認有因食用致中毒之個案,政府應負照護責任,並協助向廠商請求損害賠償。 In the event of food poisoning caused by consumption of meat products containing Beta-agonists of a permissible tolerance, the importation of meat products containing Beta-agonists shall be suspended immediately. If said domestic food poisoning case is confirmed, the government shall take responsibility to health care for such victims and assist them in seeking compensation from the attributable entities.
第 15-1 條 Article 15-1
中央主管機關對於可供食品使用之原料,得限制其製造、加工、調配之方式或條件、食用部位、使用量、可製成之產品型態或其他事項。 The central competent authority may restrict the methods or conditions of manufacture, processing and preparation, edible parts, usage quantity, product form or other matters of the raw materials provided for food use.
前項應限制之原料品項及其限制事項,由中央主管機關公告之。 The central competent authority shall prescribe in a public announcement on the items and restrictions for the raw materials that shall be restricted in the preceding paragraph.
第 16 條 Article 16
食品器具、食品容器或包裝、食品用洗潔劑有下列情形之一,不得製造、販賣、輸入、輸出或使用: Food utensils, food containers or packaging, food cleansers under any of the following circumstances shall not be manufactured, sold, imported, exported or used:
一、有毒者。 1. those that are toxic;
二、易生不良化學作用者。 2. those that tend to cause unfavorable chemical reactions;
三、足以危害健康者。 3. those that are otherwise harmful to health; or
四、其他經風險評估有危害健康之虞者。 4. those that may be harmful to health through the risk assessment results.
第 17 條 Article 17
販賣之食品、食品用洗潔劑及其器具、容器或包裝,應符合衛生安全及品質之標準;其標準由中央主管機關定之。 Foods, food cleansers, food utensils, food containers or packaging being sold shall conform to sanitation, safety and quality standards which are prescribed by the central competent authority.
第 18 條 Article 18
食品添加物之品名、規格及其使用範圍、限量標準,由中央主管機關定之。 The product names, specification, use and limitation of food additives shall conform to the standards prescribed by the central competent authority.
前項標準之訂定,必須以可以達到預期效果之最小量為限制,且依據國人膳食習慣為風險評估,同時必須遵守規格標準之規定。 The standards mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be restricted to the minimum required for anticipated effect and shall be based on risk assessment of the citizen’s diet habits while conforming to the provisions of specification standards.
第 18-1 條 Article 18-1
食品業者使用加工助劑於食品或食品原料之製造,應符合安全衛生及品質之標準;其標準由中央主管機關定之。 The processing aids which are used in the processing of food or its raw materials by food businesses shall conform to safety, sanitation and quality standards which are prescribed by the central competent authority.
加工助劑之使用,不得有危害人體健康之虞之情形。 The use of processing aids shall not include any circumstances that may be harmful to human health.
第 19 條 Article 19
第十五條第二項及前二條規定之標準未訂定前,中央主管機關為突發事件緊急應變之需,於無法取得充分之實驗資料時,得訂定其暫行標準。 Before the standards stipulated by Paragraph 2 of Article 15 and the preceding two Articles have been promulgated, the central competent authority may prescribe a provisional standard for responding to unexpected emergency and where sufficient experimental data cannot be obtained.
第 20 條 Article 20
屠宰場內畜禽屠宰及分切之衛生查核,由農業主管機關依相關法規之規定辦理。 Hygienic examination of the slaughtering and cutting of livestock and poultry at the slaughterhouses shall be conducted by the competent agricultural authority in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
運送過程之屠體、內臟及其分切物於交付食品業者後之衛生查核,由衛生主管機關為之。 Hygienic examination of the carcasses, viscera and meat cuts in transport shall be made by the competent health authority after delivery to the food businesses.
食品業者所持有之屠體、內臟及其分切物之製造、加工、調配、包裝、運送、貯存、販賣、輸入或輸出之衛生管理,由各級主管機關依本法之規定辦理。 The sanitation of the manufacture, processing, preparation, packaging, transportation, storage, sale, import or export of carcasses, viscera and meat cuts which are in the possession of food businesses shall be subject to the governance of the competent authority at all levels in accordance with this Act.
第二項衛生查核之規範,由中央主管機關會同中央農業主管機關定之。 The direction of the hygienic examination of Paragraph 2 shall be prescribed by the central competent authority in conjunction with the central competent agricultural authority.
第 21 條 Article 21
經中央主管機關公告之食品、食品添加物、食品器具、食品容器或包裝及食品用洗潔劑,其製造、加工、調配、改裝、輸入或輸出,非經中央主管機關查驗登記並發給許可文件,不得為之;其登記事項有變更者,應事先向中央主管機關申請審查核准。 None of the foods, food additives, food cleansers, food utensils, food containers or packaging and food cleansers which are designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall be manufactured, processed, prepared, repacked, imported or exported without filing product registration with and procuring a permit document from the central competent authority. Any change in the registered matters shall be subject to the prior approval of the central competent authority.
食品所含之基因改造食品原料非經中央主管機關健康風險評估審查,並查驗登記發給許可文件,不得供作食品原料。 None of the genetically modified food raw materials shall be used as the food raw materials without being reviewed by the central competent authority in the health risk assessment, filing product registration with and procuring a permit document.
經中央主管機關查驗登記並發給許可文件之基因改造食品原料,其輸入業者應依第九條第五項所定辦法,建立基因改造食品原料供應來源及流向之追溯或追蹤系統。 Importers of genetically modified food raw materials, that have filed product registration with and procured a permit document from the central competent authority, shall establish a traceability system for tracing the source and tracking the flow of the genetically modified food raw materials in accordance to Paragraph 5 of Article 9.
第一項及第二項許可文件,其有效期間為一年至五年,由中央主管機關核定之;期滿仍需繼續製造、加工、調配、改裝、輸入或輸出者,應於期滿前三個月內,申請中央主管機關核准展延。但每次展延,不得超過五年。 The permits mentioned in the preceding paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be valid for a term of one year to five years subject to the decisions by the central competent authority. Application for extension shall be filed within three months prior to the expiration of the term with the central competent authority if continued manufacture, processing, preparation, repacking, importation or exportation is desired after the expiration. The term of each extension shall not exceed five years.
第一項及第二項許可之廢止、許可文件之發給、換發、補發、展延、移轉、註銷及登記事項變更等管理事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The regulations governing the revocation of the permits mentioned in Paragraphs 1 and 2, and issuance, replacement, re-issuance, extension, transfer, de-registration, and change in the registered matters of the permit document, etc. shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第一項及第二項之查驗登記,得委託其他機構辦理;其委託辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The product registration under Paragraphs 1 and 2 may be commissioned to another institution in accordance with regulations which are prescribed by the central competent authority.
本法中華民國一百零三年一月二十八日修正前,第二項未辦理查驗登記之基因改造食品原料,應於公布後二年內完成辦理。 For the unregistered genetically modified food raw materials mentioned in Paragraph 2 prior to the amendment of this Act on 28th January 2014, shall complete review and registration within two years after promulgation of this Act.
第 五 章 食品標示及廣告管理 Chapter V Food Labeling and Advertisement
第 22 條 Article 22
食品及食品原料之容器或外包裝,應以中文及通用符號,明顯標示下列事項: The container or external packaging of food and food raw materials shall conspicuously indicate in Chinese and common symbols the following matters:
一、品名。 1. product name;
二、內容物名稱;其為二種以上混合物時,應依其含量多寡由高至低分別標示之。 2. name of the ingredients; those that contain two or more ingredients shall indicate the respective ingredients in descending order of proportion;
三、淨重、容量或數量。 3. net weight, volume or quantity;
四、食品添加物名稱;混合二種以上食品添加物,以功能性命名者,應分別標明添加物名稱。 4. name of food additives; in the case of a mixture of two or more food additives which are named according to its function shall indicate the name of each additive separately;
五、製造廠商或國內負責廠商名稱、電話號碼及地址。國內通過農產品生產驗證者,應標示可追溯之來源;有中央農業主管機關公告之生產系統者,應標示生產系統。 5. name, telephone number and address of the manufacturer or that of the responsible domestic company. The tracing sources of the domestic certified agricultural products; and the production systems prescribed by the central agricultural competent authority in a public announcement;
六、原產地(國)。 6. country of origin;
七、有效日期。 7. expiry date;
八、營養標示。 8. nutrition label;
九、含基因改造食品原料。 9. genetically modified food raw materials;
十、其他經中央主管機關公告之事項。 10. other matters designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement.
前項第二款內容物之主成分應標明所佔百分比,其應標示之產品、主成分項目、標示內容、方式及各該產品實施日期,由中央主管機關另定之。 Labeling of the ingredients mentioned in Subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, shall indicate the percentage of the main ingredient. The labeling of food items, main ingredient, labeling content, labeling method, and the implementation date of each product shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第一項第八款及第九款標示之應遵行事項,由中央主管機關公告之。 The compliance matters of the labels mentioned in Subparagraphs 8 and 9 of paragraph 1 shall be prescribed by the central competent authority in a public announcement.
第一項第五款僅標示國內負責廠商名稱者,應將製造廠商、受託製造廠商或輸入廠商之名稱、電話號碼及地址通報轄區主管機關;主管機關應開放其他主管機關共同查閱。 For the food only labels the name of the responsible domestic company prescribed in Subparagraph 5 of Paragraph 1, its name, telephone number, address of the manufacturers, and those businesses that are entrusted to manufacture or importers shall be reported to the local competent authority. The competent authority shall open those information to other competent authority for reviewing.
第 23 條 Article 23
食品因容器或外包裝面積、材質或其他之特殊因素,依前條規定標示顯有困難者,中央主管機關得公告免一部之標示,或以其他方式標示。 In the event that labeling pursuant to the preceding paragraphs prove to be difficult due to the dimension, material or other special circumstances of the food container or external packaging, the central competent authority may exempt part of the labeling or allow labeling with other methods through public announcement.
第 24 條 Article 24
食品添加物及其原料之容器或外包裝,應以中文及通用符號,明顯標示下列事項: The container or external packaging of food additives and their raw materials shall conspicuously indicate in Chinese and common symbols the following matters:
一、品名。 1.product name;
二、「食品添加物」或「食品添加物原料」字樣。 2.printed words “Food Additive”or “Food Additive Raw Material”;
三、食品添加物名稱;其為二種以上混合物時,應分別標明。其標示應以第十八條第一項所定之品名或依中央主管機關公告之通用名稱為之。 3.name of food additives or, in the case of a mixture of two or more ingredients, each of the ingredients shall be indicated separately. The labeling of the name of food additives shall be handled in accordance with the food additive items prescribed in Paragraph 1 of Article 18 or the names commonly known prescribed by the central competent agency in a public announcement;
四、淨重、容量或數量。 4.net weight, volume or quantity;
五、製造廠商或國內負責廠商名稱、電話號碼及地址。 5.name, telephone number and address of the manufacturer or that of the responsible domestic company;
六、有效日期。 6.expiry date;
七、使用範圍、用量標準及使用限制。 7.scope of use, maximum allowance and limitation of use of food additives;
八、原產地(國)。 8.country of origin;
九、含基因改造食品添加物之原料。 9.genetically modified food raw materials;
十、其他經中央主管機關公告之事項。 10.other matters designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement.
食品添加物之原料,不受前項第三款、第七款及第九款之限制。前項第三款食品添加物之香料成分及第九款標示之應遵行事項,由中央主管機關公告之。 The labeling of food additive raw materials are not regulated to be handled in accordance with Subparagraph 3, 7, and 9 in the preceding paragraph. The compliance matters of labels on the flavoring agents of food additives mentioned in Subparagraph 3 and in Subparagraph 9 of the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent authority in a public announcement.
第一項第五款僅標示國內負責廠商名稱者,應將製造廠商、受託製造廠商或輸入廠商之名稱、電話號碼及地址通報轄區主管機關;主管機關應開放其他主管機關共同查閱。 For the food only labels the name of the responsible domestic company prescribed in Subparagraph 5 of Paragraph 1, its name, telephone number, address of the manufacturers, and those businesses that are entrusted to manufacture or importers shall be reported to the local competent authority. The competent authority shall open those information to other competent authority for reviewing.
第 25 條 Article 25
中央主管機關得對直接供應飲食之場所,就其供應之特定食品,要求以中文標示原產地及其他應標示事項;對特定散裝食品販賣者,得就其販賣之地點、方式予以限制,或要求以中文標示品名、原產地(國)、含基因改造食品原料、製造日期或有效日期及其他應標示事項。國內通過農產品生產驗證者,應標示可追溯之來源;有中央農業主管機關公告之生產系統者,應標示生產系統。 The central competent authority may require food labeling showing country of origin and other matters ought to be labeled in Chinese on specific food products supplied at food vending locations. For specific bulk food vendors, the central competent authority may prescribe restrictions on the vending location and methods, or may require food labeling showing product name, country of origin, genetically modified food raw materials, manufacturing date, expiry dates and other matters ought to be labeled in Chinese. The domestic certified agricultural products shall label the tracing sources, and the production systems if there are production systems prescribed by the central agricultural competent authority in a public announcement.
前項特定食品品項、應標示事項、方法及範圍;與特定散裝食品品項、限制方式及應標示事項,由中央主管機關公告之。 The central competent authority shall prescribe in a public announcement on the items, labeling, methods and scope for specific food products; also the items, restrictions and labeling for specific bulk foods in the preceding paragraph.
第一項應標示可追溯之來源或生產系統規定,自中華民國一百零四年一月二十日修正公布後六個月施行。 The provision concerning the labeling of tracing sources or production systems specified in Paragraph 1 amended on 20th January 2015 shall be implemented six months after promulgation of this Act.
第 26 條 Article 26
經中央主管機關公告之食品器具、食品容器或包裝,應以中文及通用符號,明顯標示下列事項: Food utensils, food containers or packaging designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall conspicuously indicate in Chinese and common symbols the following matters:
一、品名。 1. product name;
二、材質名稱及耐熱溫度;其為二種以上材質組成者,應分別標明。 2. name of materials and thermal resistance temperature or, in the case of a mixture of two or more materials, each of the materials shall be indicated separately;
三、淨重、容量或數量。 3. net weight, volume or quantity;
四、國內負責廠商之名稱、電話號碼及地址。 4. name, telephone number and address of the responsible domestic company;
五、原產地(國)。 5. country of origin;
六、製造日期;其有時效性者,並應加註有效日期或有效期間。 6. manufacturing date, and the expiry date or the term of validity if the product has a limited duration of stroage;
七、使用注意事項或微波等其他警語。 7. precautions for use or microwavable and other warnings;
八、其他經中央主管機關公告之事項。 8. other matters designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement.
第 27 條 Article 27
食品用洗潔劑之容器或外包裝,應以中文及通用符號,明顯標示下列事項: The container or external packaging of food cleansers shall conspicuously indicate in Chinese and common symbols the following matters:
一、品名。 1. product name;
二、主要成分之化學名稱;其為二種以上成分組成者,應分別標明。 2. chemical names of main ingredients or, in the case of a mixture of two or more ingredients, each of the ingredients shall be indicated separately;
三、淨重或容量。 3. net weight or volume;
四、國內負責廠商名稱、電話號碼及地址。 4. name, telephone number and address of the responsible domestic company;
五、原產地(國)。 5. country of origin;
六、製造日期;其有時效性者,並應加註有效日期或有效期間。 6. manufacturing date, and the expiry date or the term of validity if the product has a limited duration of stroage;
七、適用對象或用途。 7. applicable targets or purpose;
八、使用方法及使用注意事項或警語。 8. method of use, precautions for use or warnings;
九、其他經中央主管機關公告之事項。 9. other matters designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement.
第 28 條 Article 28
食品、食品添加物、食品用洗潔劑及經中央主管機關公告之食品器具、食品容器或包裝,其標示、宣傳或廣告,不得有不實、誇張或易生誤解之情形。 The labeling, promotion or advertisement of foods, food additives, food cleansers and food utensils, food containers or packaging designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall not be false, exaggerated or misleading.
食品不得為醫療效能之標示、宣傳或廣告。 Foods shall not be so labeled, promoted or advertised as having medical efficacy.
中央主管機關對於特殊營養食品、易導致慢性病或不適合兒童及特殊需求者長期食用之食品,得限制其促銷或廣告;其食品之項目、促銷或廣告之限制與停止刊播及其他應遵行事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The central competent authority may prescribe restrictions on the sales, promotion or advertising for special dietary foods or foods which easily lead to chronic diseases or are unsuitable for long term consumption for children and persons with special needs. The regulations governing the food items, restrictions on the sales promotion or advertising, prohibition of publishing and broadcasting and other matters to be complied with shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第一項不實、誇張或易生誤解與第二項醫療效能之認定基準、宣傳或廣告之內容、方式及其他應遵行事項之準則,由中央主管機關定之。 The regulations governing the determining standards of the false, exaggerated or misleading labeling, promotion or advertisement referred to in Paragraph 1 and medical efficacy referred to in Paragraph 2, contents, methods of the promotion or advertisement and other matters to be complied with shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第 29 條 Article 29
接受委託刊播之傳播業者,應自廣告之日起六個月,保存委託刊播廣告者之姓名或名稱、國民身分證統一編號、公司、商號、法人或團體之設立登記文件號碼、住居所或事務所、營業所及電話等資料,且於主管機關要求提供時,不得規避、妨礙或拒絕。 Media businesses being commissioned by a principal to publish or broadcast an advertisement shall maintain the particulars of its principal, such as its name or trade name, national ID Card number, establishment registration document number of company, business, corporation or organization, domicile or residence, representative office or business offices and telephone number, etc., for six months from the date of such advertisement, and shall not evade, impede or refuse any request by the competent authority for such particulars.
第 六 章 食品輸入管理 Chapter VI Food Import Control
第 30 條 Article 30
輸入經中央主管機關公告之食品、基因改造食品原料、食品添加物、食品器具、食品容器或包裝及食品用洗潔劑時,應依海關專屬貨品分類號列,向中央主管機關申請查驗並申報其產品有關資訊。 Application for inspection with the central competent authority and declaration of the relevant information of the product are required and shall be in accordance with the customs commodity code and classification when importing foods, genetically modified food raw materials, food additives, food utensils, food containers or packaging and food cleansers designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement.
執行前項規定,查驗績效優良之業者,中央主管機關得採取優惠之措施。 The central competent authority may impose preferential measures to the food businesses with excellent performances in the import inspections referred to in the preceding paragraph.
輸入第一項產品非供販賣,且其金額、數量符合中央主管機關公告或經中央主管機關專案核准者,得免申請查驗。 The importation of products under Paragraph 1 that are not intended for sale and whose value and quantity are consistent with the public announcement of the central competent authority, or are approved by the central competent authority, may be exempt from applying for inspection.
第 31 條 Article 31
前條產品輸入之查驗及申報,中央主管機關得委任、委託相關機關(構)、法人或團體辦理。 The central competent authority may authorize or commission relevant agency (institution), corporation or organization to conduct inspection and declaration of imported products of the preceding paragraph.
第 32 條 Article 32
主管機關為追查或預防食品衛生安全事件,必要時得要求食品業者、非食品業者或其代理人提供輸入產品之相關紀錄、文件及電子檔案或資料庫,食品業者、非食品業者或其代理人不得規避、妨礙或拒絕。 In order to investigate and prevent food sanitation and safety incidents, the competent authority may require food businesses, non-food businesses or their representative to provide relevant records, documents and electronic files or databases of the imported products when necessary. In this case, the food businesses, the non-food businesses, or their representatives shall not evade, impede or refuse such requests.
食品業者應就前項輸入產品、基因改造食品原料之相關紀錄、文件及電子檔案或資料庫保存五年。 The food businesses shall retain the related records, documents, electronic files, or database of imported products and genetically modified food raw materials mentioned in the preceding paragraph for five years.
前項應保存之資料、方式及範圍,由中央主管機關公告之。 The central competent authority shall prescribe in a public announcement on the information to be retained, method and scope of retention in the preceding paragraph.
第 33 條 Article 33
輸入產品因性質或其查驗時間等條件特殊者,食品業者得向查驗機關申請具結先行放行,並於特定地點存放。查驗機關審查後認定應繳納保證金者,得命其繳納保證金後,准予具結先行放行。 Food businesses of imported products with special conditions due to their nature or inspection timeframe may apply for prior release of the imported goods and store them at a specific location. In the event where a deposit is deemed to be required after review by the inspection authority, the imported products may be granted prior release with provision of affidavit after payment of said deposit.
前項具結先行放行之產品,其存放地點得由食品業者或其代理人指定;產品未取得輸入許可前,不得移動、啟用或販賣。 The storage location of the products granted prior release in accordance with the preceding paragraph may be designated by the food businesses or their representative. The products shall not be moved, used or sold before obtaining the import permit.
第三十條、第三十一條及本條第一項有關產品輸入之查驗、申報或查驗、申報之委託、優良廠商輸入查驗與申報之優惠措施、輸入產品具結先行放行之條件、應繳納保證金之審查基準、保證金之收取標準及其他應遵行事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The regulations governing the inspection, declaration, commission of the inspection and declaration, preferential measures of import inspections and declarations for businesses with excellent performances, conditions of application to prior release, the criteria for which applications for prior release shall pay the deposit, standard of amount for deposit as referred to Articles 30, 31 and Paragraph 1 of this Article, and other matters to be complied with, shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第 34 條 Article 34
中央主管機關遇有重大食品衛生安全事件發生,或輸入產品經查驗不合格之情況嚴重時,得就相關業者、產地或產品,停止其查驗申請。 In the event of significant food sanitation and safety incidents or in case of serious failure to comply upon inspection of imported products, the central competent authority may suspend the application for inspection of the relevant businesses, place of origin or product.
第 35 條 Article 35
中央主管機關對於管控安全風險程度較高之食品,得於其輸入前,實施系統性查核。 For the management and control of foods with a higher degree of safety risk, the central competent authority may perform systematic inspections before the importation thereof.
前項實施系統性查核之產品範圍、程序及其他相關事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The regulations governing the scope of products, procedures and other relevant matters for the systematic inspections referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
中央主管機關基於源頭管理需要或因個別食品衛生安全事件,得派員至境外,查核該輸入食品之衛生安全管理等事項。 According to the needs for source control or due to a specific food sanitation and safety incident, the central competent authority may send personnel abroad to conduct on-site inspection of the sanitation and safety management of the imported foods.
食品業者輸入食品添加物,其屬複方者,應檢附原產國之製造廠商或負責廠商出具之產品成分報告及輸出國之官方衛生證明,供各級主管機關查核。但屬香料者,不在此限。 When food businesses import food additive combinations, they shall attach product ingredients report issued by the manufacturer or responsible manufacturer of the origin country and official sanitary certificate issued by the export country for the examination of the competent authority at all levels. However, this regulation shall not apply to flavoring agents.
第 36 條 Article 36
境外食品、食品添加物、食品器具、食品容器或包裝及食品用洗潔劑對民眾之身體或健康有造成危害之虞,經中央主管機關公告者,旅客攜帶入境時,應檢附出產國衛生主管機關開具之衛生證明文件申報之;對民眾之身體或健康有嚴重危害者,中央主管機關並得公告禁止旅客攜帶入境。 When carrying into the territories any offshore foods, food additives, food utensils, food containers or packaging and food cleansers that have been designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement and which may be harmful to the body or health of the people, the passenger shall declare the goods with the sanitation certificate issued by the health competent authority of the country of origin; if the item is seriously harmful to the body or health of the people, the central competent authority may prohibit the entry of such item in a public announcement.
違反前項規定之產品,不問屬於何人所有,沒入銷毀之。 Products violating the preceding paragraph, irrespective of who the owner is, shall be confiscated and destroyed.
第 七 章 食品檢驗 Chapter VII Food Testing
第 37 條 Article 37
食品、食品添加物、食品器具、食品容器或包裝及食品用洗潔劑之檢驗,由各級主管機關或委任、委託經認可之相關機關(構)、法人或團體辦理。 The testing for foods, food additives, food utensils, food containers or packaging and food cleansers shall be performed by the competent authority at all levels or the authorized and appointed relevant agency (institution), corporation or organization with approval.
中央主管機關得就前項受委任、委託之相關機關(構)、法人或團體,辦理認證;必要時,其認證工作,得委任、委託相關機關(構)、法人或團體辦理。 The central competent authority may issue accreditation for the authorized and appointed relevant agency (institution), corporation or organization mentioned in the preceding paragraph. When necessary, the accreditation process may be commissioned to the authorized and appointed relevant agency (institution), corporation or organization.
前二項有關檢驗之委託、檢驗機關(構)、法人或團體認證之條件與程序、委託辦理認證工作之程序及其他相關事項之管理辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The regulations governing the commission for testing, the accreditation conditions and procedures of the agency (institution), corporation or organization, the commission process of the accreditation and other relevant matters mentioned in the two preceding paragraphs shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第 38 條 Article 38
各級主管機關執行食品、食品添加物、食品器具、食品容器或包裝及食品用洗潔劑之檢驗,其檢驗方法,經食品檢驗方法諮議會諮議,由中央主管機關定之;未定檢驗方法者,得依國際間認可之方法為之。 The method of test for foods, food additives, food utensils, food containers or packaging and food cleansers to be used by the competent authority at all levels shall be consulted with and advised by the Council Advisory Committee of Food Testing Methods and then be prescribed by the central competent authority; In the absence of any prescribed method, an internationally recognized method may be used.
第 39 條 Article 39
食品業者對於檢驗結果有異議時,得自收受通知之日起十五日內,向原抽驗之機關(構)申請複驗;受理機關(構)應於三日內進行複驗。但檢體無適當方法可資保存者,得不受理之。 Where food businesses object to the testing results, it may apply for a retesting from the original sampling agency (institution) within fifteen (15) days upon the receipt of the relevant notification. The agency (institution) receiving the application shall perform the retesting within three (3) days. However, specimen that is without appropriate methods of preservation may be rejected.
第 40 條 Article 40
發布食品衛生檢驗資訊時,應同時公布檢驗方法、檢驗單位及結果判讀依據。 When publishing testing information on food sanitation, the method of test, testing unit and the evidence used in interpreting the results shall be concurrently disclosed.
第 八 章 食品查核及管制 Chapter VIII Food Examination and Control
第 41 條 Article 41
直轄市、縣(市)主管機關為確保食品、食品添加物、食品器具、食品容器或包裝及食品用洗潔劑符合本法規定,得執行下列措施,業者應配合,不得規避、妨礙或拒絕: The municipal or county/city competent authority may take the following actions to ensure that foods, food additives, food utensils, food containers or packaging and food cleansers are in compliance with the provisions of this Act, and businesses shall cooperate with the competent authority and shall not evade, impede or refuse:
一、進入製造、加工、調配、包裝、運送、貯存、販賣場所執行現場查核及抽樣檢驗。 1. entering the place of manufacturing, processing, preparation, packaging, transportation, storage and sales, performing on-site examination and conducting sampling and testing;
二、為前款查核或抽樣檢驗時,得要求前款場所之食品業者提供原料或產品之來源及數量、作業、品保、販賣對象、金額、其他佐證資料、證明或紀錄,並得查閱、扣留或複製之。 2. when conducting the examination or sampling and testing referred to in the preceding paragraph, it may be required for the food businesses of the place referred to in the preceding paragraph to provide the source and amount of raw materials or products, processing, quality assurance, sales counterpart, sales amount, other supporting information, evidence or records, and such may be reviewed, detained and copied;
三、查核或檢驗結果證實為不符合本法規定之食品、食品添加物、食品器具、食品容器或包裝及食品用洗潔劑,應予封存。 3. foods, food additives, food utensils, food containers or packaging and food cleansers found to be not in compliance with the provisions of this Act according to the examination and testing results shall be sealed;
四、對於有違反第八條第一項、第十五條第一項、第四項、第十六條、中央主管機關依第十七條、第十八條或第十九條所定標準之虞者,得命食品業者暫停作業及停止販賣,並封存該產品。 4. those with possible violations of Paragraph 1 of Artcle 8, Paragraphs 1 and 4 of Article 15, and Article 16, or standards prescribed by the central competent authority pursuant to Articles 17, 18 or 19, the food businesses may be ordered to suspend operations or cease such sales, and the products shall be sealed;
五、接獲通報疑似食品中毒案件時,對於各該食品業者,得命其限期改善或派送相關食品從業人員至各級主管機關認可之機關(構),接受至少四小時之食品中毒防治衛生講習;調查期間,並得命其暫停作業、停止販賣及進行消毒,並封存該產品。 5. upon receipt of reports of food poisoning accidents, the relevant food businesses may be ordered to make correction within a prescribed time period or send the relevant food personnel to participate in at least four hours of food poisoning prevention seminar at agencies (institutions) certified by the competent authority at all levels. During the investigation, it may be ordered to suspend operations, cease sales or undertake disinfection and seal such products.
中央主管機關於必要時,亦得為前項規定之措施。 Where necessary, the central competent authority may also execute the measures described in the preceding paragraph.
第 42 條 Article 42
前條查核、檢驗與管制措施及其他應遵行事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The regulations governing the examination, testing and control measures and other matters to be complied with referred to in the preceding article shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第 42-1 條 Article 42-1
為維護食品安全衛生,有效遏止廠商之違法行為,警察機關應派員協助主管機關。 In order to safeguard food safety and sanitation and effectively stem illicit behaviour of businesses, the police agency shall dispatch its personnel to assist the competent agency.
第 43 條 Article 43
主管機關對於檢舉查獲違反本法規定之食品、食品添加物、食品器具、食品容器或包裝、食品用洗潔劑、標示、宣傳、廣告或食品業者,除應對檢舉人身分資料嚴守秘密外,並得酌予獎勵。公務員如有洩密情事,應依法追究刑事及行政責任。 The competent authority shall keep strictly confidential the particulars of, and may grant reward to, anyone informing against foods, food additives, food utensils, food containers or packaging, food cleansers, labels, promotional materials, advertisements or food businesses that are found to have violated the provisions of this Act. If civil services disclose the confidential information, they will be punished with criminal and administrative responsibilities.
前項主管機關受理檢舉案件之管轄、處理期間、保密、檢舉人獎勵及其他應遵行事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The regulations governing the jurisdiction of the complaints received by the competent authority, processing time period, confidentiality, reward to informant and other matters to be complied with mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第一項檢舉人身分資料之保密,於訴訟程序,亦同。 Confidentiality of identity of informants in Paragraph 1 shall be subject to the same requirements by throughout litigation procedures.
第 九 章 罰則 Chapter IX Penal Provisions
第 44 條 Article 44
有下列行為之一者,處新臺幣六萬元以上二億元以下罰鍰;情節重大者,並得命其歇業、停業一定期間、廢止其公司、商業、工廠之全部或部分登記事項,或食品業者之登錄;經廢止登錄者,一年內不得再申請重新登錄: Anyone committing any of the following shall be fined between NT$60,000 and NT$200,000,000. In severe circumstances, the enterprise may be ordered to terminate business, suspend business for a certain period of time, revoke all or part of the items listed in the company registration, business registration or factory registration, or registration of the food businesses. If registration of the food businesses is revoked, re-application for new registration within one (1) year shall be prohibited:
一、違反第八條第一項或第二項規定,經命其限期改正,屆期不改正。 1. violating Paragraph 1 or 2 of Article 8, and failing to correct the violation within the time limit prescribed;
二、違反第十五條第一項、第四項或第十六條規定。 2. violating Paragraph 1 or 4 of Article 15 or Article 16;
三、經主管機關依第五十二條第二項規定,命其回收、銷毀而不遵行。 3. incompliance with order by the competent authority to recover or destruct in accordance to Paragraph 2 of Article 52;
四、違反中央主管機關依第五十四條第一項所為禁止其製造、販賣、輸入或輸出之公告。 4. violating the public announcement by the central competent authority to ban the manufacture, sale, import or export in accordance to Paragraph 1 of Article 54.
前項罰鍰之裁罰標準,由中央主管機關定之。 The penalty standards of the fine mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第 45 條 Article 45
違反第二十八條第一項或中央主管機關依第二十八條第三項所定辦法者,處新臺幣四萬元以上四百萬元以下罰鍰;違反同條第二項規定者,處新臺幣六十萬元以上五百萬元以下罰鍰;再次違反者,並得命其歇業、停業一定期間、廢止其公司、商業、工廠之全部或部分登記事項,或食品業者之登錄;經廢止登錄者,一年內不得再申請重新登錄。 Those with violations of Paragraph 1 of Article 28 or the regulations prescribed by the central competent authority pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Article 28 shall be fined between NT$40,000 and NT$4,000,000; violation of Paragraph 2 of such article shall be fined between NT$600,000 and NT$5,000,000. Where the offense is repeated the enterprise may be ordered to terminate business, suspend business for a certain period of time, revoke all or part of the items listed in the company registration, business registration or factory registration, or registration of the food businesses. If registration of the food businesses is revoked, re-application for new registration within one (1) year shall be prohibited.
違反前項廣告規定之食品業者,應按次處罰至其停止刊播為止。 Food businesses in violation of the preceding food advertisement provisions shall be consecutively fined by such authority for each violation until the publication or broadcast is ceased.
違反第二十八條有關廣告規定之一,情節重大者,除依前二項規定處分外,主管機關並應命其不得販賣、供應或陳列;且應自裁處書送達之日起三十日內,於原刊播之同一篇幅、時段,刊播一定次數之更正廣告,其內容應載明表達歉意及排除錯誤之訊息。 Severe violation of any of the advertisement provisions under Article 28 shall not only be punished by the preceding two provisions, the competent authority shall order to halt all sale, supply or display; and shall publish or broadcast a specific number of corrective advertising in the same size and time period as the original within thirty (30) days of receiving the sanction order, which shall express regret and convey the message for elimination of error.
違反前項規定,繼續販賣、供應、陳列或未刊播更正廣告者,處新臺幣十二萬元以上六十萬元以下罰鍰。 Violation of the preceding provisions by continuing to sell, supply, display or failure to publish or broadcast corrective advertising shall be fined between NT$120,000 to NT$600,000.
第 46 條 Article 46
傳播業者違反第二十九條規定者,處新臺幣六萬元以上三十萬元以下罰鍰,並得按次處罰。 Media businesses in violation of Article 29 shall be fined between NT$60,000 to NT$300,000, and may be consecutively fined.
直轄市、縣(市)主管機關為前條第一項處罰時,應通知傳播業者及其直轄市、縣(市)主管機關或目的事業主管機關。傳播業者自收到該通知之次日起,應即停止刊播。 When the competent authority at the municipal level or county/city level impose fines in accordance with Paragraph 1 of the preceding article, the media businesses, and the relevant competent authority at the municipal or county/city level or industry competent authority shall be notified. The media businesses shall cease the broadcast or publication of the advertisement concerned from the day following its receipt of the above notification.
傳播業者未依前項規定停止刊播違反第二十八條第一項或第二項規定,或違反中央主管機關依第二十八條第三項所為廣告之限制或所定辦法中有關停止廣告之規定者,處新臺幣十二萬元以上六十萬元以下罰鍰,並應按次處罰至其停止刊播為止。 Media businesses continuing to publish or broadcast following the notification referred to in the preceding paragraph, in violation of Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 28 or any limit on advertisements or relevant regulations relating to the permanent suspension of advertisements prescribed by the central competent authority pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Article 28, shall be fined between NT$120,000 and NT$600,000 and shall be consecutively fined by such authority for each violation until the publication or broadcast is ceased.
傳播業者經依第二項規定通知後,仍未停止刊播者,直轄市、縣(市)主管機關除依前項規定處罰外,並通知傳播業者之直轄市、縣(市)主管機關或其目的事業主管機關依相關法規規定處理。 When media businesses fail to cease publication or broadcasting following receipt of notification referred to in Paragraph 2, in addition to imposing fines in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the competent authority at the municipal level or county/city level shall also notify the competent authority of the media businesses at the municipal level or county/city level or its industry competent authority to address these issues.
第 46-1 條 Article 46-1
散播有關食品安全之謠言或不實訊息,足生損害於公眾或他人者,處三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或新臺幣一百萬元以下罰金。 A person who disseminates a rumor or incorrect information concerning food safety and thus causes damage to the public or others shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years, detention, or a fine of not more than NT$1,000,000.
第 47 條 Article 47
有下列行為之一者,處新臺幣三萬元以上三百萬元以下罰鍰;情節重大者,並得命其歇業、停業一定期間、廢止其公司、商業、工廠之全部或部分登記事項,或食品業者之登錄;經廢止登錄者,一年內不得再申請重新登錄: Anyone committing any of the following shall be fined between NT$30,000 and NT$3,000,000. In severe circumstances, the enterprise may be ordered to terminate business, suspend business for a certain period of time, revoke all or part of the items listed in the company registration, business registration or factory registration, or registration of the food businesses. If registration of the food businesses is revoked, re-application for new registration shall not be permitted within one year:
一、違反中央主管機關依第四條所為公告。 1. violating the public announcement prescribed by the central competent authority pursuant to Article 4;
二、違反第七條第五項規定。 2. violating Paragraph 5 of Article 7;
三、食品業者依第八條第三項、第九條第二項或第四項規定所登錄、建立或申報之資料不實,或依第九條第三項開立之電子發票不實致影響食品追溯或追蹤之查核。 3. in the event that the registered, established or declared information pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Article 8 and Paragraph 2 or 4 of Article 9 is false, or the incorrect electronic uniform invoices issued pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 9 to affect the examination of food tracing or tracking;
四、違反第十一條第一項或第十二條第一項規定。 4. violating Paragraph 1 of Article 11 or Paragraph 1 of Article 12;
五、違反中央主管機關依第十三條所為投保產品責任保險之規定。 5. violating the provisions concerning product liability insurance prescribed by the central competent authority pursuant to Article 13;
六、違反直轄市或縣(市)主管機關依第十四條所定管理辦法中有關公共飲食場所安全衛生之規定。 6. violating the regulations concerning the safety and sanitation of public food and beverage sites prescribed by the municipal or county/city competent authority pursuant to Article 14;
七、違反中央主管機關依第十八條之一第一項所定標準之規定,經命其限期改正,屆期不改正。 7. violating the standards prescribed by the central competent authority pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 18-1, and failing to correct the violation within the time limit prescribed;
八、違反第二十一條第一項及第二項、第二十二條第一項或依第二項及第三項公告之事項、第二十四條第一項或依第二項公告之事項、第二十六條或第二十七條規定。 8. violating Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 21, Paragraph 1 or public announcement made pursuant to Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 22, Paragraph 1 or public announcement made pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 24, Article 26 or Article 27;
九、除第四十八條第九款規定者外,違反中央主管機關依第十八條所定標準中有關食品添加物規格及其使用範圍、限量之規定。 9. other than the provisions specified in Paragraph 9 of Article 48, violating the provisions concerning the specification, use and limitation of food additives prescribed by the central competent authority pursuant to the standard prescribed in Article 18;
十、違反中央主管機關依第二十五條第二項所為之公告。 10. violating the public announcement prescribed by the central competent authority pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 25;
十一、規避、妨礙或拒絕本法所規定之查核、檢驗、查扣或封存。 11. evading, impeding or refusing an examination, testing, seizure or seal stipulated in this Act;
十二、對依本法規定應提供之資料,拒不提供或提供資料不實。 12. refusing to provide or providing false information for the information which are required to be submitted in accordance with the provisions specified in this Act;
十三、經依本法規定命暫停作業或停止販賣而不遵行。 13. failing to observe a suspension on operation or cease of sales in accordance with the provisions specified in this Act;
十四、違反第三十條第一項規定,未辦理輸入產品資訊申報,或申報之資訊不實。 14. violating Paragraph 1 of Article 30 which fails to declare the information of imported goods or the information declared is false; or
十五、違反第五十三條規定。 15. violating Article 53.
第 48 條 Article 48
有下列行為之一者,經命限期改正,屆期不改正者,處新臺幣三萬元以上三百萬元以下罰鍰;情節重大者,並得命其歇業、停業一定期間、廢止其公司、商業、工廠之全部或部分登記事項,或食品業者之登錄;經廢止登錄者,一年內不得再申請重新登錄: Anyone committing any of the following and failing to correct the violation within the time limit prescribed shall be fined between NT$30,000 and NT$3,000,000. In severe circumstances, the enterprise may be ordered to terminate business, suspend business for a certain period of time, revoke all or part of the items listed in the company registration, business registration or factory registration, or the registration of the food businesses. If registration of the food businesses is revoked, re-application for new registration shall not be permitted within one year:
一、違反第七條第一項規定未訂定食品安全監測計畫、第二項或第三項規定未設置實驗室。 1.violating Paragraph 1 of Article 7 for failing to enact food safety monitoring plan, or Paragraph 2 or Paragraph 3 for failing to be equipped with the laboratory;
二、違反第八條第三項規定,未辦理登錄,或違反第八條第五項規定,未取得驗證。 2.violating Paragraph 3 of Article 8, failing to file registration; or violating Paragraph 5 of Article 8, failing to obtain certification;
三、違反第九條第一項規定,未保存文件或保存未達規定期限。 3.violating Paragraph 1 of Article 9, failing to retain document or attain the required period of retention ;
四、違反第九條第二項規定,未建立追溯或追蹤系統。 4.violating Paragraph 2 of Article 9, failing to establish tracing or tracking system;
五、違反第九條第三項規定,未開立電子發票致無法為食品之追溯或追蹤。 5.violating Paragraph 3 of Article 9, failing to issue electronic uniform invoices for the purpose of food tracing or tracking;
六、違反第九條第四項規定,未以電子方式申報或未依中央主管機關所定之方式及規格申報。 6.violating Paragraph 4 of Article 9, failing to declare in the electronic method or to declare according to the method and specification prescribed by the central competent authority;
七、違反第十條第三項規定。 7.violating Paragraph 3 of Article 10;
八、違反中央主管機關依第十七條或第十九條所定標準之規定。 8.violating any of the standards prescribed by the central competent authority in accordance with Article 17 or Article 19;
九、食品業者販賣之產品違反中央主管機關依第十八條所定食品添加物規格及其使用範圍、限量之規定。 9.the products sold by the food businesses violating the specification, use and limitation of food additives prescribed by the central competent authority pursuant to the standard prescribed in Article 18;
十、違反第二十二條第四項或第二十四條第三項規定,未通報轄區主管機關。 10.violating Paragraph 4 of Article 22 or Paragraph 3 of Article 24, failing to report to the competent authority; or
十一、違反第三十五條第四項規定,未出具產品成分報告及輸出國之官方衛生證明。 11.violating Paragraph 4 of Article 35, failing to attach product ingredients report and official sanitation certificate issued by the export country.
十二、違反中央主管機關依第十五條之一第二項公告之限制事項。 12.violating the restrictions prescribed by the central competent authority in a public announcement pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 15-1.
第 48-1 條 Article 48-1
有下列情形之一者,由中央主管機關處新臺幣三萬元以上三百萬元以下罰鍰;情節重大者,並得暫停、終止或廢止其委託或認證;經終止委託或廢止認證者,一年內不得再接受委託或重新申請認證: Anyone committing any of the following shall be fined between NT$30,000 and NT$3,000,000 by the central competent authority. In severe circumstances, the enterprise may be ordered to suspend, terminate or revoke its commission or accreditation. Enterprise which commission has been terminated or accreditation has been revoked, shall not be re-commissioned and shall not re-apply for accreditation within one year:
一、依本法受託辦理食品業者衛生安全管理驗證,違反依第八條第六項所定之管理規定。 1.enterprise which is commissioned in accordance with this Act for conducting the certification of sanitation and safety control of food businesses, violates provisions made pursuant to Paragraph 6 of Article 8;
二、依本法認證之檢驗機構、法人或團體,違反依第三十七條第三項所定之認證管理規定。 2.institution, corporation or organization which is accredited in accordance with this Act for testing, violates provisions concerning accreditation made pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Article 37; or
三、依本法受託辦理檢驗機關(構)、法人或團體認證,違反依第三十七條第三項所定之委託認證管理規定。 3.enterprise which is commissioned in accordance with this Act for conducting the accreditation of institution, corporation or organization for testing, violates provisions concerning accreditation commission made pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Article 37.
第 49 條 Article 49
有第十五條第一項第三款、第七款、第十款或第十六條第一款行為者,處七年以下有期徒刑,得併科新臺幣八千萬元以下罰金。情節輕微者,處五年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科或併科新臺幣八百萬元以下罰金。 In the event that the acts described in Subparagraphs 3, 7 and 10 of Paragraph 1 of Article 15 or Paragraph 1 of Article 16 are committed, imprisonment of not more than seven years, and a fine of not more than NT$80,000,000 may be imposed. If the offense is light, imprisonment of not more than five years, detention and/or a fine of not more than NT$8,000,000 shall be imposed.
有第四十四條至前條行為,情節重大足以危害人體健康之虞者,處七年以下有期徒刑,得併科新臺幣八千萬元以下罰金;致危害人體健康者,處一年以上七年以下有期徒刑,得併科新臺幣一億元以下罰金。 In the event that the acts described from Article 44 to the preceding article are severe and may be sufficient to harmful to human health, imprisonment of not more than seven years, and a fine of not more than NT$80,000,000 may be imposed. For such acts are committed to the detriment of human health, imprisonment between one year to seven years and a fine of not more than NT$100,000,000 may be imposed.
犯前項之罪,因而致人於死者,處無期徒刑或七年以上有期徒刑,得併科新臺幣二億元以下罰金;致重傷者,處三年以上十年以下有期徒刑,得併科新臺幣一億五千萬元以下罰金。 In the event that the acts described in the preceding paragraph results in death, a life imprisonment or imprisonment of not less than seven years, and a fine of not more than NT$200,000,000 may be imposed. For such acts causing severe detriment of human body, imprisonment between three years and ten years, and a fine of not more than NT$150,000,000 may be imposed.
因過失犯第一項、第二項之罪者,處二年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科新臺幣六百萬元以下罰金。 Anyone committing any of the offenses described in Paragraphs 1 and 2 out of negligence shall be imprisoned for not more than two year, detained or fined NT$6,000,000.
法人之代表人、法人或自然人之代理人、受僱人或其他從業人員,因執行業務犯第一項至第三項之罪者,除處罰其行為人外,對該法人或自然人科以各該項十倍以下之罰金。 Where the representative of a legal entity or the agent, employees or other practitioners of a legal entity or natural person that commit the offenses from Paragraphs 1 to 3 during the performance of duties, not only shall the wrongdoer be punished but the legal entity or natural person shall also be fined not more than ten times of the fine stipulated in the respective preceding paragraphs.
科罰金時,應審酌刑法第五十八條規定。 When imposing a fine, the provision specified in Article 58 of the Criminal Code shall be considered.
第 49-1 條 Article 49-1
犯本法之罪,其犯罪所得與追徵之範圍及價額,認定顯有困難時,得以估算認定之;其估算辦法,由行政院定之。 The scope and value of the proceeds of crime in violating this Act may be based on an estimation if the valuation is deemed difficult. The regulation governing such estimation shall be established by the Executive Yuan.
第 49-2 條 Article 49-2
經中央主管機關公告類別及規模之食品業者,違反第十五條第一項、第四項或第十六條之規定;或有第四十四條至第四十八條之一之行為致危害人體健康者,其所得之財產或其他利益,應沒入或追繳之。 Food businesses belonging to a category and scale designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement violate the provisions specified in Paragraph 1 or 4 of Article 15 or Article 16, or perform the actions described from Article 44 to Article 48-1 causing detriment of human health, their acquired assets or property interests shall be forfeited or retrieved.
主管機關有相當理由認為受處分人為避免前項處分而移轉其財物或財產上利益於第三人者,得沒入或追繳該第三人受移轉之財物或財產上利益。如全部或一部不能沒入者,應追徵其價額或以其財產抵償之。 If there are considerable and sufficient reasons for the competent authority to believe that the penalized person transfers his/her assets or property interests to the third party for avoiding been punished pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the competent authority may forfeit or retrieve the transferred assets or property interests of the third party. If the above assets or property interests cannot be forfeited in whole or in part, the equivalent value thereof shall be indemnified either by demanding a payment from the offender or be offset by the property of the offender.
為保全前二項財物或財產上利益之沒入或追繳,其價額之追徵或財產之抵償,主管機關得依法扣留或向行政法院聲請假扣押或假處分,並免提供擔保。 To ensure the forfeit or retrieve of assets or property interests and a levy on payments or property compensation in the preceding two paragraphs, the competent authority may perform detainment pursuant to this Act or request the administrative court for provisional seizure or provisional disposition and is not required to provide guarantees.
主管機關依本條沒入或追繳違法所得財物、財產上利益、追徵價額或抵償財產之推估計價辦法,由行政院定之。 The regulations governing the valuation of illegally obtained assets, property interests, a levy on payments or property compensation which forfeited or retrieved by the competent authority pursuant to this Article shall be prescribed by the Executive Yuan.
第 50 條 Article 50
雇主不得因勞工向主管機關或司法機關揭露違反本法之行為、擔任訴訟程序之證人或拒絕參與違反本法之行為而予解僱、調職或其他不利之處分。 An employer may not discharge, transfer or otherwise take any adverse sanction against an employee who discloses an action which violates this Act to the competent authority or judicial authority, becomes witness of a litigation proceeding or refuses to participate in an action which violates this Act.
雇主或代表雇主行使管理權之人,為前項規定所為之解僱、降調或減薪者,無效。 Any dismissal, demotion or reduction of wage imposed by the employer or supervisory employees who exercise the managerial authority on behalf of the employer for reasons as prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be null and void.
雇主以外之人曾參與違反本法之規定且應負刑事責任之行為,而向主管機關或司法機關揭露,因而破獲雇主違反本法之行為者,減輕或免除其刑。 For the person other than the employer who had participated in actions violating the provisions of this Act and under criminal responsibility but who discloses such action to the competent authority or judicial authority assisting the authority to uncover the violation of the employer, the penalty for such person shall be reduced or exempted.
第 51 條 Article 51
有下列情形之一者,主管機關得為處分如下: The competent authority may impose sanctions in the event of the following:
一、有第四十七條第十四款規定情形者,得暫停受理食品業者或其代理人依第三十條第一項規定所為之查驗申請;產品已放行者,得視違規之情形,命食品業者回收、銷毀或辦理退運。 1. at the occurrence of the circumstances described in Paragraph 14 of Article 47, the application for inspection in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 30 from the food businesses or their representatives may be suspended. For the products which are already released, the food businesses may recall, destroy or return such products depending on the violation thereof.
二、違反第三十條第三項規定,將免予輸入查驗之產品供販賣者,得停止其免查驗之申請一年。 2. in case of violation of Paragraph 3 of Article 30, for anyone who sells the products exempted from import inspection, application for inspection exemption may be suspended for one year.
三、違反第三十三條第二項規定,取得產品輸入許可前,擅自移動、啟用或販賣者,或具結保管之存放地點與實際不符者,沒收所收取之保證金,並於一年內暫停受理該食品業者具結保管之申請;擅自販賣者,並得處販賣價格一倍至二十倍之罰鍰。 3. in case of violation of Paragraph 2 of Article 33, for anyone who intentionally moves, uses or sells the products before receiving the import permit, or the confirmed storage location is inconsistent with the actual storage location. The competent authority may confiscate the deposit and temporarily suspend acceptance of an application for storage by the food businesses for one year. Anyone who sells the goods without authorization may be fined an amount that is between double and twenty times of the selling price of the goods.
第 52 條 Article 52
食品、食品添加物、食品器具、食品容器或包裝及食品用洗潔劑,經依第四十一條規定查核或檢驗者,由當地直轄市、縣(市)主管機關依查核或檢驗結果,為下列之處分: The municipal or county/city competent authority shall impose the following punishment based on examination or testing results for foods, food additives, food utensils, food containers or packaging and food cleansers that have been examined or tested in accordance with Article 41:
一、有第十五條第一項、第四項或第十六條所列各款情形之一者,應予沒入銷毀。 1. those under any one of the circumstances listed in Paragraph 1 or 4 of Article 15 or Article 16 shall be confiscated and destroyed;
二、不符合中央主管機關依第十七條、第十八條所定標準,或違反第二十一條第一項及第二項規定者,其產品及以其為原料之產品,應予沒入銷毀。但實施消毒或採行適當安全措施後,仍可供食用、使用或不影響國人健康者,應通知限期消毒、改製或採行適當安全措施;屆期未遵行者,沒入銷毀之。 2. those not conforming to the standards prescribed by the central competent authority pursuant to Article 17 and Article 18, or those violating Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 21, the products or products containing such materials shall be confiscated and destroyed. However, if those can be edible or used or not affecting human health after disinfecting or appropriate safety measures are implemented, a notice shall be given for such disinfecting, reconditioning or measures to proceed within a prescribed time period; in case the notice is not complied with within the time limit, those goods shall be confiscated and destroyed;
三、標示違反第二十二條第一項或依第二項及第三項公告之事項、第二十四條第一項或依第二項公告之事項、第二十六條、第二十七條或第二十八條第一項規定者,應通知限期回收改正,改正前不得繼續販賣;屆期未遵行或違反第二十八條第二項規定者,沒入銷毀之。 3. in case the labels violate Paragraph 1 or public announcement made pursuant to Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 22, Paragraph 1 or public announcement made pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 24, Article 26, Article 27 or Paragraph 1 of Article 28, a notice shall be given for the goods to be recalled and correction made within a prescribed time period; the goods in question shall not be sold before the violation is corrected. In case the notice is not complied with within the prescribed time limit or Paragraph 2 of Article 28 is violated, those goods shall be confiscated and destroyed; and
四、依第四十一條第一項規定命暫停作業及停止販賣並封存之產品,如經查無前三款之情形者,應撤銷原處分,並予啟封。 4. the punishment with respect to goods which are subject to a suspension of operation as well as cease of sales, and are sealed pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 41 shall, in the absence of any of the situations described in the preceding three subparagraphs, be cancelled, and such goods shall be unsealed.
前項第一款至第三款應予沒入之產品,應先命製造、販賣或輸入者立即公告停止使用或食用,並予回收、銷毀。必要時,當地直轄市、縣(市)主管機關得代為回收、銷毀,並收取必要之費用。 The manufacturer, seller or importer of goods that are to be confiscated pursuant to Subparagraphs 1 to 3 of the preceding paragraph shall immediately announce the termination of use or consumption of such goods and recall and destroy those said goods. Where necessary, the municipal or county/city competent authority may act for such recall and destruction with necessary charges.
前項應回收、銷毀之產品,其回收、銷毀處理辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 Goods that shall be recalled and destroyed pursuant to the preceding paragraph shall be recalled and destroyed in accordance with regulations prescribed by the central competent authority.
製造、加工、調配、包裝、運送、販賣、輸入、輸出第一項第一款或第二款產品之食品業者,由當地直轄市、縣(市)主管機關公布其商號、地址、負責人姓名、商品名稱及違法情節。 The municipal or county/city competent authority shall officially publish the company name, address, name of the responsible person, and product name of as well as the circumstances of the violations by, any food businesses manufacturing, processing, preparing, packaging, transporting, selling, importing or exporting goods under Subparagraph 1 or 2 of Paragraph 1.
輸入第一項產品經通關查驗不符合規定者,中央主管機關應管制其輸入,並得為第一項各款、第二項及前項之處分。 The central competent authority shall restrict the importation of goods under Paragraph 1 which are found to have failed to comply with provisions upon inspection at ports of entry, and may also impose the punishment under any of the subparagraphs of Paragraph 1 and under Paragraph 2 and the preceding Paragraph, with respect to such goods.
第 53 條 Article 53
直轄市、縣(市)主管機關經依前條第一項規定,命限期回收銷毀產品或為其他必要之處置後,食品業者應依所定期限將處理過程、結果及改善情形等資料,報直轄市、縣(市)主管機關備查。 After the products have been recalled and destroyed within a prescribed time period or taken with other necessary measures by the municipal or county/city competent authority pursuant to Paragraph 1 of the preceding article, the food businesses shall report the information in relation to the procedure, result, as well as the status of the above to the municipal or county/city competent authority for their review before the deadline.
第 54 條 Article 54
食品、食品添加物、食品器具、食品容器或包裝及食品用洗潔劑,有第五十二條第一項第一款或第二款情事,除依第五十二條規定處理外,中央主管機關得公告禁止其製造、販賣、輸入或輸出。 In addition to being handled pursuant to Article 52, foods, food additives, food utensils, food containers or packaging and food cleansers which are found to be under any of the circumstances described in Subparagraph 1 or 2 of Paragraph 1 of Article 52 may be subject to a ban by the central competent authority on manufacture, sale, import or export through a public announcement.
前項公告禁止之產品為中央主管機關查驗登記並發給許可文件者,得一併廢止其許可。 Where a product that is subject to prohibition according to the preceding paragraph was registered and licensed by the central competent authority, the relevant license may be revoked.
第 55 條 Article 55
本法所定之處罰,除另有規定外,由直轄市、縣(市)主管機關為之,必要時得由中央主管機關為之。但有關公司、商業或工廠之全部或部分登記事項之廢止,由直轄市、縣(市)主管機關於勒令歇業處分確定後,移由工、商業主管機關或其目的事業主管機關為之。 Unless otherwise prescribed, the punishment prescribed in this Act shall be imposed by the municipal or county/city competent authority. The central competent authority may impose the punishment when necessary. However, upon the confirmation for the order of termination of business by the municipal or county/city competent authority, such order will be transferred to the industrial and business competent authority or other industry competent authority to revoke all or part of the items listed in the company registration, business registration or factory registration.
第 55-1 條 Article 55-1
依本法所為之行政罰,其行為數認定標準,由中央主管機關定之。 The determining standards of the number of administrative penalty made in violation of this Act shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第 56 條 Article 56
食品業者違反第十五條第一項第三款、第七款、第十款或第十六條第一款規定,致生損害於消費者時,應負賠償責任。但食品業者證明損害非由於其製造、加工、調配、包裝、運送、貯存、販賣、輸入、輸出所致,或於防止損害之發生已盡相當之注意者,不在此限。 Should food businesses violate Subparagraph 3, 7, or 10 of Paragraph 1 of Article 15 or Paragraph 1 of Article 16 and result in harms to consumers, they shall bear the responsibilities for compensation. But if food businesses prove the harms are not caused by their manufacturing, processing, preparation, packing, shipment, storage, sales, import and export or have paid attention to preventing from the harms, they shall be exempted from the responsibilities.
消費者雖非財產上之損害,亦得請求賠償相當之金額,並得準用消費者保護法第四十七條至第五十五條之規定提出消費訴訟。 Consumers may claim a certain amount of monetary compensation, and may file for consumer litigation in accordance with the provisions specified from Article 47 to Article 55 of the Consumer Protection Law even without suffering property damage.
如消費者不易或不能證明其實際損害額時,得請求法院依侵害情節,以每人每一事件新臺幣五百元以上三十萬元以下計算。 In the event of difficulty for consumers to provide or inability to provide evidence to support the actual amount of damage, he/she may request the Court to determine the compensation in the amount between NT$500 and NT$300,000 for each case of damage per person based on the circumstances of such damage.
直轄市、縣(市)政府受理同一原因事件,致二十人以上消費者受有損害之申訴時,應協助消費者依消費者保護法第五十條之規定辦理。 The municipal or county (city) government shall assist consumers in accordance with Article 50 of Consumer Protection Law, when receiving complaints concerning the damage from 20 or more consumers for a certain result of the same incident.
受消費者保護團體委任代理消費者保護法第四十九條第一項訴訟之律師,就該訴訟得請求報酬,不適用消費者保護法第四十九條第二項後段規定。 Attorneys who represent the consumer protection organizations to litigate according to Paragraph 1 of Article 49 of the Consumer Protection Act shall request the litigation remuneration and shall not be applicable to the latter part of Paragraph 2 of Article 49 of the Consumer Protection Act.
第 56-1 條 Article 56-1
中央主管機關為保障食品安全事件消費者之權益,得設立食品安全保護基金,並得委託其他機關(構)、法人或團體辦理。 The central competent authority may establish a food safety protection fund for protecting the consumer's right in the event of food safety and the fund may be commissioned to the authorized and appointed other agency (institution), corporation or organization.
前項基金之來源如下: The sources of funds mentioned in the preceding paragraph are as follows:
一、違反本法罰鍰之部分提撥。 1. funds from the partial appropriation of administrative fines in violation of this Act;
二、依本法科處並繳納之罰金,及因違反本法規定沒收或追徵之現金或變賣所得。 2. criminal fines that are fined pursuant to this Act; and cash from confiscating or indemnifying or proceeds from the sale of the confiscated property due to the violation of this Act;
三、依本法或行政罰法規定沒入、追繳、追徵或抵償之不當利得部分提撥。 3. the partial appropriation of improper gains that are forfeited, retrieved, indemnified or offset pursuant to this Act or Administrative Penalty Act;
四、基金孳息收入。 4. accrued interest income generated by the fund;
五、捐贈收入。 5. revenues from donations;
六、循預算程序之撥款。 6. appropriations made by the government through budgetary process; or
七、其他有關收入。 7. other related revenues.
前項第一款及第三款來源,以其處分生效日在中華民國一百零二年六月二十一日以後者適用。 The sources of funds mentioned in the subparagraphs 1 and 3 of the preceding paragraph are applicable to the dispositions that become effective from the date after 21th June 2013.
第一項基金之用途如下: The fund mentioned in Paragraph 1 is used for the following purposes:
一、補助消費者保護團體因食品衛生安全事件依消費者保護法之規定,提起消費訴訟之律師報酬及訴訟相關費用。 1. to subsidize consumer protection groups the remuneration fees for the attorneys and the relevant fees for consumer litigation filed in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law and resulted from the food sanitation and safety incident;
二、補助經公告之特定食品衛生安全事件,有關人體健康風險評估費用。 2. to subsidize fees concerning human health risk assessment on specified food sanitation and safety incident which has been announced by a public notice;
三、補助勞工因檢舉雇主違反本法之行為,遭雇主解僱、調職或其他不利處分所提之回復原狀、給付工資及損害賠償訴訟之律師報酬及訴訟相關費用。 3. to subsidize employee the remuneration of attorneys and relevant litigation fees for restoring the original status, payment and damage compensation when an employee was fired, reassigned the jobs or otherwise took any adverse sanction by the employer due to disclosing the employers’ behavior which violates this Act;
四、補助依第四十三條第二項所定辦法之獎金。 4.to subsidize rewards governed by the regulations in Paragraph 2 of Article 43; or
五、補助其他有關促進食品安全之相關費用。 5.to subsidize other relevant fees concerning food safety promotion and consumer litigation.
中央主管機關應設置基金運用管理監督小組,由學者專家、消保團體、社會公正人士組成,監督補助業務。 The central competent authority shall establish a supervision panel for management and utilization of the fund which composed of experts and scholars, consumer protection organizations, and impartial citizens to supervise the subsidizing affairs.
第四項基金之補助對象、申請資格、審查程序、補助基準、補助之廢止、前項基金運用管理監督小組之組成、運作及其他應遵行事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The regulation governing the recipients of the subsidies, application qualifications, review procedures, subsidization standard, revocation of subsidies of the fund mentioned in Paragraph 4, the formation and operation of the supervision panel for management and utilization of the fund mentioned in the preceding paragraph and other matters to be complied with shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第 十 章 附則 Chapter X Supplementary Provisions
第 57 條 Article 57
本法關於食品器具或容器之規定,於兒童常直接放入口內之玩具,準用之。 The provisions of this Act regarding food utensils and food containers shall apply mutatis mutandis to toys that are often directly placed into the mouth of children.
第 58 條 Article 58
中央主管機關依本法受理食品業者申請審查、檢驗及核發許可證,應收取審查費、檢驗費及證書費;其費額,由中央主管機關定之。 The central competent authority shall charge a review fee, testing fee, and license fee with respect to applications by food businesses for review, testing and issuance of permits. The respective amount of such fees shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第 59 條 Article 59
本法施行細則,由中央主管機關定之。 The enforcement rules of this Act shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第 60 條 Article 60
本法除第三十條申報制度與第三十三條保證金收取規定及第二十二條第一項第五款、第二十六條、第二十七條,自公布後一年施行外,自公布日施行。 Other than the declaration procedure specified in Article 30 and the provision concerning the receipt of deposit specified in Article 33, and Subparagraph 5 of Paragraph 1 of Article 22, Article 26 and Article 27, which are to be implemented one year after promulgation, this Act shall be implemented as of its being promulgated.
第二十二條第一項第四款自中華民國一百零三年六月十九日施行。 Subparagraph 4 of Paragraph 1 of Article 22 shall be implemented on 19th June 2014.
本法一百零三年一月二十八日修正條文第二十一條第三項,自公布後一年施行。 Paragraph 3 of Article 21 amended on 28th January 2014 shall be implemented one year after promulgation of this Act.
本法一百零三年十一月十八日修正條文,除第二十二條第一項第五款應標示可追溯之來源或生產系統規定,自公布後六個月施行;第七條第三項食品業者應設置實驗室規定、第二十二條第四項、第二十四條第一項食品添加物之原料應標示事項規定、第二十四條第三項及第三十五條第四項規定,自公布後一年施行外,自公布日施行。 The articles of this Act amended on 18th November 2014 shall be implemented as of its being promulgated. Other than the provision concerning the labeling of tracing sources or production systems specified in Subparagraph 5 of Paragraph 1 of Article 22 shall be implemented six months after promulgation of this Act; the provision concerning food businesses equipped with laboratories specified in Paragraph 3 of Article 7, Paragraph 4 of Article 22, the labeling of raw materials of food additives specified in Paragraph 1 of Article 24, Paragraph 3 of Article 24 and Paragraph 4 of Article 35 shall be implemented one year after promulgation of this Act.

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食品及相關產品標示宣傳廣告涉及不實誇張易生誤解或醫療效能認定準 Regulations Governing Determination of the Label, Promotion and Advertisement of Foods and Food Products Identified as False, Exaggerated, Misleading or Having Medical Efficacy
第 1 條 Article 1
本準則依食品安全衛生管理法(以下簡稱本法)第二十八條第四項規定訂定之。 The Regulations are prescribed in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 4, Article 28 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”).
第 2 條 Article 2
本準則所稱食品及相關產品,指食品、食品添加物、食品用洗潔劑及經中央主管機關公告之食品器具、食品容器或包裝。 The “foods” and “food products” referred in the Regulations are defined as foods, food additives, food cleansers and food utensils, food containers or packaging designated by the central competent authority in the public announcement.
第 3 條 Article 3
本法第二十八條第一項或第二項所定標示、宣傳或廣告涉及不實、誇張、易生誤解,或醫療效能之認定,應就其傳達予消費者之品名、文字敘述、圖案、符號、影像、聲音或其他訊息,依整體表現,綜合判斷之。 The determining standards of the false, exaggerated or misleading labeling, promotion or advertisement referred to in Paragraph 1, Article 28 and medical efficacy referred to in Paragraph 2 in the Act shall be comprehensively judged by the overall presentation of the name, description, image, symbol, visual, audio or other messages conveyed to consumers of the product.
本條文有附件 第 4 條 Article 4
本法第二十八條第一項食品及相關產品之標示、宣傳或廣告,表述內容有下列情形之一者,認定為涉及不實、誇張或易生誤解: The labeling, promotion or advertisement of foods and food products referred to in Paragraph 1, Article 28 of the Act is identified as false, exaggerated or misleading if involving any of the following condition:
一、與事實不符。 (i) The description does not conform to facts.
二、無證據,或證據不足以佐證。 (ii) The description has no evidence or insufficient evidence to support it.
三、涉及維持或改變人體器官、組織、生理或外觀之功能。 (iii) The description involves maintaining or altering the physiology, appearance or function of human organs and tissue.
四、引用機關公文書字號或類似意義詞句。但依法令規定應標示之核准公文書字號,不在此限。 (iv) The content description refers to any number of official letters or any word or sentence with similar meanings; however, the use of approved official letter number complied with the laws and regulations are not subject to the limit.
食品以「健康」字樣為品名之一部分者,認定該品名為易生誤解。但取得許可之健康食品,不在此限。 If the word "health" as part of the food product name, it is identified as misleading. However, this regulation shall not apply to food product issued with a health food permit.
食品之標示、宣傳或廣告內容,得使用附件一所列通常可使用之詞句,或附件二所列營養素或特定成分之生理功能詞句;上開詞句,均不認定為涉及不實、誇張或易生誤解。 The phrases in Appendix 1 and the physiological functional description of the nutrients and specified components as in the Appendix 2 can be used for the labeling, promotion or advertisement of food products. The above descriptions are considered not false, exaggerated, or misleading.
第 5 條 Article 5
本法第二十八條第二項食品之標示、宣傳或廣告,表述內容有下列情形之一者,認定為涉及醫療效能: The labeling , promotion or advertisement of the foods referred to in Paragraph 2, Article 28 in the Act shall be identified as having medical efficacy if involving any of the following statement:
一、涉及預防、改善、減輕、診斷或治療疾病、疾病症候群或症狀。 (i) The description is related to prevention, improvement, mitigation, diagnosis or treatment of any diseases, syndromes or symptoms.
二、涉及減輕或降低導致疾病有關之體內成分。 (ii) The description is related to alleviation or reduction of any substances in human body caused by diseases.
三、涉及中藥材效能。 (iii) The description is related to the efficacy of raw materials in traditional Chinese medicine.
第 6 條 Article 6
本準則自發布日施行。 The Regulations shall be implemented upon promulgation.
本準則中華民國一百零九年八月四日修正發布之第四條,自一百十一年七月一日施行。 Articles 4 of these Regulations, amended and promulgated on 4 Auguest 2020, shall take force from 1 July 2022.

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健康食品管理法施行細 Enforcement Rules of Health Food Control Act
第 1 條 Article 1
本細則依健康食品管理法(以下簡稱本法)第三十條規定訂定之。 These Rules are enacted in accordance with Article 30 of the Health Food Control Act (hereinafter referred to as "Act").
第 2 條 Article 2
本法第六條第二項所稱特殊營養素,係指具有明確保健功效之成分,並經中央主管機關認定者。 For the purposes of paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Act, the term "specific nutrient" shall denote substance with definite health care effects and so identified by the central competent authority.
第 3 條 Article 3
(刪除) (Deleted)
第 4 條 Article 4
(刪除) (Deleted)
第 5 條 Article 5
(刪除) (Deleted)
第 6 條 Article 6
(刪除) (Deleted)
第 7 條 Article 7
申請健康食品查驗登記時,或經發給許可證後,其名稱、標籤、包裝、圖案、標示等如有仿冒或影射他人註冊商標之嫌疑者,中央主管機關得通知其限期改正或為其他必要措施。 Where the name, label, packaging, design, labeling etc. of health food is suspected, during the processing of the application for product registration or after a permit has been issued, of counterfeiting or insinuating another person's registered trademark, the central competent authority shall order that correction be made or other necessary measures be taken within a prescribed time limit.
第 8 條 Article 8
本法第十條第二項所稱符合原產國之良好作業規範,係指輸入之健康食品符合原產國主管機關所定之產品生產作業規範。 For the purposes of the second paragraph of Article 10 of the Act, the phrase "conform to good manufacturing practices of the country of origin" shall denote that imported health food shall conform to the good manufacturing practices set by the competent authority of the country of origin.
前項規範,應與本法第十條第一項之良好作業規範相當。 Such practices shall be equivalent to that mentioned in the first paragraph of the same article.
第 9 條 Article 9
本法第十一條所稱健康食品容器或包裝應符合之衛生標準,為中央主管機關依食品安全衛生管理法所定之相關標準。 For the purposes of Article 11 of the Act, the term "sanitation standards" as in the phrase "health food containers and packaging shall meet the sanitation standards" shall denote the relevant standards prescribed by the central competent authority in accordance with the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation.
第 10 條 Article 10
本法第十二條第二款所稱染有病原菌、第三款所稱殘留農藥安全容許量、第四款所稱原子塵、放射能污染安全容許量及第七款所稱有害人體健康之物質或異物,適用食品安全衛生管理法及其相關規定。 The contamination by pathogens as in subparagraph 2, permissible tolerances of residual pesticides as in subparagraph 3, permissible tolerances of nuclear fallout or radioactivity as in subparagraph 4, and substances or foreign matters detrimental to human health as in subparagraph 7 of Article 12 of the Act shall be governed by the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation and the relevant regulations.
第 11 條 Article 11
本法第十二條第六款所稱逾保存期限,係指保存期限已逾本法第十三條第一項第五款所稱之有效日期。 For the purposes of subparagraph 6 of Article 12 of the Act, the phrase "exceed the shelf life" shall denote that the shelf life has passed the expiry date mentioned in subparagraph 5 of the first paragraph of Article 13 of the Act.
第 12 條 Article 12
本法第十三條第一項第一款至第六款及第十款所定健康食品應標示之事項,適用食品安全衛生管理法及其相關規定。 The material facts to be labeled on health food pursuant to subparagraphs 1 to 6 and 10 of the first paragraph of Article 13 of the Act shall be governed by the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation and the relevant regulations.
本法第十三條第一項第七款至第九款之標示字體,適用食品安全衛生管理法及其相關規定。 The characters to be labeled pursuant to subparagraphs 7 to 9 of the first paragraph of Article 13 of the Act shall be governed by the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation and the relevant regulations.
第 13 條 Article 13
本細則自發布日施行。 These Rules shall be implemented as of their being promulgated.

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健康食品管理 Health Food Control Act
第 一 章 總則 Chapter I General Provisions
第 1 條 Article 1
為加強健康食品之管理與監督,維護國民健康,並保障消費者之權益,特制定本法;本法未規定者,適用其他有關法律之規定。 This Act is enacted to enhance the management and supervision of matters relating to health food, protect the health of the people of the republic and safeguard the rights and interests of consumers. Matters not addressed herein shall be governed by other applicable laws.
第 2 條 Article 2
本法所稱健康食品,指具有保健功效,並標示或廣告其具該功效之食品。 For the purposes of this Act, the term "health food" shall denote food with health care effects, having been labeled or advertised with such effects.
本法所稱之保健功效,係指增進民眾健康、減少疾病危害風險,且具有實質科學證據之功效,非屬治療、矯正人類疾病之醫療效能,並經中央主管機關公告者。 The term “health care effects” shall mean an effect that has been scientifically proven to be capable of improving people’s health, and decreasing the harms and risks of diseases. However, it is not a medical treatment aimed at treating or remedying human diseases; such “health care effects” shall be announced by the central competent authority.
第 3 條 Article 3
依本法之規定申請查驗登記之健康食品,符合下列條件之一者,應發給健康食品許可證: A health food permit shall be issued only if one of the following requirements is met under the purpose of this Act.
一、經科學化之安全及保健功效評估試驗,證明無害人體健康,且成分具有明確保健功效;其保健功效成分依現有技術無法確定者,得依申請人所列舉具該保健功效之各項原料及佐證文獻,由中央主管機關評估認定之。 1. Duly supported by scientific assessment of the safety and and health care effects of food that they are harmless and carry definite, certain health care effects; if current technology cannot identify ingredients contributing to such effects, the ingredients with the relevant health care effects and supporting literature shall be enumerated and provided to the central competent authority for evaluation and verification.
二、成分符合中央主管機關所定之健康食品規格標準。 2. Ingredients conforming to the Health Food Specification Standards set by the central competent authority.
第一項健康食品安全評估方法、保健功效評估方法及規格標準,由中央主管機關定之。中央主管機關未定之保健功效評估方法,得由學術研究單位提出,並經中央主管機關審查認可。 The methods by which health care effects and safety are assessed, and by which standards are determined in the preceding paragraph shall be determined by the central competent authority. If the central competent authority has not yet determined a method to assess the health care effects, a method submitted by academics shall be reviewed and approved by the central competent authority.
第 4 條 Article 4
健康食品之保健功效,應以下列方式之一表達︰ The health care effects of health food shall be described in any of the following ways:
一、如攝取某項健康食品後,可補充人體缺乏之營養素時,宣稱該食品具有預防或改善與該營養素相關疾病之功效。 1. claiming the effect of preventing or alleviating the illness relating to nutrients when deficient in the human body if intake of the health food can make up said nutrients;
二、敘述攝取某種健康食品後,其中特定營養素、特定成分或該食品對人體生理結構或生理機能之影響。 2. claiming the impact on human physiological structure and functions by the specified nutrients or specific ingredients contained in a health food or the food itself after the health food has been taken;
三、提出科學證據,以支持該健康食品維持或影響人體生理結構或生理機能之說法。 3. furnishing the scientific evidence to support the claim that the health food can maintain or affect human physiological structure and functions; and/or
四、敘述攝取某種健康食品後的一般性好處。 4. describing the general advantages of taking the health food.
第 5 條 Article 5
本法所稱主管機關:在中央為衛生福利部;在直轄市為直轄市政府;在縣(市)為縣(市)政府。 For the purposes of this Act, the term "competent authority" shall mean the Ministry of Health and Welfare at the central level, the municipal governments at the municipality, and the county/city governments at the county/city level.
第 二 章 健康食品之許可 Chapter II Health Food Permit
第 6 條 Article 6
食品非依本法之規定,不得標示或廣告為健康食品。 No food shall be labeled or advertised as health food unless it is registered as such in accordance with this Act.
食品標示或廣告提供特殊營養素或具有特定保健功效者,應依本法之規定辦理之。 This Act shall govern any food that is labeled or advertised as food furnishing specific nutrient or specific health care effects.
第 7 條 Article 7
製造、輸入健康食品,應將其成分、規格、作用與功效、製程概要、檢驗規格與方法,及有關資料與證件,連同標籤及樣品,並繳納證書費、查驗費,申請中央主管機關查驗登記,發給許可證後,始得製造或輸入。 No health food shall be manufactured or imported unless and until an application for review and testing registration supported by information on its ingredients, specifications, functions and effects, a summary of the manufacturing process, specifications and methods of analysis, other relevant data and documentation, as well as label and sample are submitted along with permit fee, review and testing fees to, and a product registration permit is issued by, the central competent authority or the organization commissioned thereby.
前項規定所稱證書費,係指申請查驗登記發給、換發或補發許可證之費用;所稱查驗費,係指審查費及檢驗費;其費額,由中央主管機關定之。 The permit fee referred to in the preceding paragraph means the fee for the issuance, replacement, or supplementary issuance of the health food permit against the application for review and testing registration. The review and testing fees mean the fees for the review and testing. The relevant fee amount shall be prescribed by the competent authority.
經查驗登記並發給許可證之健康食品,其登記事項如有變更,應具備申請書,向中央主管機關申請變更登記,並繳納審查費。 An application for change of the registered items of the health food after permit is issused must be filed with the relevant review fee to the central competent authority.
第一項規定之查驗,中央主管機關於必要時,得委託相關機關(構)、學校或團體辦理;其辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 The central competent authority may, where necessary, commission relevant organization (institution), school or group to deal with the review and testing referred to in the first paragraph. The relevant regulations shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第一項申請許可辦法,由中央主管機關定之。 Regulations of the application for permit referred to in the first paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
第 8 條 Article 8
健康食品之製造、輸入許可證有效期限為五年,期滿仍須繼續製造、輸入者,應於許可證到期前三個月內申請中央主管機關核准展延之。但每次展延不得超過五年。逾期未申請展延或不准展延者,原許可證自動失效。 A health food manufacture or import permit is valid for five years. Application for renewal shall be filed within three months prior to the expiration of the term with the central competent authority if continued manufacture or importation after the expiration is desired. The term of each renewal shall not exceed five years. Such permit shall automatically become null and void if the above application for renewal is not filed within the prescribed period or renewal is not granted.
前項許可證如有污損或遺失,應敘明理由申請原核發機關換發或補發,並應將原許可證同時繳銷,或由核發機關公告註銷。 If the above permit is stained, damaged or lost, an application shall be filed, with reasons stated, with the original issuing authority for a replacement or new permit, and the original permit shall at the same time be surrendered for cancellation or canceled by the issuing authority by public notice.
第 9 條 Article 9
健康食品之許可證於有效期間內,有下列之各款事由之一者,中央主管機關得對已經許可之健康食品重新評估: The central competent authority may re-evaluate approved health food during the validity of the health food permit for any of the following reasons:
一、科學研究對該產品之功效發生疑義。 1. where scientific research raises doubts about the effects of the product;
二、產品之成分、配方或生產方式受到質疑。 2. where the ingredients, formula, or method of production of the product is subject to doubt ; or
三、其他經食品衛生主管機關認定有必要時。 3. where the re-evaluation is considered necessary by the competent food sanitation authority.
中央主管機關對健康食品重新評估不合格時,應通知相關廠商限期改善;屆期未改善者,中央主管機關得廢止其許可證。 Where the health food does not pass re-evaluation, the central competent authority shall request the company concerned to make improvement within a prescribed period, and may revoke the permit if the improvement is not made within such period.
第 三 章 健康食品之安全衛生管理
Chapter III Management of Safety and Sanitation of Health Food

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第 1 條 Article 1
本辦法依健康食品管理法(以下簡稱本法)第七條第五項規定訂定之。 These Regulations are set forth pursuant to Paragraph 5 of Article 7 of the Health Food Control Act (hereinafter referred to as "the Act").
第 2 條 Article 2
健康食品業者(以下簡稱廠商)依本法第七條第一項規定,申請健康食品製造、輸入查驗登記,發給許可證,其產品屬本法第三條第一項第一款規定者,應填具申請書,並檢附產品及下列文件、資料,繳納初審費用,向中央主管機關提出: Applications for permit and registration of manufacture and import for health food specified in Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Act by the applicants of health food (hereinafter referred to as applicants) pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the Act shall submit the application form along with product samples, the following documents and information to the central competent authority and pay the preliminary review fees:
一、產品製造廠出具之原料成分規格含量表、供貨來源。 1. Specifications and quantity of ingredients along with their sources of supplies issued by the product manufacturer.
二、產品安全評估報告,或依中央主管機關公告之健康食品安全評估方法所定學術文獻報告。 2. Safety assessment report or academic literature reports as defined in the health food safety assessment methods announced by the central competent authority.
三、產品保健功效評估報告。 3. Health care effect assessment report.
四、產品及其保健功效成分之安定性試驗計畫書及結果報告。 4. Stability testing plan and results of the product and the ingredients with health care effects.
五、產品營養成分分析報告。 5. Product nutrient analysis report.
六、產品衛生檢驗報告。 6. Product sanitation test report.
七、產品保健功效成分鑑定報告及其檢驗方法。 7. Identification report and the testing method of ingredients with health care effect in the product.
八、產品製造廠出具之產品製程圖說。 8. Product manufacturing process charts issued by the product manufacturer.
九、產品製造廠出具落實健康食品良好作業規範標準之佐證資料。 9. Documentary evidence to demonstrate compliance with Standards for Good Manufacturing Practices of Health Food issued by the product manufacturer.
十、委託製造者,其受託製造廠出具之受託製造證明。 10. In cases of entrusted manufacturing for products, the certificate of entrusted manufacturing issued by the entrusted manufacturer.
十一、獲授權販售者,其授權證明。 11. In cases of authorized sales for products, the certificate of authorization.
十二、產品中文標籤、容器或包裝及說明書之實體、彩色列印圖或彩色擬稿;其包裝規格、型態或材質不同者,應分別檢附之;說明書內容相同者,得檢送任一規格、型態、材質者之說明書。 12. The physical objects, color printouts, or color drafts of the Chinese label, container or outer packaging, and user instructions; the above items shall be attached separately for different packaging specifications, forms and materials; if the contents of user instructions are the same, any one version of one with any specifications, forms and materials may be adequate.
十三、廠商之公司登記、有限合夥登記或商業登記證明文件。 13. Documents of company, limited partnership, or business registration of the applicants.
十四、產品製造廠為依法設立或登記之官方證明文件: 14. Official certification documents verifying that the original product manufacturer is legally established or registered:
(一)國內製造者:工廠登記證明文件。但屬依法免辦工廠登記者,免附。 (1) In cases of domestic manufacturers: the factory registration certificate but not for the manufacturers without registration by laws.
(二)國外製造者:出產國管理產品衛生安全或核發製造廠證照之政府機關,以全銜出具,經該政府機關或其主管官員戳記或簽章之證明文件;其為影本者,經原產國公證單位簽證與正本相符。 (2) In case of foreign manufacturers: The original official certificate issued by a competent government agency responsible for product hygiene and safety or factory licensing in the country of origin shall be provided. The certificate shall specify full name of the government agency issuing the certificate with official stamp or authorized signature. If the certificate verifying the legitimacy of the original manufacturer is a copy of the original, the document shall be a certified true copy of the original by a notary public in the country of origin.
十五、其他佐證產品安全、保健功效之相關研究報告、文獻資料。 15. Other relevant research reports and literature in support of the product safety and health care effect.
前項文件、資料,以英文以外之外文記載者,應檢附立案翻譯社出具之中文或英文譯本。 The foregoing documents or information in languages other than English and Chinese must be accompanied with English or Chinese translations issued by a registered translation agency.
第 3 條 Article 3
廠商依本法第七條第一項規定,申請健康食品製造、輸入查驗登記,發給許可證,其產品屬本法第三條第一項第二款規定者,應填具申請書,並檢附產品及繳納初審費用,向中央主管機關提出;其應檢附之文件、資料,依前條規定辦理。但免附前條第一項第二款、第三款及第十五款文件、資料。 Applicants in application for permit of health food manufactured and imported registration in Paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the Act with the products specified in Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Act shall submit an application form, with the product sample, the following documents and information, and payment of the preliminary review fees to the central competent authority; the required documents and information shall be provided according to the provisions of the preceding Article, except for those mentioned in Subparagraph 2, 3 and 15 of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article.
第 4 條 Article 4
前二條申請,應依所申請產品之保健功效項目或規格項目,分別為之。 Separate applications in the preceding two Articles shall be filed based on the one health care effect or specification standards of the products.
第 5 條 Article 5
中央主管機關受理第二條申請案後,應就廠商檢附之文件、資料進行初審;必要時,得至現場實地查核。 The central competent authority, upon receiving applications in Article 2, shall conduct a preliminary review of the documents and information submitted by the applicants and may conduct on-site inspections if necessary.
前項文件、資料不完備者,廠商應於收受中央主管機關通知後一個月內補正;必要時,得申請延長一個月,並以一次為限。屆期未補正者,予以駁回。 If the documents and information in the preceding paragraph are incomplete, the applicants shall, within one month after receiving of the notice of the central competent authority, submit the supplementary documents and information, and may apply for a one-month extension if necessary. The application for extension is limited to one time only. Without submitting the supplementary documents and information within the time limit results in the rejection of the application.
第一項初審經駁回,廠商不服者,得提起救濟;其救濟應依下列方式之一為之: Applicants unwilling to accept the rejection of the preliminary review can appeal for relief in either of the following manners:
一、收受初審處分通知之次日起六個月內,敘明理由,向中央主管機關提出申復。申復經駁回,廠商不服者,得依訴願法提起訴願。 1. Appeal to the central competent authority with reasons claimed within six months from the date following receiving of the notice of the preliminary review results. If rejected, an administrative appeal can be made pursuant to the Administrative Appeal Act.
二、收受初審處分通知之次日起三十日內,逕依訴願法提起訴願。 2. Administrative appeal filed directly pursuant to the Administrative Appeal Act within 30 days from the date following receiving of the notice of the preliminary review results.
已依前項第二款提起訴願,復依前項第一款規定提出申復,或同時申請者,其申復不予受理。 The appeal in accordance with Subparagraph 1 shall not be accepted if an administrative appeal has been filed in Subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph prior to the appeal, or if both an administrative appeal and an appeal are filed.
第 6 條 Article 6
第二條申請經初審通過者,得申請複審。 Applications filed in Article 2 and having passed the preliminary review are eligible for a secondary review.
前項複審,應於收受初審通過通知之次日起十五日內,填具申請書及繳納複審費用,並依初審意見,檢送文件、資料,向中央主管機關提出。屆期未繳納複審審查費或未檢送文件、資料者,予以駁回。 Applications for the secondary review in the preceding paragraph shall be filed, within 15 days from the day following the date of the notice of the preliminary review result, to the central competent authority with the payment of fee for the secondary review and with supplementary documents and information based on comments in the preliminary review. Failure to paying the secondary review fee or to submit supplementary documents and information, within the specified length of time, shall results in the rejection of the application.
第 7 條 Article 7
中央主管機關為審查前條複審案,得組成審議小組召開會議,就產品之安全性、保健功效、包裝、標籤及說明書,予以審查;必要時,得至現場實地查核。 For the secondary review as stated in the preceding Article, the central competent authority may organize a review committee and call meetings to review the safety, health care effect, packaging, labeling and user instruction, and may conduct on-site inspections if necessary.
第 8 條 Article 8
中央主管機關應就前條審查結果,以書面通知廠商。 The central competent authority shall notify the applicants in writing of the results of the secondary review in the preceding Article.
第 9 條 Article 9
中央主管機關為前條複審時,認定文件、資料不完備者,廠商應於收受中央主管機關通知後一個月內補正;必要時,得申請延長一個月,並以一次為限。屆期未補正者,予以駁回。 If the documents and information in the secondary review are incomplete considered by the central competent authority in the preceding Article, the applicants shall, within one month after receiving the notice of the central competent authority, submit the supplementary documents and information, and may apply for a one-month extension if necessary. The application for extension is limited to one time only. Without submitting the supplementary documents and information within the time limit results in the rejection of the application.
第 10 條 Article 10
第三條申請案,中央主管機關審查程序及廠商所檢附文件、資料之補正與延長、救濟,準用第五條規定。 The review process of the central competent authority, the documents and information provided by the applicants, and corrections, extension, as well as remedies of the applications filed in Article 3 shall apply the provisions of Article 5 mutatis mutandis.
前項審查結果,經認有安全或保健功效疑慮者,中央主管機關應通知廠商申請複審;其申請程序、複審程序、實地查核及補正與延長,準用第六條第二項至前條規定。 If the review results in the preceding paragraph are considered the concerns of safety or health efficacy, the central competent authority shall notify the applicants to apply for secondary reviews. The procedures of application and secondary reviews, on-site inspections, corrections, and extensions shall apply the provisions from Paragraph 2 of Article 6 up to the preceding Article mutatis mutandis.
第 11 條 Article 11
中央主管機關認申請案產品有送驗必要者,應通知廠商於通知送達之次日起一個月內,向中央主管機關指定之檢驗機構繳交檢驗費及足夠檢驗之原裝完整樣品檢體送驗;屆期未繳交檢驗費或未檢具檢體送驗者,予以駁回。 If the product analysis is considered necessary, the central competent authority shall notify the applicants to pay the testing fee and provide sample product in intact packaging of sufficient amount to the inspection body designated by central competent authority for testing within one month from the date following receiving of the notification. Failure to pay the testing fee or provide the samples by the deadline shall result in the rejection of the application.
第 12 條 Article 12
廠商不服中央主管機關複審結果,得提起救濟;其救濟,準用第五條第三項及第四項規定。 Applicants unwilling to accept the rejection of the secondary review can appeal for relief. The relief shall apply the provisions from Paragraph 3 and 4 of Article 5 mutatis mutandis.
第 13 條 Article 13
申請案經審查通過者,中央主管機關應以書面通知廠商審查結果及繳納證書費,並於廠商繳納證書費後,發給健康食品許可證。 If applications are reviewed and approved, the central competent authority shall notify the review results to the applicants in writing and the demand of payment of the permit fee, and a health food permit shall be issued after payment of the permit fee by the applicants.
前項許可證之登記內容,包括下列事項: The registered contents of the permit in the preceding paragraph shall include the following:
一、中文及英文品名。 1. Product name in Chinese and English.
二、申請廠商名稱、地址及負責人。 2. Name and address of the applicants and the responsible person.
三、製造廠名稱及地址。 3. Name and address of the product manufacturer.
四、原料成分及產品外觀形態。 4. Ingredients and appearance of the product.
五、產品保健功效或品管指標之成分、含量。 5. The ingredients and quantities of the health care effects or serving as the quality control indicators of the product.
六、產品保健功效項目及敘述。 6. The item and descriptions of the health care effects.
七、包裝規格及材質。 7. Packaging specifications and materials of the product.
八、產品有效期限、保存方法及條件。 8. Expiration date, storage methods and conditions of the product.
九、產品中文標籤、容器或包裝及說明書之刊載內容。 9. The contents of the Chinese label, container or outer packaging, and user instructions.
十、許可證發證年月日及字號。 10. Date and number of the permit issuance.
十一、其他經中央主管機關指定之事項。 11. Other registration items designated by the central competent authority.
第 14 條 Article 14
第二條第一項第一款原料成分規格含量表,應視案件性質,以廠商提供之下列文件、資料審核之: The specifications and quantity of ingredients in Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2 shall be reviewed by case based on the following documents and information provided by the applicants:
一、原料品管或衛生檢驗報告。 1. The reports of quality control or sanitation test for the ingredient.
二、保健功效原料成分之製程及檢驗報告。 2. The manufacturing process and test report for the ingredients of the health care effects.
三、前款以外原料成分之萃取或濃縮製程。 3. The manufacturing process of extraction or concentration for the ingredients not covered in the preceding subparagraph.
四、可供食用中藥材原料之基原鑑定報告。 4. Authentication reports of medicinal plant assessment if the ingredients can be used in edible Chinese herbal medicines.
五、菌株原料之來源證明及菌種鑑定報告;屬乳酸菌者,並檢附菌株鑑定報告。 5. The origin certification of the strains and identification reports of the species if the ingredients are microorganism; identification reports of the strains if the ingredients are lactobacillus.
第 15 條 Article 15
第二條第一項第二款至第七款之評估、試驗、分析、檢驗及鑑定報告,應就工廠產製產品為之。 The target of reports for assessment, test, analysis and identification in Subparagraph 2 to 7 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2 shall be the products manufactured from production lines in the factory.
第 16 條 Article 16
第二條第一項第二款及第三款之產品安全評估報告及產品保健功效評估報告,應由產品所採用原料研發單位以外之第三人,分別依本法第三條第二項所定之評估法規為之。 The safety assessment report and the health care effect assessment report in Subparagraph 2 and 3 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2, respectively, shall be taken pursuant to the assessment provisions in Paragraph 2 of Article 3 of the Act by third parties other than the researching and developing units of the ingredients in the product.
第 17 條 Article 17
第二條第一項第四款至第七款之產品安定性試驗計畫書及結果報告、產品營養成分分析報告、產品衛生檢驗報告及產品保健功效成分鑑定報告,其報告應經測試;測試之方式,應依下列規定為之: The stability testing plan and results, product nutrient analysis report, product sanitation test report, and identification report of ingredients with health care effect in the product in Subparagraph 4 to 7 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2, respectively, should be taken by testing, and the testing shall be conducted according to the following provisions:
一、測試之產品,各應至少三批取自工廠生產線所產製者。 1. The target of reports shall be the products at least 3 batches manufactured from production lines in the factory.
二、前款三批測試,至少有二批應為最近三年內完成者。 2. The reports using the target of the products at least 2 batches among the 3 batches in the preceding subparagraph should have been completed within the past 3 years.
三、第一款產品,應為有效日期內者。 3. The products in the Subparagraph 1 should be within their expiration date.
第 18 條 Article 18
第二條第一項第四款保健功效成分之安定性試驗,應以該產品具保健功效之特定成分作為試驗之標的;其保健功效成分依現有技術無法確定者,得由廠商列舉具該保健功效之原料成分作為試驗之標的。 The test objects of the stability testing for the ingredients with health care effects in Subparagraph 4 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2 should be the specific ingredients with health care effects in the product. If the specific ingredients with health care effects cannot be determined by contemporary techniques, other one with health care effects claimed by the applicants can be used as the test objects of the stability testing.
第三條健康食品,其依第二條應檢附之保健功效成分安定性試驗,依中央主管機關所定健康食品規格標準之規格成分作為試驗之標的。 The test objects of the stability testing for the ingredients with health care effects pursuant to Article 2 for the health foods in Article 3 shall be the ingredients designated by the central competent authority in the Specification Standards for Health Foods.
第 19 條 Article 19
第二條第一項第五款產品營養成分分析報告,其分析項目,應包括包裝食品營養標示應遵行事項所定之熱量及營養素。 The items of analysis in product nutrient analysis report in Subparagraph 5 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2 shall include the values of calories and nutrients defined by Regulations on Nutrition Labeling for Prepackaged Food Products.
第 20 條 Article 20
第二條第一項第六款產品衛生檢驗報告,其項目及內容,應足以證明產品符合健康食品衛生標準之規定;上開標準未規定者,依食品安全衛生管理法相關規定辦理。 The items and content of product sanitation test report in Subparagraph 6 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2 shall provide sufficient evidence for the product meeting the provisions of the Sanitation Standards for Health Foods. Relevant regulations of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation shall apply if those are not covered in the aforementioned Sanitation Standards. Identification report and the testing method of ingredients with health care effect in the product.
第 21 條 Article 21
第二條第一項第七款產品保健功效成分鑑定報告,其項目及內容應包括保健功效成分之定性及定量試驗結果。 The items and content of the identification report of ingredients with health care effect in the product in Subparagraph 7 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2 shall include qualitative and quantitative results of the ingredients with health care effect in the product.
第三條健康食品,其依第二條應檢附之產品保健功效成分鑑定報告,其項目及內容應符合中央主管機關所定之健康食品規格標準。 The items and content of the identification report of ingredients with health care effect in the product pursuant to Article 2 for the health foods in Article 3 shall meet the standards designated by the central competent authority in the Specification Standards for Health Foods.
前二項鑑定使用之檢驗方法,應優先使用中央主管機關公告或公開建議者;採其他方法者,應檢具無差異或優於公告或公開建議檢驗方法之科學性依據及比對說明文件或參考資料。 The testing method for the identification of ingredients with health care effect in the product in the preceding two paragraphs shall be the announced or recommended methods by the central competent authority preferentially; otherwise, scientific evidence and comparative reports indicating non-inferiority or superiority to the announced or recommended methods shall be required for using other testing method.
廠商提出第一項及第二項鑑定報告時,應一併檢具有關檢驗方法標準作業程序及其查證或確效之文件、資料。 The documents and information of the standard operating procedures and validation for the testing methods shall also be provided with the identification report submitted by applicants pursuant to Paragraph 1 and 2.
有本法第三條第一項第一款後段情形者,廠商應提出具該保健功效各項原料之鑑定報告。 If situation in the latter part of Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Act, the identification report of each ingredient with health care effect in the product shall be issued by applicants.
第 22 條 Article 22
第二條第一項第八款產品製程圖說,應包括原料調理、加工流程及加工條件。 The product manufacturing process charts in Subparagraph 8 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2 shall include the preparation of the raw materials, processing procedures and conditions of processing.
前項加工流程包括萃取者,應載明萃取方法及使用之溶劑;包括濃縮者,應載明濃縮之倍數。 If the processing procedures involving extraction in the preceding paragraph, the method of extraction and the solvent shall be provided; the degree of concentration shall be also indicated for concentration processes.
第 23 條 Article 23
第二條第一項第九款佐證資料,應包括製程管制文件、品質管制文件、品管工程圖及其他證明符合生產國良好作業規範規定之文件、資料。 The documentary evidence in Subparagraph 9 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2 shall include the documents of the control for the manufacturing process and quality control, engineering diagrams of quality control and other documents and information verifying compliance with good manufacturing practices.
產品為輸入者,前項文件、資料得以原產國官方出具符合該國良好作業規範之證明文件代之;為國內生產且由藥廠兼製者,應提出經中央主管機關查核符合藥物優良製造準則且於有效日期內之證明文件。 The documents and information in the preceding paragraph may be substituted with officially certificate documents verifying compliance with the respective good manufacturing practices from the country of origin for imported products; the certificate documents within effective period to be verified compliance with the Pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations by the central competent authority shall be provided for domestic products manufactured by the pharmaceutical companies.
第 24 條 Article 24
產品由不同製造廠分段製造者,前條之文件、資料,應依製造廠別,分別出具。 The documents and information in the preceding Article shall be issued separately by the respective factories for the products manufactured in different stages from different factories.
產品屬前條第二項後段由藥廠兼製且由藥廠不同廠房生產者,應另檢具各藥廠之廠區平面圖。 The floor plan of the different factories in the pharmaceutical company shall also be required for the domestic products manufactured by the pharmaceutical companies in the latter part of Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article and manufactured by the different factories.
第 25 條 Article 25
第二條第一項第十二款實體、彩色列印圖或彩色擬稿,其內容及標示方式,應符合本法第十三條、第十四條及食品安全衛生管理法相關規定。 The content and the labeling for the physical objects, color printouts, or color drafts in Subparagraph 12 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2 shall meet the provisions in Articles 13 and Articles 14 of the Act as well as the relevant regulation of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation.
前項列印圖或擬稿之尺寸,應與實體一致,其文字應清晰可辨識。 The size of the printouts and drafts shall be the same as the physical objects, and the displayed texts in printouts and drafts shall be clear and legible.
第 26 條 Article 26
第二條第一項第十五款報告、文獻資料,應具科學可靠性及正確性。 The relevant research reports and literature in Subparagraph 15 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2 shall be reliable and accurate scientifically.
第 27 條 Article 27
廠商依本法第八條第一項規定,申請健康食品許可證展延者,應於期滿前三個月內,填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料,並繳納費用,向中央主管機關提出: Applications for extension of the permit for health food by applicants pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 8 of the Act shall submit an application form within 3 months prior to the expiry date of permit along with the following documents and information to the central competent authority and pay the related fees:
一、原許可證。 1. Original permit.
二、最近一年內製造廠出具同意依許可內容製造之證明文件或產品原料成分含量表。但許可證持有者與製造廠相同者,免附該證明文件。 2. The certificate documents issued by the product manufacturer within the past one year consent to manufacture products based on the content of originally issued permit or table of ingredient content, except for the certificate documents provided by the product manufacturer same as the permit holder.
三、第二條第一項第十款至第十二款之文件、資料。 3. The documents and information set forth in Subparagraph 10 to 12 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2.
四、其他中央主管機關指定之文件、資料。 4. Other essential documents and information designated by the central competent authority.
健康食品許可證逾有效期限後,廠商仍有製造、輸入必要者,應重新申請許可證。但於逾期後六個月內重新申請者,得免提出下列文件、資料,並免申請複審: After expiration of the health food permit, applicants with the needs of production and import for health food shall file an application for permit renewal, but the application filed within six months by the expiration of the permit may be waived of the requirement for secondary review and exempted from submission of the following documents and information:
一、依第二條規定申請者:第二條第一項第二款、第三款、第四款及第十五款之文件、資料。 1. For applications filed pursuant to Article 2: The documents and information set forth in Subparagraph 2, 3, 4, and 15 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2.
二、依第三條規定申請者:第二條第一項第四款之文件、資料。 2. For applications filed pursuant to Article 3: The documents and information set forth in Subparagraph 4 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2.
前項申請經許可後,中央主管機關應核發新許可證及新字號。 After approval of the applications filed pursuant to the preceding Paragraph, the central competent authority shall issue a new permit with a new permit number.
第 28 條 Article 28
廠商依本法第七條第三項規定,申請登記事項變更者,應填具申請書,檢附原許可證並繳納費用,向中央主管機關提出。 Applications for amendment of the permit for health food by applicants pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Act shall submit an application form along with the original permit to the central competent authority and pay the related fees.
前項申請變更之項目屬下列情形者,應另檢附文件、資料: In addition to the foregoing requirements, the following documents and information shall be additionally submitted according to the application of amendment:
一、中文或英文品名變更且產品為輸入者:其製造廠出具產品名稱變更之證明或同意文件。 1. Product name change in Chinese or English for imported products: The certificate documents of consent to change of the product names issued by the original product manufacturer.
二、許可證持有廠商名稱、地址或負責人變更: 2. Change of name, address or responsible person of applicants holding the permit:
(一)第二條第一項第十三款之文件、資料。 (1) The documents and information set forth in Subparagraph 13 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2.
(二)具二項以上健康食品者,其產品清冊,並載明許可證字號與有效期限及產品名稱。 (2) A complete list of health food products with the numbers and expiry dates of permit and product name.
三、增列或變更製造廠:第二條第一項第一款、第四款至第十二款及第十四款之文件、資料。 3. Addition or change of product manufacturer: The documents and information set forth in Subparagraph 1, 4 to 12 and 14 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2.
四、製造廠遷廠變更:第二條第一項第四款、第九款及第十四款之文件、資料。 4. Relocation of the product manufacturer: The documents and information set forth in Subparagraph 4, 9 and 14 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2.
五、製造廠名稱變更: 5. Change of the original product manufacturer’s name:
(一)第二條第一項第十四款之文件、資料。 (1) The documents and information set forth in Subparagraph 14 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2.
(二)由該製造廠製造之健康食品產品清冊,並載明許可證字號與有效期限及產品名稱。 (2) A complete list of health food products with the numbers and expiry dates of permit and product name from the original product manufacturer.
六、製造廠門牌整編: 6. Building number adjustment of the original product manufacturer’s address:
(一)國內製造者︰政府機關出具足以證明門牌整編之文件。 (1) In cases of domestic manufacturers: The documents issued by a competent government agency certifying the address building number adjustment.
(二)國外製造者︰出產國政府機關以全銜出具足資證明門牌整編之文件;其為影本者,應經原產國公證單位簽證與正本相符。 (2) In case of foreign manufacturers: The original certificate issued by a competent government agency of the country of origin with its full title certifying the building number adjustment, whereas photocopies of the certificate shall be notarized as a true copy of the original by a notary public in the country of origin.
(三)由該製造廠製造之健康食品產品清冊,並載明許可證字號與有效期限及產品名稱。 (3) A complete list of health food products with the numbers and expiry dates of permit and product name from the original product manufacturer.
七、色素、香料或甜味劑之成分、含量變更,而其他成分不變,且無礙產品安全者:第二條第一項第一款、第五款及第七款之文件、資料。 7. Change of ingredients and content of pigments, flavors or sweeteners but not of other ingredients and the no affection of product safety: The documents and information set forth in Subparagraph 1, 5, and 7 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2.
八、內外包裝之規格、型態、材質、包裝粒數或商標名變更: 8. Amendment to the inner or outer packaging specification, form, material and trademark:
(一)第二條第一項第十二款之文件、資料。 (1) The documents and information set forth in Subparagraph 12 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2.
(二)內包裝變更者,其第二條第一項第四款之文件、資料。 (2) In cases of the change to the inner packaging: The documents and information set forth in Subparagraph 4 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2.
(三)產品為輸入者,其製造廠出具變更之證明或同意文件。 (3) In cases of the imported products: The certificate documents of consent to the changes issued by the original product manufacturer.
(四)材質變更者,其符合食品器具容器包裝衛生標準之相關佐證資料。 (4) In cases of the change to the packaging materials: The documents and information in compliance with the Sanitation Standard for Food Utensils, Containers and Packages.
九、中文標籤、容器或包裝及說明書變更: 9. Change of Chinese labels, outer packaging, and user instructions:
(一)第二條第一項第十二款之文件、資料。 (1) The documents and information set forth in Subparagraph 12 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2.
(二)產品為輸入者,其製造廠出具中文標籤、容器或包裝及說明書變更之證明或同意文件。 (2) In cases of the imported products: The certificate documents of consent to change of Chinese labels, outer packaging, and user instructions issued by the original product manufacturer.
(三)營養標示變更,而產品成分及含量均未變更者: (3) In cases of the changes of the nutrition facts labeling but not of product ingredients and content:
1.第二條第一項第一款及第五款之文件、資料。 A. The documents and information set forth in Subparagraph 1 and 5 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2.
2.製造廠最近一年內出具之變更合理性評估報告。 B. The evaluation report on the rationale of amendment issued by the product original manufacturer within the past one year.
十、產品有效期限、保存方法及條件變更:第二條第一項第四款之文件、資料。 10. Change of expiration date, storage methods and conditions of the product: The documents and information set forth in Subparagraph 4 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2.
第 29 條 Article 29
健康食品之中文標籤、容器或包裝及說明書之變更,有下列情形之一者,免辦理變更申請: Applications for the amendment of Chinese label, container or outer packaging, and user instructions of the health food products are exempted in one of the following situations:
一、圖樣或顏色變更。 1. Amendment of patterns or colors.
二、原核准圖文依比例縮小或放大。 2. Proportionate reduction or enlargement of the approved images and texts.
三、原核准圖文位置變更。 3. Movement of the position of the approved images and texts.
四、原核准文字字體變更。 4. Amendment of the fonts of the approved text.
前項標籤、容器或包裝及說明書,刊載本法以外其他相關機關規定之內容者,其變更應依各該法規規定辦理。 The amendment in the preceding paragraph of the labels, container or outer packaging and user instructions which contain the content stipulated by relevant authorities other than those specified in the Act shall be subject to the provisions of respective regulations.
持有健康食品許可證者,應就第一項免辦理變更之事項,作成書面紀錄,並妥善保存備查。 For items exempted from amendment applications as set forth in the first paragraph, the permit holder shall produce a written record for retention.
第 30 條 Article 30
廠商依本法第七條第三項規定,申請許可證移轉者,受讓人應填具申請書,檢附下列文件、資料,並繳納費用,向中央主管機關提出: Applications for transference of the permit for health food by applicants pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Act shall submit an application form along with the original permit to the central competent authority and pay the related fees:
一、原許可證。 1. Original permit.
二、讓與人同意讓與之證明文件。 2. Transferor’s certificate document of consent to transfer of the permit holder.
三、製造廠出具同意由受讓人銷售產品之證明文件。 3. The certificate documents of consent to the transferee selling the products issued by the original product manufacturer.
四、第二條第一項第十款至第十三款之文件、資料。 4. The documents and information set forth in Subparagraph 10 to 13 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2 issued by the transferee.
第 31 條 Article 31
健康食品許可證污損或遺失,廠商依本法第八條第二項規定申請換發或補發者,應填具申請書,並出具原許可證作廢之切結聲明及繳納費用,向中央主管機關提出;其申請換發者,應繳還原許可證。 Applications for reissuance or replacement of the permit for health food due to defacement or loss by applicants pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 8 of the Act shall submit an application form along with a statement that declares the original permit document null and void to the central competent authority and pay the related fees, while the originally issued permit should be returned for replacement application.
前項換發或補發之許可證,其有效期限,同原許可證。 The new permit issued under the replacement or reissuance application as referred in the preceding paragraph shall bear the same expiration date as the original permit.
第 32 條 Article 32
廠商依第二十七條、第二十八條、第三十條或前條規定提出之申請案,經中央主管機關認定文件、資料不完備者,廠商應於收受中央主管機關通知後一個月內補正;必要時,得申請延長一個月,並以一次為限。屆期未補正者,予以駁回。 If the documents and information are incomplete considered by the central competent authority in the applications filed by applicants pursuant to Articles 27, 28, 30 or the preceding Article, the applicants shall, within one month after receiving of the notice of the central competent authority, submit the supplementary documents and information, and may apply for a one-month extension if necessary. The application for extension is limited to one time only. Without submitting the supplementary documents and information within the time limit results in the rejection of the application.
第 33 條 Article 33
廠商依第二十七條、第二十八條、第三十條或第三十一條規定提出之申請案,其應檢具文件、資料,以英文以外之外文記載者,應檢附立案翻譯社出具之中文或英文譯本。 The foregoing documents and information in languages other than English and Chinese in the applications filed by applicants pursuant to Articles 27, 28, 30 or 31 must be accompanied with English or Chinese translations issued by a registered translation agency.
廠商依第二十七條、第二十八條、第三十條或第三十一條規定提出之申請案,其發給或重製許可證者,並應繳納證書費。 If it is necessary to issue or reissue a new permit in the applications filed by applicants pursuant to Articles 27, 28, 30 or 31, a certificate processing fee shall be collected.
第 34 條 Article 34
本辦法所定申請案,廠商得至衛生福利部食品藥物管理署建置之食品線上申辦平臺辦理;至線上申辦平臺辦理者,其文件、資料,應以掃描電子檔上傳。 Applications in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations may be filed by the applicants on the web platform of Taiwan Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the documents and information in the applications shall be scanned and uploaded to the web platform.
健康食品許可證展延、查驗登記內容變更、移轉及換發之申請案,廠商依前項規定辦理後,應將原許可證寄送中央主管機關登載用印或繳銷。 After completion of applications by applicants for permit extension, amendment of registration contents, document transference or document replacement pursuant to provisions in the preceding paragraph, the original permit document shall be sent to the central competent authority for registration or cancellation.
第 35 條 Article 35
本辦法自發布日施行。 These Regulations shall come into effect on the date of promulgation.

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Do you know your Taiwanese pineapple varieties?

Whether eaten as fruit, used in cooking or made into a dessert, everyone has been eating their fill of pineapple recently. However, do you know which variety of the prickly fruit you have been eating or which variety tops the charts as Taiwan’s most prized export variety? Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Co has put together a Facebook post to give the public a quick rundown of the most common varieties of pineapple found on these islands.

‧ Golden Diamond Pineapple (Tainung No. 17)

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Somebody Feed Phil Nashville

Subtitle Translation
第一次發現這個系列 [Phil] When I first found out I was going to get to do this series,
弟弟 I called my brother and I told him,
環遊世界 "I'm gonna travel the world
世界好吃地方 and show you the best places in the world to eat."
真的 這個節目什麼 He said, "Really? What will you call the show?"
幸運混蛋 "Lucky Bastard?"
離職 [chuckling] And I said, "Quit your job."
本來 He was a producer.
"And come produce the show with me,
公司'幸運混蛋'" and we'll call our production company 'Lucky Bastards.'"
因此想像一下 發現一家酒吧幸運混蛋 喜悅 So imagine my delight when I found a bar called Lucky Bastard.
消息 The bad news is
他們排舞課程 they have line dancing lessons.
大家準備好要下音 Are we ready for the music?
- -咿哈 -[all] Yeah! -Say "Yee-haw"!
咿哈 Yee-haw!
我們開始 Let's rock and roll. Here we go.
5, 6, 7, 8. Back, 2, 3, 4. A double.
雙踏 5, 6, 7, 8. Back, 2, 3, 4. A double. Double. Single, 2, 3, 4. Step, clap, take it back.
 拍手退 Double. Single, 2, 3, 4. Step, clap, take it back.
拍手退 各位 Step, clap, take it back. Good. Great vibe.
所有偉大舞者跳舞 不是這種表情 Don't all the great dancers make this face when they're dancing?
再一對 雙踏 And a pair, 2, 3, 4, a double. Double.
單踏 Single, 2, 3, 4, a step…
看得出不樂其中 直到舞步 You can see I'm not enjoying it, really, until I make it my own.
…back wall.
Beginning. Back, 2, 3, 4.
雙踏 A double. Double.
單踏咿哈 Single, 2, 3, 4. Yee-haw!
大家太棒了 Awesome, guys! Great dancing.
大家開心 Did you guys have fun?
每個厲害 一樣 Everyone's too good, but nobody can dance quite like me.
一個快樂飢腸轆轆 ♪ A happy, hungry man's ♪
走遍天涯海角 ♪ Traveling all across The sea and the land ♪
試圖了解 ♪ He's trying to understand ♪
大利豬肉雞肉 羊肉美味 ♪ The art of pasta Pork, chicken, and lamb ♪
驅車前來 ♪ He will drive to you ♪
飛行 ♪ He will fly to you ♪
歌唱 ♪ He will sing for you ♪
並為起舞 ♪ And he'll dance for you ♪
歡笑 ♪ He will laugh with you ♪
哭泣 ♪ And he'll cry for you ♪
只求一事作為回報  ♪ There's just one thing he asks in return Somebody feed, somebody feed… ♪
♪ Can somebody ♪
♪ Somebody feed Phil? ♪
 許維爾 ♪ Somebody feed him now ♪
1975第一次 勞勃阿特曼電影納什維爾 [Phil] I first saw the movie Nashville by Robert Altman in 1975.
此地初次了解 That was my introduction to this place.
起來音樂國度 來說起來美國 It looked like a world of music. It looked like, uh, America to me.
起來這個國家其他地方 It looked like the rest of the country that I didn't know,
紐約我所知道 It looked like the rest of the country that I didn't know, coming from New York.
直到2021這裡 It's taken me till 2021 to get here.
現在 非常不同納什維爾 And now that I'm here, uh, it's a very different Nashville.
讀到每天一百 搬到納什維爾定居 I read that every day 100 people move to Nashville permanently.
期待這裡 甚至家人帶來 I was excited to come. I even brought my family with me.
這裡所有正在進行開發 感到不知所措 But I was a little overwhelmed by all the development happening here.
這個地方在建 This place is exploding with construction.
市中心了解 Downtown I-- I don't understand very much.
擔心不到城市靈魂 I was worried I wouldn't be able to find the soul of the city.
所以經典南方早餐開始探索 So I started my search with a classic Southern breakfast.
咖啡 This is the Loveless Café.
我們在世界上 喜歡演員之一見面 We're meeting one of my favorite actresses in the world.
蒂希頓 Her name is Patty Heaton.
可能大家雷蒙 節目認出 You might recognize her from a show called Everybody Loves Raymond.
-菲爾 - -Phil! -I love seeing you.
- -現在許維爾女孩 -Oh my gosh. -You're a Nashville girl now.
妳什 When did you move here?
一年 Over a year ago.
-因為 -我們這裡家人 -Because? -You know, we have family here.
大兒子這裡上學 My oldest son went to school here.
所知姊姊修女 And then my sister, as you know, is a nun.
因為我們大家雷蒙 一集關於有個修女姊姊 Because we did an episode of Raymond about me having a sister who's a nun.
-我們 -修道院這裡 -We loved that. -Her convent is here.
許維爾 In Nashville.
我們其實我們需要洛杉磯 We thought, we don't actually need to be in LA.
-心之所向 -心之所向 -Could be where you want. -Where you want.
就是想要 [Phil] This is what I want.
- -快樂 -Mm! Mm! -That's the happy dance I do too.
甜椒乳酪 油炸番茄夾心三明治 This is our pimento cheese and fried green tomato biscuit.
好吃 -So delicious. -[both laughing]
當然培根香腸 我們炸雞 Of course, bacon, sausage, pulled pork, and our fried chicken.
如果有什麼需要一聲 附近享用 If you guys need anything, just holler. I'll be around. Okay? Enjoy.
喜歡一聲 I love "just holler."
-我家一樣 - -It's like my house. -Yeah.
我們這麼理由不同 But we're not doing it for the same reasons.
真的好吃 歡迎收看我們擄獲派蒂希頓 -This is really good. -Well… welcome to We Killed Patty Heaton.
這裡夾心三明治 It's so tempting here. I mean, there's biscuits everywhere you go.
地方早餐午餐晚餐 汽車旅館 This is a breakfast, lunch, and dinner place? -Mm-hmm. -And a motel?
知道這裡汽車旅館 Oh, I didn't know it was actually a motel.
他們就是 整天做不了其他 So what they do is they make it so that you can't go on with your day.
And, uh, you gotta lie down and then it's right there.
-上菜 -喜歡 -Incoming. -Look, here's my favorite person.
這裡我們有名鄉村火腿 Yeah. So we have our famous country ham
以及薯餅砂鍋 and the hash brown casserole.
-肉汁 - -Now, have you ever had red-eye gravy? -I haven't.
肉汁鄉村火腿肉汁 紅糖咖啡 So red-eye gravy is country ham drippings, uh, brown sugar, and coffee.
-咖啡 - -Coffee? -Yes.
組合城市衝擊 [Phil] This is quite a shock to the system for city folk.
-Yes. -[chuckles]
一片火腿  I'm doing it. I'm taking a piece of ham and I'm dipping it in.
喜歡咖啡 I like that it has coffee.
肉汁染劑 The red-eye gravy is like a rinse.
如果有用 -[chuckles] -Also good for roots if you're going gray.
這個傳統哪裡開始 Where must that tradition have started?
意外 I'm guessing an accident.
這麼 Yes. That's what I think.
有人小心咖啡火腿 Somebody accidentally-- Their coffee accidentally spilled on their ham.
-知道 -一定玩笑 -[waitress] I know. -You gotta be kidding.
驚喜你們 I have one more surprise for you.
歐姆蛋 So this is the pulled pork omelet.
整份菜單最愛一道 This is my favorite thing on the entire menu.
切達起司 This one has the pulled pork, the cheddar cheese, um, sautéed onions,
全部包起來配上我們烤肉 all folded together with our homemade barbecue sauce.
 不要 -Could you, uh, call… -9-1-1? …9-1 and hold your finger over the 1?
以防萬一 Just in case?
今天 I forgot to ask, how hungry are you today?
非常太好了 -Very hungry. So good. -[giggles]
- -不好意思可以 -Does this face mean anything to you? -Excuse me, can I--
第一次上節一樣 欣喜若狂 It's just like my first time on the show, she screamed with delight.
-親愛 -美女 -Honey! -Beautiful lady!
-不是 - -Isn't this nice? -[Patty] I know!
- -謝謝瑞奇 -Isn't this nice? -[Patty] I know! -Oh… -Thank you, Richie. Did you meet Richie?
妳有 -Oh… -Thank you, Richie. Did you meet Richie?
- -我們沒見 -I-- I-- -We've never met.
莫妮卡妳有肉汁 Monica, have you ever had red-eye gravy?
-沒有 -告訴裡面什麼 -I have not. -Don't tell her what's in it.
火腿一些 Yes. Dip some ham in it.
可以很多東西 That could be used on a lot of stuff.
沒錯像是烤牛肉之類 -Like a roast beef or something. -Yes.
嚐到什麼 -[Monica] Mm. -What do you taste?
-起來很怪 - -[Monica] This is gonna sound weird… -Okay.
-咖啡 - -Like coffee. -Yes!
-就是 - -That's it. -No.
-咖啡 - -[Patty] Yes, it's coffee. -Yes.
看看 [Patty] Look at you with your sensitive palate.
繼承早餐熱愛 [Phil] You know, I inherited my love of breakfast.
麥斯太 而且必須 Max loved his eggs so much, and they always had to be fluffy.
想要 He wanted them practically raw.
-墓碑 - -On his headstone… -[Monica] Yes.
上面寫著 -[Patty] Yeah. -…it says, "Are my eggs fluffy?"
-知道是不是玩笑 -真的 -I don't know if you're joking or not. -No, it's serious.
- -真的 - - -[Patty] No, no. No. -[Monica] It really is. Yes.
- -海倫 -"Are my eggs fluffy?" -And Helen's?
海倫什麼 Helen's is what?
歌劇 "I'm listening to the opera."
回答 就是他們 That was her answer to him. That was the relationship.
他們自己要求墓碑 Did they ask for that on their headstone?
-還是 -沒有 -Or did you-- -No.
如果世界就是這麼 If there's an afterlife, that's what he's saying.
來說天堂 Heaven is the fluffy eggs for him.
我們就是想要這樣 沒有其他使更快 And that's what we want for him. Nothing made him happier.
敬麥斯 -我們長輩 -所有父母 -To Max. To all our elders. -[Phil] Yes, all the parents.
沒有他們我們 Wouldn't be here without 'em.
根據早餐經驗 [Phil] If that breakfast was anything to go by,
許維爾靈魂活躍食物 Nashville's soul is very much alive in its food.
街上時候 周圍聽到 But as I walked the streets, I heard it all around me too.
音樂流出 -[playing '50s rock music] -There was music coming out every door.
而且音樂傑出非凡 And the music was… phenomenal.
這家酒吧香醇蘑菇 The bar is the Mellow Mushroom
樂團狂野比爾和壯漢 and the band is Wild Bill and the Bruisers.
必須老實說本來鄉村音樂 [Phil] I have to be honest, I-- I was not a country music person.
科恩兄弟霹靂高手 I think it was O Brother, Where Art Thou? from the Coen Brothers, where I really got into bluegrass music
真正開始喜歡藍草音樂 接著鄉村音樂 from the Coen Brothers, where I really got into bluegrass music and then country music.
開始了解 And I started to understand it.
開始這些故事 And I started to fall in love with the stories,
以及開始這種 and I started to fall in love with the talent.
傑出之一布萊德派斯 And one of the best of the best is Brad Paisley,
超級巨星而言 and he could not be a nicer, sweeter guy,
不能 considering he's a damn superstar.
我們前往喜樂島 We're heading to Joyland,
一家使用當地農場食材 高檔速食餐廳 a restaurant that uses ingredients from local farms to create its upscale fast food.
所以沒有去過 So you haven't been here yet?
沒有 No. I've heard about it.
-導遊 - -All right. Well, you're my guide. -All right.
可能選有這裡 Might have wanted to pick somebody that's been here.
這位音樂巨星廚師巨星 And this music superstar is taking me to meet a chef superstar.
- - -There he is. -[Brad] Hey.
這位詹姆斯比爾德得獎廚師 布洛克 [off-screen] This is James Beard Award-winning chef Sean Brock.
整個美國南部創造 具有影響餐廳 He's created influential restaurants all over the South
現在定居納什維爾 but now makes Nashville his home.
這裡第三餐廳 This is his third restaurant here,
一首青蔥速食頌歌 and it's an ode to the fast food of his youth.
嚐你要我一切 Anything you want me to try, I'm gonna try.
全部 You should try everything.
太好了 [Brad] Yeah, great.
-喜歡東西 -喜歡 My favorite thing. -I like that. -[chuckles]
我們等待一切同時奶昔 [Phil] While we wait for everything, milkshakes!
這個一定了解 This man must know me.
-太好了 - -[Brad] Yes. -Chocolate malt. Oh, here we go.
- -礦工一樣 -[Brad] Look at that. -Like a miner.
像是雪茄 This is like a six-gauge cigar.
- -全部力量 -Oh my God. -That took all my strength.
令人難以置信 That's unbelievable though.
他們以前水泥 They used to call these concretes.
-很好理由 - -For good reason. -Yeah.
- -騰出空間 -[Phil] Oh! -[Sean] You'll make room.
- - -Whoa! Holy crap. -I have to say…
-一連 -不起 -Oh, it's a parade. -I'm sorry. [laughs]
襲擊 It's an assault.
-不是 -道歉 -This is not… -He's apologizing.
我們這個靈感 密西西比州加油站 We do this thing that's inspired by this gas station in Mississippi
叫炸雞串 called fried chicken on a stick.
太棒了 Oh my gosh. It's amazing!
-純淨香料 -沒錯 -This is a really neat spice. -Yeah, it is!
-香料科學家合作 - -I worked with flavor scientists… -Okay.
烤肉食譜解構成粉 …to deconstruct my barbecue sauce recipe into a powder.
不是了不起 Isn't that something?
-裡面很多味道 - -There's so much flavor in that. -[Brad] I know.
喜歡漢堡邊緣美味 [Phil] You like the yummy, crunchy, meaty bits on the edge of the burger?
尚的脆皮漢堡完全這個 Sean's CrustBurger is made entirely of that.
看看布萊德 Look at Brad.
Oh my gosh.
這個想法恰當 So inappropriate, the thoughts I'm having as I eat this.
真是太棒了 This is phenomenal.
不到正在什麼 -I'm not hearing anything you're saying. -[laughs]
看看 -Look at his face! -[Sean laughs]
合作 You looking for partners?
可能這裡找到一位  You might have found one right here. This guy's a sucker.
-不用當好可以 -可以 -Don't have to be a sucker, you get it. -I get it.
任何標準來看很棒 This is good by any standard.
速食 Forget fast food.
100 No, 100%.
成為已經成為 我們食物 You are becoming, or already are, I-- I think, the face of food in our town.
早期吸引納什維爾其中一件 就是靈魂 One of the things that drew me to Nashville early on was its soul.
-沒錯 -而且不再只是音樂而已 -Yeah, right. -And it's not just, um, music anymore.
現在這裡變成 開始小型創意企業任何人 Now it's turning into that for anybody who wants to start a creative small business,
支持人們 做好事誠實真的工作 this town supports people doing good work and honest work and hard work.
所以這樣來說 So what that does for someone like me is,
勇氣一家瘋狂餐廳專案 gives me the courage to open a crazy restaurant project
因為知道支援 because you know that you're going to have the support and so you do it.
絕地武士 -[chuckles] -I-- You're-- You are a Jedi. -[Sean laughs] -You are.
不管之前怎麼屠殺這個食物 I wouldn't care if you were a mass murderer with this food.
幫助音樂城市保持音準就是 喬治格魯恩 [Phil] Helping keep Music City in tune is this guy here, George Gruhn.
納什維爾真正角色 A true Nashville character,
自從1970 喬治修理販賣弦樂器一切 George has been fixing and selling anything with strings since 1970.
以防留意喜歡 Oh, and in case you didn't notice, he likes snakes.
莉莉 女兒上班特別 This is a very special take-your-daughter- to-work day for Lily and me.
我們看看蝗蟲 一家亞洲啟發餃子餐廳 We're checking out Locust, a new Asian-inspired dumpling house
少量菜單巨大口味 known for its tiny menu and giant flavors.
太好了 -Wow! This is so nice. -I'm gonna sit right here.
崔佛莫蘭廚師 哥本哈根搬到納什維爾 [Phil] Chef Trevor Moran moved to Nashville from Copenhagen,
喜歡其中一間餐廳工作 where he worked at one of my favorite restaurants,
全球聞名諾瑪 the world-renowned Noma.
-莉莉 -乾杯 -Hi, Lily. -Cheers.
我們 Here we are.
這裡一些好吃你們 Uh, so just some nice oysters for you.
- -喜歡 -Oh my God. -I love oysters.
這些牡蠣調味料 -These are oyster condiments. -[gasps]
這裡海藻木犀 So, you have a frozen mignonette made from seaweed.
萊姆檸檬甜菜根辣 A lime and a lemon. This is beetroot hot sauce.
緊張很辣 [Lily] I'm nervous it'll be hot.
可以加滿 -[Trevor] You can load it up. -Really? For real?
-真的嬰兒 - -[Trevor] You can load it up. -Really? For real? -I'm like a baby though. -No, you'll be good.
-看看嬰兒 - Look at the baby. Dad.
像是謀殺現場 It's like a murder scene.
原因 出洋相 The reason I took you here is because your mother makes a scene sometimes.
-而且想要洋相 - -And I didn't want a scene. -No! Oh my God.
- -不要 -Oh, it's-- -Please, don't.
-我們一段 -不要 -Oh, we're using it. -Oh no, please don't.
我們一段 -[laughing] -We're using it.
-叔叔我們不要這段 -我們當然要用 -Uncle? Let's not use it. -Oh, we're definitely using it.
一次上電視 This is a nice last television appearance for you.
沒有料到 Dad. It was so big. I wasn't expecting it.
也許這個 同樣方式進入嘴裡 [Phil] Maybe this tuna belly will find its way into her mouth.
- -怎麼 -Now when you eat this… -[Lily] How do I eat it?
這次盡量不要出來 -Try not to… spit up this time. -[laughing]
出來只是 I didn't spit up! I just…
-莉莉 - [in baby talk] Here, Lily. Open your boo-boo. [laughing] I am gonna kill you.
平反一下 Let me give my case.
什麼 What? Oh, good?
-一下 -太棒了 -All right. Hold on. -[Phil] That's awesome.
-證明知道怎麼 -主廚 [Lily] Have to prove I know how to eat.
強力 That's a power move, that…
- -不可思議 -Wow. Right? -It's unbelievable.
不可思議 Unbelievable.
高興你們喜歡 準備好下一道 Well, I'm glad you like it. Ready for the next thing?
Okay, let's do it.
我們餃子 We love a dumpling.
這項父女活動真棒 What a nice daddy-daughter activity.
要買娃娃 I mean, it's so much better than the fakakta dolls I had to play with.
-現在比較 -一點就是成長 -Now is better. -A little better, huh? That's growth.
莉莉一樣美食 [Phil] Lily's a food fanatic, like her old man,
找到方法充分利用 and she's found a way to put it to good use.
大家阿莉什麼 You wanna tell people what Liv a Lil is?
餐廳聚在一起合作 So, I bring restaurants together for collabs, right?
所以我們一家烤肉店 So we-- we take, like, a-- a barbecue place,
一家 放在一起變成牛腩 ramen place, bring them together, brisket ramen.
慈善機構 And the money goes to charity.
朋友一起 [Phil] You do it with your friend Olivia,
就是"阿莉" -who's the "Liv" in "Liv a Lil." -[Lily] Yep, the "Liv."
I'm the "Lil."
了解 Oh! I just got it.
我們喜歡這個 Oh! We're gonna like this.
-你們今天怎麼樣 -現在好多 -What's going on? How we doing today? -[Lily] Wow. Better now.
熊溪農場外側腿肉 辣根調味 That's bottom round from Bear Creek seasoned with horseradish oil and salt.
這個乾燥酸豆 溫飯海苔 Uh, freeze-dried capers right here. Warm rice and toasted nori.
謝謝 [Phil and Lily] Thank you.
節目廚師一樣 [Phil] This is as cheffy as I get on the show.
一些乾燥酸豆 Some freeze-dried capers.
這裡搞砸 -Here's where I blow it. -[Lily] Nice, man.
覺得一條漂亮 太多東西 -Here's where I blow it. -[Lily] Nice, man. [Phil] I think I stuffed it too much to make a beautiful roll.
這樣 [Lily] I'm doing it like that.
-準備 - -All right. -Ready?
-Yes. -One, two three.
-好吃東西之一 - -That's one of the best things I've eaten. -How do you think of that?
覺得有趣形式 I thought it was a fun format.
這種品質 When you get meat this quality, eat it raw,
調味成像牛排 並且幾乎烤箱口感 flavor it like it's cooked like a steak and almost tastes like it's out of the grill.
道菜真棒 Oh, what a great dish. Oh my God.
我們沒事 注意正在 Not minding our own business, we spy a kakigōri being made.
日式 That's a Japanese shaved ice creation.
焦糖布丁越橘糖漬胡桃 And this one's got crème brûlée, huckleberries, and candied pecans
上面覆盆子 topped with black tea and raspberry.
-我們 -我們 -Oh! It is for us. -For us?
意想不到結尾 -My God! Surprise ending. -Yeah, it's for you. Fresh shaved ice.
太美謝謝 -[Phil] Thank you. -That's so beautiful! Thank you.
真是很棒原創甜點 What an amazing, original dessert.
夏威夷挫冰 I loved the shaved ice I had in Hawaii,
放在裡面奶油夾層 以及放在裡面口味 but here the cream he layers in there and the flavors he buries inside
一些小食尋寶 and the little ingredients for you to find like a treasure hunt…
絕對一道原創出色甜點 That's an absolutely original, incredible dessert.
老爸開心 Dad, you happy?
老爸 Thanks, Dad.
納什維爾條街 [Phil] In Nashville, there's a party on every street.
時候街上 Sometimes in the street too.
Are you my ride?
沒錯 [women] Yes, we are!
一些消息 I-- I have some bad news for you ladies.
舞者 I-- I'm the stripper.
想要空腹喝酒 [Phil] I don't want you to just drink on an empty stomach.
所以五個女兒烘培甜甜 納什維爾甜甜 So I brought you Five Daughters' donuts, the best donuts in all of Nashville.
我們 Oh, we gotta pedal?
-今天 - -Who worked out today? -I did.
Good for you. Me too.
所以 So for those of you who didn't… pedal!
[Phil] I'm like your worst Peloton instructor.
我們正在車道 [Phil] We're pedaling. Look, we got a clear lane.
現在我們可以認真 Now we can really do it.
[women chanting] Pedal! Pedal! Pedal! Pedal! Pedal! Pedal! Pedal!
休息一下 [man] Take a break.
檢查脈搏確保 Someone check his pulse. Make sure he's…
-我們兩位護理師 -沒事 -We got two nurses-- -I'm all right!
旁邊一位護理師 You got a nurse sitting next to you.
-旁邊那個是護理師 -妳是護理師妳是喜歡 -She's a nurse, next to you. -You're a nurse? You're my favorite person.
敬護理師 To nurses!
敬護理師 [woman] Nurses!
快來拍照 [Phil] Quick picture. Quick picture.
看著彼此 [man] Look at each other and laugh!
內特巴爾加茲 喜歡喜劇演員之一 Nate Bargatze is one of my favorite comedians.
可能特輯 You've probably seen his Netflix specials.
美麗城市長大 為家 He was raised in this fine city and still calls it home.
我們來到斯特拉大道 去內從未去過地方 We've come to Stratton Avenue to eat at a place Nate's never been:
生命玉米 Maiz de la Vida.
- -你好菲爾 -Hi. -[Julio] Hello.
-胡里奧胡里奧 - -You're Julio, right? Hi, Julio. -Yes.
胡里奧南德 放棄行政主廚職位 [Phil off-screen] Chef Julio Hernandez gave up his executive chef position
精進墨西哥薄餅藝術 to perfect the art of the tortilla.
我們墨西哥所有原種玉米 We brought all the heirloom corn from Mexico
火山石磨碎 and then milled it with volcanic stones.
古老方式 Right, like the ancient way?
六千年古老方式 Ancient way, 6,000 years ago.
這個食譜六千年 6,000 years ago, this recipe?
胡里奧創新菜而出名 知道一定喜歡 Julio's known for his innovative menu, which I know I'll love.
內特另一回事 Nate's another story.
挑食 He is a kind of a picky eater.
今天試著擴大一點眼界 I'm gonna try to, uh, expand his horizons a little bit today.
-內特相信專業 -相信 -So, Nate, do you trust me? -Yeah.
可以不用相信其他任何專業  You don't have to trust me in any other department. But this…
-知道 -我們所有東西 -You know… -I think we'll get everything.
-一杯怡可樂 - -I'll just take a Diet Coke, please. -Diet Coke, I got it.
胡立歐隔壁南洋酒吧 有著友好共生 [Phil] Julio has a friendly symbiotic relationship with the tiki bar next door.
可以這家喬巴 品嚐墨西哥 This is Chopper, where you can sip cocktails with your tacos.
甚至附帶表演 It even comes with a show.
眼睛 My eyes!
-生日內特 -生日 -Happy birthday, Nate. -[Nate] Happy birthday.
- -各位 -Wow. -Hey, guys.
- -我們這裡菜單一半 -All right. -We got half of the menu here.
菜單全部胡立歐 [Phil] I said the full menu, Julio!
一直想開一家餐廳 番茄無洋蔥 I always wanted to start a restaurant, uh, called, uh, "No Tomatoes and No Onions."
而且我們 And we don't…
我們保證時候 We assure you that when you come here,
所有東西沒有番茄和洋 we don't have tomatoes or onions in anything.
我們 And we don't do chives.
所有東西上面  People just pour it on everything. Well, that is an onion.
他們這麼不是洋蔥一樣 And they do it as if it's not an onion.
他們人生 They ruined your life.
人生美好 玉米司餅 This is going to make your life. Quesadilla.
玉米司餅 [Nate] Quesadilla.
這裡面有蘑菇 一百萬年這個 Great. This has mushrooms in it. I would never eat this in a million years.
仍然 But you're still going.
不過喜歡 But I like it.
看看玉米 [Phil] Look at the corn! Look at the corn!
內特 Nate! Wow.
He's a talented man.
胡里奧太棒了 Julio, you're the man.
目前為止好吃 So far, that-- that's delicious.
你們之前玉米 Have you guys saw quesabirria before?
我們玉米 Our quesabirria is stuffed with, uh, American Wagyu beef
煮熟玉米墨西哥玉米 -and nixtamal tortillas. -[Phil] Wow.
-沾肉湯然人生 - -[Julio] Dip in the broth and your life-- -[Nate] Yeah?
-不停轉換 -人生圓滿 -Doesn't stop changing. -Then your life is complete.
沒有洋蔥 And this is no onions.
[Nate] All right.
真是難以置信 That is unbelievable.
-喜歡 - -You love it? -Yeah.
理查這個 I'm going in. Richard! Take this.
- - -[Richard] All right. -It's birria time.
你好 Hello.
太棒了 Yeah, I mean, this is awesome.
一口 已經這輩 [Phil] I've had one bite of this, and it's already the best birria I ever had in my life.
可以每天這個 I would eat this every day.
-可以再來現在知道這裡 - -You'll be back now you know this is here. -Oh yeah. Yeah.
I think this is the fish.
-根本包魚的 - -I'm not even a fish taco guy. -And?
-喜歡這個 -太好了 -I like this. -Yes!
上面有洋蔥 根本不在乎 This has, I think, onions on it. I don't even care.
確實吃掉一些 驚艷 I've definitely knocked some of them away, but I'm pretty blown away by it.
喜歡一起那種 因為 You're actually my favorite kind of person to eat with because you-- you're a little bit scared,
一樣 大多東西感到害怕 because you-- you're a little bit scared, like me, of most things, but you are willing to go in.
願意嘗試 like me, of most things, but you are willing to go in.
各位 Nate, everybody.
-冒險嘗試 -冒險嘗試 -Took a chance. -Took a chance.
冒險嘗試愛情 Took a chance on love.
我們找到 And we found it.
今天古鐵雅拉斯瓊斯 [Phil] Today, Jackie Gutierrez Jones,
在納什維爾偉大美食作家 who's a great food writer here in Nashville,
一個熱門地點 is taking me to an institution.
阿諾鄉村廚房 This is Arnold's Country Kitchen.
起來真棒 Oh, that looks awesome.
你們 How are y'all?
-高興來到這裡 -高興你們 -Thrilled to be here. -[Coco] Thrilled to have you!
-叫什名字 -可可 -What's your name? -I'm Coco.
可可真是名字 Coco! That's a good name.
什麼親愛 What can I get you, darlin'?
首先繼續親愛 Uh, first, keep calling me "darling."
- -甜蜜 -Okay. -That's the sweetest thing ever.
這裡有樣東西  There's this thing here called "meat and three."
什麼意思一道 What does that mean? You're going to have a meat and you're going to get three sides.
三道 You're going to have a meat and you're going to get three sides.
無法循規蹈矩 所以六道五百道菜 But I just can't follow rules, so I went with six meats and 500 sides.
奶油玉米青豆頭菜 隨便列舉幾項 Creamed corn, green beans, turnip greens, just to name a few.
緊張 I'm a little nervous.
緊張阿諾可以好好照顧 Don't be. You're in good hands here at Arnold's.
好吃 [Phil] Well, that's delicious, that fish.
一口那個 All right. I'm gonna take a bite of that thigh.
調味調 It's seasoned beautifully.
[Jackie] That's the turnip greens.
有用一點豬肉調味 [Phil] I'm guessing that's seasoned with a little pork,
實際 as a matter of fact…
這個  -[chuckling] Look at this. -Oh my gosh.
阿諾豬肉蔬菜 At Arnold's, pork is a vegetable.
你們瘋狂不過方式 -You people are crazy… but in a good way. -[laughing]
妳有了解  So, I know a little about you. You moved here from Miami.
妳為什 -Mm-hmm. -And I was going to ask you why.
理由一個理由 This is a good reason. This is one good reason.
結合兩個世界 It marries two worlds.
大城市生活 You got the big-city life
南方純樸人情味 and you still have down-home Southern hospitality.
如此傳統南方感覺 So you can have this, which is so traditional and so Southern,
大城市品味 but then you can have that kind of big-city taste.
-人們嘗試令人興奮事物 - -People trying exciting new things. -Yep.
他們家鄉 美國其他地方事物帶來 Bringing things from their hometowns, other parts of the country.
納什維爾保有根基 But Nashville retains its roots.
-你們什麼 - -What are you young people having? -[man] I have ribs.
酸菜香腸 而且有人這種 And I had the sauerkraut and sausage, and nobody makes it like this.
我們這裡300英里 We drive 300 miles just to get here.
-300英里 - -300 miles? -[woman] Yes.
-你們哪個城鎮 -路易斯 -What town do you live in? -St. Louis.
真的就是這麼好吃 Seriously, it's that good.
喜歡多麼和睦 I just love how neighborly it is.
可以左右 斜方聊天 You can talk to the people to the left, to the right, diagonally, behind you.
非常親切 It's just really sweet.
公共座位可以這樣 And that's what you get when you have, uh, communal seating.
那種食堂感覺 我們回到學校各位 And that cafeteria feeling. We're back in school, people.
未有這種食物食堂 But you never had cafeteria food like this.
提升 It's elevated.
一個元素 Every element of it
from the people behind the counter being super sweet to you,
食物本身 to the food itself.
你們什麼 今天素菜 -What are you guys having? -Well, I'm doing the veggie plate today.
素菜太好了 [Phil] Veggie plate, good for you.
妳有沒有 So, you got the Meat and Three without the meat.
一直進行週一無肉日 I've been doing Meatless Mondays.
這裡進行週一無肉日 不是窩心 Isn't that sweet, she's here for Meatless Monday.
一道 Do I tell her there's meat in every side?
納什維爾有個非官方最辣炸雞比賽 [Phil] There's an unofficial competition in Nashville for the spiciest, hottest fried chicken.
如果兒子一樣粉絲 So if you're a fan like my boy and I are,
怎麼王子辣雞 I don't know how you don't go to Prince's Hot Chicken.
我們我們神殿 Here we are. -We're in the temple of, uh, chicken. -[laughs]
他們酷刑程度 [Phil] Prince's labels their chicken by the level of torture.
今天我們嘗試小辣 Today, we're going to try to climb the ladder from mild to hot.
-親愛 -客氣 -Thank you, dear. -[cashier] You're welcome.
皇室成員 And then I got to meet royalty.
-安德烈小姐 -當然 -Are you Miss André? -Well, of course!
菲爾 I'm Phil.
-真令人驚喜 -兒子 -Have mercy! -This is my son, Ben.
感謝各位蒞臨 Thank you all for coming.
安德烈可能這家皇后 [Phil] André is what you might call the Queen of Prince's.
家族食譜成功基礎 Building on the success of her family's recipe,
過去40味蕾愉悅 she's both delighted and seared taste buds for the past 40 years.
And how hot do you like it?
不能超過小辣 I don't go any further than mild.
我們可能麻煩 -[laughs] -Ben, we might be in trouble.
吃辣女人男人 But I want to say that more women eat it hot than men.
-有趣 -一直這樣 -Interesting. -[André] On a consistent basis.
-什麼 -我們體內火焰 -Why is that? -It's that fire in us!
可能要為味道 就是懦夫 You might have to add a new flavor for me, which is "coward."
小鬼 Wimp chicken.
已經喪失男子氣概體驗 [Phil] This is already an emasculating experience.
菲爾餐點 [woman over intercom] Order up for Phil.
我們準備羞辱繼續 [Phil off-screen] Our chicken is ready. Let the humiliation continue.
-各位 - -Here we go, people. -[Ben] All right.
小辣三明治 [Phil] A mild sandwich.
-我們一起 - -Do we do it together? -Yeah.
One, two, three.
蠻辣 It's pretty hot.
幾乎蜜蜂 在外 Like a bee sting almost, right? It's like on the outside.
慢慢累積 繼續 -It's slow. It builds. -[André] Keep going.
我們 [Phil] We have cheerleaders.
現在緊張我們提高 Now I'm nervous. We're moving up to medium hot.
-Oh! Yes. -[Ben] Yeah.
舌頭 Goodbye, tongue!
父親許多英勇行為 You haven't seen too many acts of bravery from your father.
所以覺得重要兒子看到 And so I feel it's an important thing for a son to see
父親害怕 that his father's not afraid.
需要證明任何 You don't have to prove anything.
-This is for you, Ben! -[Richard laughs]
我們 [Phil off-screen] We have arrived at hot.
慈悲 Have mercy! [sighs loudly]
待定時炸彈爆炸一樣 It's like waiting for a time bomb to go off.
沒錯一點焦慮累積 It is. There's a little bit of anxiety that builds.
-Yes. You're doing more? -Mm-hmm.
咬一口 I'm doing one more.
懲罰自己 Don't punish yourself, now.
Look at me!
我們下來 [off-screen] We survived it all.
準備特大你們 Okay. She's getting ready to bring you the extra hot.
沒有 -No, she's not. She is? -[Richard] Yeah, she is.
Oh no.
什麼理查堅持 [Phil] Why does Richard insist on trying to kill me?
味道眼睛 The smell is making my eyes water.
從來沒有需要這個食物 I've never had a food that you needed to do this for.
不是醫生 I'm not a doctor, but isn't the inside of your mouth
嘴巴裡面 不是手指敏感一點 I'm not a doctor, but isn't the inside of your mouth a little more sensitive than your fingers?
-也許 -這麼 -Maybe. -As I'm doing this, I'm thinking,
老兄笨蛋 "Man, you are some kind of idiot"
自己 to myself.
一定很蠢 [Phil] "You must be dumb."
-準備 - -You ready? -[Ben] Yes.
吞下去 The swallowing was a little…
東西要來 -Something is arriving. -[Ben laughs]
需要退出 Do you need to exit?
退出什麼意思 When you say exit, what do you mean?
嘴唇有點沾到 Got-- Got-- A little got on my lips.
它們拿掉 -I'm going to have to have them removed. -[Richard laughs]
覺得最愛 不能總是 I think that's my favorite. I can't get it all the time.
- - -No. -But…
最愛 因為今天證明特大 It's my favorite because today I proved that I could do extra hot.
我們做到 現在感覺如何不太好 And we did it. How do I feel now? Not so good.
納什維爾知道 如何經典感到煥然一新 [Phil] Nashville knows how to make the classics feel new.
就是尼克德里廚師 鵜鶘做法 That's what Chef Nick Guidry's got going on at Pelican & Pig,
大量木頭火變魔術 where he makes magic with a whole lot of wood and fire.
真的 My God. You're a serious man.
盡力至少肉類方面 I try to be. When it comes to meat, at least.
美食作家迪莉亞拉姆西 [Phil] Food writer Delia Jo Ramsey says
納什維爾必吃地方之一 this is one of the essential places to eat in Nashville,
and I'll do what she tells me.
那個可以下來 可以那個一起下來 I could lie down after that. I can actually lie down with that, but…
如果需要小睡一下離開這裡 我們 If you don't leave here needing a nap, did we do our job?
一個納什維爾 醒著 [Phil] And you'll want to be awake for this next Nashville stand-out.
歡迎來到羅夫女兒 Welcome to Rolf and Daughters,
發現大利 發生各種有趣美味 where you'll find all sorts of interesting and delicious things happening to pasta.
喜愛兩個最愛 It's a favorite of two of my favorite people.
你們喜愛 You guys fall in the category of people I love
幾乎 that I hardly get to see enough.
我們 And likewise.
這位T恩本 [Phil] This is T Bone Burnett,
偉大之一 who's one of the great music producers in history,
以及太太卡莉克里 and his wife Callie Khouri.
卡莉末路狂花電影 一站節目 Callie wrote the movie Thelma and Louise and created the show Nashville.
可能問題 什麼納什維爾 This might be a dumb question. Why Nashville?
-這裡很多家人 -不錯 -Still have a lot of family here. -[Phil] Nice.
-我們六年節目 - -But then we did the show for six years. -Right.
所以開始 So I started thinking, you know, if we're gonna be here,
如果我們這裡 這裡有個地方不錯 So I started thinking, you know, if we're gonna be here, wouldn't be bad to have a place here. He can work here.
可以工作 wouldn't be bad to have a place here. He can work here.
只有覺得 還是每間酒吧充滿厲害人才 Is it me, or is every bar filled with enormous talent?
這裡人才大吃一驚 [Callie] The bench is so deep here, it just blows your mind.
可能世界歷史 造詣最深音樂人聚集之地 This is probably the most profound gathering of musicians in the history of the world, right here, right now.
此時此地 in the history of the world, right here, right now.
納什維爾音樂問題飲酒小鎮 Nashville is a drinking town with a music problem.
太棒了 -[chuckles] -[Phil] Fantastic.
-你們 -這位菲爾克拉傑克 -How's it going? -[Phil] This is Phil Krajeck.
羅夫主廚 The chef-owner of Rolf's.
第一道南瓜 So, first off is roasted kabocha squash
金蓮花青醬 -with nasturtium pesto. -[Phil] Wow.
這些豌豆配上長鰭 [Krajeck] And these are lady peas with longfin squid,
辣香腸一點香脆 大蒜辣椒調味料 'nduja, and a little crispy condiment of garlic and chilies.
-菲爾 -太棒了 -[Callie] Yippee! -Phil, you're my favorite Phil,
喜歡菲爾包括 -[Callie] Yippee! -Phil, you're my favorite Phil, including me.
什麼菲爾女兒 Why isn't it called "Phil and Daughters"?
中間羅夫 Well, my mi-- my middle name is Rolf.
兩個女兒 就是字面上令人討厭 I have two daughters. It's obnoxiously literal.
本來預期老人 I was expecting an old man,
羅夫坐在 什麼擁有這個地方 Rolf, who sits in the back and does nothing and owns the place.
- -享用 -But it's you. -[Krajeck] Enjoy.
-謝謝 -謝謝 -Thank you. -Thank you.
太棒了 [Callie] Oh yeah.
好吃 Oh my gosh, this is so good.
太棒了 That's amazing.
霹靂高手原聲 音樂會電影 I saw your concert movie of the O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack.
非常傑出 Was so phenomenal.
喜歡從此藍草 Loved it, fell in love with bluegrass from that.
本來不是音樂原本知道 Not my music. I didn't know it.
-這樣方式改變人生 -太好了 -You changed my life in that way. -That's wonderful.
接著鄉民謠民謠音樂 And then the folk music from Llewyn Davis.
以及一部演唱電影 And the concert movie from that.
這個湖街潛水樂團 This band, Lake Street Dive.
他們沒有電影原聲帶中 They're not on the soundtrack of the movie,
他們放在演唱電影 什麼這麼 but you put them in the concert movie. Why did you do that?
必須特權 I've been privileged, I have to say,
許多無法進門敞開大門 to have held the door open for a lot of people who weren't getting through the door.
他們值得更多關注 They're deserving of much more attention.
I called you.
記得 Yeah, I remember that.
輩子這種 I said, "I've never done this in my life."
他們一次洛杉磯 可以知道 "But could you let me know the next time that they're in LA?"
樂團晚餐 "I'll take the band to dinner."
需要環球菲爾來 作主題曲 And when it came time to have a theme song for Somebody Feed Phil,
立刻他們他們 I went right to them and they said yes.
-所以謝謝想起 -客氣榮幸 -So I thank you. I just remembered it. -You're very welcome. My pleasure.
一道蛤蜊吸管辣椒奶油  [Phil] Next up, bucatini with clams, chili butter, and bottarga bread crumbs.
一份松茸鴨肉 And a side of pasta with matsutake mushrooms and duck,
上面灑滿起司 showered with cheese.
起來一座白雪皚皚峰巒 That looks like a beautiful snow-capped mountain.
-看起大利 -起來很美 -And that looks like a bit of Italy. -[Callie] Looks gorgeous.
看起出色 [Phil] Looks, like, peachy.
關於這裡其中一件有趣 [T Bone] An interesting thing about coming here,
我們沉浸 整個公民權利平等權利運動 is we've both become immersed in the whole equal rights, civil rights movement.
因為本來完全知道 納什維爾其中關鍵作用 Because I was completely unaware -of Nashville's crucial role in all that. -[Callie] Right.
納什維爾美國第一 廢除種族隔離城市 Nashville was one of the first cities to desegregate in the United States,
他們選擇納什維爾 因為於田納西州中間 and they chose Nashville because it's right in the middle of Tennessee.
四面八方結婚投票 任何事情 And people came from all over to get married, to vote, to do everything.
Except there were signs everywhere,
"白人專用飲水機 "whites-only water fountains," everywhere you go.
他們我們無法解決 全國種族隔離問題 And they said we're not going to be able to solve segregation nationally,
我們納什維爾市中心解決 but let's just solve it in downtown Nashville.
他們納什維爾市中心 成功廢除種族隔離 And after they successfully desegregated downtown Nashville,
全國各地城市採取同樣方法 cities across the country adopted the same methods.
太棒了 That's awesome.
-女兒幾歲 -2321 -How old are your daughters? -Uh, 23 and 21.
她們家族生意興趣 And are they interested in the family business?
絕對沒有我們她們完全失去興趣 Absolutely not. -We've turned them off, completely. -[laughs]
知道羅斯女兒 女兒成功 But you know, Russ & Daughters. The daughters, they did it.
現在孫女曾孫女成功 And now the granddaughters and great-granddaughters are doing it.
-難以置信 -或許她們回心轉意 -It's incredible. -Maybe they'll come around.
-看看她們年輕 -她們聊聊 -We'll see. They're still young. -Want me to talk to them?
-[laughs] -[Krajeck] Yeah.
 納什維爾很棒熱狗 You know I love a hot dog, and I heard there's great hot dogs here in Nashville.
首屈一指爸爸 And the king is Daddy's Dogs.
-菲爾你好 -爸爸 -Phil, how are you? -You're Big Daddy.
I am.
遇見尚恩波特 這些爸爸 Meet Sean Porter. These are his dogs, and he's the Big Daddy.
我們音樂 Here's our Music City Dog.
音樂城上面有什麼 Music City Dog. What's on this?
有切達起培根洋蔥烤肉 It's, uh, cheddar cheese, bacon, uh, onions, and barbecue sauce.
試試老兄 Go for it, man.
尺寸大小重要 意思 Yeah, size matters. Your know what I'm sayin'?
-傢伙是什 -爸爸 -What's this guy? -This is the Big Daddy.
裡面奶油乳酪黃瓜培根 墨西哥辣椒 It's got cream cheese, a pickle, bacon, jalapeños.
-我們秘密 -"" -And our secret sauce. -"Sauce"?
w 下去告訴想法 "Sauce." You got to throw that W in there. Bite into that. Tell me what you think.
-奶油乳酪 - -[Phil] I will, but cream cheese, really? -Yeah!
好吃好吃 Did it taste good? Yes!
-奶油乳酪 -沒錯 -Cream cheese on a hot dog! -[Sean] There it is.
-高級美食 -沒錯 -This is a gourmet item. -It is.
不是 This is not--
-只是普通 -不是平凡街頭小吃 -It's not your typical street meat. -It's not your typical street thing.
美食 [woman] Oh! He's on the food show!
布朗呼呼 Hoo! Here we go, brownies, here we go! Hoo-hoo!
-第一次納什維爾 - -Your first time in Nashville? -Yeah.
- - -Me too! -No!
-真的 -真的 -Are you serious? -Yes! I'm serious!
-擊掌 -納什維爾 -High five! -Yeah! Nashville.
納什維爾 Oh. Nashville.
這些份子一起 And these people are with you, these maniacs?
人生一天 This is the coolest thing of my life.
-就是這個 -就是這個 -It is? This is it? -Yes. This is it!
出去看看活得精彩一點 I want you to get out and live a little more.
很樂 [laughing] I would like that too.
阿曼一起 Here you go, Amanda. Should we bite it together?
我們這麼 [laughing] Yeah. Are we gonna do it?
- - -Okay. -All right. Here we go.
阿曼 Amanda!
菲爾好吃 Phil, this is good!
高興見到 -Bless you. -It was so nice meeting you.
菲爾 I just met Phil!
經典 Classic.
-爸爸寶貝 -大家地方 Daddy's Dogs, baby. That's where you meet everybody.
好吃一個 [Phil] It's good! Get one.
布萊德派斯太太 [Phil] Brad Paisley and his wife,
一名很棒演員 金佰利威廉斯派斯 the great actress Kimberly Williams Paisley,
邀請我們一個為了納什維爾城市 做好事獨特 invite us to a unique place that's doing great things for the city of Nashville.
歡迎來到商店 Welcome to The Store.
環球菲爾來 [Brad] This is Somebody Feed Nashville.
其實金佰利芭芭拉 Well, it was actually Kim's doing. In Santa Barbara, we were out there for Thanksgiving one year,
我們一年那裡感恩 In Santa Barbara, we were out there for Thanksgiving one year,
因為我們孩子寵壞所以 and our kids acted spoiled and she said…
他們必須了解 [snaps fingers] "They need to understand there's hungry people." Right?
他們付出辛勞 Need to put them to work.
我們芭芭拉一個地方 聯合商店 So we went to a place called the Unity Shoppe in Santa Barbara,
一間社區雜貨店 -which is a community grocery store. -Yeah.
我們喜歡尊嚴概念 人們可以依照需求購物 And we just loved the concept of dignity, of being able to shop for their needs,
不是得到 as opposed to getting handouts.
 我們這個概念帶到納什維爾 Brad said, "We gotta take this concept to Nashville."
知道我們獲得真正尊嚴體驗 I knew we would be on to the really dignified experience,
父母購物 孩子一樣正常 when it's as normal as a kid's riding that while the parents shop.
我們立即開店 [Kimberly] And we opened right after the tornadoes here in town.
疫情流行 And then we had the pandemic.
我們我們預期五倍 提供服務 And we were right off the bat serving five times more people than we anticipated. -Wow. -We had to pivot and go to delivery.
我們不得不轉換策略交貨 -Wow. -We had to pivot and go to delivery.
七月我們提供150萬份餐點 So by July, we delivered 1.5 million meals.
最終再次開店保有原先概念 Then finally got to open the store again and have the original concept.
我們很多新鮮水果蔬菜 We have so many fresh fruits and vegetables.
我們來說重要 This was so important to us,
因為這些很多食物沙漠 because a lot of these people live in food deserts.
他們無法取得新鮮水果蔬菜 They don't have access to fresh fruits and vegetables,
速食青花菜便宜 and it's cheaper to buy fast food than broccoli or kiwi.
理想情況 我們客戶超過一年 But ideally, people won't be our customers for more than a year.
因為我們幫助他們重新起來 We want to help people get back on their feet.
不是久之 This isn't meant to be a long-term solution.
大家喜歡這個概念 People love the concept and, yeah, we want to see this replicated
我們看到其他城市 不是只有芭芭拉洛杉磯 People love the concept and, yeah, we want to see this replicated in other cities. Not just Santa Barbara and LA.
順帶隨著成長 工作機會 By the way, as it grows, there's also job opportunities for people.
這些僱用 These are the people you want to hire.
他們足夠在乎家人體驗尊嚴 People that care enough about the dignity of this experience for their families.
那些志工 And the people who are volunteering, I would imagine, are getting so much out of it as well.
獲得許多 I would imagine, are getting so much out of it as well.
他們直接學習鄰居經驗 They're learning firsthand the experiences of their neighbors
-否則他們 -沒錯 -that they wouldn't otherwise-- -Exactly.
消除差距我們一個群體 Erases the margins, so we're all a community.
-所以第一家 - -So this is the first store. -[Kimberly] Yeah.
我們繼續擴增 And let's make it first of many.
這麼 我們想辦 -Yes, let's do it. -I'd be in on that. Let's figure that out.
如果這家商店一點貢獻 If you wanna make a little contribution to The Store,
前往這個網站 you go right here to this website
做出一點捐贈 and make a little donation.
幫助他們 一定 Help them out. I'm certainly going to.
各位善用力量 Using your powers for good, people.
谷歌打視電話凱文 Hey, Google. Video call Kevin.
恭喜 Mazel tov!
-你好菲爾 -正在享受納什維爾 -Hey, how are you doing, Phil? -I'm very nice. I'm enjoying Nashville.
納什維爾食物音樂倫比 You cannot beat the food and the music in Nashville.
而且友善體貼 Right? And the people are so beautiful and friendly and sweet.
喜歡目前止見每個 I just loved everybody I've met so far.
納什維爾人情味 They're very folksy in Nashville.
人情味 Very folksy.
很多東西 很多厚重食物 I'm eating a lot of food. A lot of like heavy, heavy food.
南方叫做  It's called "meat and three" down in the South.
知道什麼 Know what that is?
阿諾 知道阿諾 I had it. I went to Arnold's. You know Arnold's?
知道阿諾 蘇珊知道阿諾 I don't know Arnold's. Susan, do you know Arnold's?
-當然知道 -蘇珊自納什維爾 -[Susan] Of course I do! -Susan is from Nashville.
我們一下 Oh, we're gonna-- we're gonna talk to her in a minute.
我們蘇珊之前 一個 Before we talk to Susan also, who I, you know, absolutely love,
麥斯 do you have a joke for Max?
確實 I actually do have a joke.
-可能真實故事確定 - And it might even be a real story. -I'm not even sure. -Okay.
這個男人拉斯加斯賭城大道 This guy was walking down the Strip in Las Vegas.
一個男人走向 起來十分著急歇斯底里 And another man approached him, who looked quite desperate and frenetic.
不好意思先生 可以一點 And he said, "Excuse me, sir. Can I please borrow some money?"
太太得去醫院緊急手術 "My wife has to get into the hospital for emergency surgery,
沒有足夠 and I don't-- I don't have enough to get her in there."
絕望 "Would you please help me? I'm desperate."
 怎麼知道如果 He said, "You know, I would, but how do I know if I give you that money
賭博 you're not just going to spend it on gambling?"
可以 The guy looks at him and goes, "Oh, I got gambling money."
很棒 That's a beauty, I think that's excellent.
-覺得 -好笑 -What do you think? -Good joke, right?
納什維爾布萊德派斯 It's Brad! It's Nashville's Brad Paisley.
不起凱文事實這樣 ♪ I'm sorry, Kevin But here are the facts ♪
恐怕不是麥斯 ♪ I'm afraid you're no Max ♪
-布萊德派斯各位 -抱歉凱文 -Brad Paisley, everybody! -Sorry, Kev.
下次 Better luck next time.
- -凱文我們希望我們一起 -All right. -Kevin. We wish you were here with us.
來待很久時候一樣 It's similar to when you came and stayed a long time.
我們預期 A lot longer than we expected.
東西那裡 I still have stuff there.
當然東西 You do, you have stuff here, for sure.
我們蘇珊可以蘇珊 Let's see Susan. Can you bring on Susan?
蘇珊 Sure. Susan!
-什麼 -進來 -[Susan] No! What?! -Get in here!
- -看吧現在節目 -There she is. -Oh! That's-- See, now it's a good show.
謝天謝 Thank God.
蘇珊認識 Susan and I go way back.
可能蘇珊遇見凱文之前 就先遇見蘇珊 -[Susan] Way back. -Is it possible that I met Susan before Susan met Kevin?
菲爾遇見凱文20分鐘 遇到 Phil, we met about 20 minutes after I met Kevin.
- - -Is that right? -Yeah, um…
僱用大家雷蒙 He hired me for Everybody Loves Raymond.
了不起 And you were phenomenal.
-妳是邪教教主 -謝謝 -You were the cult leader. -Thank you.
可能節目 再演那個角色 Is there any chance that she might recur with that character on your show?
-已經沒拍 -抱歉菲爾 -It's not on anymore. -Oh, it's not on. Oh, I'm so sorry, Phil.
只是節目 現在沒有 You know, I just don't watch the show. But it's not on anymore, okay.
任何節目再次出現 一次上鏡 But she's going to recur on any show I do, like this one she's on.
- -只要我一 -Right! -See, as soon as I…
只要我一節目蘇珊上鏡 As soon as I have a show, I put Susan on.
只要離開家裡都行意思 Anything to get out the house, you know what I mean?
離開你們一件 Oh, oh, one thing I wanted to tell you guys before I go.
我們上當 -[Phil and Richard laugh] -Oh jeez. We walked right into it.
凱文尼各位 -Kevin Nealon, everybody. -[Brad] Whoo!
一個想去地方 [Phil] I got one more place I want to go
所有 納什維爾朋友見面 and meet up with all my beautiful friends from Nashville.
- -一下 -Hi! -[Jackie] Hugs?
可以一下 [Phil] I'm taking hugs, yes.
松林社交 [off-screen] This is the Pinewood Social.
Got one! Yay!
如果納什維爾樂子 這裡保齡球 If you're looking for a good time in Nashville, yes, it's got bowling.
食物 But it's also got food.
-起來好吃 -墨西哥早餐如何 -[Monica] Wow. That looks amazing. -People, what about breakfast tacos?
這裡音樂 [off-screen] It's got music. It's got booze.
如果喝一杯 一大 If you're gonna have one drink, make it a big one.
感受納什維爾精神 I feel the Nashville spirit.
知道人生何求 I don't know what more you need in life.
糟透了 Terrible.
12 某個小孩生日 I don't think I've bowled since I'm 12 years old
打過保齡球 at some kid's birthday party.
非常糟糕 Very bad.
-兄弟 -你好 -My buddies. -Hey, how you doing?
高興你們 I'm so happy you're here.
告訴一個故事 Let me tell you a story
一個太小男孩 第一次納什維爾 about a little Jewish boy's first trip to Nashville.
說我 You know, I always say that, uh, I made this series
知道關於 如何電視上述故事一切 because I wanted to take everything I knew about how to tell a story on TV
用來造福一生 and use it in the service of everything I love in life.
好友食物旅遊笑聲 And that was family, friends, food, travel, and laughs.
納什維爾 But after my trip to Nashville,
想必音樂加進 I think I have to include music.
因為凌晨2:15 ♪ 'Cause it's 2:15 a.m. ♪
潸潸滑落 ♪ And my tears are falling down ♪
 一個 And look, a strike! A strike! I turned a strike!
沒人 Nobody's watching.
謝謝納什維爾 這個幸運混蛋回來 Thank you, Nashville. This lucky bastard will be back.
一個快樂飢腸轆轆 ♪ A happy, hungry, man ♪
走遍天涯 ♪ Traveling all across the land ♪
試圖了解 ♪ He's trying to understand ♪
大利豬肉雞肉 羊肉美味 ♪ The art of pasta Pork, chicken, and lamb ♪
驅車前來飛行 ♪ He'll drive to you, he'll fly to you ♪
哭泣並為 ♪ He'll cry for you, he'll die for you ♪
-什麼記得 -喜歡 -What's… I don't remember. -I like what you're doing.
菲爾來 ♪ Somebody ♪ ♪ Somebody feed Phil ♪
太美 [Phil] That's beautiful.
-Yay! -[Monica] Aw.
五萬美元謝謝 -That'll be 50,000 dollars, please. -[women laugh]
現在 Oh yeah, I owe you now.

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Somebody Feed Phil Austin

Subtitle Translation
斯汀這裡很棒腳踏車 [Phil] They have wonderful bike lanes here in Austin.
喜歡騎腳踏車晃晃 I love riding a bike around.
必須 I also have to tell you that usually my first stop from the airport
通常機場出來第一站 托奇餐廳 I also have to tell you that usually my first stop from the airport is Torchy's.
知道什麼 I don't know why.
因為美味 I think it's because it's friggin' delicious.
-歡迎來到托奇餐廳你好 -永遠第一站 -Welcome to Torchy's. How's it going? -Always my first stop.
-你好 - Good to see you. -How you doing? -Great.
-加斯因為早上 -加斯 -All right. Migas. 'Cause it's morning. -Migas, for sure.
-橘子先生鮭魚 - -Mr. Orange, the salmon. -Mr. Orange. You got it.
大家應該看看辣椒起司 And the people should see the Green Chile Queso.
起司不能不 Have to have it. Can't leave without it.
-謝謝 -先生 -Thanks. -Yes, sir.
-起司時刻 -最愛時刻 -Oh! -It's queso time. Oh, my favorite time!
- -謝謝 -There we go. That's dressing. -Thank you.
如果德州需要一點起司 If you're comin' to Texas, you're gonna need a little queso.
- -沒錯 -My tacos! -All right!
這些德州 These are Texas tacos.
可以感受德州 You can feel the Texas.
對了從來這麼 By the way, here's something I never did.
Is it gross, or is it the answer?
接下午餐 Moving on to lunch.
不是墨西哥墨西哥 This is not Mexican-Mexican.
德州墨西哥 This is Tex-Mex.
Who wants some tacos?
一口 真的好吃 -[Richard] I want a bite. -[Phil] It's really good.
Oh my God. No! Don't--
Hey. Hey! Hey! Hey!
一下 Wait a minute.
三根手指不見 Hey, three of my fingers are missing.
一個快樂飢腸轆轆 ♪ A happy, hungry man's ♪
走遍天涯海角 ♪ Traveling all across The sea and the land ♪
試圖了解 ♪ He's trying to understand ♪
大利豬肉雞肉 羊肉美味 ♪ The art of pasta Pork, chicken, and lamb ♪
驅車前來 ♪ He will drive to you ♪
飛行 ♪ He will fly to you ♪
歌唱 ♪ He will sing for you ♪
並為起舞 ♪ And he'll dance for you ♪
歡笑 ♪ He will laugh with you ♪
哭泣 ♪ And he'll cry for you ♪
只求一事作為回報  ♪ There's just one thing he asks in return Somebody please, somebody please ♪
♪ Can somebody ♪
♪ Somebody feed Phil? ♪
 斯汀 ♪ Somebody feed him now ♪
開始宣傳這個目時 [Phil] When I first started pitching this show,
旅遊頻道高層  I met with the head of the Travel Channel, and he said,
我們一些調查 發現我們觀眾那麼喜歡旅行 "We've done some research and we found that our audience doesn't really like travel."
走出時候對了 And on my way out the door, he said, "By the way,
我們發現人們美國 唯一興趣食物 the only food that we found that people are interested in in America
就是烤肉 is barbecue."
我們美食頻道 他們董事 Okay. So we went to the Food Network, and the president of the Food Network said to me,
完全正確 this is absolutely true,
我們避開食物內容 "We're kind of getting away from the food thing."
走出時候對了 And on my way out the door, he said,
美國唯一興趣食物 "By the way, the only food Americans are interested in--"
不用告訴烤肉 I said, "Don't tell me. Barbecue."
這個故事重點 The point of this story is,
美國 如果真的烤肉很感興趣 Americans, if you really are interested in barbecue,
節目適合 boy, is this the show for you!
歡迎斯汀 Welcome to Austin.
有趣城市 It's the most fun city.
音樂場納什維爾 It has more music venues than even Nashville does.
感到驚訝 I was surprised to learn that. The food is awesome.
食物非常美味不是只有烤肉 I was surprised to learn that. The food is awesome. Not just barbecue.
重要親切 And, best of all, the people are lovely.
找到完美斯汀 幫助啟程 And I think I found the perfect Austinite to help me kick off my visit.
丹尼爾范恩烤肉編輯 Daniel Vaughn is the barbecue editor, yes, they have a barbecue editor,
沒錯德州月刊烤肉編輯 Daniel Vaughn is the barbecue editor, yes, they have a barbecue editor, at Texas Monthly magazine.
就是非常內行 This is him. He knows his stuff.
我們烤肉續攤 We're going on a barbecue crawl.
首先勒羅伊路易斯開始 The crawl begins at LeRoy and Lewis,
企業索耶路易斯伊凡勒羅伊 經營一台烤肉卡車 a barbecue truck run by business partners Sawyer Lewis and Evan LeRoy.
-新式烤肉 -沒錯最新 -This is the new-school barbecue, right? -This is the newest school.
這裡烤肉餐廳 [Phil] But here's a case where the smoker is bigger than the restaurant.
-沒錯 - -[Evan laughs] That's right. -[Phil] Right?
告訴什麼 Tell me what I'm having.
我們 We've got to get the beef cheeks.
他們著名餐點之一 That's one of the things they're known for.
特拉香腸 The Citra Sausage.
-特拉啤酒花香腸 -很棒 -The Hop Sausage. -That's gonna be great.
他們每週一次培根 The bacon rib they do once a week.
一整五花肉一樣 肋骨 And it is like the full pork belly, still on the rib bone.
-而且這裡不能不漢堡 -漢堡 -And I can't come here without a burger. -[Evan] The burger.
你們一定花椰菜 You also have to have some cauliflower.
打給醫生告訴不是只有 Call my doctor. Tell him it's not just meat.
沒錯 -[all laughing] -[Daniel] That's right.
斯汀很多知名烤肉店 Austin has many famous barbecue places.
好比傳奇富蘭克林烤肉和拉烤肉 Legends like Franklin Barbecue and La Barbecue.
這些非常卓越 These are phenomenal places.
今天那些地方 I'm not doing them today.
今天你們東西 Today, I want to show you the new stuff.
-烤肉時間 - -[Daniel chuckles] Oh. -Barbecue time! -Here it comes. -Ooh!
我們全部德州 [Evan] All our meat comes from Texas.
地牧場永續人道飼養 Local ranches, sustainable, humanely-raised meat.
牛腩我們牛頰 培根下面 Brisket, we have our beef cheeks. The bacon rib is right underneath there.
排上巨大五花肉 Kind of a big-daddy pork belly on spare ribs
一整我們自家培根 that we cure in-house, the whole slab, like bacon.
-大家看看 -糖漿 -Should I show the people? -Double-smoked, maple-glazed.
瞧瞧巨大培根 Behold the almighty bacon rib.
別動 [Daniel] Hold it, hold it, hold it, I gotta…
各位 Goodbye, people.
如果第一口 一邊一邊 If I was to take a first bite, this side or this side?
-這裡一塊 -這邊 -I mean, that, right there. -Right there?
什麼 What?!
好吃 It's candy.
-什麼 -覺得一口不到 -What?! -I don't think I'll get a bite of this.
沒錯 Nope.
我們一些 [Evan] We got a few more. We got--
可以自己一份 [laughing] You can have your own.
- - -All right. -[Phil] Wowee, wow, wow!
- - -[Evan] Look behind you. -Whoa!
-沒上 -什麼 We're not done yet. -What?! -[Daniel] Hey now.
-德州辣椒玉米片 - [Sawyer] So we have our -Texas red chili Frito pie. -[Phil] Yes?
配上我們自家 墨西哥辣椒 With our, uh, house-smoked and pickled jalapeños.
- -我們羽衣甘藍凱沙拉 -Yes? -Our Kale Caesar Slaw.
-不錯 -我們 -Nice. -[Sawyer] Our house-made refried beans.
腦袋煙花四射 Jeez. My brain is just like fireworks are going off.
看看這個玉米片看看這個 -Look at this Frito pie. Look at this. -[Richard chuckles]
糾正 新式烤肉部分 [Phil] Correct me if I'm wrong, but the new-school part of your new-school barbecue is
你們舊式烤肉上做變化 a twist that you're putting on old-school barbecue.
所以這個想法經典烹飪方法 Right. So the idea is, uh, classic cooking methods.
烤肉一種方法不是菜單 Right? Barbecue is a method, not a menu.
我們傳統德州烤肉菜單 帶來不同亮點 We just bring a little bit of a different flare to the traditional Texas barbecue menu.
我們自己醬汁 試試我們甜菜烤肉 [Sawyer] We have our sauces. -Try our beet barbecue sauce. -What should I dip in that?
什麼 -Try our beet barbecue sauce. -What should I dip in that?
喜歡吃法 一片馬鈴薯 So my favorite bite is a piece of potato bread with beef cheek,
泡菜 少量甜菜烤肉 a little bit of kimchi, and then a little smidge of the beet barbecue sauce.
- -就是一口各位 -This is the bite, people. -[Evan] Yeah.
-如何 -一口 -Well? -That was a big bite.
臉頰滿臉頰太棒了 I got a cheek full of cheek. It's awesome!
我們最別一格 And I think what's really unique about us too
我們致力不要任何浪費 is we're really committed to not having any waste.
-你們今天任何浪費 -我們目標 -You won't have any waste today. -Yeah. That's our goal.
漢堡 -Ooh! -A burger as well.
-漢堡時間 - -Burger time. -Oh my God.
-半磅漢堡 - -Half-pound patty, smoked. -You want to cut it?
-炫耀一下 -黃瓜洋蔥 -First I want to show it off. -[Evan] Pickles, onions.
-真的 - -[Daniel] Like, just… -[Phil] Wow.
-理查 - -Holy moly. Richard. -[Richard] Oh my God.
可憐理查 Poor Richard.
不想口出狂言 [Daniel] I don't wanna oversell it,
改變漢堡整個世界 but it will change your entire worldview about what a burger can be.
料理 Perfectly cooked.
理查 Oh, Richard.
-結論如何 - -[Sawyer] What's the verdict? -Oh my God.
深色脆皮表層 [Daniel] It's got the bark too.
-烤肉出來 - -You know, from being in the smoker. -Yes, it's got the-- it's got the…
知道 一次丹尼 You know what? I actually remember at one point, Daniel, you said,
漢堡懷舊 -"It's nostalgic of a backyard burger." -What the hell…
- -沒錯 -[Sawyer] Right? -That's right.
感覺 朋友一起食物 Like eating something you'd cook with friends in a backyard.
-如果手藝精湛朋友 - -Yes, if I had talented friends! -[Sawyer laughs] Yeah.
非常內行 -[Daniel] Mm. -You know your stuff.
-知道哪裡 -怎麼加快速度 -I know where to find it. -How do I pace myself?
-我們 -加快速度方法 -We also have to-go boxes. -[Richard] This is how you pace yourself.
漢堡 -[Phil] Goodbye, burger. -[Sawyer laughs]
我們哪裡 [Phil] So, where are we?
我們這裡遠親餐車 同時啤酒 [Daniel] We've got the Distant Relatives food truck here -and Meanwhile Brewing. -Yeah. Yeah.
- -一個餐車公園 -and Meanwhile Brewing. -Yeah. Yeah. So it's another food truck park
剛好啤酒旁邊因為 that happens to be attached to a brewery, which is nice, 'cause--
我們這個 We got this.
啤酒 Then we got beer.
好喝 -Oh, that's nice. -Mm-hmm.
我們開車進來時候 這裡工業園區 When we drove in, it's like an industrial park,
這裡這個天堂 but then you have this paradise here.
-這裡真的隱密 -很適合家 -[Daniel] Yeah, it's really hidden here. -Nice for families.
德州很多空間 A lot of room in Texas.
很多 [chuckles] Yes. Yes, there is.
- -你好 -Oh! -Ooh, hey now.
一定達米安 You must be Damien.
-你好 - -[Daniel] All right, hi. -[Damien] I am.
菲爾 I'm Phil.
這位達米安布洛克 非裔美國廚師 This is Damien Brockway. He's an African-American chef who's incorporated
一些非洲影響融入烤肉 He's an African-American chef who's incorporated some of the African influences into the barbecue.
-高興見到 - [both] Good to see you.
告訴我們什麼 Yeah, yeah. Get in here. Tell us about what we got.
這裡我們配菜 [Damien] So over here, we have our sides.
黑眼牛腩 So black-eyed peas, we have burnt ends of brisket here.
這邊花生 Over here, we have the hot smoked peanuts.
電視需要這個 I need this in front of the TV.
沒錯黃金甜菜 [Damien] Absolutely. Pickled golden beets.
這裡牛油櫻桃蘿 辣味白脫牛奶 We have some tallow-roasted radishes with a spicy buttermilk sauce over here.
要來試試黑眼 Wow. I'm doing the black-eyed peas.
從來沒有烤肉店櫻桃蘿 [Daniel] No, I've never had radishes at a barbecue joint.
Here we go.
烤肉店櫻桃蘿 I've never had radishes at a barbecue joint.
- -知道故事 -[Daniel] Oh wow. -All right, I want to know your story.
一台拖車工作 -I work in this trailer right over here. -[all chuckle]
這個名字哪裡 [Phil] Where'd you get the name?
美國文化 親是常見說法 So distant relatives is a common trope in African American culture.
涉及非洲大陸連結 Uh, it speaks to, you know, the connection with, you know, the African continent.
- -以及我們民族起源地 -Yes. Yes. -And where we originated from as a people.
所以你們這裡看到 一些辛香料食材 So some of the spices and ingredients that you're seeing here
包括芥藍菜黑眼 天堂辛香料 including, like, collard greens, uh, black-eyed peas, spices like grains of paradise.
- -那些我們有效運用食材 -[Phil] Yeah. -Those are ingredients that we deploy.
所以現代非裔美國其中一部分 So the modern African-American part of that
我們歷史文化發揮創造力 is-- is us being creative within the story of our culture--
祖國食物辛香料帶來 But you're taking food and spices from the motherland?
沒錯以及不同地區 美國當地傳統 Absolutely, as-- as well as traditions here in the States from many different areas.
而且醬汁 大多地方吃到燒烤醬汁 Right. And then the sauce is unlike the barbecue sauces you'd get at most barbecue places.
裡面什麼 You're right. What's in there?
我們餐車一件 One of the things that we do at the trailer as well
就是所有蛋白 搭配特定醬汁 is that all the proteins get paired with a specific sauce.
令人驚艷獨創 [Phil] Even the sauces are incredible and original.
芥末 Smoked mustard butter.
烤肉 So this is chicken barbecue sauce.
-Yeah, this is the chicken sauce, which… -Wow, this…
大家喜歡這個往往這個 People like that one and tend to ask for that one.
以來最愛雞肉醬汁 This is some of my favorite chicken and sauce ever.
這個吃光 I am finishing this.
告訴好吃烤肉就是這樣 I'm telling you, that's what great barbecue will do to you.
覺得 Like, you think you're not hungry--
你身體裡找到填補 It finds a hole in your being and fills it.
[laughing] Yes.
保證烤肉 [Phil] There will be more barbecue, I promise.
我們之前 But before we get to that,
必須斯汀一個重要美食 there's another important cuisine in Austin we have to talk about.
斯汀喜歡一家餐廳幸運 One of my favorite restaurants in Austin, it's called Suerte.
這輩 墨西哥餐廳之一 It's one of the best Mexican restaurants I've ever been to,
包括墨西哥 including in Mexico!
-你們 - Oh, hello. -[Emily] Hi! -[gasps] Hi!
-興見 - -[Phil] Nice to see you. -You too!
今天斯汀 最好兩個朋友 [Phil] And today, I'm meeting two of my best friends in Austin.
她們艾蜜莉凱特琳 This is Emily and Caitlin.
她們創立斯汀電視節 They created the Austin Television Festival
至今運行 and they still run it to this day.
這位費爾明努涅斯主廚 This is Chef Fermín Nuñez.
-很棒 -我們打扮 -You guys look great. -We got dressed up for you.
真好你們打扮 任何人穿這個 I got dressed up for you. I don't put this on for anybody.
-你們大家打扮 -起來很美 -I got dressed up for all of y'all. -You look beautiful.
-乾杯 -乾杯 -Cheers. -[Phil and Fermin] Salud.
There you go.
好喝我們品味 -[Phil] Ooh! -It's good. We have good taste.
-這裡面有什麼 -梅斯卡爾 -What's in this? -Mezcal.
看到梅斯卡爾酒 And then I stopped reading after Mezcal.
-我們瑪格麗特 - -It's our version of a margarita. -[Phil] Yeah.
我們這裡其中一件 墨西哥餐廳 It's one of the things we do here. Like, we're a Mexican restaurant, but we're in East Austin, right?
我們東奧斯汀 Like, we're a Mexican restaurant, but we're in East Austin, right?
嚴格來說不是德州墨西哥 -Suerte-- -But not technically Tex-Mex.
不是 No. No.
-不是 -墨西哥人 -Not if you ask me. -You're technically-- You're Mexican.
餐廳 I am, yes. And the restaurant.
食物墨西哥德州元素 The food is Mexican, but there is a Texas thing.
一點 A little bit. Yes.
幸運餐廳墨西哥 不過放進特色 [Phil] At Suerte, he's doing Mexican food, but he's putting his spin on it,
我們德州 算是德州墨西哥 and we're in Texas. Does that count as Tex-Mex?
需要更好專家 I need-- I need a better expert than me.
我們檸檬海鮮 All right, so this is our ceviche.
玉米下方 Underneath the tostada
新鮮虹鱒 阿勒普亞辣椒橘子漿 will be some freshly-cut rainbow trout served in an Aleppo-puya orange broth.
-享用 -謝謝 -Enjoy. -[Emily] Nice. Thank you.
期待你們一道 I'm excited for you to try this because this, to me,
因為來說 現在非常德州 I'm excited for you to try this because this, to me, tastes very Texas right now.
你們湯匙專業 -[crunches] -[Phil] Mm! [Emily] You're all like professionals with your spoons.
-確保全部放上去 -完美一口 -[Caitlin] Make sure you get it all on. -I know. A perfect bite.
對了無論怎麼 墨西哥德州墨西哥 By the way, I don't care what you call it, Mexican, Tex-Mex, Austin-Mex…
就是好吃食物 It's just delicious food.
知道怎麼認識兩個 So, you know how I know these two?
過去幾年參與她們電視節 You were a part in their festival in past years?
You guys are back now.
六月親自回來 We are back in person in June.
我們電視節全是社群互動往來 Mm-hmm. Much of our festival is about community and being together,
我們虛擬 and we've done the virtual thing very "well,"
計畫之外時刻 結交朋友以及 but it's about the unplanned moments of meeting new friends and--
時候帶來魔力 It's the magic that comes when the people arrive
使某樣東西特別 is what makes something special.
而且大家電視看到 感到興奮 And they're excited to see the people -they've seen on screens. -[Emily] Mm-hmm.
-沒錯 -親自 -There you go. -In person!
非常飲食導向 It's also a very food and drink-focused festival.
所以菲爾訪談 很多時候早餐 And so, a lot of times on a Phil panel, there will be tacos or breakfast.
和菲爾一起早餐 不想和菲爾一起 -"Have tacos or breakfast with Phil." -Who wouldn't wanna have tacos with Phil?
看電視時候 一定要配飲料零食 You gotta have a drink and a snack while you watch TV.
-一定要來 -真的好玩 -You'll have to come. -It's really fun.
不好意思 你們塔瑪玉米棕白莫利 Pardon me. I have your tamale mole blanco.
底下松子義式綜合草料 And I have a pine nut gremolata underneath,
上面莫利 topped and coated with the mole blanco
上面乾燥聖葉 and dehydrated hoja santa sprinkled on top.
-乾燥什麼 -聖葉 -Dehydrated what? -Hoja santa.
這個翻譯就是聖葉 -What's that? -So hoja santa is-- translates to "holy leaf."
用來包住耶穌寶寶葉子 It is the leaf that allegedly, uh, was used to wrap sweet baby Jesus.
-太好了 -真的 -[laughs] Great. -Really?
- -欣賞這個 -Yes. -I appreciate the "allegedly."
知道其中真相 所以基本上我們尿布 -I don't know the truth in that. -So you're basically giving us a diaper.
那樣 -[laughs] -That's one way to put it.
喜歡這種 所以第一口 I like saying stuff like that so that I get the first bite.
-[Richard laughs] -Nice.
[Emily] Oh my gosh.
很棒不是 Isn't that great?
羊肉 Then we have the goat barbacoa. It's going to be cooked barbacoa-style
牛肉料理方式 香蕉葉中 Then we have the goat barbacoa. It's going to be cooked barbacoa-style in a banana leaf.
我們加萊姆上去 Do we put lime on it?
好像聖誕禮物 [Fermin] It's like unwrapping the best Christmas gift.
喜歡 [Phil] Who doesn't like that?
-大家喜歡 - -Everybody likes that, right? -[Emily] Oh my gosh.
以前羊肉不常 I have had to have had goat before, but not very often.
Oh yeah? What do you think? I love it.
非常喜歡 試著找出什麼 I really like it and I'm trying to figure out what's making it…
大家什麼 一種獨特味道 People talk about duck or something that has a very distinctive flavor.
-確有一種味道 -世界 -It does have one. -The most popular meat in the world.
-真的 - -Really? -Yeah.
-不是雞肉 -知道羊肉 -Not chicken? -You know that. It's goat.
知道 I didn't know that.
世界每個文化最多 Yeah, the most consumed in the world. Every single culture.
I'd have guessed chicken too.
什麼 -What's that? -[laughs]
-第五動物 - -It's the fifth most-consumed animal? -Uh-oh.
讀到羊肉 So what I read said it was the most consumed.
怎麼 What's that say?
資料支持 羊肉世界菲爾 "Data doesn't support the claim that goat is the world's most consumed meat, Phil." -[Emily laughs] -So you lied to me.
所以 -[Emily laughs] -So you lied to me.
-說謊 -什麼 -I lied. -What else have you lied about?
-來要重 - -I was gonna repeat that. -There are four? I was gonna repeat it.
發現如果電視 服力 -I was gonna repeat that. -There are four? I was gonna repeat it. But I found that if you say it convincingly, on television…
說服 It convinced you.
大家相信 …people believe you.
- -菲爾 -Phil! Phil! -[Phil] Hi!
- -菲爾我們 我們 -[Fermin] Hey! -[man] Phil, we love you! Phil!
你們說關羊肉 Let me tell you about goat.
斯汀烤肉太棒了 [Phil] Austin barbecue is so good
幾乎可能每餐不吃 it's almost impossible not to have it for every meal.
老實問題 It's kind of a problem, to be honest.
幸好丹尼回來 一個很棒地方 Luckily, Daniel's back with one more great place to show me.
丹尼現在 一間最先烤肉店 Daniel is now taking me to another cutting-edge barbecue place
星際效應 called InterStellar,
而且這個烤肉咖實 and the man has earned that hat.
-怎麼開始烤肉感到興趣 -德州 -How'd you get into barbecue? -Moving to Texas. Yeah.
像是必要條件 It's like a, uh, requirement.
開始訂閱德克薩斯月刊 Well, I went ahead and did a subscription to Texas Monthly.
當時他們五名烤肉店 They had a top-five at the time,
所以安排週末連假旅遊 五家 and so I organized a long weekend trip around being able to go to all those five.
朋友一起? You have buddies who do this with you?
我們享受拉斯烤肉 Yeah, we really enjoyed the barbecue that we were eating in Dallas.
- -烤肉 -Yeah. -And like, "How much better could it be?"
恍然大悟 And then you go and then you have the realization.
我們看著彼此 We ate it looking at each other, like,
"原來就是他們 "Oh, this is what they've been talking about."
-喜歡找到那種高層次 - "Oh, this is what they've been talking about." -I love finding that next level. -Yeah.
正是這個原因 -Yeah. -It's the reason I do this.
你好 Hello!
-你好準備食物 -約翰 -Hello. You guys ready for some food? -Hey, John.
本來希望 今早一頓清淡早餐 Oh, good, I was hoping for a light breakfast this morning.
-沒錯 -典型德州早餐 -Absolutely. -That's a typical Texas breakfast.
主廚約翰貝茨  [Phil] The chef is John Bates. He comes from the world of fine dining.
注意力轉移大家開心 He has turned his attention to making everyone happy.
看看 Look how beautiful that is!
打招呼之前 -[giggles] -[chuckles] Which I say before saying hello.
很高興見 -Great to see you. -You as well.
約翰沒來這裡 我們沒見過面 Hi, John! I've never been here. We've never met.
我們變好朋友 -這麼認為 -I think we'll be good friends after this. -I think so too.
開始 一向牛腩開始 -What should I start with? -I always start with brisket.
一頭 I'd go with the burnt end.
慢慢品嚐羊肉五花肉 Then maybe work your way around to some lamb and pork belly.
- -也許用火雞作結尾 -[Phil] Oh my God. -Maybe finish with the turkey.
這裡有些蔬菜 It's kind of a vegetable around here anyway, so…
火雞蔬菜 [laughs] Turkey is the vegetable.
- -乾杯 乾杯 -[Daniel] All right. -[Phil and Daniel] Cheers.
濃郁 [Daniel] It's so intense.
就是味道 牛腩好吃部位 It's all the flavor. It's the best bite on the brisket.
美味 -[Daniel] Mm-hmm. -Right. That's gorgeous.
-喜歡這樣肥肉分成兩半 - [Daniel] Yeah. And I like to split the fatty slices in half. -Like this. -[Phil] Yes.
因為一片瘦肉 Because that's just another piece of lean. But that…
- - -Split? Do you wanna split it with me? -Oh yeah.
拿出牛腩瘦肉 拿出油脂牛腩肥肉 And then he brings out the lean brisket, and then the fatty brisket with the fat,
and you eat the…
舌頭推到上顎 I'm just pushing it against the roof of my mouth with my tongue,
散開 and it falls apart.
那時知道 肥肉 [Daniel] That's when you know that the-- the fat is at its perfect doneness.
雖然市場已經 [Phil] Even though the field is crowded,
覺得提供不同 you felt you had something a little different that you could…
不同觀點帶到傳統食物 [John] Yeah, just bring a different point of view to something that's, you know, a very traditional food
我們特色進去 and add our little touches around it
保持德州烤肉精髓本質 but honor, you know, the center of the plate, -the bones of Texas barbecue. -Yes.
我們自己小花 像是干貝馬鈴薯 And then do our own little flourishes, like the scalloped potatoes.
This is fine dining.
一道菜能放上 任何一間餐桌 You could put that on the side of a plate in any fine dining restaurant.
馬鈴薯一切 It's everything a potato wants.
有鮮奶油奶油帕馬森起司大蒜 It's cream, it's butter, -it's Parmesan, it's garlic. -[Phil and Richard laughing]
再加一點煙 And then a little smoke.
需求馬鈴薯恰好一樣 It just so happens that my wants are the same as your potato.
結局 [Phil] All right, the big finale.
-準備 -準備 -You ready? -I'm-- I'm ready.
- - -That's yours. -Okay.
[Phil] Oh boy. Oh boy, oh boy.
嘴裡之前 介紹一下這個 So tell me about this before I shove it in my face.
五花肉切塊 [John] Pork belly that's been smoked, cubed, and then glazed numerous times
多次淋上桃子糖霜 [John] Pork belly that's been smoked, cubed, and then glazed numerous times with a peach tea glaze.
Salty, sweet, smoky, fatty.
一塊烤肉擁有一切 Everything you want in a bite of barbecue.
Mm! All righty.
醫生 Oh, doctor!
興有留到 I'm glad we saved it for the end.
不僅美味甜點 Not only is it… friggin' delicious, it's like the-- a dessert.
這裡醫生 Is there a doctor in the house?
斯汀口號 [laughing] That's the Austin slogan.
德州中部丘陵 Located in the Hill Country of Central Texas,
斯汀德州首都第四大城市 Austin is the capital and fourth-largest city in the state.
他們雄偉議會大廈 18821888之間 Their majestic Capitol building was built between 1882 and 1888,
實際上華盛頓 美國國會大廈 and it's actually taller than the US Capitol in Washington.
各位德州 不光只有保險桿貼紙 "Bigger in Texas," people. It's not just a bumper sticker.
 斯汀美國政治家報紙 首席美食評論 The lead food critic at The Austin American-Statesman newspaper
馬修歐登 至少認識十年朋友 is Matthew Odom, a friend of mine for at least 10 years,
喜歡地方 and he's taking me to his new favorite place.
小鳥餐廳 This is Birdie's.
崔西馬列切克阿賈夫以西結爾 Tracy Malechek and Arjav Ezekiel.
他們 負責食物負責 They're the chef-owners. She does the food, he does the wine.
他們紐約 他們格拉梅西酒館工作 They came from New York. They both worked at Gramercy Tavern.
他們美妙大利 美味蔬菜 They're doing beautiful pastas and delicious vegetables.
你們知道可能全都烤肉 You know, it can't all be barbecue, people.
我們開始氣泡 [Arjav] We got some bubbles to start.
-不錯 -感覺慶祝場合老朋友 -It's a celebratory occasion. Old friends. -[Phil] Nice.
-加入我們 -希望如此 -現在 -一杯 -You joining us? Now it's celebratory. -I hope so. I'll pour myself some.
- -百分之百黑皮輕盈氣泡 -Do it. -It's 100% Pinot noir. Light and sparkly.
他們這個洗澡 And they bathe the cows in this.
-何不 - -[laughs] -[Arjav] Why not? -[laughing] Moo. -[Richard] Nice.
-[laughing] Moo. -[Richard] Nice.
- -翠西 -Hello! -Hi. Tracy!
-你好 -高興來到這裡 -How are you? -I'm thrilled to be here.
這個什麼 What do you got here?
豆薯  -[Tracy] Chickpea panisse. -[Phil] Ah!
配上科里起司黑胡椒 With pecorino and black pepper.
太棒了 Beautiful.
-彷彿以前 -看到旁邊有個檸檬 -[Arjav] Like you've done this before. -[Phil] I see a lemon on the side.
覺得得到 I feel like I have a purpose.
-非常高檔薯條 - -Mm. So gourmet French fries. -[Arjav laughs] Yeah!
東西大概五次 And I've eaten this thing probably five times.
-每次這樣 -不少 -And this is how it is every single time. -Never under--
這次檸檬不過 I mean, too much lemon on it this time, but that's…
我家俄勒岡波特 Oh! So, you know my family is in Portland, Oregon.
- -崔西休士頓長大 -Right. -Tracy grew up in Houston.
本來回家 I wanted to go home.
崔西搬來德州 Tracy wanted to move to Texas.
我們無法決定所以硬幣  We couldn't decide, so we flipped a coin, she won.
-因為那樣 - -You're here because of that. -Yeah!
遵守 Yeah, I would not abide by that.
所以知道 -[laughs] -I lost the coin flip, so I know.
操縱硬幣 -I would rig the coin. -[Matthew laughs]
-見面 -你好 -Hi again. -Hello!
起來像生牛肉 Oh, that's-- Ooh, that looks like tartare.
牛肉塔佐綠黃醬 以及樂譜脆餅 Beef tartare with green garlic aioli and carta di musica cracker.
這個蕃薯 And here's a roasted sweet potato with guanciale,
芹菜櫻桃蘿 雪利酒黑胡椒蜂蜜 celery-radish vinaigrette, and a sherry-black pepper honey.
他們橄欖油要求 So they really geek out on olive oil here too.
我們 We're nerds.
喜歡你們最愛那種 [Phil] I love it. You're my favorite kind of nerds.
-美食 -有趣牛肉 Food nerds. It's a fun tartare.
同時這麼濃郁清爽 To be that rich and that light at the same time.
我們 It's what we all aspire to.
-神奇 -太棒了 -[Matthew] It's kind of magical. -[Phil] It's great!
做菜 -[Matthew] You cook much? -No!
很多 I eat much.
這個節目 所以不用太常 "It's why I have this show, so I don't have to cook much."
- - -Hello! -[Matthew] Hey!
-你好 -崔西 -Hi. -Yay, Tracy!
看看這個 Look at this.
耳朵 香腸茴香黑胡椒 [Stacy] So here's orecchiette with pork sausage, fennel, and black pepper.
不是 Nope.
番茄 And here is cavatelli -with anchovy and tomato. -[Phil groans happily]
- - -You like anchovy? -I love.
這些禮物謝謝 These are gifts. Thank you.
客氣 You're so welcome.
味道很道 味道好像羅馬 This tastes real. This tastes like I'm in Rome.
There you go.
一下 Wait a minute.
一下 Wait a minute.
沒錯 Yes! I know!
評論 That was my review.
-見面 - -Hello again. -Hello.
西西里風格巧克力 Here's a Sicilian-inspired chocolate chip cookie.
Spit take!
我們橄欖油蛋糕 And then this is our olive oil cake.
謝謝阿賈夫 -[Tracy] Thank you, Arjav. -[Matthew laughing]
呼吸老兄 Breathe, my man.
巧克力怎麼受到 西西里啟發 How is a chocolate chip cookie inspired by Sicily?
一點 It has a little bit of extract of…
檸檬茴香萃取 -[laughing] -…citrus and fennel.
一道 And then the final thing
香草義式霜淇淋柑橘 is a vanilla gelato soft serve -with tangerine agrumato. -[Matthew] What do you think about that?
菲爾覺得如何 -with tangerine agrumato. -[Matthew] What do you think about that?
-這個 - -You've had this? -Oh yeah.
介意吃光 Then you won't mind if I eat it all.
喜歡一級方程式賽車 [Phil] Do you like Formula 1?
知道非常好者 I know there's a lot of enthusiasts out there.
今天第一次近距離看 Today, I'm getting my first glimpse of it up-close.
-艾瑞克 -菲爾 -Eric? -Phil.
- -高興見到 -Hi. -Good to see you.
高興要載那裡 I'm excited to take you out there.
Oh my goodness.
承認緊張 I-- I have to admit, I'm a little nervous.
知道起來 不是保羅紐曼 I know I look it, but I'm not really Paul Newman.
真正賽車 This is a real race car driver.
這位艾瑞克帕拉迪 This is Eric Paradis.
法拉利 首次一級方程式賽車跑道 He's taking me on my first ride around a Formula 1 track in a Ferrari.
我們時速會超過170英里 He says we're going to go… -[car engines vrooming] -…over 170 miles an hour,
這些來說其實 which I think is actually slow for these guys.
準備 試試看吧怎麼樣 But, uh, I guess I'm ready. Let's try it. What could happen?
我們自己雲霄飛車 所以一定有趣 [Eric] We have our own roller coaster ride out there, so it's gonna be a lot of fun.
這個部分可能需要幫助 All right, I might need your help with this part.
穿 Run it through, underneath…
三輪 This is what my dad used to do before I'd ride the tricycle.
準備出發 Here you go. Ready to go.
跑道 Have you been on track before?
-沒有 -沒有 -No! -No?
沒有 [Phil] No.
-跑道 -第一天 -Have you driven someone around the track? -This is my first day.
玩笑 -[engine revving] -Just kidding.
-好玩 -有人車上 -It's a lot of fun. -Has anyone ever thrown up in the car?
Uh, not with me.
今天可能幸運 -I think. -You might get lucky today.
抓住什麼 Am I supposed to hang on to anything?
不用不過煞車時會看到 很猛 Uh, no, but you'll see on the braking, it's going to brake quite hard.
所以自己座位 So you want to use your-- your lap to push yourself against the seat.
-真的 -煞車許多重力 -Oh, really? -Yes. There's a lot of Gs on the braking.
 抓住側邊東西 Oh boy. All right, I'm hanging onto the side thing here and my leg.
來撐自己 Yeah, you're gonna use your leg to brace yourself.
可能 -I might use your leg. Okay. -[engine revs]
-準備 -高速公路超速 -Are you ready for this? -I don't even speed on the freeway.
-All right, let's go. -[tires squealing]
Oh boy…
- -下面那裡可以看到速度 -Oh my God. -You can see the speed right on there.
不想 I don't want to see it.
24 I was nauseous for 24 hours afterwards.
猛烈 It was so violent.
不光火箭更猛重力加速度 It was… not just the G forces that are more than a rocket,
急煞 -but then sudden braking… -[tires skidding]
急煞車聲甩尾繼續 -…screeching, whip turning, going again… -[tires screeching]
重力加速度  …G-forces back, slamming the brakes… -[Richard laughs]
轉向這邊  轉向那邊 …turning this way, slamming the brakes, turning that way.
上坡下坡 Up a hill! Down a hill!
發生環車 It was like being in multiple car accidents.
各位什麼好玩 什麼好玩 How is this fun, people? How is this fun?
看看艾瑞克 And look at Eric.
幾乎牛腩三明治一樣 不是 It's almost as good as a brisket sandwich, isn't it?
現在不該想到食物 You shouldn't remind me about food right now.
[Phil] Oh, I'm here!
歡迎 -[all] Yay! -[Edgar] Welcome!
-你好 -菲爾 -How are you? -Hey, I'm Phil.
-歡迎道場艾德格 -黑手 -Welcome to the Taco Dojo. Edgar. -This is the Taco Mafia. Yes!
-先生 -沒錯 -Yes, sir. -[Phil] Yes!
斯汀這裡很棒圈子 There's such a great taco scene here in Austin
有少數幾個天才 that a few of the people who are taco geniuses
組成所謂黑手 have formed what's called the Taco Mafia.
德加莎拉經營 塔基里亞這個地方 It's run by Edgar and Sara here at their place, Nixta Taqueria.
其他這些明人 The rest of these wise guys are
幾個餐廳貝托羅夫萊多 Beto Robledo from Cuantos Tacos,
長袍餐廳傑瑞葛瑞洛 Jerry Guerrero from La Tunita,
燒烤餐廳何塞貝拉斯科 and Xose Velasco from Discada.
你們兩個結婚 Two of you are getting married.
- -玩笑 -That would be-- -Just kidding.
我們最近訂婚 -[all laugh] -That would be us. Recently engaged.
-恭喜 -非常感謝 -Congratulations. -Thank you so much.
夜晚 And this is your place. This is Nixta!
塔基里亞 This is Nixta Taqueria.
很多斯汀最好餐廳 Best restaurant in Austin, according to many.
大家這麼不過決定 That's what they say. Uh, that's for you to decide, though.
他們很棒 But these guys all make great tacos too, right?
- -塔可黑手 -[Sara] Yes. -The Taco Mafia.
教父 But let me ask you. Who's the godfather?
那邊 This guy right here.
-因為開始 - -[Phil] Is that right? You started it? -No, no--
-因為最高 -看看 -'Cause you're the tallest? -Look at this guy.
如果巷子看到這個 害怕 If you saw this guy in an alley, would you be scared?
-起來溫柔巨人 -真的 -He looks like a gentle giant. -He really is.
起來強悍 -Not like this one. He looks very tough. -[all laugh]
-傑瑞肌肉 -沉默殺手 -Jerry's the muscle. -The silent killer.
-傑瑞肌肉 - -He's the muscle? -Yeah.
-我們喬派西 -喬派西 -We got the Joe Pesci. -[Edgar] The Joe Pesci right here.
外表談話 He's got the looks, the talks.
角色什麼約束他們 And what's your role? Keep them all in line? Yeah, she's-- she's the brains of the operation.
運作首腦 Yeah, she's-- she's the brains of the operation.
-美貌 -乾杯 [Phil] And the beauty. -Salucita! -[Jerry] Salucita!
什麼 [Phil] What am I drinking?
一點水果 A little agua fresca
配上一些鳳梨草莓 with some pineapple and strawberry.
-好喝 - -Oh, that's delicious. -[Sara] Yeah.
我們一道開始 All right, we'll get you started with this first bite.
我們 This one's gonna be from us.
-我們烤鴨肉絲塔 -什麼 -This is our duck carnitas taco. -[Phil] What?
烤鴨肉絲 [Edgar] Duck carnitas.
-先生 - -Yes, sir. -Come on. Here I go.
[Sara] Yeah!
Oh my God.
所有鴨肉菜餚一道 Like, one of the best duck dishes of any kind
正好豪華 just happens to be in a gorgeous taco.
墨西哥多少德州影響 How much Tex is in the Mex?
我們大家德州墨西哥 Tex Mex for all of us is a thing that we kind of try and stay away from.
我們想要盡量避免 Tex Mex for all of us is a thing that we kind of try and stay away from. -That word-- -It's an Americanization, right?
美國 -That word-- -It's an Americanization, right?
-沒錯 -你們想要 -It really is. -And you wanna be authentic.
道地不道 Authentically inauthentic.
我們全都美國知道 我們墨西哥人 All of us are Americans, you know? But we're also Mexicans.
-當然 -所以我們表示敬意 -[Phil] Of course. -So we're trying to pay homage.
介紹一下這個 [Phil] Here we go. Now tell me about this.
這些盤燒烤塔 So those are the discada tacos.
不同部位牛肉豬肉蔬菜 Different cuts of beef, pork, and vegetables.
我們油封六個 -[Phil] Oh! -So, yeah. And we let it confit for about four to six hours.
-真的 - -Really? -Uh-huh.
20年前食譜 This is a recipe that my dad made about 20 years ago.
真是太棒了 This is phenomenal.
-謝謝 - -Thank you. -Yeah.
觀賞觀眾 But for people watching,
他們不能這裡大家 they can't come here and get everybody's tacos.
他們可以我們全都一英里半內 They can. We are all within a mile and a half.
適合續 -Is that right? So this is a good crawl. -Yeah.
[Phil] Who's this?
-傑瑞 - -[Edgar] This is Jerry's. -Oh! You're on.
-專長 - -This is my specialty. -Yeah!
牛肉起司 This is the birria quesotaco.
牛肉塔可 A birria taco! Oh, come on.
傳統山羊肉羔羊 Traditionally, you use goat or lamb.
-我們牛腩因為我們德州 -牛腩 -We use brisket 'cause we're in Texas. -[Phil] Brisket?!
看看這個牛肉可配酥脆起司 Look at this birria taco with the queso crispy,
and then you dunk it in the…
一個 Oh man. Another "amazing."
教父貝托 無法拒絕條件擄獲 Finally, Beto the godfather kills me with… [imitates Vito Corleone] …an offer I can't refuse.
-結局 -墨西哥城風格 -You're the big finish. -I do Mexico City-style tacos.
帕恰納 So, this is the campechana,
混合了手龍干尼薩臘 and it's a mixture of suadero and longaniza.
肉用牛腩部位 Suadero, we use brisket for our cut
龍干尼薩臘腸用墨西哥香腸 and then longaniza, we use Mexican chorizo.
一道好吃 [mouth full] Another great one!
如果代表 If there were a taco that represented you,
什麼裡面什麼 what would that look like? What would be in your taco?
從來有人 Nobody's-- Nobody's ever asked me that.
I'm gonna say chicken.
- -但是鴨肉雞肉更好 -Okay. -But better than chicken is duck.
鵝肉鴨肉更好 And better than duck is goose.
- - -[Edgar and Sara] Ooh! -[Sara] Goose taco!
你們覺得得到 You think you could do it?
挑戰你們時候 回來 The challenge! I'm coming back when you have goose tacos.
- - -Okay. -That's my taco.
鵝肉塔 Okay, goose taco.
加入黑手 -I'm in the Mafia! -[all laughing]
我們砍手握手 太好了我們 -Do we have to cut my hand and shake? -Yes! Let's do it.
自勒羅伊路易斯伊凡勒羅伊 朋友 My new friend Evan LeRoy from LeRoy and Lewis
介紹朋友傑茲米爾斯 is introducing me to his friend Jazz Mills.
喜歡免費午餐 I love free lunch.
傑斯朋友凱莉福塞爾比克利 Jazz, along with her friend Carrie Fussell Bickley,
開始稱為免費午餐好事 started something wonderful called Free Lunch
幫助斯汀街友提供食物 to help feed Austin's homeless.
-你好 -這位可愛 -[Carrie] Hi! -Who's this charmer?
-凱莉 -這位可愛 -I'm Carrie. -And this charmer! Hi.
-怎麼樣 -菲爾 -How's it going? -I'm Phil.
-凱莉 - -I'm Carrie. -Hi. How you doing?
妮蒂幸會 Hi. I'm Nnedi. Nice to meet--
傑斯凱莉友人妮蒂阿巴洛吉 [Phil] Jazz, Carrie, and friend Nnedi Agbaroji were all performers
本來斯汀 蒸蒸日上獨立音樂界表演者 [Phil] Jazz, Carrie, and friend Nnedi Agbaroji were all performers in Austin's thriving indie music scene.
新冠肺炎取消現場演出 But when COVID canceled live performances,
傑斯凱莉開始烹飪發放食物 Jazz and Carrie began cooking food and giving it out,
開始各自合力聯手 first separately, and then joining forces
幫助住當地街友營地 提供食物 to help feed people living in a local homeless encampment
叫作希望營地 called Camp Esperanza.
妮蒂2021加入公益事業 Nnedi joined the cause in 2021.
今天午餐袋裡什麼 So what's in the lunch bag today?
今晚晚餐 我們烤肉三明治 Okay, tonight with dinner, we're dropping off barbecue sandwiches.
- -永遠新鮮水果 -[Phil] Yep. -Always fresh fruit.
新鮮水果目前為止 歡迎搶手東西 Fresh fruit is by far the most requested and sought-after thing.
向有需要提供任何服務 重要保持一致 The most important thing when you're providing any service to anyone in need is to be consistent.
所以我們發現希望營地 So when we found out about Camp Esperanza,
基本上時候 我們承諾那個營地 we, basically, just from that point on, committed to going to only that camp…
所以那裡人會相信我們 -[gentle guitar music playing] -…so that the people there would trust us
相信我們 and believe that we would be coming back.
- -興見 -Hi. -Good to see you.
高興見到 Good to see you too.
真的確保我們沒有過度承諾 [Jazz] I really wanted to make sure we didn't over-promise,
我們沒有試圖 斯汀無家危機 and that we didn't try to take on the homelessness crisis in Austin,
我們做出承諾 that we were really just committed to this group of people,
可以實際擴展 我們這麼 and then when we can, like, realistically expand, we will.
你們 You guys are-- You're like saints.
不敢這麼 -I don't know about that. -[Jazz] I don't know. Yeah.
想要關於幫助 以及能力幫助改變敘述 I really want the narrative around who can help and who's capable of helping to change
因為認為重要大眾了解 because, you know, I think it's important that the general public understands
我們不是特別能力格外特別 我們不是社工 that we're not extra capable, extra special people. We're not social workers.
我們只是提出問題 依靠朋友創意者 We're all just creatives who were able to, like, ask enough questions, lean on our friends.
大家知道 [Phil] I want people to know if they like this idea…
如果他們喜歡這個想法  [Phil] I want people to know if they like this idea… -You have a website? -Yes. It's www.freelunchatx.com.
 www.freelunchatx.com -You have a website? -Yes. It's www.freelunchatx.com.
-[chuckles] -Ding!
 找到創造力完美範例 [Phil] Here's a perfect example of the creativity you find all over this town.
我們在說跨文化 We're talking about cross-culturalization.
這家名字 This restaurant is called Kemuri Tatsu-Ya.
斯汀最愛地方之一 This is one of my favorite spots in Austin.
今天加入柯曉臻 一位斯汀很棒美食部落 Joining me today is Jane Ko, a wonderful food blogger here in Austin.
美食了解 She knows a lot about the food scene.
這裡同時得到日式德州 This is where you can get Japanese and Texas in the same spot.
喜歡 I love a mash-up.
那個組合東京出生 That combo is a natural move for Tokyo-born, Texas-raised Chef Tatsu Aikawa.
德州長大相川達主來說 自然舉動 for Tokyo-born, Texas-raised Chef Tatsu Aikawa.
各位 Okay, guys.
肉丸 We have chicken tsukune.
烤肉串攪拌沾著 What you wanna do is kinda mix the skewer inside the egg and do the dip.
-炸雞 -準備 -It's chicken skin cracklings. -[Jane] You ready?
-準備 - -I'm ready. Here we go. -Okay.
我們打破那個  We break that yolk. Oh, you're good.
妳在打蛋 -You're whipping it up. -[Jane and Richard chuckle]
妳在做法吐司 You're making French toast.
[Jane] And dip.
裡面 [Phil] And then roll it around in there.
十分有趣 一定喜歡小孩 He's got a very playful… He must like children.
小孩 You have kids?
一個兒子 Yeah, I just had a baby son.
-恭喜 -謝謝 -Oh! Mazel tov! Congratulations. -Thank you. Thank you.
兒子喜歡道菜 I think your-- your boy's gonna like this dish.
其實時候在家 Um, I actually, you know, strap him in
身上臉朝 and, like, have him facing down when I'm cooking at home sometimes.
-幾歲 -四個 -How old is he? -Four months.
-帶來這裡那麼 -不是這裡在家 -You bringing him here and doing that? -Not here. At home. -[both chuckling] -That's good…
小心 Be-- Be careful.
Instagram So, Jane, I love your Instagram.
柯柯味道 "A Taste of Koko."
-姓氏 - -Ko is your last name, right? -Yes.
妳是相當影響網紅 And you're quite the influencer,
 善用 but what I love about you is that you're using your influence for good.
餐旅一百 I read all about Hundred for Hospitality, right?
告訴大家什麼 Tell the people what that is.
所知發生新冠肺炎 Well, as you know, COVID-19 happened,
身處飲業 and being part of the restaurant industry,
斯汀封城一天令人心碎 it was heartbreaking the day that Austin locked down.
超過一百家餐廳 電話 And I had over 100 restaurant owners call me and said, "Hey, we just locked down. What do we do?"
我們封城怎麼 call me and said, "Hey, we just locked down. What do we do?"
開始募資 So I started raising money.
那筆開始餐廳購買餐點 I took that money and I started purchasing meals -from restaurants to help them reopen. -Yes.
-幫助他們重新開張 - -from restaurants to help them reopen. -Yes.
餐點捐給解僱 無薪假餐旅員工 I donated the meals to the hospitality workers that were laid off or furloughed.
就是什麼 This is what I love about your industry.
飲人永遠慷慨 愛心最多奉獻 Food people are always the most generous, the most loving, the most giving.
餐旅任何城市經濟支柱 You know, the restaurants and hospitality is the backbone of any city's economy.
當然不想沒有餐旅世界 Of course. I don't want to live in a world without it.
不想沒有達主 起司牛腩豆腐泡芙世界 I also don't want to live in a world without Chef Tatsu's cheesy brisket-stuffed tofu puffs.
基本上大人口袋 Basically, an adult Hot Pocket.
But gourmet.
深夜思考想到 Came out of late-night thinking, you know?
深夜思考還是深夜飲酒 Did you say it came out of late-night thinking or late-night drinking?
一點 -[Richard laughs] -Yeah, a little bit of both.
- - -[steam hissing] -Oh! [Jane gasps] Oh my God.
這麼有趣牛腩便 Here's a fun thing to say, "Brisket bento box."
Oh, whoa.
牛腩大蒜 [Tatsu] So this is a brisket, and it has garlic smoked together with the beef fat.
牛油一起 and it has garlic smoked together with the beef fat.
一些蔬菜醃菜海苔 Uh, we have some veggies, pickles. We have nori.
自己 慢用 It's kind of, "Make your hand roll and have fun." Enjoy! Thank you.
-非常 - -Oh my God, it's very-- -Heavy.
差點 [Jane] I almost dropped it.
-是否 -沒有這種 -Have you ever had-- -No, nothing like this.
-德州牛腩海苔 -沒有興奮 -A nori roll with Texas brisket? [laughs] -No! No, and I'm thrilled.
切成兩半  You want to cut that in half, maybe? Even that's too big.
-就要 - -Do it big or go home. -Are you doing it?
I'm gonna do it.
大小一樣 [laughing] Same size as the…
- -驕傲 -Right there. -I'm proud.
如果 All right, I-- I do it. If you do it, I do it.
沒辦因為 You can't roll it like a roll. -Because it's too big. -It's more like a taco.
比較 -Because it's too big. -It's more like a taco.
-驚人 -乾杯 -It's just obscene. -Cheers.
乾杯 -Cheers. -[laughs]
保羅魯本斯 Oh… is this Paul Ruebens?
-菲爾視訊通話 - Phil, it's a video call. Hi!
起來是不是 Does this seem like too much light?
可以正經一下 Can I be serious for one second?
知道 I don't know. Can you?
正經 Go ahead, be serious.
覺得成就 I still think that your achievement,
角色 your character,
皮威 Pee-wee,
劇史偉大發明之一 is one of the greatest inventions in the history of comedy.
只是時候這麼 I just wanted to say that while we have you.
希望 某個CNN特輯這個 Wow. I mean, I wish you would be saying this on one of those CNN specials.
理解電話 幾個 My understanding is you're calling me, and I'm going to do a few jokes
那位敬愛崇拜父親致敬  in tribute to your father, who I loved and adored, and, um…
榮幸任何方式 任何涉及 Uh, I'm so honored to be doing anything involving him in any way.
解釋一下 威赫爾曼原創 But I wanted to explain that Pee-wee Herman was created originally
因為記得任何笑話 because I couldn't-- can't remember jokes.
早期單口相聲威赫爾曼 My early stand-up as Pee-wee Herman,
許多固定段子素材 開始一個 a lot of the routine and material was about… I would start to tell a joke,
等等 and then I would be-- I would go like, "Oh, wait. Oh, wait, I forgot."
所以這件時候  And so I told you this when you asked me about doing this,
可以照稿 and you said, "You can read the jokes off of a piece of paper."
-沒錯 -所以這裡 -That's right. -And so I have right here…
- - -Yeah. -And I'll be reading jokes.
現在麥斯時間 All right. It's now time for "A Joke for Max."
-這些覺得克斯喜歡笑話 - And these are jokes -that I feel Max would have liked. -Yes.
- -知道喜歡 -Okay. -I know he liked you.
這個 因為經典段子 I'm gonna go with this one first because this is a classic-- a classic setup.
而且一點猶太風格 And it has a little bit of Jewish flavor to it, also.
這麼新穎 How novel.
如何防止貝果逃走 How do you keep a bagel from getting away?
怎麼 How?
上鎖 You put lox on it.
菲爾承認 Come on, Phil. You gotta admit…
可愛 It's adorable.
經典 [Paul] Classic. All right.
黑體襯線體走進一家酒吧 Helvetica and Times New Roman walk into a bar.
調酒大叫出去 我們不服你們 "Get out of here!" shouts the bartender. "We don't serve your type."
菲爾 Come on. Phil.
希望皮威 這樣那裡這個 I wish Pee-wee was still on so that you could do these there,
因為這些完全皮威笑 'cause they're kinda perfect Pee-wee jokes too.
這個很棒 Okay, this one's really good too.
可以評審 Well, you can be the judge.
走進一間酒吧 一杯威士忌 A bear walks into a bar and says, "Give me a whiskey and…
可樂 cola."
調酒什麼熊熊停頓 天生就是 "Why the big 'paws'?" says the bartender. "I was born with those."
-一個猶太風格笑話 - -Here's another Jewish-flavored one. -Oh, good!
彭博出差一間公廁使用 Bloomberg, on a business trip, found himself using a public toilet.
一個廁所 This is a toilet joke too.
自己感到舒坦 發現廁所衛生 He had just made himself comfortable when he noticed that the toilet paper roll was empty.
隔壁喊道不好意思朋友 He called out to the next stall. "Excuse me! Friend."
那裡廁所衛生 "Do you have any toilet paper in there?"
沒有恐怕這裡似乎沒有抱歉 "No, I'm afraid there doesn't seem to be any in here. Sorry."
彭博停頓一下 Bloomberg pauses for a moment.
聽著身邊沒有 報紙 "Listen, do you happen to have a newspaper or a magazine with you?"
抱歉沒有 "Sorry, no, I don't."
一下 "兩張五元一張十元" He pauses again, and then he says, "How about two fives for a 10?"
一個 Was that the finale?
-廁所衛生笑話沒錯 - -The toilet paper joke, yeah. -Yes.
廁所作結 一個演藝圈慣例 Always end with the toilet. This is a show business axiom.
沒錯 Absolutely.
謝謝今天演出保羅 Oh! Thank you. Thank you for playing today, Paul.
出爐免費獲得一本 This just came out and you'll be getting your free copy
環球菲爾來  -of Somebody Feed Phil: The Book. Yes! -Wow! A book.
什麼沒有放在封面 Why didn't they put you on the cover?
覺得 Who do you think this is?
知道反光 I don't know. Is it the glare?
什麼上來 是不是修圖軟體太多 What is it? I can't tell. Is it the amount of Photoshop that's been done on it?
無法 -I can't… -[Richard laughs]
-起來根本 -真的 It doesn't look-- really look like you.
不過好看 -Really? -No. In a good way, though.
保羅在世界上 喜歡之一 Paul, you're one of my favorite people in the world.
知道 I can tell when you're shooing me off. I can tell.
很多 I've been shooed off by lots of…
那些咖的 By much bigger than me.
沒錯不想 Yeah, I didn't want to say.
再次重申菲爾 Um… Again, Phil, I loved your dad so much.
I, um…
興能參與其中 I'm really-- I'm thrilled to have been a part of this, and, uh…
請款 還是怎麼 I-- What, do I invoice you or Netflix, or how do I…
寫信泰德薩蘭多斯 -[Richard laughs] -Yes. I want you to write to Ted Sarandos.
什麼都行他人非常 Ask anything you want. He's very nice.
-泰德很熟 - -I know Ted very well. -Yes.
- -泰德泰德過來 -You did a-- -Ted! Ted, come here!
一部電影 -[Richard laughs] -You did-- You did a movie for Netflix.
默劇以前一樣 Your mime work is as good as ever.
那個什麼 What was that old joke?
瑪麗蓮拿下 "Marilyn, get that chicken off the couch."
算了我們 "Never mind, we'll have tuna fish."
保羅魯本斯各位 保羅 -Paul Reubens, everybody. -[Richard] Whoo-hoo! I love you, Paul!
起來真的 All right, well, listen, you seem really busy.
謝謝 Thank you.
- - -Love you. Goodbye. -Bye-bye!
我們一個地方 [Phil] All right, one more place we gotta go.
斯汀郊區一個著名 There's an institution here just outside of Austin.
烤肉 It's Salt Lick Barbecue.
-大家 -你好 -Hi, everybody! -[all] Hey!
看看看看大家 [Phil] Look who's here. Look at all the people.
索耶伊凡 Sawyer and Evan…
艾蜜莉凱特琳 -Hey. -…Emily and Caitlin.
飆車艾瑞克 Eric, who drives too fast.
晚點回家 I want to give you a ride home later on my bicycle. How are you?
柯曉臻 團隊 Jane Ko. My taco crew.
黑手黨裡 I'm in the Mafia! Good to see ya.
丹尼導遊 Daniel, my tour guide.
費爾明 Fermin.
崔西阿賈夫 Tracy and Arjav.
-你好 - -How are you? Hi, hi! -Hello.
[Phil] Look, how nice they all came out for me.
還是並非為了 Or was it for me?
景色 Is this a beautiful sight?
Oh my God!
這個烤肉 Don't you love this pit?
正是烤肉店所要一切 Isn't it just everything you want in a barbecue place?
我們成山 坐在火堆 It's like we're cavemen again, sitting around the fire,
我們獵物烤爐 and all our kills are on the grill.
現在我們德州 Now we're in Texas.
這位史考特羅伯茲 餐廳創始孫子 This is Scott Roberts. He's the grandson of the original owner.
-各位 - -Guys! -[Tracy] There's your bite.
- -就是焦糖 -Wow. -[Scott] So that's the caramelization.
試試不過很重 Have a shot. It's heavy, though.
擅長清潔地板這種拖法 可以 You know, I'm not good at cleaning floors. But this kind of mopping I think I can do.
這裡 Wow, it's hot over here.
你們大家這麼 整個禮拜 You guys have been so wonderful to me chefing for me all week.
起碼這個 I-- It's the least I could do.
看看廚師 廚師 Look at me, I'm like a chef. A chef who can only mop.
很棒喜歡這個 This is good. I like slapping this. In fact, Richard, come over here.
理查過來這裡 一些理查身上 This is good. I like slapping this. In fact, Richard, come over here. I'd like to slap some on Richard.
我們 -How about we eat? -[Edgar cheers]
感覺像是吹笛 -I feel like the Pied Piper. -[man] Yeah.
開始作樂 Let the bacchanal begin.
Oh man.
靠過 -Come on. Belly up. -Alrighty.
我們牛肉 [Scott] Burnt ends. We have baby back ribs. We have beef.
只要一個 I just want a little one.
太好了 [Phil] Lovely, lovely.
這裡吃到一切 [Scott] Everything that you have here
根據祖傳食譜 is based upon recipes that were handed down from generation to generation.
野牛 [Phil] Bison ribs.
Pork ribs.
也許至今最爽一次 Maybe the best I've had so far.
Incredible chicken.
一切很棒部分 Everything great. And the best part:
交到朋友相聚桌上 these friends I've made around this table.
告訴上次斯汀時候 現在一樣 Tell me about Austin. Last time you were here… Is it different now?
成長很多 -Yeah. A lot more growth, right? -[Fermin] Mm-hmm.
幾乎你們角度來看 成長 It's almost… Well, you-- you guys tell me, from your point of view, too much?
知道也許 Enough? I don't know. Maybe.
我們現在感覺適中 We're in the sweet spot.
- -越來越困難 -Yes. -But it's getting harder.
這裡出生長大 I was born and raised here.
大部分時間北奧斯汀 North Austin for most of my life.
本來開車十分 斯汀探望家人 I would drive down to South Austin just to visit family, ten minutes.
現在一小 Now, easily an hour just to get down there.
時候這裡兩間影院 一家中餐 So when I grew up here, there were two movie theaters, one Chinese restaurant.
-現在我們 -我們喜歡 -[laughing] -And now that we have-- "And we liked it!"
-[Scott] Yeah. -[all laughing]
現在我們擁有這些多樣 所有這些事物太棒了 Now we have all this diversity, all these new things. It's-- It's-- It's amazing.
這個發展感到滿意 -So you're happy with the growth? -I… I'm happy with the growth.
滿意這樣發展 這麼機會真是太好了 -So you're happy with the growth? -I… I'm happy with the growth. It's so nice to have all these new opportunities.
- -這麼新人 -Yes. -All these new people.
- -真是太好了 -Yes. -It's just so great.
斯汀蓬勃發展城市 試圖保持小鎮魅力 [Phil] Austin is a booming city trying to hold on to its small-town charm.
感謝他們這樣 他們方面相當成功 And thanks to folks like this, they're pretty successful at it.
他們特質此地變得有趣迷人 Their individuality is what makes this place so fun, so charming,
並且德州如此重要 and so important to Texas and beyond.
這裡他們一個 斯汀保持怪異 They have a saying around here: "Keep Austin weird."
如果  Well, if this is weird, I think I want to be weird.
朋友謝謝 My friends! Thank you.
正是德州款待意思 This is really what they mean by "Texas hospitality," right?
這週幸福樂歸功你們所有人 I owe my happiness this week to all of you.
高興遇見你們 I love meeting you.
朋友結交朋友 I love the friends I have, the new friends I've made.
你們斯汀德州美國 以及全世界 Here's to you, and Austin, and Texas, and the USA, and the world in general.
乾杯 [all cheering] Cheers.
-大家 - -All right, goodbye, everybody! -Bye!
字幕翻譯希卡 ♪ Somebody feed him now ♪

Somebody Feed Phil Santiago

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Somebody Feed Phil Venice

Subtitle Translation
快活人 ♪ A happy, hungry man ♪
走遍陸地穿越海洋 ♪ Is traveling all across the sea And the land ♪
努力了解 ♪ He's trying to understand ♪
美味 ♪ The art of pasta, pork Chicken and lamb ♪
驅車前來飛奔 ♪ He will drive to you He will fly to you ♪
唱歌跳舞 ♪ He will sing for you And dance for you ♪
一起歡笑哭泣 ♪ He will laugh with you And he'll cry for you ♪
-只求一樣回報 - ♪ There's just one thing He asks in return ♪ ♪ Somebody feed, somebody feed ♪
菲爾 ♪ Won't somebody, somebody feed Phil ♪
♪ Somebody feed him now ♪
棒球傳奇人物 尤吉貝拉一句 [Phil] My favorite quote from baseball legend Yogi Berra
那裡 is "Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded."
精明世故環球旅行家 應該這麼威尼斯 That's what smart sophisticated world travelers would probably say about Venice.
觀光客太 Why go? There's so many tourists.
全都 It's overrun.
這種觀光客熱點 Why would you go to such a touristy place?
因為那裡這個風光 'Cause it looks like this.
這個城市 You know who we can thank for this city,
就是提拉 Attila the Hun.
本土難民為了逃離侵略 Mainland refugees fleeing his invasion
躲到當地潟湖島上 hid out on islands in the local lagoon.
他們決定留下 建造這個教人目眩神迷地方 They decided to stay and created this dazzling place.
威尼斯像是經藝術指導修飾電影 Venice is like a movie that's been art directed.
不論看向哪裡一幅動人景象 Every single place you look is another stunning visual.
不是第一發現這件 And I'm pretty sure I'm not the first person to notice this.
有些地方成為觀光客熱點自然理由 Some places are touristy for a reason!
因為大家喜歡 Because people like it!
抱歉一下 Sorry for the yelling.
一趟威尼斯風格 I'm starting my trip with one of the most Venetian things you can do.
所有料理 A cicchetti crawl.
什麼料理 What are cicchetti you ask?
就是放在食物 西班牙小菜一樣 Little bites of food on bread, like tapas.
導遊好友蘿拉蘇蘇尼斯 My guide is my good friend Laura Sousounis.
美國 決定收拾行裝搬來威尼斯 She's American, but she decided to pack up and move to Venice.
Can you blame her?
第一地方瞧瞧這裡斯基亞維 So the first place, look at this place. It's called Schiavi.
美麗的雅麗珊 And it's run by the beautiful Alessandra.
這裡自己食譜 She's been making the cicchetti here
料理60 from her own recipes for 60 years.
一小  - [in Italian] Want a plate? - [Laura in Italian] Yes.
雅麗珊卓知道什麼 [in English] Alessandra asks what you want.
全都想要 Everything.
一杯葡萄酒 [Laura] Do you want some wine?
西班牙小菜一樣 這些配上葡萄酒享用 These were meant, like tapas, to go with wine.
所以中午一點小酒 So you have a little wine in the middle of the day.
第一口什麼鹹鱈 先吃鹹鱈 -[Phil] What should be first? -[Alessandra] Primo il baccalà.
就是橄欖油鱈魚 [Laura] It's just olive oil and cod. Mm.
清爽美味 [Phil] It's so fresh and delicious.
什麼看起 What's this? This looks like a piece of fish.
-有什麼留給菲爾 -沒有 -What's left for me, Phil? -Nothing.
- -真是天才 -Yeah. -Genius.
不過展出一套系統 [Phil] I developed a good system though.
如果全都嚐嚐 If you're gonna taste them all, right,
只要一口吃掉配料剩下 you just pop them and leave the bread.
想要上面東西所以 I wanted what was on top of the bread, so I was just...
-最好那個 -就是 -This is the big ticket. -Here we go. This is it.
這個怎麼樣 [Phil] Hear this:
可可粉 Tuna with cacao.
可可粉起來 Yes, cocoa powder on tuna sounds disgusting, no?
不錯可可粉 -Isn't that nice? Tuna, cacao. -Wow!
想得到 Who would have thunk it?
-謝謝 -太棒了 -Grazie. -Wonderful.
我們一站坐船去 [Phil] Our next stop requires a boat trip.
- -謝謝菲爾 -Your chariot. Look. -Thank you, Phil.
因為那麼 也許避暈 [Phil] And because of all the wine I've had, maybe some Dramamine.
這個永遠看不厭絕對 Never ever get tired of this. Ever.
-可是這裡 -沒錯 -And you live here! -I live here.
威尼斯就是水面仰望 [Laura] I think Venice is meant to be seen from the water looking up.
阿爾托橋 Look, here's the Rialto Bridge.
-巴士巴士 -就是巴士 -There's the bus. Hello, bus. -That's the bus!
我們這個移動 [Laura] This is our transport.
喜歡這裡沒辦很快 What I love about this place is you can't speed.
多快多快或是 You can go only as fast as your feet take you or that boat...
-公平那樣 -巴士最快交通工具 -which isn't fair. [laughs] -The bus is the fastest thing?
[Phil] Here we go.
那麼 So--
可以吃喝休息一下 I thought we'd take a little break between eating...
也許試戴一些面具 and then go try on a few masks.
面具威尼斯百年歷史 [Phil] Masks have been a thing in Venice for centuries,
大家威尼斯著名嘉年華會 worn during the city's famous Carnevale
或是平日有些通常貴族 or anytime someone, usually a noble,
隱藏身分時候 was looking for a little anonymity.
塞吉這裡 [Laura] Sergio's shop is here.
兄弟兒子 全家人面具 He and his brother and his son and his family make masks.
[Phil] Yeah.
這個傳統威尼斯面具 This mask is the most traditional Venetian mask.
阿瑪迪斯 Amadeus.
覺得怎麼樣 [Laura] So?
歌劇歌劇 Where's my opera? Did you finish my opera yet?
完成歌劇 Don't eat, don't sleep, just finish the opera.
-菲爾 - -[Laura] Phil? -Yes.
準備東西 [Laura] Ready to go eat?
You need to finish my opera.
一站阿拉科 一個好吃料理地方 Next up, All'Arco! Another great cicchetti place.
美食人手材料 This is like gourmet with artisanal ingredients,
肉類起司 beautifully sourced meats and cheeses.
-馬特奧 -馬特奧 -This is Mateo. -Mateo.
-菲爾 -幸會 -This is Phil! -My pleasure.
-幸會 -法蘭西斯科兒子 Francesco's son.
-他們就是 -太好了 -These are the owners. -[Phil] Nice!
永遠想不到什麼料理 每天一樣 [Laura] You never know what he'll concoct. Always different.
-而且方面天才 -喜歡天才 -And he's a genius at this. -I love geniuses.
-破產天才 -破產天才 -Broke genius. -[Phil laughs]
認識威尼斯名氣最大明星 And I met the biggest celebrity in Venice...
-神奇狗狗納尼 -有名 -[Phil] Nani the Wonder Dog. -[Laura] He's famous.
大家認識納尼 Everyone knows Nani.
納尼 [man] Nani!
-鏡頭納尼 -納尼 -[Phil] The camera loves Nani. -[Laura] Nani.
要是摸摸脖子 納尼會起來 And Nani will start barking if you're not petting and scratching his neck enough.
應該試試 I should try that.
He goes-- There he goes. And he'll-- See?
大家 Everyone knows him.
真正威尼斯 He's a true Venetian dog.
這裡幾種鱈魚 [Matteo] Is a mix. We have codfish,
那些斑點火腿 莎樂 speck is smoked ham or salami.
這個鮭魚 This is the salmon.
想要哪個 這個 Which one do I want? I think I'm gonna have a bite of this.
完美 Perfect.
朋友尤金里哪裡 [Phil] Where's my friend Eugenio?
-尤金里工作人員 -午安 -Eugenio works on the crew. -Buongiorno.
-最愛 - -You said this is your favorite place? -Yes.
坐下坐在蘿拉旁邊 Take this chair. Sit next to Laura.
一定認識蘿拉 因為蘿拉附近 You have to know Laura because Laura lives very close by.
-我們朋友 -現在可以朋友 -We're friends now. -Now you can be friends.
好像些小料理不夠似的 [Phil] As if these cicchetti weren't enough,
這些漂亮茶點三明治 out come these beautiful sandwiches, tramezzini.
大家發現 司莎樂茄子一份 I'm grabbing grilled cheese with salami and eggplant before anyone notices.
這些三明治好吃 Wow, do I love these. Wow, are they great.
好吃 [Matteo] Good?
謝謝 Thank you.
這裡很棒遇上漁民 It's lovely here. You run into the fishermen.
遇上店家 All the shopkeepers.
-法院附近遇上法官 -老實 -Run into judges with the courthouse. -Let me be honest with you.
即使遇不到別人 只要這個三明治就行了 I don't care if I didn't run into anybody, as long as I ran into this sandwich.
一個 [Laura] I got one for you.
完美威尼斯下午 [Phil] This is the perfect Venice afternoon, isn't it?
我們公寓 Let's go apartment hunting. [chuckles]
你們那裡多少浴室 How many bathrooms you got up there?
這些好人談價之前 [Phil] But before I make those nice people an offer,
先再一家 嚐嚐威尼斯古老街頭小吃 one more stop for some of the city's oldest kind of street food.
-花枝蝦子 - -[Laura] Calamari and shrimps. -[Phil] Yeah.
There you go.
我們經典工人午餐 So we're having the classic working man's lunch here.
覺得自己資格 I don't feel I've earned it.
-不壞 -不壞一點不壞 -Not terrible. -Not terrible. Not terrible at all.
這裡結束地方 [Phil] It's a good place to end.
-希望不是一切 -一切沒錯 -Hopefully not everything. -Yeah, everything.
-其實那樣不壞 -如果 -Actually, it wouldn't be bad. -No, if you were gonna pick a...
-可以直接走進 -希望看到什麼風景 -You'd just walk right-- -What would your last view be?
-威尼斯 -不壞 -It would be Venice. It would be Venice. -Not terrible.
擔心打算就此 [Phil] But don't worry about me. I'm not ending it all yet.
I haven't had dessert.
其中一條小巷女士 Off one of the tiny alleys, there's a lady.
一個儲藏室地方 She's got a little-- It's a like a closet.
義式冰淇淋精品店 It's called Boutique del Gelato.
-早安 -早安 -[Alessandra] Buongiorno. -Buongiorno.
早安 Buongiorno a lei.
菲爾 -I'm Phil. How are you? -[chuckles]
謝謝 I'm fine, thanks. And you?
叫什名字 Tell me your name.
雅麗珊卓 Alessandra.
這位女士日夜那裡 [Phil] This lady, she's there all day, all night.
義式冰淇淋義式冰淇淋 She makes the gelato. She sells the gelato.
試味所以 She's not giving you a taste, so don't ask.
需要一些巧克力冰淇淋 I need some of your chocolate.
[Alessandra] Yeah.
嚐嚐巧克力碎片冰淇淋 I want to try your stracciatella,
哪種水果好吃 and then what's the best fruit? The--
黑莓還是百香果 [Alessandra] Do you want the blackberry or the passion fruit?
嚐嚐黑莓 [Phil] Let's try blackberry.
黑莓 Blackberry.
黑莓 Blackberry.
巧克力碎片冰淇淋 Stracciatella.
喜歡 [Phil] Yeah, I like it.
-巧克力 - -[Alessandra] And the chocolate.
起來非常 That sounds perfect, doesn't it?
像是完美組合 That sounds like the perfect combination.
Okay, here we go.
-嚐嚐巧克力冰淇淋 -嚐嚐 -I'm tasting your chocolate first. -[Alessandra] Taste it.
嚐嚐上面 Yeah. Taste the first.
喜歡 Do you like it?
喜歡知道什麼 I really like it. You know why I like it?
口感很輕 It's very light.
嚐嚐百香果 [Alessandra] Taste the passion fruit.
百香果可以試味 Passion fruit! I get a taste? You're giving a taste?
-別人看到怎麼 -因為只有這次 -What if people see this? -Because you are-- Just for this.
-知道 -開心 -[Phil] I know you-- -Are you happy to meet me?
墜入愛河 [Phil] I'm in love.
墜入愛河回家太太 I'm in love. I don't go home to my wife now.
冰淇淋 She can't make ice cream.
冰淇淋 You know, I tell people who make things like this...
你們快樂生意 that you're in the happiness business.
你們別人快樂 All you do is make people happy.
這些一個不行 詹姆斯很樂 These guys have to help. I can't do it alone. -Look, James is game. -Mm. Mm.
開心 This makes me really happy.
冰淇淋 兩個孩子認出 I was eating my ice cream and I met these two kids who recognized me!
他們就是他倆 And they were adorable. So this is them.
你們哪個國家 What country are you from?
菲律賓 Philippines.
-你們好好享受 -感謝 -I love you. Here, you enjoy it. -Oh my God! Thank you so much!
精彩時刻謝謝 This is the highlight. Thank you.
精彩時刻 See, I told you, this is the highlight.
-真棒 -謝謝 -Sweet. -Thank you!
-高興見到 -謝謝 -So nice to meet you. -Thanks! Bye.
-你們高興 -謝謝 -I love meeting you. -Thank you so much.
覺得很榮他們可愛 I was so flattered. They were so cute.
隔天有個男人上前 可以一件 And the next day, a man comes up to me and he says, "Oh, oh, may I ask you?"
 知道哪裡廁所 I said "Yes." He said, "Do you know where is a toilet?"
至少怎樣雅麗珊卓 But at least I'll always have Alessandra.
-真是 - -Grazie mille. Ciao, ciao. -Ciao.
See you.
-這雙這些義式冰淇淋 -男人 -The hands that make the gelato. -You are a really man.
男人 -[Phil] I am! -[Alessandra laughs]
太太男人 [Phil] I'm gonna tell my wife, "I'm a really man."
年前這裡 [Phil] When I was here a couple of years ago...
一位朋友推薦奧圖羅葡萄酒 friends of mine turned me onto Da Arturo,
不知為何那裡特別受好萊塢巨星 which is for some reason legendary with Hollywood types,
像是芭芭拉史翠珊跟湯姆漢克斯 like Barbra Streisand and Tom Hanks.
他們這裡 They love it here.
-你好 -你好早安 -[Phil] Ciao. -[man] Ciao. Buongiorno.
-你好歡迎回來 -你好尼斯 -How are you? Welcome back. -Ciao. Ernesto.
-最近怎麼樣你好 -真好 -How is everything? -Good to see you.
東西回來 大家看看他們 There's one thing that I wanted to go back and just show you how they make it
西 because it's the best of that thing I ever had.
I dream about the pork chop.
-年前第一次 - -I had it first two years ago. -Yeah.
你們其他地方一樣 And the way you did it was unlike any other.
大家看看非常特別菜式 I wanted to show everybody this very special dish.
自創 And did you invent it?
1968開業 I open in 1968.
喜歡只有 And no like to make fish, but just meat.
-餐廳沒有 -沒有只有 -There's no fish in this restaurant. -No, fish, just meat.
大家 The people, they say me very crazy,
因為威尼斯餐廳 because in Venice, a small restaurant and no fish.
-現在 - -"Who's the crazy one now?," you say. -Yeah.
他們不肯道菜 [Phil] They wouldn't just let me have that one thing that I love.
他們其他菜式 They wanted me to love these other things.
結果他們 Well... they won.
嚐嚐最愛 You taste. It's my favorite.
-哪個 -茄子洋蔥 -Which one? -Eggplant in vinegar, onion,
-松子葡萄浸泡 -喜歡 -pine nuts and grapes. -I'm gonna like that.
覺得 [man] For me, it's the best.
-更好覺得第一名 -真的 More than pork chop. This is, for me, number one.
這個44年前創造菜式 I love this one. It's invented 44 years ago.
[Phil] There we go.
這個洋蔥 And this with onions. It's marinated for one week. That's mari--
不是 Come on.
停下 Stop it. No eat too much then,
- -完別 -Basta-- -It's after. Eat first.
- -可以坐下 -I want more. -[man] You can sit and eat.
不想 No, I don't want to move.
至少可以廚房眼看 [Phil] At least I got a front row in the kitchen
世上 for the making of the best pork chop the world has ever seen.
一顆 [Phil] An egg and then flour.
[cook] Flour, eggs, and bread.
興奮 I'm so excited.
Now, it's going. Look at it.
尼斯久等 很快吃別料理 Ernesto doesn't let you wait very long before feeding you something else.
蘑菇馬鈴薯 Mushroom? Potatoes?
洋蔥酸奶 Onion and sour cream.
洋蔥酸奶 Onion and putted the sour cream.
喜歡這個 Oh, my God. I like this very much.
-現在蘑菇當季 - -[man] Now is the season for mushroom. -[Ernesto] Basta, basta!
-菲爾季節 -尼斯 -Phil, now is the season-- -Ernesto!
大利只有拿走食物 You're the only Italian who takes food away!
Then they make pork chop. It's too much for you.
-不會意外 - -No, it won't be. I surprise you. -No eat everything.
倒掉一些 So he's pouring off some oil now.
認為巧妙接下部分 To me, the genius of this is what's about to happen.
之筆 The final touch.
白醋普通白醋 [man] White vinegar, simple white vinegar.
神奇 It's magical!
就是神奇部分 This is the magic part.
只是白醋 It's just white vinegar.
這樣 That's all it is--
就是那個增添美妙酸香 What gives it this like incredible tang.
希望你們嚐到 I wish you could taste this.
可以外帶回家等到明天 [man] You can take it home tomorrow.
明天好吃 More... better tomorrow.
-真的 -室溫非常好吃 -Really? -Room temperature. Very, very good.
真的放進行李箱 Really? I put in my suitcase.
可以真的 Yeah, you can-- Yeah, really.
一人份 That's for one person?
- -瞧瞧 -Sì. -Look at that.
Oh, my God.
- - -Here I go. -[man] Take it.
-Hee hee! -[man] It's yours.
大家 Look, lookie, lookie.
一樣 [Phil] This is like a fantasy.
[man] Buon appetito.
中間部分怎麼樣 I'm gonna take a center cut. How about that?
看看是不是還是那麼好吃 告訴 We'll see if it's still good. I'll tell you.
喜歡 Okay. No like. Ciao, ciao.
拿走快點回來 Take it away. Come back!
太棒了 This is so fantastic.
因為美妙濃烈味道 It just has this incredible kick to it because of the vinegar.
菲爾今天工作一起 [man] Phil, today, I don't work. I eat with you.
-坐下 -節食 -How about you? You want to sit down? -[man] He's on diet.
喜歡這裡 另一家威尼斯餐廳 No like. I never eat here. I go to the other restaurant in Venice
喜歡 You like fish.
- - -[man] No, he... -Sure, sure.
芭芭拉史翠珊會這樣拿起骨頭 Does Barbra Streisand pick up the bone like this?
芭芭拉史翠珊是特別女士 Barbra Streisand very, very special lady.
李奧納狄卡皮特別 Leonardo DiCaprio, he's a very special.
-湯姆漢克斯 -很棒 -Tom Hanks, very nice. -Wonderful.
-不算厲害 -那個 -[Phil] Not impressed. -The man--
知道覺得厲害 You know who I'm impressed with?
[Ernesto] For me?
剛剛那些 不到 All those people you mentioned, they can't do what you do.
- - -Sì, sì. -You are right. [chuckles]
-巨星 - -You're the bigger star. -No, but--
這裡藝術家 The artist is me.
-沒錯 - -That's right. -Yes. I say!
重要不是其他人 The people important is me, not the others.
其他人不行 The others? No.
只是食物 [Phil] It's not just the food.
身處地方那裡歷史 It's where you're sitting, it's the history,
當然那些重要 and then, of course, the guys. You know, the people.
就是奧圖羅葡萄酒 各位推薦 That's Da Arturo. I recommend it to you.
多拉觀光客 [Phil] The gondola is a touristy thing.
無意貶低這個活動 Now, I'm not meaning to disparage it,
多拉 but you feel the need to do it
只因為上面 because you got to get that selfie in the gondola.
多拉百年主要交通工具 馬達 They were the main transportation here for centuries until motors came along.
現在只用來載觀光客 But now, only used for tourists.
明白 Yes, I get it.
體驗一下多拉感覺 You want to have the experience of the gondola.
我們多拉 Yes, we rode in a gondola. Okay.
沒有給予這些他們應得尊重 I did not give these people the respect they deserve.
-安娜 -你好 -Anna! Hi! -[Anna] Hello.
幸會你好 -Nice to meet you. -[Phil chuckles]]
-菲爾 -你好 -I'm Phil. -Ciao.
你好菲爾 Ciao, Phil.
第一次坐船 This your first time in the boat?
-人生第一次坐船 -人生第一次 -First time in any boat. Yes. -In any boat. Oh, God.
第一次這種 No, first time in this kind of boat.
典型威尼斯平底 This is a Venetian, typical Venetian boat. Flat bottom.
- -我們今天兩種位置 -Yes. Me too. -And we try today in two positions.
-前面 - -In front. -Yes.
多拉船夫那樣 And on the back like a gondolier,
船上 standing on the top.
-真的那裡 -這裡 -Really? Stand like there? -Yes! Here.
Give me your hand.
-玩笑真的 -這邊 -You're not kidding, it's a boat! Okay. -[Anna] Oh, no. This way.
-這邊當然 - -[Phil] This way. Sure! -[Anna] Yes.
Come. [laughs]
- - -Flat. -[Phil] Here?
-正好 -正好 -Yes. This is perfect. Okay, relax. -Perfect.
-真的 -魚骨鯁喉一樣 -[Phil] Really? -No stuck fish. Really relax.
現在舞者 [Anna] Okay, you are a dancer now.
不好意思 轉動手腕 Okay, I touch you. Sorry. Turn your wrists now.
提起雙手跳舞 Lift your hands and dance with me. Come on. Push.
對了這裡 Yes, it is. And touch here.
轉動提起掌心 Turn, lift, push with your palms.
對了 Yes. Perfect.
划船普通划船 [Phil] I just figured out rowing, regular rowing
划艇那樣 完全相反得用 like a row boat. This is the complete opposite. You push.
一點不合理 It doesn't even make sense what I'm doing.
敵人 This is my enemy. [laughs]
-你們 -你們我們你們 -[Anna] Ciao! -Ciao! We're coming after you!
準備 [Anna] Are you ready?
-準備 - -I'm ready. -[Anna] Okay.
Go, push, push.
Good job.
厲害 Hey! You are fantastic.
厲害 I am fantastic!
- -威尼斯你好 -[Anna] Good job! -[Phil] Hello, Venice!
[Anna] Good job.
-[Phil] Hey! -[Anna] Yoo-hoo!
其實欣賞城市方法 This is a nice way to see a town actually,
沒法常常四周張望專心 but you can't look around too much, you gotta pay attention.
-現在一起 - -Now we cry together "ohi, ohi," okay? -[Phil] Yes. Ohi, ohi?
- -開始 -Okay. -[Anna] One, two, three, go!
妳在家族語言 You are speaking the language of my family.
-真的 - -Really? [chuckles] -Yeah.
所以勉強 [Phil] Okay, so I barely got the hang of that.
我們開闊水域 Then we go out into open water.
第一場冒險 [Anna] This is your first adventure.
真是很大冒險 -[Phil] Yes, it's a big adventure for me. -[Anna laughs]
那裡什麼 And what's out there? Waves!
其他大船留下尾流 The wake of other bigger boats.
不是來救 [Phil] Sure that's not for me?
快划加油 [Anna] Yes! Row, row! Come on! Push, push!
現在滿而要昏過 I'm beyond shvitzing. It's now chaloshing.
渾身 Chaloshing means roasting in one's own juices.
那時候就是這樣 That's what I'm doing.
- -什麼這麼 -[Anna] Good job. Push! Push! -Why does my back hurts so much?
太棒了菲爾 Yoo-hoo! Bravo, Philip!
太棒了菲爾 可以直接划到醫院 [Phil] Bravo, Philip. Can we just row right to the hospital?
-舞步 -舞步 -[Anna] It's a dance! -[Phil] What?
世上最爛舞步 This is the world's worst dance.
太好了菲爾 Bravo, Philip! Yoo-hoo!
我們越過運河 We crossed the channel! Yes! [chuckles]
覺得抓到要訣 快死了 When I just think I have the hang of this, and I'm near death, she says...
我們試試面划 [Anna] Okay, we try to row on the back.
雖然一點準備 "It's a little harder, but I think you're ready."
安娜不行 No, Anna, I'm not ready.
上面不能 Standing on the top, no seat.
知道 I know.
-把手 -起來 -Give me your phone and money, please. -Here we go.
-以防萬一 -真的 -Just in case. -You're serious.
- -知道騙局 -Mm. Yes. -I knew this was a scam.
大家 Oh, goodbye, everybody.
沒事 No, no problem. Wow!
真是容易 Wow, you're very easily impressed.
前面 [Anna] I go to help you in front.
這樣 Like this.
Hey! Hey!
沒法組織起來 [Phil] I can't put it all together...
要划 with the oar lock and the stroke
提起轉動手腕 and the go up and twist your hand...
現在 and now push.
[Anna] And stand.
高尚多拉船夫不是奴隸 You are a noble gondolier now, not slave!
怎麼推進水裡趕快 Why not just throw me overboard and get this over with?
鯊魚 Just have sharks come and just finish.
之前安娜為了自救 回到前面 Before I sink us both, Anna saves herself and sends me back to the front.
[Phil] All right.
-加油 -我們很快完事 -[Anna] All right, come on. -[Phil] We're ending soon,
那個一個排球生活 or I'm gonna live on that island with a volleyball.
Push. [chuckles]
菲爾 [Anna] Bravo, Philip!
非常 Molto bravo.
辛苦 [Anna] Very hard.
很少碰到這麼 [Phil] This was one of the hardest things I've ever done.
不管智力體力適合這個 I don't have the intellectual capacity, I don't have the stamina for this.
現在看到多拉船夫 Now when I see a gondolier...
佩服 Respect.
對了 By the way...
水泡 I got a blister.
沒錯 That's right.
沒錯水泡 That's right. Blister.
知道有什麼 [Phil] Know what's nice?
馬達 A boat with a motor.
而且朋友盧卡馬奇奧瑞一起 Plus, I'm here with my new friend, Luca Marchiori,
出色美食作家歷史學家 who is a great food writer, and he's an historian.
雖然家人搬到倫敦居住 Even though his family moved to London,
大利出生父親威尼斯血統 可以上溯18世紀 he was born in Italy to a father with Venetian roots that go back to the 1700s.
所以百分之百威尼斯人 So, he's Venice through and through,
遊覽城市導遊 and he's a great guide to the city.
威尼斯下雨時候 You know, when it's raining in Venice,
潮水漲高比較靠近橋下 the tide rises and so the boat gets closer to the bridge.
得調整一下姿勢 So you make adjustments.
你們洪水問題多久 Let me ask you. How long have you had this flooding problem?
我們好好著身 現在盧卡最愛烘焙咖啡店 [Phil] Our head still on our body, we're off to Luca's favorite coffee roastery,
卡納雷吉歐烘焙咖啡 身子東西 Torrefazione Cannaregio, for something warm.
真棒 -Oh, that's nice. -Mm-hmm.
雖然大利咖啡有名 [Luca] I mean, Italy is associated with coffee,
國內蓬勃咖啡文化 and there's a really strong coffee culture here.
不是很多知道 其實威尼斯開始 But not a lot of people know it actually started here in Venice,
因為1570年代 第一次伊斯坦堡引入咖啡豆這裡 because the coffee bean was brought from Istanbul in about the 1570s
傳遍整個大利 and then it spread to the rest of Italy,
所以威尼斯人自豪 咖啡文化威尼斯 so the Venetians are very proud it started here in Venice.
世界其餘地方正在努力跟上 I think the rest of the world is trying to catch up now
-大利咖啡 -這麼 -to Italian coffee. -I think so, too.
確認此事多久有人發現 [Phil] Here's what I need to know. How long before people realized, "Hey...
這裡很美大家會來付錢觀光 This is magical, people will come and pay money to be tourists in our place"?
大概1314世紀威尼斯出名 By the 13th, 14th century, Venice was famous--
美麗城市聞名 as famous for being a beautiful city
因為這裡歐洲貿易中心 as it was for being the center of European commerce.
-所以七百年旅遊業歷史 -沒錯 -Okay, so 700 years of tourism. -[Luca] Exactly.
-因為城市當時富有 - -Because the city was so rich... -[Phil] Yeah.
曾經非常成功貿易港口 ...and such a successful trading post,
大家開始花錢修飾建築 people started spending money on buildings.
以前法律規定威尼斯人 不准奢華服飾 There were laws to say Venetian people couldn't spend money on rich clothes.
所以他們 蓋建築裝潢教堂 And so they spent money on paintings, buildings, the churches.
威尼斯很快變成這個美麗藝術城市 So Venice quickly became this beautiful art city.
喜歡這些歷史因為非常有意思 I love the history because it's the most fascinating.
現在 So now, I want to ask you,
文章威尼斯下沉 I've read about how Venice is sinking
破壞這裡 正是想來這裡觀光旅客 and it's being destroyed by the very tourists who want to come and see it.
眼看那些郵輪開進 And I see with my own eyes, the cruise ships coming in.
-好像入侵行動一樣 - -[Phil] It's another kind of invasion. -[Luca] Yeah.
這些郵輪進出潟湖路線 The routes that the cruise ships take to come in and out of the lagoon,
接近建築物 they're going far too close to the buildings--
-飯店有感 -地面震動 -I felt it. -Ground shaking.
-凌晨四點感覺震動 - -Four in the morning I felt a vibration. -Yeah.
我一 一個城市進來你們城市 And I look, and a city is coming into your city.
你們這麼 And tell me if this is correct.
生意因此受惠 飯店增加生意 It's not like you're getting the business, the hotel is getting the business.
那些船上吃睡 They sleep and eat on the boat.
沒錯 Exactly. Yes.
-像是旅遊 - -It's hit-and-run tourism. -[Luca] Hit-and-run tourism, yeah.
那天下午接著一個 因為那種旅遊 [Phil] Later that afternoon, I'm off to a local place that doesn't benefit
受惠當地生意 from that kind of hit-and-run tourism.
年前別人推薦 A couple years ago, I was turned on to
這家認為威尼斯餐廳 what I think is the best restaurant in Venice.
科沃餐廳聖馬廣場附近 需走一小 Al Covo's just a short walk from the Piazza San Marco,
發現餐廳旁邊 and you'd never know you're near it.
- -你好 -[woman] You're here! -[man] Buongiorno!
-你好 -大家打招呼 -Buongiorno! -Lots of hellos!
你好菲爾 Ciao, Phil.
經營這裡家人 威尼斯人塞沙爾 [Phil] And I just love the family that runs it. Here's Cesare from Venice
太太黛安德州奧斯丁 and his wife Diane, who is originally from Austin, Texas,
他們兒子羅倫佐 女友提茲亞娜 their son Lorenzo and his girlfriend, Tiziana.
他們臨時加入一頓家庭午餐 They're squeezing me in for a family lunch.
-希望 - -We hope you're hungry. -I'm a little.
第一道 [waiter] Your first course.
混合蝦子 It's a mix of boiled baby shrimps and boiled mantis shrimps.
謝謝豐盛 Thank you. What a treat.
好吃 [Phil] Wow, that's good.
這種本地越來越 This kind of fish, the local fish, is getting more difficult to get.
-什麼 - -It is? Why? -Yeah.
過度捕魚 Overfishing.
可惜威尼斯什麼沒了 Damn. Venice is almost over everything.
[Lorenzo] Yeah.
- - -[Phil] Right? -[Cesare] Yeah.
旅遊業資源 現在旅遊業一樣 Tourism is a resource, not the tourism that we have now.
他們一下 They take a selfie, go away.
菲爾矛盾 這個城市沒在 Phil, it's a paradox, but the city doesn't make money.
威尼斯起來壯觀 [Tiziana] I think that Venice looks so incredible
想到真正城市 有人裡面生活 that you don't think you're inside a real city in which people live.
沒錯方面 感覺迪士尼一樣 It's true. Because in some ways, it feels like a Disneyland experience.
很多 真的有人威尼斯 I mean many times I'm asked, "Do people actually live in Venice?"
或是威尼斯什麼時候關門 Or "What time does Venice close?"
不是玩笑 I kid you not.
-真的有人 -好笑 -It really happened. -That's hilarious.
乾杯 Cheers.
菲爾 -Oh. -Phil, here we are.
- -沒錯 [Phil] This is spider crab.
配義大利 With pasta.
起來 This smells amazing.
威尼斯餐廳改善很多 The restaurants have gotten so much better, I think, in Venice,
你們這樣 thanks to people like you.
幾家算得國級餐廳 There's a few now that are as good as anywhere in Italy, I think.
雖然他們 Although, they open, um...
百家餐館 hundreds of small... things,
起來實不怎麼樣 they look like-- They're not so good.
其實裡面沒有廚房 They actually don't have the kitchen
沒有主廚 and they don't have the chef.
全都預先做好 -It's all pre-cooked. -Oh.
-預先做好菜式 -旅客怎麼分辨 -It's pre-cooked cuisines. -How does a tourist know?
-看到廚房知道 -廚師廚帽 -If they see a kitchen. -[Diane] A jacket, a chef hat.
外套火光烤爐 A jacket, some fires, some oven.
-這裡 -想到 -These places don't-- -You'd never think to ask.
沒錯事情就是這樣 Exactly. But that's the way it is.
瞧瞧漂亮什麼 Look how beautiful this is! What am I eating here?
-很漂亮 -亞得里亞海比目 -This is a beautiful-- -[Cesare] This is Adriatic sole.
- -溫柔比目 -[Phil] My goodness. -[Cesare] Sole de la Gentile.
-溫柔比目 -溫柔靈魂即是 -Gentle sole. -[Phil] Gentle soul, that's you!
一輩覺得 如何處理威尼斯問題 So what do the young folks think we should do about Venice?
怎麼才能這裡 希望模樣 What do you think would help return it to what you want it to be?
必須威尼斯變得適合居住 You got to make Venice livable for the people, I mean...
-離開 -他們得去別的地方工作 -Young people go away-- -They have to get a job somewhere else.
悲劇真的 This is the tragedy. It's a tragedy.
失去威尼斯人失去那些文化 全都失去 When you lose Venetians, you lose culture. You lose everything.
東西 Then there'll be nothing for the tourist to come and see.
沒錯 [Lorenzo] Exactly.
-晚上散步那些燈光顏色 -夕陽 -When I walk at night, the light, color... -[Diane] The sunset.
商店建築物痕跡 ...the shops, the age of the buildings,
不管哪裡像是一幅 it's a painting everywhere you look.
一個很棒時刻 There's this one sweet moment...
夜晚時候走路回家 ...when you walk back home late at night.
也許因為也許因為喝了酒 Maybe it's the party, maybe it's the, you know, the wine,
但有那麼一刻覺得自己擁有這裡 but there's a sweet moment when you think you own this
覺得自己這裡一部分 and you feel you're really part of it.
保存樂趣乾杯 保存這些樂趣 To preserving your pleasure! Let's preserve pleasure.
一定保存樂趣 Let's preserve pleasure, for heaven's sake! [chuckles]
不壞 Not so bad. Not so bad.
威尼斯當然但來大利 [Phil] You can't beat Venice, but you shouldn't leave Italy
一定造訪鄰近一些較小城市 without visiting some of the smaller cities nearby.
手機功課了解一下那些城鎮 Just do a little research on your phone and find out about the towns,
因為即使只有兩個小型觀光地點 because even if they have one or two little attractions,
遊客肯定很多 而且那裡大利 they're far less crowded and it's still Italy. Right?
意思大利 And you know what I say. Italy wins.
威尼斯車程 Just a couple hours drive from Venice
古城摩德納 and you're in the exquisite, ancient city of Modena.
認識一個朋友 所有關於美妙地方知識 I met a new friend who taught me all I need to know about this amazing place.
卡塔娜斯克納堤美食專家 Caterina Schenetti is a food expert.
美食 She gives food tours.
今天參觀古老市場 阿爾比奈尼市場 Today she's showing me around the oldest market, the Mercado Albinelli.
一個可愛漂亮市場 This is this darling, little beautiful market.
瞧瞧這些美食 Look at the treats!
這裡買到很棒 And it's also one of the best places to get...
帕馬森起司 Parmigiano.
-最愛 -不能這裡帕馬森起司 -[Phil] My favorite. -[Caterina] You can't miss it.
本地生產 [Phil] And it's from this area?
而且要是一點 一點 Yeah. Also, if you go a little bit up north, a little bit up south,
-不算帕馬森起司不是 -不好 -that's not parmigiano. No way. -No good.
-政府規定 - -And it's restricted by the government. -Yes. Yes.
你們真的有些法律 -You guys have great rules. -[chuckles]
我們試試新鮮 [Caterina] First, we are trying the fresco.
新鮮帕馬森起司熟成一年 [Phil] Fresco parmigiano is aged one year.
熟成時間最短一種 That's the youngest you can get.
一刻起才能它們帕馬森起司 From this moment, we can start to call the cheese parmigiano reggiano.
謝謝 Grazie.
真棒 Nice.
24 Venti quattro mesi?
接下熟成兩年起司 [Phil] Next, here's the two-year-old cheese.
開始有些晶體 Look, so you start to see the crystals.
看到 [Phil] You see it?
一般熟成時間 這種晶體口感 Basically, more it's aged, more you can feel this crystal.
一點 Is there an older one?
-這個非常特別熟成六年 -什麼 -A very special one, six years old. -What?
[Phil] It's gonna kill me.
謝謝 [Phil] Grazie.
我們弄掉 We have lost it.
非常小心對待 [Phil] Well, it's very old. I have to be delicate.
-對待一樣小心 - -Like with me, you should be delicate. -Yes.
-開動 -開動 -Cheers. -Cheers.
截然不同味道 You taste completely different flavors now.
可以 It's almost sweet.
而且可以看到顏色很多 Yeah, and you can see also the color was changing a lot.
質感一樣 The consistency is different.
真的好吃 That's really good.
什麼我們美國 [Phil] Why when we get parmigiano reggiano
買到帕馬森起司易碎 is it somewhat dry and crumbly in the United States?
希望大利 I want you to go to Italy
真空包裝帕馬森起司 and get a vacuum-sealed thing of parmigiano reggiano.
放進行李箱 Put it in your suitcase,
因為發現原產地 起來一樣 because you're gonna find that it tastes much different from the source.
驚人 It's phenomenal.
非常出色 -[Phil] Bellissima! -Grazie. Grazie.
卡塔蓮娜萬事通 [Phil] Caterina knows a lot about a lot of things,
了解大利香醋 but she specializes in balsamic vinegar.
看到 摩德納義大利香醋 You've seen the label, balsamic vinegar of Modena.
我們摩德 Yes! We're in Modena!
- - -[Caterina] Andiamo! -[Phil] Andiamo!
我們 [Phil] Off to taste vinegar.
途中 And on the way...
瞧瞧教堂 [Caterina] See the cathedral.
第一石頭1099安放 The first stone was put on in 1099.
-厲害 -想像一下 -Amazing. -You can imagine.
我們教堂石頭 Our cathedral, it is also called The Stone Book.
-所以 -那些圖案可以看出故事 [Phil] So you tell the story with pictures.
[Caterina] Yes.
看到這個 So you see this one here?
弟弟棒球畫面 This is when I taught my brother to play baseball.
可不知道是不是 Well, I don't know if that one was the...
-這樣 -正確解讀 -He got very angry. This is what he does. -...proper interpretation.
非常 [Phil] It's a good likeness.
對面這裡 看看傳統摩德納義大利香醋 [Caterina] So let's cross here to see the traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena.
進去 [Phil] Here we go.
這裡官方監管大利香醋 [Phil] This is where you get the official balsamic vinegar.
瓶子形狀規定 Even the shape of the bottle is regulated.
一定這個形狀 Right? It has to be this shape.
一定得有這個號碼這個 It has to have this number on it. It has to have this label on it.
真的很正 You know, it's pretty official.
瓶子汽車設計師喬治亞羅設計 The bottle was designed by Giugiaro, car designer.
我們這樣 This is what you want to look for.
如果傳統 If it's traditional...
一定這個形狀 Has to be this shape.
一定這個形狀 Has to be this shape.
不是所有法規很爛 [Phil] Not all regulation is terrible. Right?
為了確保品質 This is to ensure quality.
這個熟成至少12 This is aged at least 12 years.
味道 -You should smell first and then taste. -[Phil] Wow.
告訴他們一滴湯匙 I'm telling you, they put a drop on this spoon...
甜美刺激酸香味道 口中爆發 and an explosion of sweet and pungent and sour,
非常強烈濃縮 but so intense, so concentrated.
嚐了熟成25 And then I have the 25-year,
一個境界 and that's like a whole other level.
不該 You shouldn't even call it vinegar.
應該 You should call it ha-hoo ba-dow dee-dow.
兩個不可 I bought both. Had to buy both.
冰淇淋送來兩杯 [Phil] They then come from the ice cream place,
就是隔壁漂亮義式冰淇淋 the beautiful gelato store next door.
口味鐵花 And they come with a flavor called fiore de latte, right?
牛奶 Flower of milk.
不是名字 Isn't that a nice name for something?
-開心 -我們應該 -I'm so happy! -We should have
-上面桃木 -一下 -the cherry wood vinegar on top. -[Phil gasps] Wait a minute.
一些這個大利香醋 [Phil] And they drizzle a little of this balsamic vinegar.
已經看得出一定好吃 You already know this is gonna be good.
This is-- Okay.
立即世界一流甜點 This is automatically one of the world's great desserts.
每天表情 You have this every day. You have a face--
表情我們每天 You the have the face of, "Yeah, we have it every day."
真是完美組合 [Phil] It's such a perfect combo.
可是不管怎麼這個 這麼 And yet, as much as I love that, I think what I'm gonna do now,
如果我家 if you come over to my house,
不管我們什麼一頓 whatever we eat, I'm gonna finish the meal
一滴這個 因為別的 with a drop of this because you're not gonna eat anything
一滴豐富美味 大家液體黃金 that has more flavor than one drop of this, like they call it, liquid gold.
香醋真的值得 Get the good stuff. It's worth it.
卡塔蓮娜還計劃去一個地方 [Phil] Catarina has one more stop in mind...
雖然已經中午 保證摩德納早餐 and even though it's midday, I've been promised the perfect Modena breakfast.
我們朋友安德麗亞 凡內酒吧地方碰面 We meet her friend Andrea at a place called Bar Tiffany.
我們品嚐凡內早餐 And we have breakfast at Tiffany's.
- -你好 -Buongiorno! -Buongiorno!
-油炸大利 -謝謝 -Un gnocco fritto. -[Caterina] Grazie!
卡布奇諾 È viva. So you take your cappuccino,
油炸大利餃泡進去 and you dip into the gnocco fritto.
摩德納版本甜甜圈配咖啡吧 So this is a Modena donuts and coffee, right?
可以這麼 -[Caterina chuckles] -[Andrea] Yeah, basically.
這個稍微鼓鼓的 It's a kind of lightly fried, puffy, hot pillow of dough
油炸大利 called a gnocco fritto.
輕盈 [Phil] Wow. It's very light.
非常輕盈 [Caterina] Yeah. Super light.
大多空氣 [Phil] Mostly air.
油炸大利怎麼 How can I live without gnocco fritto? [chuckles]
-知道怎麼 -知道 -[Andrea] Do you know how it's made? -No!
油炸大利餃是00 [Andrea] The gnocco fritto. It's zero zero flour
因為摩德納 with some pig lard because in Modena...
-豬油 - -Strutto. -...it's everywhere.
-豬油 -豬油 -Strutto. -Strutto.
意思脂肪  -That's the fat of the pig? -[Andrea and Caterina] Yes.
豬油什麼 Makes everything a little better, doesn't it?
- -沒錯 -[Caterina and Andrea] Yes.
-油炸豬油 -豬油 -And then they fry it... in strutto. -In strutto. -[Phil] More. -[Andrea] What else?
-豬油 -不然 -[Phil] More. -[Andrea] What else?
豬油 [Caterina] Strutto.
也許豬油塗滿全身  Maybe I should just put strutto all over me and I will be better, too.
只有摩德納這個 [Andrea] You can find this one just in the area of Modena.
很多大利產品一樣 Like many other Italian products,
如果公里別的城鎮 if you move from a few kilometers from one town to the other,
也許那邊名字或是食譜 maybe they change the name, they change the recipe.
這個一樣 And that's what happened for this one.
喜歡這裡地區產品 能夠反映那個地區 I like that the products of the area come to define the area.
- - -Yeah, this is true. -Right?
叫安東尼奧一個 I'm gonna call Antonio to fry another one.
我們早餐午餐 [Phil] And we move from breakfast straight into lunch.
-義式肉腸小炸餃 -很棒 -This is a small gnocchi with mortadella. -[Phil] Nice.
-莎樂 -很棒 -With salami. -Nice.
-有生帕爾瑪火腿 - -And with raw prosciutto. -Nicest.
-客氣 -謝謝 -Prego. -Grazie.
想要這樣 [Phil] Oh, it's warm. That's what you want.
變成火腿三明 Yes, this is a ham sandwich now.
那些脂肪開始融化 因為有點脆 The fat starts to melt because it's hot and a little crispy,
很好 and that's a very good thing.
好像火腿可頌成義大利風格 [Phil] Wow. It's like a ham on a croissant, but Italian style.
-而且是炸 -熱烘烘 -[Andrea] And fried. -[Caterina] And fried and hot.
所以就是好吃 Yeah... so better is what you're saying.
不能 [Phil] Now I can't lie to you.
通常摩德納地方 The main reason you've even heard of Modena
因為那裡有個馬西默博圖拉 is because there's a guy there named Massimo Bottura.
法蘭西斯酒館 獲選世上第一餐廳 His Osteria Francescana has been voted the number one restaurant in the world,
今天可以馬西默一起 and I get to spend the day with Massimo.
公寓前面 首先見到 I show up at his apartment. First one I meet is Luna.
瞧瞧小狗 Look at this puppy. Look at the puppy.
太太蘿拉美國 And then I meet his wife, Lara, who's American.
-進來 -夫妻家裡喝咖啡 -[Lara] Come on in. -And they invite me in for coffee.
-馬西默菲爾 -菲爾 -Massimo! Phil! -Hi, Phil!
義式杏仁你好 Oh, the amaretti! Ciao.
喜歡這個 I heard you like these.
-喜歡義式杏仁 -太好了 -I love the amaretti. -Oh, good.
看到 [Massimo] You see?
看到裡面柔軟 You see how soft the inside are?
-看到 -部分像是嚐嚐 -Yes, I do. -And then this part is like-- Try.
-咖啡 - -You want some coffee? -Yes.
-早上喝咖啡不了 - -Can't talk without coffee in the morning. -Me too.
除了經營世上餐廳 [Phil] Besides running the best restaurant,
蘿拉創辦靈魂食物 he and Lara created Food For Soul,
一個國際組織 致力改革慈善廚房 an international group committed to revolutionizing the soup kitchen.
創立一個社群 He's trying to create a community,
只是感恩聖誕節 and it's not just once on Thanksgiving, once on Christmas.
而是每週進行 It's every week.
他們服務人會開始別人 And the people they serve start making human connections.
如果好好服務一百 得出他們名字 If you serve a hundred people well, you greet them by name...
- -志工知道那些 -Yes. -...your volunteers know who they are,
他們一份美味健康餐點 you're serving them a delicious and healthy meal,
時候食物一千 sometimes that's better than serving a thousand people
只是三明治他們 因為這樣可能改變現狀 a sandwich thrown at them, because there's actual possibility for change.
-你們建立一個家庭 -沒錯 -You make a family! -[Massimo] Absolutely!
家庭 Family.
我們建立他們自尊 所以希望藝術家 We build the dignity of the people. That's why I want artists,
設計建築師重建那個漂亮空間 designers, architects to rebuild the beautiful space.
Come with me!
馬西默不想形容慈善廚房 [Phil] I think Massimo doesn't wanna just tell me about the soup kitchen.
莎拉 You driving the Maserati with me?
-現在 -過義大利主廚 -Are we doing that now? -Ever driven with an Italian chef?
-沒有 -開得很快 -No. -In a fast car?
-沒有 -做好心理準備 -No. -Be warned.
開得不是很快 But he wasn't driving very fast.
所以先前只是 開得不快 So, you were just teasing me that you drive fast? You don't drive fast.
那麼真笨 That was a stupid thing to say.
幸好終於 -[Phil] Thank God we're here. -[both chuckle]
這個漂亮空間 招待摩德納需要幫助 [Phil] This beautiful space serves Modena's most needy.
可不是普通慈善廚房 一點 It's not some soup kitchen where you grab some sustenance
回去繼續 and back to wherever you're going.
覺得來到特別 You feel somewhere special.
這些黑暗北方 These are the darkness, the north.
他們想要他們 They want blood. Look at them.
權力遊戲知道 It's like Game of Thrones, you know? It's like... [growls]
什麼藝術只能富人觀賞 And why art has to be just for rich people? No!
藝術應該所有人觀賞 Art has to be for everyone.
所以靈魂食物 幫助藝術家這種案子 That's why Food For Soul is helping artists to do these kind of projects.
明白 You know?
我們 Let's go!
老實當時我心 [Phil] In the back of my mind, I must admit
想著我們東西 I was like, "Are we gonna eat?
我們餐廳 Are we gonna get to go to the restaurant?"
-我們喝一杯濃縮咖啡 -原來 -We stop for espresso. -[Phil] Nope.
-濃縮 -濃縮 -Like big shot. -Big shot.
這邊 [Massimo] This way.
許下一站餐廳 [Phil] Maybe the next stop is his restaurant?
我們 And then we're here!
你好 Ciao.
-認識其中幾位員工 -你好 -And I get to meet some of the crew. -Hi.
現在 And now I'm hungry.
- -地方 -You're hungry. All right! [chuckles] -I came to the right place.
我們三明治 Let's go have a sandwich. Let's have a sandwich.
我們這邊 Let's go this way.
-蘭伯斯可酒 -認識高興 -Lambrusco. -I love meeting you.
-謝謝 -現在喜歡 -Thank you. -You're my favorite new person.
蘭伯斯可酒義式肉腸 Lambrusco and mortadella.
起司 There it is! King of cheese!
-起司 -這個幾年 -There it is. King of the cheese. -And how old is this guy?
應該兩年 [Massimo] Two years, I think.
美國不是這個味道 It doesn't taste like this at home.
不是 Come on!
-真的真的 -那麼 -Really. It's true. -Don't say that.
完美融合酸味濃香苦味 It's a perfect mixture between acidity, sapidity, bitterness,
-甜味全都一口 -沒錯 -sweetness in one little chunk. -It's true.
完全找不出問題 There is nothing wrong with that.
- - -Yeah. -Right?
探索一下餐廳 Do you want to explore the restaurant?
不用 Nah!
不用留在這裡 No? Let's stay here?
-喜歡帕尼諾 -喜歡這裡喜歡三明治 -Okay, I like panino! Panino forever! -I like it here. I like a sandwich.
瞧瞧這個地方 Okay. We'll see your little place you got there.
-瞧瞧 -我們 -Let's see that-- -Let's walk in.
你好 [Phil] Hello.
-你們 -你好 -[Massimo] Hi, guys. -[Phil] Hello! Oh!
-你們 -穿寒酸 -Hi, guys. -Wow! I am underdressed!
-歡迎 -地方 [Massimo] Welcome. [Phil] I'm not going to the dining room.
廚房 He's taking me to the kitchen where I get to watch the making of.
這裡廚房 -[Phil] Oh. -This is the kitchen.
希望有人盤子一些食物 [Phil] I'm just hoping some food falls off somebody's plate.
大家二人餐桌 兩份超級菜單 [in Italian] Okay, guys. A table with two people. Two super menu. Mazza!
[all] Mazza!
馬西默想看看 世界聞名菜式 [Phil] First, Massimo wants to show me his world famous dish,
五種不同成年期帕馬森起司 不同口感溫度 "five ages of parmigiano reggiano in different textures and temperatures."
沒錯這個名字 Yes, that's the name.
帕馬森起司 變成舒芙蕾泡沫醬汁 He's transformed parmesan into soufflé, foam, sauce,
氣泡香脆 frothy air, and a crunchy cracker.
-我們一種材料 - -[Massimo] We choose an ingredient... -[Phil] Yes.
-就是帕馬森起司 - -...and it's parmigiano reggiano. -Yes.
決定 And we decide
我們這個方式表達 it's the way we want to express
緩慢熟成過程 the slowly aging process.
-嚐嚐 - -Gonna taste that. -[Phil] For me?
- - -[Massimo] his is yours. -Yes.
[Massimo] Come on.
好吃 That's good!
海鮮沙拉 Okay so, this is a sea salad. Okay?
-牡蠣魷魚有些魷魚墨汁 - -Oyster, squid, some ink of the squid. -[Phil] Yes.
花枝 海草 [Massimo] This is calamari. This is seaweed.
一片葉子 This is a leaf, a crunchy leaf...
[Phil] Yes.
貽貝 ...that is made with mussels.
這塊小貽貝星期 [Phil] This tiny mussel chip takes a week to make.
起來一點 I think I can eat it a little faster.
看到料理上來 When this arrives on the plate...
沙拉 Yeah. Yeah. It's a salad.
-知道故事 - -We don't know the story.
我們摩德納旗子兩個重要 There are two very important words in our flag of Modena.
阿維阿珀維阿 It's avia pervia.
拉丁  Latin word. "Make look simple the very complicated thing."
一切起來簡單 Everything looks so simple.
I have to build a car.
法拉利莎拉 We build Ferrari, Maserati.
需要沙拉調味 I need vinegar to dress my salad.
我們做出大利香醋 We build balsamic vinegar.
一直那樣 It's always been like that.
就是藝術 That's the art.
沒錯 [Massimo] It is.
-享用 - -Please, enjoy! -[Phil] Here I go.
-謝謝馬西默 -客氣 -Thank you, Massimo! -You're welcome.
單獨這個看看 [Phil] I'll taste it by itself.
就是濃縮貽貝味道 Wow, that's just a concentration of mussels is what it tastes like.
特別這些努力工作 [Phil] I just felt so special. These are working people.
闖進廚房 吃掉他們盈利 I'm some bum who got into the kitchen and is eating their profits.
真的發生完整個菜 This is really happening, I'm getting the whole menu.
馬西默告訴 准許別人廚房東西 Massimo told me no one's ever been allowed to eat in the kitchen before.
一道菜會非常 [Massimo] The next course is gonna blow your mind.
馬西默 啟發靈感傳統大利料理 [Phil] Massimo is showing me the traditional Italian fish dish that he uses for inspiration.
-包烤比目 - -[Massimo] This is a sole en papillote. -[Phil] Yes.
-非常古老菜式 - -Very, very old style. Okay? -Yeah.
這裡找到味道 The same flavor you find here,
-檸檬酸豆橄欖番茄 -番茄 -lemon, capers, black olives, tomato... -[Phil] Yeah. Tomato.
盤子 ...you're gonna find in this plate.
-誇張 -這麼 -[Phil] That's crazy! -[Massimo] Yeah. Then, what we did.
海水 -This is seawater... -Wow.
脫水變成 ...dehydrated and trans-- [laughs]
變成 And transformed into paper.
這個可以 And this here is an edible paper.
看到這個 But when you see this,
起來幾乎像是垃圾 it looks like almost like garbage,
像是剩下 like the leftover from this dish.
吃掉 And you eat it.
馬西默 Massimo, I'm glad I came. [laughs]
希望這麼 I hope so. I hope so.
如果餐廳等待多年精心打扮 [Phil] If you have nice people outside who traveled and waited years
世界各地過來品嚐客人 to come and eat here, dressed up nicely, came from all over the world,
他們發現廚房 他們食物 if they knew that an animal was in the kitchen eating their food,
他們什麼 what would they say?
他們好好享用 They would say, "Enjoy! Enjoy!"
廚房兩個 [Phil] I'm standing there in the kitchen for two hours.
男性女性  It's a young man's game, I have to say, or a young woman's game.
背部本來不太好 And you know my back isn't great to begin with.
馬西默一些伸展運動 And then Massimo gives me some stretches to do.
這麼拉伸這些肌肉 So I'm going like this, and I'm stretching all these muscles.
-這麼 -這樣 -This. -[Massimo] Like this.
-有個背部很好 - -Another very good for the back. -Yeah.
這樣這裡90 You align this, 90 degrees, 90 degrees.
高一一點 Higher... and straight...
保持這樣 and stay like that.
- -的確 -That's hard! -Very hard.
但是伸展到很多地方 Very hard, but it's stretching so much.
- -非常 -That's good. -It's very good.
馬西默附近 I just want to live near Massimo.
鴿子 [Massimo] This is a pigeon.
鴿子聖馬廣場 [Phil] Pigeon. You didn't get these from San Marco did you?
我們鴿子所有內臟肉丸 We make the meatball with all the interiors and the legs of the pigeon.
所有醬汁脫水 We dehydrate all the sauces.
這裡看到醬汁 And the sauces you see here,
-這裡得到 -這裡 -you see here. -[Phil] Are there.
真是漂亮色彩繽紛菜式 That's one of the most beautiful, colorful dishes.
-終曲 - -[Massimo] And the grand finale. -[Phil] Yes.
我們設計菜單菜單想成歌劇 [Massimo] As we build a menu-- We build a menu as an opera.
序曲慢板樂章 You have an overture, you have the adagio,
一點音樂小步舞曲 you have the meno, then the minueto,
快板樂章終曲 then the allegro, then the grand finale.
應該生為大利 [Phil] Wow, I should have been Italian.
父母不好 I curse my parents.
真是十分特別男人 [Phil] What a special, special guy.
關注美好事物 He cares about the beautiful things,
只是食物 not just the food.
食物地方 The food is beautiful, the place is beautiful.
藝術很美音樂很美 The art is beautiful, music is beautiful.
馬西默博圖拉 Massimo Bottura.
- -你們 -Hey! -Oh! Hi!
你好 -[Helen] Hi. Hello. -[Max] Hello.
威尼斯一定世上最美國家 Venice is-- must be the most beautiful country in the world.
最美城市 Beautiful city.
城市 City.
以前龐大帝國 It used to be a big empire.
注意 Listen, listen, listen.
-聽到 -聽到 -[Max] Can't. -[Helen] I do.
-聽到什麼 - -What do you hear? -Birds. Birds.
你們附近什麼 I have to ask, what kind of birds you have around your house?
可能外面傳來 Well, it could be from the outside.
肯定外面傳來 多拉船夫經過唱歌 It's definitely from the outside. It's a gondolier who's going by singing.
有人街上唱歌 You mean, there's somebody walking on the street singing?
多拉船夫 Gondolier!
知道這裡街道水上 You know the streets are water. [laughs]
- -因為威尼斯 -[Max] Oh, you're right. I see. Okay. -Because I'm in Venice.
威尼斯 街頭妓女怎麼 Have you heard about the street walker in Venice?
沒有 No.
淹死 She-- She drowned.
所以就是笑點 So... that's the joke.
真慶幸大家可以聽到這個 I'm glad that people got to hear it.
你們知道多拉 Did you hear I took a gondola lesson?
痛苦 It was excruciating. [laughs]
真的很大壓力保持平衝 I really-- The tension just to stay balanced,
漿固定上面一直出去 and the oar doesn't stay in the thing. It keeps slipping out.
覺得自己要掉進水 And I'm gonna fall into the water, I'm thinking.
-沒法 -何不停下 -I can't-- -Why not stopping?
因為拍攝節目 Because I'm on television.
告訴摩德納怎麼樣 Tell me, how was Modena?
那裡非常 I understand the vinegar is very good from there.
一些 I bought some.
需要湯匙一點 You just need a little bit, and it's... [makes explosion sound]
美妙他們放在冰淇淋 Beautiful. They even put on ice cream--
冰淇淋上灑幾滴變得好吃 Little drops on the ice cream. It makes it fantastic.
過頭 That-- That goes too far.
沙拉 I'll put it on a salad.
打給你們 Oh, who's calling now?
太太 It's your wife.
莫妮卡 Oh. Monica.
[Monica] Yes, hello!
正在菲爾聊天 Hi. Listen. I'm just talking to Philip.
妳說什 What did you say?
慢慢 不是25工作人員等著 Take you time! It's not like we have a crew of 25 people here!
知道什麼 我們一邊 He-- I don't know what he's eating, but he's eating while he's talking to us.
毒莓 Little poison berries. [chuckles]
因為受夠 Because I can't anymore.
- - -Okay, so you're going back to L.A. -[Monica] Yeah.
可以她們一小 Right, I can go now. They're gonna talk for an hour.
-今晚 - -Oh, you're going tonight? -Yeah.
旅途愉快 Oh, have a wonderful time.
上次來義大利 一些很棒朋友 [Phil] Last time I was in Italy, I made some great new friends,
今晚他們 享受一頓寧靜美好晚餐 and tonight I'm having a nice, quiet dinner with them.
世上肉販達利歐基尼 Dario Cecchini, the world' best butcher.
你好 Ciao.
太太 And his wife, Kim.
喜歡 Wow! All my favorite people.
西爾凡娜維沃利 也許世上喜歡 Silvana Vivoli, maybe my favorite person in the world
因為世上義式冰淇淋 because she makes the best gelato ever.
-詹姆 -真好菲爾 -Jim! -Nice to meet you, Phil.
達利歐他們朋友 Dario and Kim brought a friend of theirs,
碰巧是世上數一數二紐約烘焙 who happens to be one of the best bakers in the world from New York!
利文烘焙詹姆拉 Jim Lahey from Sullivan Street Bakery.
現在紐約朋友 So now I have a friend in New York.
雖然紐約半輩子 從來沒有朋友 Never had a friend in New York although I lived there half my life.
沒人喜歡 Nobody liked me.
一桌很棒客人 世上義式冰淇淋師傅 You joined a nice party of the best gelato maker in the world
世上肉販 and the best butcher in the world.
-什麼包括 -瞧瞧你們 -Everything covered. -Let me see your hands!
這些世上這些 These are the best hands in the world! These hands!
對了不壞 And by the way... not terrible.
喜歡 [Phil] You like it?
太美 -Fabulous! -[laughs]
非常 [Dario] Fabuloso!
你好 [Phil] Hello there.
大家覺得看到食物興奮 [Phil] You think I get excited with food.
比起大巫 I'm nothing next to him.
就是看到 He gets excited when the breadsticks come.
喬凡尼 Giovanni!
-喬凡尼 -喬凡尼 -Giovanni! -[Dario] Giovanni is the chef.
-喬凡尼 -晚安 -Giovanni! -Buonasera!
晚安 Buonasera!
抱抱 No, I hug.
-你好幸會 -幸會 -How are you? Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you.
真是漂亮肉派 [Phil] A beautiful meat pie.
好吃 [Dario] Mamma mia.
有人可以告訴什麼 這個肉派 Can somebody tell me what the pie is? The meat pie.
-薄荷也許羊肉 -好吃 -[Kim] There's mint. Maybe, there's lamb. -[Phil] It's fantastic.
喜歡東西 [Phil] I love food.
Me too.
Me too!
不然節目 Otherwise, no show.
[laughs] That's true.
你們兩個喝酒 [Phil] No more wine for you or for you.
菊苣 [Phil] This is red chicory risotto.
Bigoli pasta with anchovy sauce.
好吃 Oh, my goodness! This is good. Huh?
這個 [Kim] Wait till you taste this.
菲爾 Oh! Oh!
菲爾魚丸 [Phil] Phil-te fish!
榮幸 I am very honored.
起來 You know he looks like me a little.
如果鼻子一點完美 If the nose was a little bigger, it'd be perfect.
其實覆蓋一層漂亮海鹽 [Phil] This is really sea bass in a beautiful salt crust.
栗子舒芙蕾 Dover sole served with a chestnut soufflé.
[Phil] You hungry?
-謝謝喬凡尼 -謝謝大家 -Grazie! Giovanni. Giovanni! -Grazie, everybody!
大家好好享用 Buon appetito.
瞧瞧美景 [Phil] Look at the view.
一刻弟弟好像綠幕前面 At one point, my brother said it looked like I was green screen.
有用特效威尼斯就是那個特效 There's no special effects here! Venice is the special effect!
謝謝真是很棒一頓 Thank you so much. What a great meal.
-謝謝 -太棒了 -Thanks so much! -[Kim] Amazing!
食物非常出色風景不算 [Phil] The food is incredible. The views are not bad.
就是地下室 看到他們高興 But you know, I would have been happy in the basement just to see their faces.
有人好像朋友滿天下 Somebody said, "You seem to have friends all over the world."
一點沒錯 And I'm like, "My God, that's right."
現在朋友 I have friends all over the world now.
應該世界各地交朋友 Shouldn't we be friends with people from all over the world?
光是這個理由 值得拜訪這些地方朋友 That alone is a reason to go to visit the friends that you make in these places.
開始 But you got to start somewhere, so go! Go!
Go now! Stop watching this. Go.
♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
- - -♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪ -♪ Somebody ♪
- - -♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪ -♪ Somebody ♪
- - -♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪ -♪ Somebody ♪
- - -♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪ -♪ Somebody ♪
- - -♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪ -♪ Somebody ♪
♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
菲爾 ♪ Somebody, somebody feed Phil ♪
菲爾 ^B♪ Oh, please somebody,^B ^BSomebody feed Phil ♪^B
♪ Somebody feed him now ♪

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Somebody Feed Phil Montreal

Subtitle Translation
-半打我們分著 - -[man 1] Let's share half a dozen. -[man 2] Yep.
-一點 -一點隨便 -Let 'em mix it up. -Mix it up? I go crazy?
-師傅發辦 -太好了 -[man 2] Omakase-style. -Awesome.
-師傅發辦 - -[man 1] Omakase? Hi! -[woman] Hi.
- - -How are you? -Very good. How are you?
興認 這是做什 [man 1] Nice to meet you. And what does this do?
牡蠣 An oyster mustache?
Trying to have some dignity.
-怎麼回事 -這些北美最大 -[man 1] What's happening? Wow! -[man 3] North America's largest oysters.
這裡兩個水壩大生 [man 3] You got your two Dam Bigs.
這些美國來的 These are from USA.
黃瓜 You've got your sweet pickles from PI.
自新不倫瑞克 切布圖克生 You're going to finish with Chebooktooks from New Brunswick.
-切布圖克 -切布圖克 -Chebooktooks? -Chebooktooks.
最好醫生 He better see a doctor.
[man 1] Come on.
看看笑容熱愛工作 Look at how-- Look at her smile. She loves her job.
真的熱愛工作 Yeah, I do. I love my job.
大家吃生 Everybody's happy when they're eating oysters.
[man 1] You're right.
工作人員攝影放下 Where are my people? Put your cameras down.
點生 It's time to have some oysters.
快活人 ♪ A happy, hungry man ♪
走遍陸地穿越海洋 ♪ Is traveling all across The sea and the land ♪
努力了解 ♪ Is trying to understand ♪
美味 ♪ The art of pasta, pork Chicken and lamb ♪
驅車前來 ♪ He will drive to you ♪
飛奔 ♪ He will fly to you ♪
唱歌 ♪ He will sing for you ♪
跳舞 ♪ And dance for you ♪
一起歡笑 ♪ He will laugh with you ♪
哭泣 ♪ And he'll cry for you ♪
只求一樣回報 ♪ There's just one thing He asks in return ♪
♪ Somebody feed, somebody feed ♪
♪ Won't somebody ♪
♪ Somebody feed Phil ♪
♪ Somebody feed him now ♪
法語 How do the French say it?
蒙特 [in French accent] Montréal?
蒙特 [woman] Montréal.
蒙特 [man] Yeah. Montréal.
蒙特 [in different French accent] Montréal?
想要 I want to say it right.
蒙特 [man] Montréal.
蒙特 [in another French accent] Montréal.
歡迎來到蒙特 Welcome to Montréal.
發音很道 [Phil] Yes, I say it like a French person.
蒙特一半人口照法 French is spoken by half the population in Montréal,
其他人英語 and the rest of us say "Montreal."
英語唸法 It sounds like French to me.
起來法語 可別法語加拿大法語 It looks like French to me, but don't say "French" or "French-Canadian."
魁北克法語 This is Quebecois,
因為我們位在魁北克省 這裡感覺歐洲 because we're in the province of Quebec, but it feels like Europe.
街上漫步看到建築公園 When you walk down the street, you see the architecture, the parks.
非常迷人 魅力無窮 It's very sweet and very charming.
而且這裡加拿大 所以大家友善 And it's Canada, so everybody's nice.
容易忘記紐約 飛機這裡只要一小 Makes it easy to forget it's a one hour-flight from New York.
有些地方甚至離紐 And in some places, New York is even closer than that.
聽好一輩子貝果 [Phil] Listen, I've been eating bagels my whole life.
知道看得出 超愛這些貝果 I don't know if you could tell, but I love these bagels.
聖維亞特 St. Viateur.
邀請比納克和約書亞 I'm bringing Bignok and Joshua,
他們洛杉磯朋友 這週剛好蒙特 my friends from L.A., who happened to be in Montreal.
全世界好吃貝果 The best bagels in the world.
-全世界 -八年 -In the world? -I had them eight years ago.
- -覺得好吃 -Okay. -I thought they were amazing.
[Phil] All right. Now, I'm supposed to ask for Joe.
哪裡 Where's Joe?
-這裡 -就是 -[Joe] Right here! -You're Joe?
- -菲爾 -[Joe] Yes. -My name is Phil.
-朋友一起 -當然可以 -Can my friends come too? -Sure.
這位諾克 This is my friend Bignok,
這位 and this is Joshua.
- -就是大名鼎鼎 -[Joe] Hi. -That's famous Joe.
看看貝果 [Phil] Oh, look at you. You're doing it.
只用三秒無生有過程 [Joshua] I love watching him take nothing into a bagel in three seconds.
- - -[Phil] So, Joe, I want to ask you... -Go ahead.
紐約蒙特婁貝果差別什麼 What is the difference between the New York bagel and the Montreal bagel?
開始一樣 Well, they started out the same.
不同之處我們現在 The difference now is that ours are still hand-rolled.
- - -Right? -Yes.
蜂蜜水送入燃木烤箱 And boiled in honey water. Then the big-- the wood-burning oven.
紐約貝果這麼 They don't do that in New York anymore?
所知沒有 Not that I know of.
現在知道蒙特 貝果洞什麼比較 Now I understand why the hole is bigger in Montreal,
因為穿過去 because your hand is in there.
紐約貝果一根手指 蒙特看起像是四根穿過去 New York bagel is one finger, and a Montreal bagel looks like four fingers.
-或許就是秘密所在 -秘密 -Maybe that's the secret. -I think the secret's they're hand-rolled,
燃木烤箱 才能做出外層酥脆口感 and baked in a wood-burning oven. That gives it the crispness on the outside
甜甜的口味 and its sweet taste.
一定試試 原味還是口味 I gotta do it. Should we have it plain or with stuff on it?
 -芝麻口味 - -Gotta go with the best... sesame seed. -Let's do it.
-出爐 -出爐 -Comes right out of the oven. -[Phil] Yes.
-一下 -熱騰騰貝果 -[Joe] Wait, there. Go get one. -Hot bagel!
菲爾可以整盤拉出烤箱 Phil, could you pull a whole thing of them out of the oven?
可以可以只是地上 Not without them all falling on the floor.
可以 You got it? Oh!
大家小心 [Phil] Look out, people!
-多少盡量 - -[Joe] Pick the one you want. -Yeah.
-一個 - -One for you. -They gonna be too hot?
-燙到難以駕馭 -燙到難以駕馭 -Too hot to handle. -[Phil] Too hot?
- -大家這樣 -[man] Yeah. -That's what they call me.
Oh, look. Oh, boy.
首先 First of all, it's soft.
-真的 - -Oh, it's really hot. -Oh, man.
好像芝麻甜甜 [Phil] It's almost like a sesame donut.
甜甜圈是因為裡面漂亮 The reason I say "donut" is because the inside is soft and beautiful.
因為到剛出爐 這裡工作多久 -You got it right out of the oven. -How long have you been here?
1962開始工作當時14 I've been-- I started working in 1962 at the age of 14.
[Phil] I love this guy.
這裡創立1957 The place opened in 1957,
and this guy, Joe,
1962工作現在 got there in 1962 and has been there ever since.
看看對了 不是猶太 Look at this guy! By the way, not Jewish.
大利 Italian.
不得不佩服自願選擇 You gotta love a guy who chooses
一輩子貝果的 the bagel life.
Not like me. I was forced into it.
-方法 -怎麼 -[Joe] Gotta eat it the way I enjoy it. -How?
芝麻貝果上面加瑞起司 I take a sesame seed bagel, I put ricotta cheese on.
大利 You know, Italian. Right?
-這裡 - -You have it here? -Yes.
大利 Let's do it. I want an Italian-- Yes.
尼克 All right. Nick?
拿到這裡 [Nick] Got it. Here.
-起司 - -Ricotta cheese in the back. -[Nick] The specialty?
-吃法 -吃法 -Yes. My bagel-- -[Nick] Your bagel?
方式 The way he eats it, that's what I want.
-這些可以貨運配送 -可以 -Do you ship these? -Yes.
-理查我們一些爸爸 -送到時候 -Richard, let's ship some to Dad. -[Richard] Do they arrive hot?
- - -[man] Yeah. -Right?
節目父母 他們喜歡貝果 Have you seen my parents in the show? They like bagels.
沒有 Uh. No. I...
一集 [Joe stammers] I saw one episode.
-但是大家雷蒙 - -But Everybody Loves Raymond. -That was enough.
對了那個節目 猶太人跟義大利合作 By the way, another Italian-Jewish collaboration.
- -好像合作無間 -Good. -Right? Seemed to work.
大利猶太 Italians and Jews are very similar.
我們根本一樣 I always say we're the same.
所有問題食物解決 All problems are solved with food.
家庭 媽媽一輩子我們 -The family. -And your mother never leaves you alone.
全世界問題 [laughs] Come on. The world should have that problem.
貼心 Oh, that's sweet.
很好看待方式 That's a very nice way to look at it.
如果全世界這樣問題 更好世界 If the world had that problem, I think it would be a better world.
剛剛玩笑 喜歡說法 I always meant that as a joke, but I'm-- I love the way you say it.
媽媽過世 非常想念 Yeah. I lost my mother. She's gone now, but I miss her terribly.
Can I tell you something? She did a very good job.
謝謝 Thank you.
你們特別 Oh, look guys! Special delivery.
爸爸貝果吃法 So, my dad's version of a bagel.
貝果瑞可塔起司一顆新鮮花果 Bagel, ricotta cheese, and a fresh fig.
花果幾週過季 Only in season for the next couple weeks.
奢華 This is deluxe, you guys.
要來一點 [Phil] You want some?
Go ahead. It's yours.
差點 He almost said yes.
看看肚子真的不用 Look at this. No.
好吃 Oh, my God. That's amazing.
我們這樣貝果 This is how we eat bagels from now on.
這樣看到沒有這樣 So, here. Here's the way I do it. See? Here.
人生最愛之一 很少東西能勝這個 Very few things I love more than this. This is it.
-一樣 - -I wanna be like you. -Go ahead.
-這個咬一口 - -This first. -Yeah.
- -花果 -And then-- -[Joe] And a fig.
-我們認識各式各樣 - -We meet all kinds. -Yes.
But you're the best kind.
-謝謝 -高興認識一個擁抱 -Thank you. -I loved meeting you. I'll give you a hug.
-謝謝 -太棒了 -[Joe] Thank you. -[Phil] You're terrific.
-謝謝 - -[Phil] Thank you. -[Joe] Cheers.
[Phil] Wow, that was good!
好吃 Wow, it's good!
時髦區域 [woman] This is a very chic area of town.
叫做皇家高地 It's called the Plateau-Mont-Royal.
只有嬉皮 [Phil] I hear you either have to be a hipster
-哈西迪猶太教徒才能這裡 -才能這裡沒錯 -or a Hasidim to live here, right? -To live here, absolutely.
像是紐約威廉斯 [Phil] It's kind of your Williamsburg. Right?
思麗切斯特曼 蒙特婁憲首席美食評論 Leslie Chesterman, who used to be the lead food critic of the Montreal Gazette,
同意逛逛最愛區域 agreed to show me around one of her favorite parts of the city.
這裡葡萄牙猶太定居  [Phil] This was a Portuguese-Jewish settlement, right?
1700年代時候 Like in the 1700s?
- -高地非常有名 -Right? -[Leslie] The Plateau was very famous,
因為作家莫迪凱里奇 高地這裡 because Mordecai Richler-- He was from the Plateaus.
音樂人李歐納柯恩之前附近 往下幾個街區而已 Leonard Cohen didn't live too far away, just a few blocks down over there.
思麗喜不喜歡吃雞肉 [Phil] Then, Leslie asked me if I like chicken.
Boy, do I!
得來這裡 She said, "You gotta come here."
瑪撲兒木雷 I wanna pronounce it right. Ma Poule Mouillée?
-瑪撲兒木耶 -木耶 -Ma Poule Mouillée. -Mouillée?
意思 Ma Poule Mouillée, yeah. It means "my wet chicken."
- -沒錯 -My wet chicken? -My wet chicken. Yes.
歡迎來到 Yes, welcome to My Wet Chicken.
- -起來 -Yeah. -My wet chicken sounds a little--
直譯 It's a direct translation.
火烤 [Phil] Marinated and grilled over fire
直到外皮變得酥脆 until the skin turns crispy.
搭配辣醬 Served with spicy sauce,
葡式烤雞數一數二美食 Portuguese chicken is one of the best things.
-什麼送來 - -[Phil] What? My wet chicken is here! -[Leslie] Well-- Oh, yes!
[Leslie] This is a wet chicken.
起來好吃 [Phil] Looks fantastic.
一點重要 Now, one thing that's important about Portuguese chicken,
可以辣味或者不辣 it can either be spicy or non-spicy.
-不辣 -知道 -What's this? -I don't know yet.
我們等著 I haven't tasted it. So we'll see.
[Leslie] Oh, my God.
好吃辣味 That's so good. It's spicy.
-辣味 -美味 -It's spicy. -It's phenomenal.
-思麗 -是不是好吃 -Leslie... -How good is that?
重點大家認為 The thing is, everybody thinks
美食評論家喜歡 高級餐廳試菜套餐 that restaurant critics are into tasting menus, but...
真正美食評論 只要好吃東西喜歡 a real restaurant critic is somebody who likes everything that's delicious.
好吃 And what could be more delicious?
同感 I feel the same.
不管什麼時候這個 [Leslie] I take this over a big tasting menu
-不是試菜套餐 -沒錯 -any day. -[Phil] Yes.
 選擇沉悶 Wouldn't you rather have this than a four-hour stuffing,
-高級餐廳 -就是 -sit down, white tablecloth? -Yes!
最愛一間雞店真的 This is one of my favorite chickens. Honestly.
-而且品嚐很多雞肉料理 - -You've had a lot of chicken. -I have.
I'm a big chicken.
他們沒愛這裡 所以這個搞定 [Phil] In case I didn't already love it, they bring out something to seal the deal.
什麼 -[Phil] What? -[Leslie laughs]
什麼肉醬起司淋薯 [Phil] What's that? Poutine!
-肉醬起司淋薯 -真的 [woman] Poutine!
一盤就是蒙特精髓 This is Montreal on a plate.
肉醬起司淋薯 現在視為加拿大國菜 It's now seen as a Canadian signature dish, poutine,
但其源自魁北克 蒙特版本 but it's really from Quebec, and then to make it Montreal,
上面葡式烤雞臘腸 you put Portuguese barbecue chicken and chorizo on top.
肉醬起司淋薯 重要部分就是薯條 [Leslie] The important part of poutine is that the french fries must be crisp.
-肉醬一定要是棕色 -一定要是棕色 -[Leslie] The gravy must be brown. -[Phil] Yes. Must be brown.
起司一定吱吱叫 [Leslie] And the cheese curds must... squeak.
-吱吱叫 -吱吱叫 -Squeak? -Squeak.
起司送進嘴裡一定 [Leslie] When you put the cheese curd in your mouth, it should be...
- - [Leslie makes squeaking noise] Yes. Is it doing that?
-一點 -一點 -A little bit. -You need to eat more.
-可能牙齒問題 -這個 -It could be my teeth. -Yeah, well--
照正作法一定層層堆疊 [Leslie] When it's done properly, it should be done in layers,
婚禮蛋糕一樣 like a wedding cake.
莫妮卡 我們應該這個婚禮蛋糕 Monica, this should've been our wedding cake!
再續結婚誓言 Renew your vows.
或是一場婚禮其中一個 死刑犯 -For my next marriage. One of the two. -Yeah. Right. This is the death-row meal.
我們 And if we finish it,
死期可能我們預期 that could come sooner than we expected, yes.
聖羅倫斯河五大湖接到大西洋 [Phil] The St. Lawrence River connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.
蒙特婁人發現只能停泊 But Montreal has found it's good for more than just ships.
安東尼歐朴大 [Phil] I'm down here to meet chef Antonio Park,
餐廳Park用餐 who has a restaurant named Park that I get to eat at later.
等不及 I can't wait.
我們採買食材 But first we're shopping for ingredients.
- - -[Phil] Chef! -[Antonio] Yes.
- -你好 -[Phil] Hi. -[Antonio] Hi! How are you?
-這裡 -一點穿外套 -It's cold in here. -You got the jacket though.
正式外套 Yeah. No, I got the official jacket,
 這裡魚貨其它地方漂亮 but I have to say this is one of the more beautiful displays of fish I ever saw.
-看看眼睛非常 -清澈 -[Antonio] Look at the eyes, you know. -[Phil] Very clear.
就是這樣 [Phil] That's how you know.
看看這個美麗市場 Look at this beautiful fish market.
蒙特海洋魚市 La Mer fish market in Montreal.
有趣 [Antonio] You want us to do something really fun?
-當然 -國王 -Always. -This is Ora King salmon.
全世界數一數二鮭魚品種 It's one of the best salmon in the world.
安東尼歐他們這樣 Antonio, they let you just manhandle
-自己抓魚 -很常處理魚貨 -a fish like this? -I work with fish.
只要這樣剖開 So, if you open the fish like that...
- - -Yes. -...and you smell it...
鮭魚肚裡 inside the belly of the salmon...
-怎樣 -西瓜味道 -Yes? -...it smells watermelon.
這樣 Never did that before.
沒有玩笑 [Antonio] And I'm not kidding.
鮭魚西瓜 Did the salmon eat watermelon?
不吃只有新鮮魚會這種味道 No, it's just that's only when it's fresh.
-如果不新 -如果沒有聞到西瓜 -When it's not fresh-- -If you don't smell watermelon...
- -不要 -Yeah. -...don't buy that fish.
可是既得利益者 [Phil] I have a vested interest.
因為我們東西 大廚一下 We're picking things chef's going to serve me later.
-喜歡什麼 -我什麼喜歡 -[Antonio] What do you like? -[Phil] Everything.
確定什麼喜歡 -可以誇張 -怎樣誇張 -Sure you like everything? I can go wild. -Like how wild?
找出討厭東西 不是挑戰 That's not a challenge for you, by the way, to find the thing I hate.
看看袖子認真起來 小心 [Phil] Look, he's rolling up his sleeves. He's getting in there. Be careful!
什麼 [Phil] Holy moly. What's that?
盧嫩堡野生北極紅點 Wild artic char from Lunenburg.
-太美 - [Phil] Oh, gorgeous! You want that?
-決定這個 -安東尼歐 -We're going for this for sure. -Antonio!
內臟芒果味道 If you smell inside there, it smells like a mango.
安東尼歐 餐廳Park [Phil] Fish in hand, I give Antonio a ride back to his restaurant, Park,
今晚就要那裡用餐 where I get to have dinner tonight.
今晚大衛福萊海 [Phil] Tonight's dining companion is David Freiheit.
大衛安東尼歐愛好美食律師朋友 David's a lawyer and a foodie friend of Antonio's.
YouTube紅人 He's also made it big on YouTube.
松鼠帶著攝影機 He got a squirrel to take his video camera up a tree.
光是影片 超過七百閱率 This particular work has over seven million views.
或許已經 Maybe you've seen it.
廚房準備幾樣東西 你們準備開動 I'm gonna go in the kitchen, prepare a couple things. You guys be ready.
-準備 -太好了 -Ready. -[Antonio] Perfect.
-我什麼 -太好了 -I like everything. -Perfect.
-看看喜歡大衛 - -We'll see if I like David. -Okay.
目前為止不錯 But so far, seems all right.
安東尼歐父母韓國 南美各地長大 [Phil] Antonio was born to Korean parents, but he grew up all over South America,
日本讀書美國工作 現在加拿大語區 studied in Japan, worked in the US, and lives in French Canada.
一個充滿多元文化 He's diversity all in one person...
展現料理 and it shows in his food.
第一道 The first course you're gonna have is miso soup
我們龍蝦 made out of the lobster that we got
and the shrimp heads.
-看看 -可以打開示範 -[David] Look at the lobster. Okay. -[Antonio] It opens. I'll show you how.
-麥克風收不到聲音 -得到什麼得到 -The mic doesn't pick up the slurping? -It does. It picks up everything.
- -如果更糟事情 -Okay. -If you should do something worse,
麥克風得到 it picks that up too.
[Antonio] We have a toro.
底下 Underneath, you have a ginger emulsion sauce
辣椒油 and around it you have gochugaru oil, which is a Korean pepper powder.
朋友開動 [Phil] Man, oh, man. I'm going in, my friend.
-這些 -開始 -These are-- I'll show you. -[Phil] Here it comes. Here we go.
壽司興奮 He's getting into sushi now. I'm excited.
日本 上面 So, red snapper from Japan, and then on top of it you have two-year-old,
花椒 fermented Sichuan peppers.
開動 Cheers.
乘風破浪 Riding the wave.
鮭魚 [Antonio] Salmon belly.
炙燒一下楓糖醬油刷過 Torch it up, and I brushed it with maple syrup soy sauce.
加點羅勒醬點 Finished with a little bit of basil emulsion.
山葵 [David] This is the wasabi root.
-鯊魚 - -[Phil] Is that shark skin? -[Antonio] Yep.
-知道 -知道 -Did you know that? -No.
鯊魚自然界砂紙 [Phil] Shark skin is nature's sandpaper.
看看什麼味道 Taste a tiny bit of it. Just plain.
好像道地山葵 [David] I'm not sure that I've ever had authentic wasabi root.
如果這個同量普通山葵 If you had this much regular wasabi,
鼻竇會 you would blow the sinuses out.
鼻竇已經強勁 Pretty close to blowing my sinuses up. That's powerful.
這個強勁 Oh, no. This one is strong.
這個腦門 That goes straight up your nose into your brain.
進到大腦耳朵噴出 一個進去這裡出來 Into your brain, out your ears, back around up another orifice, out this way.
覺得受夠 [Phil] But Chef doesn't think I've suffered quite enough.
- -好吃 -That's spicy. -That is delicious.
[Phil] It's killer.
早上喝一杯立刻清醒 [David] That'll wake you up in the morning.
壽司朋友可以痛苦 [Phil] My friend sushi will take the pain away.
煸炒獅子唐辛子 [Antonio] Sea albacore. Sauteed shishito peppers.
- - -[Antonio] The amberjack. -[Phil] Yes.
上面阿根廷青醬 [Antonio] On top of it you have chimichurri.
阿根廷加上日本結合 So it's a marriage of Argentina plus Japan.
現在宣布美味 [Phil] I now pronounce you... delicious.
人間極品 It's the best thing on Earth.
最愛部分只要一口 What I love is that, in one bite,
風格 you're getting his influences.
獨特手法真的厲害 This is your own thing. It's really something.
赤身西伯利亞魚子 [Antonio] Caviar from Siberia with akami.
寵壞 [Phil] I'm very spoiled.
去過東京 I've been to Tokyo.
洛杉磯 I live in Los Angeles.
世界好吃壽司 I had some of the best sushi on Earth.
-沙丁 - -[Phil] Oh, is that sardine? -Yep.
The best.
這麼好吃真的 [Phil] This is as good as anything I've ever had. I'm not kidding.
Come on.
-不想一個最愛 -剛剛這個 -I don't want to say each is my favorite. -That's the best!
- -什麼 -Chef! -Yes, sir?
-喜歡 -謝謝 -I like you. -Thank you.
蒙特婁有一半法語 表示很多天主教徒 [Phil] Being a half-French city means there's a large Catholic population.
加上蓬勃移民社區 That, plus a thriving immigrant community,
所以很多 法國殖民天主教國家合理 and it makes sense many would come from French Catholic countries...
例如海地 like Haiti.
-你好 -謝謝 -Oh, how are you, chef? -Thank you!
-歡迎來到蒙特歡迎來到Agrikol -謝謝 -Welcome in Montreal. Welcome to Agrikol. -Thanks for--
看看拉手風琴時候 Look at that guy. That's the face that people would make
大家就是那種表情 if I played the accordion.
保羅圖桑海地出生 [Phil] Chef Paul Toussaint,
希望Agrikol徹底海地餐廳 born in Haiti, wants Agrikol to be Haitian through and through,
完全沉浸海地美食 a place to immerse yourself in both the cuisine
他家文化 and culture of his homeland.
怎麼蒙特 What brings you to Montreal?
-注意我們拍片 - -Did you notice we make a show? -[Paul] I mean--
知道拍片 但為什麼蒙特 I know you're making a show, but why you choose Montreal?
問題解答 That's a good question. I'll tell you why.
這裡世界各地看看 People all over the world are here. Look at you.
-這裡美食表現 - -And the cuisine is representative. -Yeah. Yes.
覺得文化國家 I think culture and countries
以及城市 and cities are better
大量多元化人口加入更好 when there's a huge diverse population.
什麼 因為這樣同一地方 Why? Because then I get to try all the food
-嘗試世界各地料理 -一個城市 -from around the world in one place. -In one city.
海地 Tell me about Haiti.
那裡 How are they doing?
時候難熬 It's tough sometimes,
加勒比海我們有著超棒文化 but we have one of the best cultures in the Caribbean,
就連地震一樣 even after the earthquake.
-重振家園 - -Have they recovered? -Yes, the--
政治情況不是人民期望 Politically, like, is not what we want.
-這個地方 - -But it's good to have a place, I think... -Yeah.
我們可以一切海地 ...we can, like, say everything is from Haiti.
蒙特街上進來 這裡設計 [Phil] You walk in off the streets of Montreal, and the design,
壁畫感受 the murals, and the feeling of it,
好像帶到海地 you know, restaurants transport you.
不能旅行來說 很好體驗方式 It's a way of traveling if you can't travel.
去過海地 I've never been to Haiti.
-海地有家飯店叫做Pro Vita - -There's a hotel in Haiti called Pro Vita. -Yes?
-他們全世界蘭姆 -蘭姆 -They make the best rum sour in the world. -Rum sour?
- - -Yeah. -This is something I've never had.
-怎麼沒喝過蘭姆酸酒 -去過海地那家 -How do you never had a rum sour? -I never went to that hotel in Haiti.
海地現在海地 Come to Haiti, and now you're in Haiti.
神奇 It's magic.
好喝 That's good!
清爽 It's refreshing, like, you know...
-身體 -隨便 -It's good for the body. -Whatever, you know.
-可以化身 -大概頭腦也好 -Cleans the body. Yeah. -Might be good for the mind too.
上桌第一樣東西認識 [Phil] First thing that comes to the table is something I don't know.
-什麼 -肉芋知道 -Hey, what's that? -Don't know if you know the root malanga.
知道保羅芋頭 [Phil] Nope, still haven't heard of it. Paul says it's like taro root.
現在覺得之前 根本道地海地 I'm thinking now that I've never had Haitian food.
海地 Have I ever had Haitian food?
我們融合非洲法國文化 We have the mixture with African culture and the French culture.
好吃什麼 克里 -It's delicious. I love this. What's this? -It's pikliz.
可以海地泡菜只是 [Paul] Pikliz is like the Haitian kimchi, but it's more spicy.
好像調味料 It's like a condiment.
-得夠 - -You need to eat it with, like... -Oh, I see. I will do it. Yes.
真的 That is spicy!
經典海地 -Oh! -Another classic Haitian...
芭蕉 [Paul] Here is a plantain.
-喜歡 -格里 -[Phil] Yes. I love that. -This is a griot.
-格里肩肉 - -[Paul] Griot is like pork shoulder. -[Phil] Yeah!
Oh, boy.
就算海地不到這麼好吃 If I go to Haiti, it's not all going to be that good.
-厲害 -好吃 -You're very good. -Better than that.
海地當地一定好吃 In Haiti, it's gonna be better than that.
-我們一定海地 - -I think we got to go to Haiti. -Yeah.
我們海地 一起導遊 If we go, you have to come with me to show me what's good.
隨時奉陪 I'll come. Anytime.
樂意 I'm open.
真是太高興 This makes me very happy.
大家 This is what I always say to people.
餵養靈魂 I... I feed the soul.
海地香辣 Haitian jerk chicken.
辣醬 Try the hot sauce.
- - -Okay. -Yes.
小心 [Paul] Be careful.
特別小心最好 If he's saying "be careful," I better be careful.
覺得 Even for me, it's--
- -覺得 -Even for you? -Even for me. [laughs]
- -這樣可以 -Too much? -It's good.
-你們瓶裝 -沒有 -Oh, yeah! Do you sell it by the bottle? -No.
不是怎麼經營生意 可以瓶裝 I don't want to tell you how to run your business, but you could sell it.
可以 我們希望顧客搭配料理 Yes, we can, but I want you to mix that with my food, you know.
這樣好吃 It's way better.
保羅上海食物 Paul, you turned me on to Haitian food. Now I'm a fan.
牆上邦巴什麼意思 Tell me what does "bon bagay" mean?
邦巴能量意思 [Paul] Bon bagay is-- It's a good energy.
開心時候可以邦巴 When you are happy, you say "bon bagay."
各位邦巴 [Phil] Bon bagay, everybody.
-沒錯 ! -沒試海地 -Yes! -You guys who haven't tried Haitian food,
-你們曉得自己什麼 - -you don't know what you're missing. -Yes.
真的 Come on.
人生 Missing life.
今天要到中國運河遊船 [Paul] Today, I'm going boating on the Lachine Canal.
今天一艘船 I'm charting a boat today,
伊森船長 and I heard I'm supposed to meet a Captain Ethan.
可能認識伊森船長就是那位 I think I might know a Captain Ethan there.
伊森船長 That's Captain Ethan?
伊森船長 Yeah, this is Captain Ethan!
妳是米拉船長 And you're Captain Mila?
- -就是 -Yeah. -That's the boat?
- - -Yeah. -All right. Ahoy!
-船長 - -Ahoy, Captain! -Ahoy!
因為大衛佛萊海相 I had such a good time with David Freiheit,
因此今天他們一起出遊 that I'm meeting him and his family to go boating.
只是怕水 I'm just a little afraid of the water.
抓緊 [Mila] Hold on tight!
So, I'm counting on you
負責 to do all the pedaling, okay, and I'm just going to relax.
知道怎樣遊船體驗更好 You know what makes a boat ride better?
冰棒 Ice pops.
- - -[girl] I want! -[Ethan] I want.
- - -[girl] I want one! -You do?
看看沒有 -Let's see if I have any more. -[Mila gasps]
I do.
謝謝 Thank you!
-爸媽 - -Should we give your parents one? -Yeah.
All right.
-他們知道什麼喜歡你們 -謝謝 -They like you for some reason. -Thank you.
-可以 -可以 -Can we eat them? -Can you eat them?
- -不然 -Yeah. -What else you gonna do with them?
- - -Lick them? -Lick them?
可以出發  [Phil] We're good to go. All right.
伊森負責開船 Ethan, you're driving.
當小幫手 I'm just helping.
-之前 - -[Phil] Have you ever done this before? -[Ethan] Yeah!
船長 [Phil] You have? You're a captain from way back, are you?
伊森真是船長 You're an old captain, Ethan.
船長伊森 [in pirate accent] You're an old sea captain.
不要橋上人揮手 Should we wave to those people on the bridge?
大家 -Hello, people! -[Ethan screams in excitement]
- -救救我們 -Bye! -Somebody save us!
這位船長喝酒 [Phil] This captain's been drinking!
看看嘟嘟火車 Look at the choo-choo train.
-我們快點 -快點 -Let's go faster! -Faster!
加速 Ramming speed!
伊森根本海盜 [Phil] Ethan's a pirate.
伊森 Look, Ethan! There are birdies!
-看看那些海鷗 -大便 [Phil] Look at the seagulls. [Mila] It pooped.
-什麼 -沒有看到大便 -[Phil] What? -[Mila] Did you see that? It pooped.
先生大便頭上 Mr. Birdie, don't poop on my head
大便頭上 [Phil] Did a bird ever poop on your head?
沒有 No.
可能遇到 Might happen.
大便 You... You know, I eat bird poop.
-沒有 -什麼 -No! -What?
-沒有 -真的 -You don't eat bird poo. -You do?
知道不用那麼冰棒 I could have saved a fortune on Popsicles.
你們爸媽 We've lost your parents.
你們現在小孩 I guess you're mine now.
-你們好慢 -爸媽 -You guys are slow! -Goodbye, parents!
爸媽 [Phil] Say goodbye to your parents.
- - -Bye-bye. -Bye-bye!
天鵝存活下來 現在慶祝沒有溺死 [Phil] I survived the swan boats. Now I'm going to celebrate not drowning
慶祝地點 at a place that celebrates...
實在難以形容 I don't even know how to describe this.
這裡有個瘋子 There's a madman here.
這裡幾個瘋子 其中一個查爾斯安 There's a few madmen here, but one of them is Charles-Antoine,
超棒餐廳蒙特廣場 and he opened a phenomenal restaurant called Montreal Plaza.
你好 Bonsoir.
另一半雪柔強森 His partner here is Cheryl Johnson,
他們晚餐 and they're going to eat dinner with me.
25道菜 Twenty-five dishes is too much for you?
接受挑戰 Try me.
可以期待大餐第一個線索是 The first clue you're in for something:
廚房感覺充滿高級玩具 it looks like there's an FAO Schwarz in the kitchen.
- -今晚準備 -[Phil] Wow. -[man] I got some oysters for you tonight.
背上西洋山葵 [Phil] Horseradish on the dinosaur's back.
I love that!
Wow, that's good.
全世界容器 [Phil] That's the world's best dispenser.
-什麼 -玉米 -Hey, what's that? -[Charles-Antoine] Like a puree of corn...
- -奶油 -Yeah? -...with butter and salt, you know?
好吃 Oh, that's delicious.
玉米香氣 So much corn flavor.
一定超愛 食物第一標準 My father would love that. His number one criteria for food...
起來軟嫩 soft.
-幾歲 -93 -How old is he? -Ninety-three.
Oh, my God!
太棒了 Perfect!
這個地方誇張而且 [Phil] This is a crazy place and...
不能因為擺盤布置感覺很傻 the silliness of it should not
覺得這裡食物 lull you into thinking
沒有經過認真料理 this food is not serious.
已經一種 This is another level.
因為廚師認真而且好吃 Because it's serious, and it's seriously delicious.
鐵板鱒魚 [man] All right. Trout alla plancha.
[Phil] Holy cow!
怎麼這麼酥脆 [Phil] What's the crispy?
薄片 [Cheryl] It's a thin piece of bread.
薄片 A thin piece of bread?
-我們鐵板 - [Cheryl] We cook it on the plancha
下面上面 這樣 with the bread face down, fish on top. That's how the fish cooks.
- -天才 -[Cheryl] Then we flip it over. -[Phil] That's genius.
東西講究時間 [Charles-Antoine] There's a time for everything.
酥脆料理時間 There's a time to eat like crunchy food,
酥脆柔軟料理 crispy food and then soft food.
You're right.
我們能夠酥脆料理 長長久久 To being able to eat crispy food... for a long time!
沒完 You're not done yet.
吃夠 Oh, no. I'm not done yet.
挑起興致 No. You only got me excited.
沙拉 Oh, salad. Hello!
北極紅點 [Phil] Arctic char.
紅心蘿 Watermelon radish.
-聽好抱歉 -什麼 -[Charles-Antoine] I'm sorry. -What are you doing, chef? Ah!
像是一場 It's like... it's like a party.
享用 [man] All right, enjoy.
-一堆 -皮屑 -You're full of... [speaks in French] -Dandruff.
皮靴一堆皮靴 Dangeruff, you're full of dangeruff.
-皮屑 -皮靴 -Dandruff. -Danderuff?
皮屑 Dandruff.
沒辦 I can't. I can't--
-爆米花 - -So, this is the popcorn powder. -[Phil] Yes?
在乎 [Cheryl] See how much he cares about you?
前妻曾經 My ex-wife, at a certain point,
-藏著那個東西 -離過真的假 -she hide the--  from me. -You have an ex-wife? Really?
驚訝 I'm surprised.
怎麼那麼驚訝 I wonder why you're that surprised.
今早加拿大野生捕捉食材 You'll receive the first wild caught from Canada this morning.
知道亞洲有個傳統 You know that in Asia there's a tradition
餐桌上最年 you always give the cheek of the head to the oldest person at the table.
得到魚頰 沒錯就是 -Guess who's getting the cheek. -Yeah, you're getting it.
- -不介意 -Okay. -I don't mind.
起來那麼 知道幾歲 Don't I look good for my age? Know how old I am?
87 Eighty-seven.
酥脆東西 And you still eat crunchy?
假牙 The dentures are holding.
很多 It's good to be old.
喜歡 I like your cheeks.
一直 I've always wanted to say that.
喜歡 I like yours, too.
喜歡屁屁 I like your cheeks.
有個超妙朋友 Look, I have a friend who's a great gem.
之前沒有當過 Have you ever, like, been the guy
芝麻街角色艾蒙配音 that double, like, the Elmo voice in Sesame Street?
沒有什麼什麼意思 No, I haven't. Why? What are you saying?
就是知道 Just, you know...
覺得聲音 You think your voice is so fantastic?
不是那個意思 That's not what I'm saying.
喜歡聲音 I love your voice,
我們可能字幕 but we may have to subtitle you.
這個特別 Who said "Oh, this is someone special" first?
還是 You about him or you about her?
比較聰明 Me about her. I'm the smarter one.
比較透徹 You know, I see clear.
-怎樣 -不是 What? I think that was a compliment.
知道暗指 Yeah, I know, but there's still an underlying...
喜歡比較聰明 [Cheryl] He always likes to say he's smarter.
火花神奇 The chemistry, you know, that is magical,
我們時候不必出口 that involves a friendship, we don't even talk,
心有靈犀 and we know what we think.
什麼 [Phil] Oh, what?
太棒了 Yes! Bravo!
-I love you. I love you. -We love you.
謝謝 Thank you.
喜歡蒙特 [Phil] I like Montreal.
黛安索羅門經營餐廳 名叫Olive et Gourmando [Phil] Dyan Solomon opened Olive et Gourmando.
一間很棒早餐 This is a beautiful breakfast place.
你們熱賣什麼 Tell me what your greatest hits are.
-絕對藍莓奶油 -試試 -Blueberry brioche, for sure. -Let's do that.
建議點 After that, I would have one of our
好吃早餐三明治桌上沒有 delicious breakfast sandwiches. That's not on the table.
-可以 -可以 -But I can have that? -Yeah.
-之前讀到 -什麼 -I read... -Yes?
你們古巴三明治 ...that you make a Cubano sandwich.
我們古巴三明治 We do make a Cubano sandwich.
想要完全可以那個早餐 You can definitely eat that for breakfast if you feel like.
東西 何不位子坐下 I'm gonna pick you a bunch of things. Why don't you have a seat?
主意喜歡 I love this idea.
- - -Hi! -Hi.
-你們 -你好 -[Phil] How are you? -Good, you?
叫什名字 [Phil] Hi, what's your name?
-伊莎 -伊莎 -[woman] Isha. -Isha?
- -伊莎 -[woman] Yeah. -Hi, Isha!
菲爾 I'm Phil.
-菲爾先生 -興認 -[woman] Say hi to Mr. Phil. -Nice to meet you.
-你們蒙特 -不是 -[Phil] You guys live in Montreal? -[woman] No.
-你們只是度假你們哪裡 - -You're vacationing? From where? -[woman] We are.
紐澤西 -[woman] New Jersey. -[girl indistinctly talking]
差點什麼 I almost understood that. What did she say?
-我們豪厄爾 -豪厄爾紐澤西小鎮 -[man] She said we live in Howell. -That's the town in Jersey, Howell?
- - -[woman] Yeah. -Do you like it?
[woman] She saw Cookie Monster.
[Phil] I love a cookie.
這位黛安 Here's Dyan. She's the owner.
看看這個小美人 Look at this beauty.
開動 [Phil] All right, here I go.
這個好吃 [Phil] That's very good.
喝咖啡 I'm drinking coffee. Do you like coffee?
喜歡伊莎妳在什麼 No. What do you drink, Isha?
- -先生 -[Isha] I'll show you. -[woman] Okay. You're going to show him?
看看我們飲料 [Phil] Oh, yeah. Look at that. We're both having a drink.
乾杯乾杯 Can you cheers? You know how to cheers? Yay!
大家乾杯 Cheers, everybody!
朋友伊莎興認 Isha, my new friend. I'm happy to meet you.
-黛安 -各式各樣東西來 -Here comes Dyan. Oh, boy! -I am bringing you all kinds of things.
-盡力 - -You do your best. -I will.
-起來 -蜂蜜 -Looks like-- -Homemade ricotta with local honey,
辣味早餐雞蛋三明治 spicy breakfast egg sandwich.
-辣味 -辣味 -Spicy? -Spicy.
-喜歡 -古巴三明治 -I love it! -The Cubano's coming.
看看食物 Look at all my food!
怎麼吃得完 How can I eat all this?
而且好吃 And delicious.
沒有放過 You're not off the hook yet.
I'm so happy.
就是大名鼎鼎古巴三明治 So, this is the famous Cuban.
黛安 Dyan!
完美早餐 Perfect breakfast!
辣椒 Spicy peppers,
起司 cheese, egg.
這些這個三明治著名食材 All right, but they're very famous for this sandwich.
古巴三明治 Cubano.
知道什麼 一早來點營養豬肉 You know what that is. A little vitamin "P" in the morning.
Oh, my God!
驚人我們明天一次 It's phenomenal. I think we should go there tomorrow.
知道我們工作 -You see what a hard job this is? -[woman] A very hard job.
某些城市有些著名特色 There are certain things about certain cities.
一定知名地標 You're going to have to go to the landmarks, right?
施瓦茨熟食店就是一個地標 Schwartz's is a landmark.
排長 [Phil] Big line, big line.
你好 Hello. I'm joining you.
大家排到門外 Everybody goes. There's a line out the door.
-竟然這麼各位 - -Look how it's moving, you guys. -Right?
你們帶來好運 You're the lucky charms.
- -我們進去 -[man] Yeah. -We're going in.
你好 [Phil] Oh, hello.
看看 Look at this.
-法蘭 -法蘭克 -Are you Frank? -I'm Frank.
這位理法蘭克希瓦 I'm sitting with Frank Silva, who's the manager.
非常貼心能夠認識左右鄰居 Very sweet guy. You get to know your neighbors.
- -你好 -Hello. -Hello, how are you?
興認菲爾 It's nice to meet you. I'm Phil.
-瑪西幸會 - -Marcy. Nice to meet you. -Hi! How you doing?
-你好 -菲爾傑夫 -Hello. How are you? -Hi, Phil. I'm Jeff.
有件事很少知道知道這間 共同持有人 Here's a little-known fact, you know who's a part owner in Schwartz's?
席琳狄翁沒錯 Celine Dion. Yes!
席琳現在 Does Celine still come in?
當然 Absolutely.
大家唱歌 She does? Does she sing for the people?
當然唱歌 Absolutely. She'd stand on the bar and sing.
那個三明治 I heard after she had that sandwich
改成我心止息 she changed the song to "My Heart Will Not Go On."
那個黃瓜 Is that your pickle?
不是便 No, you can have it.
-不怕 -三明治 -[Phil] I'm not afraid. -[Frank] Would you like a sandwich?
一樣 德雷兩份 -I'm having what you're having. -Dre, make two, please.
這樣兩份知道 That's it? You just say "two"?
-知道 -知道 -Oh, he knows. Yeah. -I know it's smoked meat.
大家 Tell the people
所知牛肉 有什麼不同 what the difference is between smoked meat and what we know as pastrami or corned beef?
我們 We do not boil.
牛腩直接十天 We marinate our brisket for ten days.
醃法 Dry cure it.
We smoke it for eight hours.
切片 Then we steam it, and we hand slice it.
-我們做法 - -It sounds better than what we do. -Yeah.
因為先水 Because, when you boil something,
-失去一點風味 -沒錯 -you lose a little flavor, don't you? -Absolutely.
我們這樣做菜 That was the cuisine at my house.
-取出風味 - -Take out the flavor. -Yeah.
-準備上菜 - -Now it's ready. -Yeah.
-就是這樣 -秘密 -[Phil cheers] -There you go. Let you in on a secret.
- -很久以前就經營過熟食店 -Go ahead. -I'm an old deli man.
-這樣 -703街口 -Okay. -I used to manage a deli at 70th and 3rd
叫做PJ伯恩斯坦當過經理 當年21 called PJ Bernstein's. I was 21 years old.
-經營熟食店 -所以五年 -I managed a deli. -That was what, five years ago?
喜歡 Oh, you're my favorite person now.
看看好吃 [Phil] Look at that. Nice soft bread,
-只加一點芥末 -沒錯 -and just a little mustard. -[Frank] That's right.
-可不想要 -不能改變風味 -Don't want to interfere with anything. -[Frank] Right, don't alter the taste.
I understand you.
Yes, yes, yes.
而且黃瓜好吃 And your pickle is good, too.
一定有人這樣 I'm sure you've heard that before.
幾次 A few times.
試試看妳的薯 I'm gonna taste one of your fries.
-可以一根薯條一根 - -Do you want to offer me a fry? Just one. -I really do.
一根 Take one.
-謝謝 -番茄 -Thank you. -Would you like some ketchup?
-好吃一根 - -That's very good. I'm having another. -Okay.
-一根一根 -跟妳的薯 -Another and another. -That's good. Say goodbye to your fries.
-謝謝 -客氣 -Thank you. You're very sweet. -You're welcome.
經營成功是不爭事實 門口排長 [Phil] Listen, you can't argue with success. There's a line out the door.
擠滿 The place is packed.
You're... all right.
一下一件 可以來點咖啡 Oh, wait a minute. I heard something. Can I have some coffee?
你們常溫咖啡 I heard you serve it at room temperature. Is that right?
自有一套理論 真正原因 Now, I have a theory why you do that, but tell me the real reason.
出去 Get out.
-出去 -基本上就是這樣 -It's "get out"? -Basically, yeah.
-因為送上咖啡客人 -沒錯我們沒有甜點 -If the coffee is hot, they'll sit longer? -Absolutely. No desserts.
對了太人做法 That's a very Jewish thing to do, by the way.
高興認識法蘭克 I'm so glad we met, Frank.
清楚 [Phil] Did you get a good shot of that?
好好清楚 Look at it.
好友一張 Get it with my pal.
各位法蘭克 Frank, everybody.
我們開心需要 -We're happy. I need a shower. -[Frank laughs]
稍微談談媽媽 I want to talk about Mom for a second.
你們一陣子看到 Uh, you haven't seen her in a while.
今年診斷罹患 Uh, she was diagnosed with ALS this year,
但是 but, um...
那麼堅強 she's one of the strongest people.
就是 Just, uh...
疾病方式令人欽佩 amazing how she's dealt with this.
只是盡量參與事情 And I just want to always include her as much as I can.
-看看 -看看 -[man] Look who's here. -[woman] Oh, look...
-那裡 - -[man] Don't sit there. -Hi, Ma.
I'm good. How are you?
漂亮 Your hair looks beautiful.
[Phil] I was talking to Dad.
什麼 What? My hair looks beautiful?
我們今天 We're all having a good hair day.
  You are. Mom, you look very nice. How you doing?
- -蒙特 -Fine. -Yeah? Have you been to Montreal?
- -喜歡 -[Phil] You like it? -Yes.
喜歡這裡很漂亮 可以你們 蒙特最愛東西 I like it too. It's beautiful. Can I show you my favorite thing about Montreal?
- -蒙特一點 -Okay. -One of the best things about this city,
法國 which is very much like going to France,
一半人口法語 half the population speaks French,
招牌法語英語有些沒有英語 the signs are in French and English, some no English.
不想小孩知道內容英語 Ones that speak English don't want the children to know what they're saying.
-就是這樣 -時候 -So that's it. -The way you spoke German
德語一樣 when I was growing up?
改講德語 That was your bit.
記得 I remember.
你們 Look at this.
這些果真超棒 Okay, so these-- But these are truly great.
芝麻最愛 That's sesame, right? That's my favorite.
- - -Get-- -Is it soft?
東西第一要求什麼 Dad's number one requirement for food?
[woman] Soft!
只要 "It could taste like crap, but if it's soft, I'm eating it."
好吃貝果 I have to say they're the best bagels I ever had.
他們沒有奶油司和燻鮭 [dad] Cream cheese and lox, they don't have that?
Oh, okay.
知道奶油起司很棒什麼 You know what's great about cream cheese, Dad?
很軟 Very soft.
哪裡 It's time now to show you where I am, all right?
準備 You ready?
[mom] Oh, my God!
約翰藍儂小野洋子 靜臥抗議地方 Hair peace. Bed peace.
- -那間飯店 -Yes. -That's where you are?
-好像真正地點 -他們之前地方 -[woman] You're in the actual spot. -I'm in the actual spot--
-你們看看 - -Can I show you? -Oh, my God.
好像 It's kind of surreal.
他們一種展示 And what they've done is made this kind of an exhibit.
19695 他們這個露宿示威 Now, this was what they called "the bed-in," May 1969.
伍茲塔克音樂節之前 This is before Woodstock.
他們光是結婚備受關注 They got so much publicity from just getting married,
所以不如影響做好事 that they thought "Let's use our powers for good.
不如坐在飯店房間床上 What if we just sat in a hotel room in bed
邀請所有媒體 and invited all the press
聊聊和平如何 and just talked about peace?"
他們錄影地方就是這裡 And it was in this very spot that they recorded,
朋友身邊 with their friends around them,
和平一個機會 "Give Peace a Chance."
他們床上八天 They stayed in this bed for eight days.
一間一張 昨晚這裡 There's a bed in that other room. I got to sleep here last night.
昨晚沒有床上 I did not sleep in this bed last night.
你們知道什麼 You know why?
臥室因為那裡浴室 I'm sleeping in the master bedroom. There's a bathroom in there.
半夜廁所 I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
知道約翰怎麼辦到 I don't know how John did it.
你們逛逛你們看到 I'll take you around. You see the bed, right?
- -這些 -[dad] Okay. -And now you're seeing some of the--
你們 Look! There's--
當初 It was just like it was,
周遭攝影人員 camera people all around, right?
大家約翰藍儂 Hi, everybody! Oh, my God. It's like you're John Lennon.
一模一樣 -[group laughs] -Exactly like that.
餐室走廊 Here's the dining room and the hallway.
想像數百個粉絲 Imagine hundreds of kids
試圖進來因為當年1969 約翰藍儂披頭四一員 trying to get in, because this was 1969. John Lennon was still in the Beatles.
50年前 It's 50 years ago.
現在影響 Still relevant.
高興你們視訊 All right, I love seeing you.
看看 Look who's here.
開始唱歌快點 [woman] Start singing. Come on.
我們理查滾下 All we are saying is, "Get Richard out of my bed."
玷汙 You've befouled the bed.
蒙特婁外緣稱為葉帶 [Phil] Outside of Montreal is what's called the "Maple Belt".
地方 需要 I'm going to need a new belt after this next place.
加拿大之前有個節目叫做野大 There was a show here in Canada called "The Wild Chef,"
其中位主廚馬丁皮卡 and it starred this guy, Martin Picard,
經營一間知名餐廳 who had a very famous restaurant, still does, called
Au Pied de Cochon意思 Au Pied de Cochon. Means "the foot of the pig."
餐廳已經盛名 Pied has a reputation for excess,
馬丁覺得不夠 but Martin didn't think that was enough.
所以2009蒙特 北邊森林餐廳 So in 2009, he opened a restaurant in the woods north of Montreal
叫做Cabane à Sucre called Cabane à Sucre,
小屋意思 or "Sugar Shack,"
是以樹液 煮成地方命名 named after the places where you boil down maple sap to make syrup.
今天 一位很棒作家傑夫果迪尼爾 [Phil] With me today is a great writer, Jeff Gordinier.
紐約時報評論 And he was a reviewer for The New York Times,
君子餐廳評論 and he writes for Esquire magazine about restaurants.
很鄉村風 This is quite rustic.
[Phil] I don't remember checking
菁英優步上面 載著稻草卡車選項 "pick-up truck with hay" icon on the Uber Select.
馬丁廚師共同有人 文森狄翁拉瓦馬克波 [Phil] Martin and chefs and co-owners Vincent Dion Lavallée and Marc Beaudin
我們踏上顛簸旅程參觀農場 are taking us on a bumpy carriage ride for a look at Pied's property.
理查覺得坐在卡車稻草 Richard thought it'd be great to get me riding on a bale of hay
經過道路主意 in a pickup truck through a very rocky path in the rain.
笨蛋理查 Stupid Richard.
我們哪裡 [Jeff] Uh, where are you taking us?
活像驚悚片拯救劇情 This is like out of Deliverance or something.
我們穿樹林楓樹農場 [Marc] We're going across the maple bush, the maple farm.
- -土地楓樹 -Yeah? -These are all our maple trees
-我們 -厲害 -you see on the land. -[Phil] Nice.
所以我們餐廳而已 [Marc] So, we're not just a restaurant.
我們楓樹農場 楓樹汁液做成 We have the maple farm. We transform the maple into maple syrup.
我們 [Phil] All right, here we go.
看看那些 Look at the pigs! Hello, pigs!
可能穿正式 I may have overdressed.
-只有一點泥巴 -一點泥巴 -[Phil] It's a light mud. -[Marc] It's light mud.
泥巴 Mud.
籬笆 因為覺得我們 [Phil] Are they at the fence because they think we're gonna feed them?
不是天生好奇 No, because they are curious by nature.
- - -Oh, yeah? -Yeah.
或許 Maybe you smell.
 這裡很少看到猶太 No, I heard them say to each other, "We don't get many Jews here."
發生什麼 [Jeff] What's happening?
拖拉 [Phil] Tractor bar?
我們旁邊 [Phil] We look at the pigs, then they bring us a table
他們端來一桌火腿 right next to the pigs and serve us ham.
一點愧疚 It's a little-- I feel a little guilty.
-一點東西上去 -橄欖油我們楓糖漿 -[Phil] You poured some things on here. -[Marc] Olive oil and our maple syrup.
All right, here we go.
冬天春天 Winter, right? The spring?
This works.
-好吃 -真的好吃 -[Phil] That's delightful, isn't it? -[Jeff] Really delicious.
我們開始 [Phil] Well, this is making me hungry. So let's start.
坐在車裡 I'm gonna sit in the car.
大家 [Phil] Oh, look. Hi, everybody.
看看員工 [Phil] Look at the staff.
大家 Hi, everybody.
有人 只要大家 Nobody's listening to you, but if you ring the bell, everybody will--
北邊淘金者 The gold diggers up north,
挖到金塊時候回到酒吧 when they would hit a nugget, they would get back to the bar...
- -全部 -Yeah? -...ring the bell and pay the whole...
-大家能免喝酒 -喝啤酒 -Everyone gets a beer. -…bar a beer.
只要有鈴聲 All we need is the the sound of the bell.
輩子這麼受歡迎過 I have never been so popular.
[Phil] Here we go.
大家乾杯 [Vincent] Cheers!
乾杯 [Phil] Cheers!
非常謝謝大家 [Phil] Merci beaucoup!
乾杯 Cheers!
看看地方 [Phil] Look at this place.
像是瘋狂伐木工 It's like a crazy lumberjack-riot-rave festival.
我們坐在 晚餐開始 We're seated at the counter, and dinner starts dainty.
聖勞倫斯來魚子 [Vincent] It's a caviar from Saint-Laurent,
我們自己雞生 花園黃瓜 eggs from our chickens, cucumber from the garden.
所以當地食材大家享用 So everything is local. Enjoy, guys.
確實開心 I do enjoy.
料到魚子 I did not expect caviar.
想到 I didn't either.
魚子 I love caviar!
覺得森林小屋 找到魚子 Did you think you'd find them in a cabin in the woods?
只是 [Phil] That was a warm-up.
現在開始 Now the eating begins.
-這個 - -Look at this. -Oh, wow!
第一道前菜 [woman] So, here's the first entrée.
韃靼鴨心配生 A duck heart tartare mixed with oysters.
-等等韃靼 - -Wait, did you say "duck heart tartare"? -Yes.
東西考驗敏感度 [Phil] I mean, there's stuff that-- He's testing your sensitivities.
聽到這個兩個 When you hear this, you don't say, "Two of those, please."
他們專家菲爾 [Jeff] I guess they're pros. What's happening, Phil?
-真是美味 -血腥味 -That's delicious. -It does taste somewhat bloody.
我們野蠻 -[Jeff laughs] -We're savages.
覺得很棒 只要不要他們方式稱呼 I think it's great. Just don't call it what they called it.
[Jeff] Oh, wow.
我們發現生鴨 只是這餐普通食材 [Phil] Then we found out that raw duck heart was the normal part of the meal.
我們 As we said,
很多食物 there's a lot of food coming, yeah?
什麼小籠 What? Soup dumplings?
包子 That's bao.
這裡牛排花椰菜 Here you got a cauliflower roasted like if it was a steak.
- -刨片 -[Phil] Yes. -[Vincent] And shavings of foie gras
滿切達起司 all over it with cheddar cheese.
麻婆豆腐包子和鵝 Bao with mapo doufu and foie gras.
迷你章魚底下馬拉雅 You have micro octopus on the... Himalayan salt
這個搭配哈密瓜沙拉 that goes with the melon cantaloupe salad.
[Jeff] Mackerel?
絕對不到那個那個 謝天謝 I would not have guessed that goes with that. Thank God, he's here.
不知所措 [Jeff] I'm a little overwhelmed.
你們喝得不夠 You're not drinking fast enough. That's alright.
只是胃菜 [Vincent] That's only the... appetizers.
到底幾道胃菜 How many appetizers are there?
-謝謝 -藥草放在上面 -Thank you, sir. -And you gotta leave the herbs on top.
為了新鮮香氣 It's like for the freshness.
There you go.
直接還是刀叉 The dumplings, pick it up or use our fork and knife?
-怎麼 -不用叉子 -What would you do? -[Vincent] No forks.
-不用叉子 -不合禮儀 -[Jeff] No forks? -[Vincent] It's illegal.
馬丁尼用搖不要攪拌 [Vincent] It's like shaking a martini.
玩笑 -Oh. -Are you kidding me? Oh.
誇張 -[Phil] Oh. -[Jeff] That's insane.
沙拉上來 My salad has arrived.
大家吃得完 Does anybody eat all of this?
本店經典菜色 That's one of the classic of Pied de Cochon.
[Vincent] Meat pie.
小牛胸腺 It has calf brain, sweetbread, foie gras.
起來輕盈 It seems pretty light,
一下知道味道平衡 but you'll see there's a balance in between.
起來很輕 It seems light?
輩子這樣東西 I've never seen anything like this in my life.
沒見證過 No, I've never witnessed any... thing...
這樣東西 like this.
[Vincent] So, Au Pied de Cochon. The pig's end, and we have tripes. So, it's a stew.
這裡 The pig's end, and we have tripes. So, it's a stew.
拍照起來一定好看 It's very photogenic.
知道今天午餐 [Jeff] I don't know why I got lunch today.
-知道這輩午餐 -覺得我們應該 -I don't know why I got lunch ever. -You feel like we should be
諾丁罕森林農民課稅 overtaxing the peasants of Nottingham forest?
馬丁大廚一定 There's something about Chef Martin
that wants you to be
體驗輩子感覺 as gluttonous as you've ever been in your life.
本節目的名稱應該改成 The name of this show is
菲爾來撐 Phil Died in the Woods.
來說已經近乎瘋狂 For me, it bordered on insanity.
一道好吃 But I have to say, everything I had was delicious.
- -真的 -Wow. -[Jeff] Yeah.
辯論 Hard to argue.
真是墮落瘋狂這個 This is so decadent and insane. It--
沒有墮落 You couldn't get more decadent than this.
變成動物 [Phil] I'm becoming an animal.
-覺得就是重點 -我們以前晚餐但是 -I think that's the point. -We've had some dinners but...
沒有這樣晚餐 nothing like this.
馬丁可以 Can I tell you something, Martin?
從來沒有 I've never had more
這個好吃 incredibly delicious,
擺盤誇張 crazy-looking,
美好食物 wonderful food thrown at me.
-太棒了好吃 -我們 -It's amazing. Delicious! -We love it.
-謝謝 -怎麼這些點子 -Thank you. -How do you get these ideas?
知道或許只是腦袋想法 I don't know. Maybe I have too much in my head. I don't know.
重要團隊支持 But more than anything, you know, there's a team behind me.
-當然 -因為一個成不了 -Yeah, of course. -Because alone you're nothing in life.
已經陷入昏迷 I'm in a coma now,
下去 so I'm going to stop talking.
食物好像貨運火車一樣過來 All the food is hitting me like a freight train now and I'm like...
你們超棒 [Martin] You guys are wonderful.
知道什麼真的 I don't know why, but you are.
-知道什麼 -太太知道什麼 -We don't know why either. -My wife doesn't know why.
-可以打給 -沒人知道原因 -Could you call her? -Nobody knows why.
謝謝你們 Thank you being here.
各位馬丁皮卡 Martin Picard, everybody!
感覺 如果以為我們活著離開 He seems nice, but if you thought he was gonna let us leave alive...
[Phil] Maple pie. Oh.
對了晚餐56 [Phil] By the way, dinner here cost $56.00.
我們真的可以突擊 I think we can honestly call this an onslaught.
希望 而且附近醫院 I hope you're hungry and near a hospital.
就是蒙特 [Phil] So that's Montréal.
一點法語一點英語 歐洲 A little French, a little English. Kind of like Europe and kind of not.
凝聚社會 What brings it together are the people.
不管地人移民 不管什麼語言 Local or immigrant, whatever language they speak,
大家都敦 sharing themselves with their neighbors.
像是一場 It's like a party!
應該看得出蒙特這裡充滿 I think you can see there's a spirit of love here in Montreal,
因此自然約翰洋子 抗議行動首選 which of course made it the natural choice for John and Yoko's bed-in.
莫妮卡特別喜歡約翰洋子 以及他們代表精神 Monica has always been in love with John and Yoko and their spirit.
心想當初是不是 I thought, "Shouldn't she have been here?"
想想 反正過來只要一小 And then I thought, "She's only an hour away."
♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
- - -♪ Somebody ♪ -♪ Somebody feed, somebody feed ♪
- - -♪ Somebody ♪ -♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
- - -♪ Somebody ♪ -♪ Somebody feed, somebody feed ♪
- - -♪ Somebody ♪ -♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
- - -♪ Somebody please ♪ -♪ Somebody please, somebody please ♪
♪ Somebody ♪
菲爾 ♪ Somebody feed Phil ♪
♪ Oh, please, somebody ♪
♪ Somebody feed Phil ♪
♪ Somebody feed him now ♪
字幕翻譯林婉婷 Subtitle translation by Alison Woods

Dear future me 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



Dear future me 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Somebody Feed Phil Seoul

Subtitle Translation
超高炸魚薯 [man 1] Man, that is, like, super fancy fish and chips.
骨頭小心  -[man 2] Be careful of the bones. -[man 1] Okay.
Too late.
送醫 Going to the hospital.
-骨頭喉嚨時候 -怎麼 [man 2] When you get bones caught in your throat,
-韓國人會 -一碗 -a Korean remedy is to eat rice. -Eat a bowl of rice.
抓住骨頭 [man 1] A bowl of rice, and it catches the bone.
下壓顯然不好做法 It pushes it down, but then, apparently, that's really bad to do
因為骨頭穿刺 because it would make the bone pierce your...
Good to know. So, you've told me the remedy,
死法 and the way to die.
好吃 [man 1] That's good.
[woman] You okay?
- -喝水 -Yeah. -[woman] Want some water?
-一碗 -一碗 -[man 3] Bowl of rice! -[woman] Bowl of rice!
收工 [man 3] Okay, that's a wrap.
快活人 ♪ A happy, hungry man ♪
走遍陸地穿越海洋 ♪ Is traveling all across The sea and the land ♪
努力了解 ♪ Is trying to understand ♪
美味 ♪ The art of pasta, pork Chicken and lamb ♪
驅車前來 ♪ He will drive to you ♪
飛奔 ♪ He will fly to you ♪
唱歌 ♪ He will sing for you ♪
跳舞 ♪ And dance for you ♪
一起歡笑 ♪ He will laugh with you ♪
哭泣 ♪ And he'll cry for you ♪
只求一樣回報 ♪ There's just one thing He asks in return ♪
♪ Somebody feed, somebody feed ♪
♪ Won't somebody ♪
♪ Somebody feed Phil ♪
♪ Somebody feed him now ♪
首爾一座美妙城市 [Phil] Seoul Is a fascinating city.
很多國家 It's been invaded so many times
多次入侵 by so many countries.
當然1950年代韓戰 And of course the Korean War in the '50s
韓國分裂成南韓和北 separated the country into North Korea and South Korea.
當然首爾位 Seoul, of course, stayed in South Korea.
貧困幾年 Years of poverty followed,
現在首都首爾 but today Seoul, the capital of South Korea,
全球現代化地方之一 is one of the most modern societies on Earth.
有著最先科技 新潮音樂電影 At the cutting edge of technology, music, movies,
沒錯美食 and, yes, food.
貧困教會人民簡單食材 Hard times taught the Korean people how to take humble ingredients
做出美味料理 and make delicious things out of them.
其他國家開始發現 And the world is finally figuring out
韓式料理美好 what a fantastic cuisine it is.
之前知道 I've known for a while.
剛好洛杉磯韓國附近 I happen to live in Los Angeles next to our Koreatown,
以外最大韓國人口聚集 which has the biggest population of Korean people outside of Korea.
所以興趣這裡 And so, I was very interested to come here
嘗試洛杉磯吃到料理 and try the best versions
最好版本 of the foods I've experienced in LA
嘗試一些沒聽菜色 And try some things I've never heard of too.
我們 So, here we go.
歡迎來到炒年糕 [woman] Welcome to Sindang-dong, Tteokbokki Town!
-炒年糕 -炒年糕 -Tteokbokki Town? -Yes, Tteokbokki Town.
一家餐廳有辣炒年糕 這裡原始 Every restaurant has tteokbokki, but we're in the original.
我們原始地方 [woman] We're going to the OG place.
這位尚網紅金艾琳 [Phil] This is Internet fashion star, Irene Kim,
炒年糕玩意 who's my tour guide for something called tteokbokki.
炒年糕 I never had this before, tteokbokki.
這家餐廳福林奶奶炒年糕 And the name of this restaurant is Mabongnim.
炒年糕最愛食物 Oh, my gosh. Tteokbokki is my favorite food.
西雅圖長 I grew up in Seattle,
時候 but I always grew up eating, like,
媽媽自己韓國 my mom's home-cooked, like, Korean food.
Wow! Wow! Wow!
-你們一樣 - -You got the same thing. -[woman] Yeah.
這些親切 These nice people, they're from Taiwan.
炒年糕年糕 料理方式很多 [Phil] Tteokbokki is a chewy rice cake that's served several different ways.
我們炒年糕 We're having ours as a spicy stew
裡面蔬菜韓式餃子 with ramen, vegetables, and mandu, which is what they call dumplings here.
而且我們自己 And we're cooking it ourselves.
搬回韓國 [Phil] Why did you move here?
很美國化 [Irene] I grew up very, very Americanized,
回南 and I wanted to come back to Korea
算是 to kind of
找到自己韓國文化 find my Korean culture a little bit.
之前模特 I was working as a model,
想要一種表現創意管道 and then I wanted another creative outlet.
今年創立自己品牌 I recently launched my brand this year.
品牌Irene Is Good [Phil] You have the Irene Is Good label.
- -所以衣服 -[Irene] Yes. -[Phil] You make clothes,
and you're an influencer.
-在家沒有影響 - -I don't even have influence in my house. -Yeah.
-我們火關一點 - -[Irene] We need to turn the heat down. -[Phil] Want me to turn it down?
因為裡面 Because the thing is, you have the ramen in--
不能 You don't want it to get too soggy.
好吃 [Phil] You want it al dente.
- -好吃 -Yes. -How is it?
好吃 Great.
好吃太好了 [Phil] Great? Perfect.
-你們最愛食物之一 - -Is this one of your favorite foods? -[woman] Yes.
我們每個 We come here every month.
-為了炒年糕 -每個 -For tteokbokki? -Every month?
-大老遠 - -You fly from Taipei just to eat this? -Yeah.
炒年糕 They don't have this in Taipei?
-一樣 -一樣 -Different. -Different?
-你們想要好吃 - -You want the best? -Yes.
年糕 This is the rice cake.
-炒年糕 -東西 -That's the tteokbokki. -The good stuff.
好吃 Yum. That's great.
You love it.
[Irene] Try a mandu.
謝謝 [Phil] Okay. Thank you.
-好吃 -好吃 -[Phil] This is delicious. -It's good, right?
-真的好吃很辣 -高興喜歡吃辣 -[Phil] Yeah, really good and it is spicy. -I'm so happy you like spicy food!
[Phil] Oh, yeah.
根本就是韓國 [Irene] You're just like a Korean dude, like--
韓國 I'm a Korean dude.
-目標 -吃辣炒年糕 -That's all I want to be. -Eating tteokbokki.
沒錯各位韓國看看 Yes, I'm a Korean dude, everybody. Look at me.
或許那麼韓國 Maybe I'm not such a Korean dude.
分量好多 四個 -[Phil] This is a lot of food. -[Irene] It could be for four.
-知道你們一起 -就是 We could've split it with you.
-他們自己一份 -他們根本不想 -No, they wanna eat their own. -They're like, "No. Not really."
-非常高碳飲食 - -[Phil] This is a very high-carb diet. -[Irene] Yes.
根本知道怎麼 I don't even know, how do you become an influencer?
大家會來 They come to you, right?
其實知道怎麼網紅 I don't really know how I became an influencer,
因為我一開始時候 because when I first started,
那種工作沒有頭銜 there was no, like, title of that job.
-只是真的時尚 -這樣 -I just genuinely loved fashion. -Yeah.
覺得真誠重要 And I think authenticity is really important.
不能西 You're not gonna advertise something you don't like.
知道鬼扯 You know, my fans know that I'm, like, bullshitting.
節目上能這樣 Can I say that?
妳做了什 What have you done?
什麼 What?
不敢相信 I can't believe you said that.
 下子飛開除了 We have to shut the-- Netflix is going to fire me now.
現在 Oh, I'm getting really hot now.
可愛 That's adorable.
上百萬名粉絲 [Phil] No wonder she has millions of followers.
好料一直 [Phil] Oh, yeah. Oh, the hits just keep on coming.
Oh, my gosh!
[Phil] It wasn't enough to have noodles
年糕不夠 and rice cakes.
- - -We have to have rice too. -Yes.
-沒有馬鈴薯 -沒有馬鈴薯 -No potatoes? -[Irene] No potatoes.
-不過可以 - -[Irene] I mean, you can add-- -[Phil] Bread?
起司 I asked for cheese.
起司鋪開 [Irene] So, you just spread it out.
艾琳好多起司 [Phil] That's a lot of cheese, Irene.
喜歡 Oh, I love this thing.
-應該 -可以開始 -[Phil] I think it's ready. -[Irene] It's ready. We can start eating.
[Phil] Here we go.
這樣東西 It's like nothing I've ever had.
大家炒年糕 Ttoekbokki, people, ttoebokki.
一起炒年糕 Say it with me, tteokbokki.
開始流鼻涕 My nose is starting to go.
-表示身子變暖 -表示東西好吃 -That means you're warming up. -That means it's good.
首爾知名光景廣藏市場 The most famous tourist attraction in Seoul is Gwangjang Market,
首爾一樣很大 and just like Seoul, it's huge.
裡面五千商店攤位 You have 5,000 shops and stalls here,
就連冬天 and even in winter,
每天五萬人次光顧 more than 50,000 people come through here every day.
朋友安東尼歐一起 I'm with my buddy, Antonio.
很棒廚師 He is a great chef.
蒙特一間餐廳Park He has the restaurant Park in Montreal,
逛逛廣藏市場 and he's showing me around some of his favorite places
喜歡一些攤位 in Gwangjang Market.
準備一些 Ready to eat something that is a little bit...
-會動東西 -準備 -on the moving side? -No.
-老兄這樣 -不行 -Come on, man. -No, no, no.
-這樣 -不吃東西 -Come on. -I'm not eating live anything.
- -看看 [Antonio] Just look at it.
-知道什麼已經冒險 -什麼 -[Phil] Know what's adventurous for me? -Yeah?
-韓國 - -I'm in Korea. -That's a big adventure.
而且 And it's really cold.
出來蒸氣 [Phil] Look at that steam coming off that,
可以直接大家頭上取暖 can I just warm myself over these people?
-看看 - -[Antonio] Look at that. -[Phil] Wow!
-綠豆 -好像馬鈴薯餅 -[Antonio] The mung bean pancake. -[Phil] Looks like a potato pancake.
什麼情況 石磨 -Tell me what's going on there. -[Antonio] That's the stone grinder.
他們綠豆做成 So, they're grinding the mung bean to make a bit of--
-看到那個基底 - -See the paste there? -[Phil] Like flour.
他們基底加上蔬菜 [Antonio] They're making the paste in the flour to mix with the vegetables,
拚得托克 and it is called "bindaetteok."
-拚得托克 -拚得托克 -Bindaetteok. -Bindaetteok.
熱油 [Phil] I wanna lay down in the oil.
-試試 -甚至杯子 -Try it. -You even get a cup.
好酷 -[Phil] Cool! -[Antonio speaks in Korean]
真是不得了 Look at that, everybody.
綠豆 [Phil] Bindaetteok. I love it.
喜歡這個場景太棒了 I like the scenery. It's great.
-喜歡 -舒適 -[Antonio] You like that? -[Phil] It's cozy.
我們試試 Let's try it.
知道泡菜 [Phil] You've heard of kimchi, right?
就是特別配菜 It's that side dish of funky, spicy, fermented vegetables,
最常大白菜 幾乎一餐 most commonly cabbage, and it's served at pretty much every meal.
古代 It's been around since ancient times,
不過這一那麼 but this batch probably isn't that old.
-朋友有天 -什麼 [Antonio] My friend asked me one day,
泡菜可以多久 "How long does the kimchi last?
什麼時候 When does it go bad?"
看著 I looked at him and I said,
過期 "It never goes bad."
什麼名字 [Phil] What's her name?
金太太 -[speaks in Korean] -Mrs. Kim.
金太太泡菜 Wow, Mrs. Kim, you got a little kick.
金太太 -To Mrs. Kim! -[Mrs. Kim speaks in Korean]
乾杯 She wants to cheer too.
[Phil] Let's do it.
-乾杯 -乾杯 -Cheers. -Cheers.
-金太太演戲 - -Mrs. Kim is also a great actress. -Yeah.
韓語謝謝 [Phil] Know how you say thank you?
[in Korean] Thank you.
- - [in Korean] Thank you.
繼續練習 [Phil] And I'll keep working on that.
刀削 [Antonio] Have some kalguksu.
[Phil] Okay.
-手工切的 -她切 -Hand-cut noodles. -Beautiful. I want to see her do it.
根本沒在 -[Phil] She's not even looking. -[Antonio laughs]
這輩 [Phil] There's nothing in my life...
- -沒有什麼 -No. -...that I can do
那麼自信 with that confidence.
It's hot.
好吃 [Antonio] Holy cow, this is good.
好吃 This is unstoppably delicious.
美味 [Antonio] Delicious.
這個市場好吃 It's the best in this market.
好吃看吧這樣 Best one. See, she say the best one.
覺得大家這樣 Like, I somehow have a feeling everybody says that.
什麼覺得我們嘗試 Is there any other dish that you think we should do?
討苦 [Phil] Why did I ask?
看看 Don't-- Just look at it.
看到 I see it.
-看著章魚 -沒辦 [Phil] I can't do it.
章魚寶寶覺得叫做活章 Baby octopus tentacle. They call it "san-nakji."
道菜現宰章魚 [Phil] This is freshly killed octopus.
宰章時候發現 And when you freshly kill an octopus,
立刻停止移動 it turns out it doesn't exactly stop moving right away.
看看 Oh, my God! Look at it!
-已經 -當然已經 -It's already dead. -Of course it's dead.
-成活 -活力 -[Antonio] Don't think it's alive. -But it is very moving.
只是肌肉而已 Yeah, but it's the muscles.
知道 [Phil] I understand.
I'm gonna taste that.
東京 You know, in Tokyo,
蝦子 I ate the little shrimp that had just been killed,
現在已經那麼 and I guess now I'm not as afraid.
I tried octopus.
喜歡 You don't like that?
好吃 It tastes good, but it's very chewy.
Very, very chewy, right?
食物上方 I guess I'm moving up the food chain.
一位朋友剛好 [Phil] It just so happens one of my good friends is in town,
湯姆卡爾塔比亞諾 大家雷蒙劇和 Tom Caltabiano, who was a writer/producer on Everybody Loves Raymond.
So, I'm grabbing a bite with him
共同朋友李基 and our mutual friend, Ki Lee,
一個很棒地方 at a wonderful place...
艾倫可以過來一下 Aaron, could you come here a moment?
艾倫可以一下餐廳名稱 Aaron, could you tell the name of the place we went?
謝謝 Thank you.
什麼怎麼回事 [Phil] This-- What? What's happening?
這裡七道 There's five-- Six-- Seven dishes--
不要換大一點桌子 Should we get a bigger table?
這個怎麼回事 What's going on in this pot?
部隊 受到美軍影響發明 [Ki] So, that's Korean army stew. The American army influenced this.
- -停戰協定發明 -[Phil] Is that right? -This was created after the armistice.
-這樣 -這樣因為物資短缺 -Yeah. -What happened was, Korea was so poor,
大家開始美軍基地 folks were trying to get surplus food
剩餘的食物 from the army base.
所以 So, there's like hot dog,
蔬菜豆腐 veggies, tofu.
現在午餐肉 Today, there's SPAM in it.
取得東西都綜合起來 It's a mixture of anything that could be scrounged up.
剛剛解釋 [Phil] What you just described is one of the reasons
正是絕對原因之一 [Phil] What you just described is one of the reasons I would never go into the army.
-因為食物 - -For the food. -[Phil] Yeah.
-打仗不是問題 -伙食就是好吃 The food never sounded great.
美國這個 Ki, have you had this in the in the US?
其實美國韓國歡迎 Yeah. It's actually wildly popular among Koreans in the US
-他們叫做部隊 - -And they call it army stew? -Yes.
韓語唸法部隊居給 Or, in Korean, it's budae jjigae.
部隊居給 Budae jjigae?
不是總統 I think he ran for president.
需要一下 [Phil] The stew needs a little more time,
我們正好機會看看這些冷盤熱盤 giving us a chance to dive into all the hot and cold side dishes
似乎總是韓國餐桌裝滿 that seem to fill every Korean table to capacity.
好吃什麼 This is delicious. What is this called?
-泡菜餃子 -泡菜餃子 -This is kimchi dumplings. -Kimchi dumplings.
-餃子我們喜歡 - -Dumplings. We like it. -[Tom] Yes. Thumbs up.
什麼 And what is this dish?
魷魚 [Ki] Spicy squid.
-如果 - -So, if you like spicy-- -I do!
開心 [Ki] It'll make you happy.
我們直接筷子 [Tom] So, Ki, we just go in with our chopstick?
- -沒有 -Yeah. -[Tom] There's no...
- -不是嘲笑菲爾 -No. -I wasn't shaming you, Phil.
只是知道沒有公筷母匙 I didn't know if there was a serving spoon.
這麼野蠻直接 You just go in like an animal, like I just did?
韓國沒有嚴格順序 There's no real order in the way you eat Korean food.
大家怎麼都行 It's very communal.
-所以 - -And so that's why-- -[Phil] I love it.
越多越多 The more you talk, Ki, the more I get to eat.
什麼看到蛤蜊 [Phil] Now, what's going on in here? I see clams.
刀削 So, this is what they call "kalguksu."
-手工切的 -沒錯 -[Phil] Hand-cut noodles. -[Ki] Exactly.
這個盛到湯匙 Wouldn't you pour this in a soup bowl and eat it with your spoon?
可以 You can.
一次不是羞辱菲爾 And again, I'm not shaming Phil.
眼前有什麼什麼 I'm just going with what I got in front of me.
-看看部隊樣子 -我們 -Look at the army stew going! -Oh, you know, we gotta mix that up.
-我們 - -When you say "we"... -You.
滿小心一點 [Phil] I'm being gentle because it's very full.
不想瘀血 Don't bruise the hot dogs.
-什麼 -什麼 -What's that? -[Tom] What is that?
Dirty water?
畢竟部隊 [Phil] Well, it is army stew.
這個問題 Here's my question about this particular meat.
怎麼知道煮熟 How do you know when it's done?
工廠線出來菲爾 [Tom] When it comes off the factory line, it was done, Philip.
預先 It is precooked?
精挑細選 [Phil] I want to give you only the choices cuts
午餐肉 of SPAM and hot dog.
知道食物 未免給得太小 I know it's wartime soup, but do you have to be so chintzy with the broth?
這樣 There we go.
準備 [Phil] Ki, you ready?
準備 Oh, I'm ready.
-如何 -好吃驚人 -How is it? -It's really shockingly delicious.
-好吃 - -[Phil] Isn't that good? -Yeah.
想要知道 I want people to know that,
雖然不同餐廳擺盤 although the food kind of looks similar
起來 everywhere in presentation,
風味一樣 that the flavors are very different.
- -內容重點 -Yes. -The content is everything.
料理 The wonderful thing about this food is
就是一大風味 it's just a big bowl of flavors.
-一大十足風味 -味十足什麼 -A big bowl of flavor. -[Tom] A lot of flavors. What is this?
-年糕 -起來好像馬鈴薯花生之類 -That's a rice cake. -Looks like a potato peanut or something.
-乾杯 -乾杯 -Cheers. -[Phil] Cheers.
辣味年糕主要食材 [Phil] That's the prime ingredient in the tteokbokki.
辣味年糕 Tteokbokki.
辣味年糕沒錯 -Tteokbokki. -[Ki] Right.
辣味年糕主要食材 That's the prime ingredient in the tteokbokki...
-菲爾欣賞一致性 -年糕 -Phil, I love your consistency. -...the rice cake.
一次錯誤唸法唸得標準 Everything mispronounced perfectly every time.
可以 I can do it.
什麼 [Tom] What is the name of that?
一次菲爾 I want to hear Phil pronounce it after you say it.
核桃 You mean walnut soup?
核桃你好 Walnut soup. Good luck.
-核桃 -菲爾 -Walnut soup. -Phil.
什麼 [Phil] What's that?
-核桃 - [Ki] That's walnut.
-這個 -核桃 -[Phil] That? -[Ki] Walnut gelatin.
全世界最大核桃 Yeah, but that's the world's biggest walnut.
-磨碎 -沒錯 -It's grounded up to make a thing. -[Ki] Exactly.
聽到怎麼形容 [Phil] You hear how I described that?
-沒有 -磨碎 -No. -They ground it up and make a thing.
節目教育意義 [Phil] This is educational, this show.
不想 Don't you want to help him?
不要走私出去 -Maybe. -Should we... smuggle him out of here?
外套拉開 -OK. -Open your coat.
南韓平均海鮮數量 其他國家 [Phil] South Koreans eat more seafood per capita than any other country in the world.
看來海鮮主要來自鷺梁津水產市場 And it looks like most of it is here at Noryangjin Market,
首爾最大海鮮市場 the biggest fish market in Seoul.
今天來的聯絡艾倫 I'm with our fixer Aaron,
正在午餐 who's helping cast our production of Guess Who's Coming to Lunch?
看看多大 Look at the size of some of these guys.
That's yellowfin tuna.
-那些 - -[Aaron] Those are tiger shrimp. -[Phil] Wow.
海鳳梨 Those are sea pineapple.
什麼 What?
-海鳳梨 -海鳳梨 -Sea pineapple. -Sea pineapple?
海綿寶寶哪裡 [Phil] Where's SpongeBob?
-喜歡一個攤位 - -This is one of my favorite stalls. -Yeah?
他們螃蟹品質最好 They have the best quality crab here.
很大 They're really big here.
最大螃蟹哪裡 What's your biggest crab?
你好 [Phil] Hello.
-其中午餐 -沒錯 -[Phil] One of those legs is lunch. -[Aaron] Yeah, exactly.
- - -Right? -Yeah.
He's reaching for me.
吃掉 [Aaron] We should eat it.
-先下手 - -[Phil] Before it eats us. -[Aaron] Yeah.
我們上樓 [Phil] Alright, we're going upstairs,
樓上餐廳會代料理 and the restaurant's gonna prepare our selections.
完全我們料理方式 Exactly how we want it.
太棒了簡單扼要 [Phil] It's amazing. It's a no-frills,
想買新鮮海鮮就要這裡 here's where you going for your fresh fish, right?
沒錯 [Aaron] Exactly.
Oh, hello. Oh, my goodness.
Did it grow in the pot?
看看螃蟹 Look at the claw too.
Oh, my God!
- - -[Phil] And we're sure it's dead? -[Aaron] Yes.
真的知道 I have, honestly, no idea
哪裡下手 how to attack this thing.
剪刀 So, you take your scissors...
各位東西準備剪刀 We're eating with scissors, people.
韓國剪刀 [Aaron] Korean people love scissors.
So, everything from, like, noodles to pizza,
桌上剪刀用剪 we always have scissors on the table to cut.
只要孩子勞作 As long as you don't use them for your kid's construction paper projects.
不同剪刀 [Aaron] No, we have separate ones.
基本上關節可以 You basically just go and cut off a leg at the joint.
-摔角 - -[Phil] It's a little like wrestling. -Yeah.
[Phil] Oh, man!
這裡 This is like...
根本一塊牛排 a steak inside.
-沒錯 - -[Aaron] Exactly. -[Phil] Wow!
You like to dip it?
這個 I like to dip it actually in this.
韓式紅辣椒 This is called "gochujang." It's red pepper paste,
-一點 -好酷 -with a little bit of vinegar. -[Phil] Cool.
我們 It's like our cocktail sauce.
是不是很棒很甜 [Aaron] Isn't that amazing? So sweet.
艾倫 Aaron!
值得一路韓國 It's worth coming all the way to Korea for.
這輩 [Phil] This is one of the most spectacular
不可思議海鮮之一 seafood dishes I've ever had in my life!
And then, it gets even better.
什麼 What?
-炒飯 -你們 -[Aaron] The fried rice. -Oh, man. People!
一下 Get a shot of this.
可不只有而已 [Phil] You don't just get the legs.
他們螃蟹內臟 They take the guts of the crab,
那些味十足部分 all the flavorful, goopy bits,
做成螃蟹炒飯 and they make crab fried rice out of it!
裡面蔬菜海帶 Look, there's vegetables in it, seaweed.
螃蟹內臟 All the insides of the crab,
-螃蟹脂肪 - -the crab fat... -Yeah.
通通做成炒飯 ...that's what the fried rice is made from.
It smells so good.
各位螃蟹炒飯 [Phil] Crab fried rice, people.
好吃 全世界好吃炒飯之一 Come on, now. That's delicious. One of the best fried rice the world.
韓國 As a Korean person,
我們韓國料理 we're really proud of our food,
- -但要展現其他國家 but showing it to international people,
我們那麼自信 we almost didn't have as much confidence.
什麼 Why?
-喜歡這個 -知道 -Like, who wouldn't like this? -I don't know.
朋友來訪他們 I always try to show friends who are visiting,
道地韓國料理 you know, the real Korean food
-地人愛吃 - -that people like to eat here. -Yes.
覺得確實有些地方奇怪 Listen, there are things that are weird to me.
例如這些紙巾 Right? Like these napkins.
未免太小 They're very small.
-需要一點紙巾 - -You need a little more of a hefty napkin. -Yeah.
大概抱怨 This might be my worldwide complaint, people.
來到首爾好奇 [Phil] It's hard to be in Seoul and not wonder what life is like
一邊韓國什麼樣生活 [Phil] It's hard to be in Seoul and not wonder what life is like for Koreans on the other side of the border.
距離接近 It's pretty close in miles,
很多方面來說天壤 but far in every other way.
一些朋友見面 了解一下北韓情況 So, I'm meeting some new friends to learn a little bit about the north.
我們要去餐廳 We're going now to a restaurant that specializes
主打北韓料理 in North Korean cuisine.
餐廳名稱Neungra Bapsang It's called Nula Bapsang.
今天一起用餐 朴石吉金潔希 My dining companions are Sokeel Park and Jessie Kim.
朴石吉自由北韓人權組織主任 He's a director at an organization called "Liberty in North Korea"
組織助人逃離 that helps people escape the country.
他們幫忙 And she's a refugee who fled North Korea with their help
大概十年前脫 almost 10 years ago.
-我們真的 - -We're really close to North Korea, right? -[Phil] Yeah.
如果南北邊界開放 If the border between North and South Korea was open,
我們現在午餐 then we're having lunch now,
可以開車北上晚餐 we could get in the car, drive up, have dinner in North Korea.
兩千五百 And 25 million people
剛好出生一邊 happen to have been born on that side,
五千剛好出生一邊 and 50 million people happen to have been born on this side
兩邊過著全然不同生活 and have completely different lives.
全世界沒有這樣地方 There's actually nowhere on the planet that's like this.
生活什麼樣子 Tell us about what life was like for you before you got out.
北韓毫無希望可言 I don't have any hope in North Korea.
沒有未來可言 I don't have any future.
每天勞動 Every day is working for money,
不是為了生活 not working for life.
沒有言論自由 I don't have any freedom of speech.
沒辦 I can't go to any...
其他國家 other countries,
只能北韓 just living only in North Korea.
學校 And in school, they were teaching you...
-北韓 - -"North Korea is great." -[Jessie] Yeah.
他們我們洗腦 They are just brainwashing.
金正恩金家全世界最好領導人 And Kim Jong-un, the Kim family is the greatest in the world.
他們之類 They are gods, like that.
南北停戰 [Sokeel] The border between North and South Korea
全世界戒備森嚴邊界 is the most heavily fortified border in the world.
所以很多北韓想脫 So, North Korean people are escaping.
他們基本上得往中國 They basically have to go north into China.
我們網絡能將 So, we have networks that bring North Korean refugees
一路帶到中國東北 all the way from Northeast China
帶到美國 to South Korea or the United States.
像是當年黑奴逃跑地下鐵路 It's like the Underground Railroad.
沒錯有些確實形容 It's-- Yes. Some people refer to it as
-現代地下鐵路 - -a modern Underground Railroad. -[Phil] Right!
好多 -Wow. -[Phil] This is a lot.
- - -[Jessie] Yeah. -[Phil] It's a lot more than I expected.
 這次不在乎食物 [Phil] I never say this, but I don't care about the food.
知道可以離開一天什麼樣 What is this day like when you know you are leaving?
那天發生什麼 What happens that day?
那天19 [Jessie] That day, I was 19 years old.
老家鴨綠江附近 My hometown is on the Yalu River.
鴨綠江結凍 The Yalu River became frozen.
所以那天直接 And that day I'm just running...
-結冰河上 - -Oh, you run on the ice of the river? -Yeah.
-水上 -結冰水上 -[Phil] On the river? -Yeah, on the river, on the ice.
一邊 Who is meeting you on the other side?
中國有個仲介等我 In China, some broker is waiting for me.
相信他們 You have to trust them?
-有別選擇 - -I don't have any choice. -[Phil] Yes.
You see him and he takes you where?
他家 He takes me to his home.
那裡兩年 I lived there two more years.
-有人知道妳在那裡 - -No one can know you are there? -[Jessie] Yeah.
-有人 -所以 -[Jessie] No one-- -So, you're hiding?
兩年找到 [Phil] Two years later, you find the right person
- - -to take you to South Korea. -[Jessie] Yeah.
汽車公車 Car and bus.
汽車公車 [Phil] Car and bus.
走路 And walking.
-走路 -走路 -[Phil] And walking. -Yeah, walking.
大約4800公里 About 3,000 miles.
-整個路程 -大約4800公里 -The whole journey. -[Sokeel] It was 3,000 miles.
整個東南亞 [Sokeel] Through Southeast Asia.
南韓歡 And South Korea is welcoming?
南韓歡迎 [Sokeel] South Korea welcomes North Koreans
不是難民身分 not as refugees,
而是以南人民身分生活 but as citizens of the Republic of Korea.
時候 When I came to South Korea,
身分真正名字 I have an ID card, and I have my real name.
妳有真正生活現在做餐飲業 You have a real life, and you're in the food business.
-外燴 - -Catering, right? -Yeah.
外燴教人 Catering and teaching people how to cook North Korean food.
料理 North Korean cooking class.
所以妳是紀念 So, you're honoring a tradition
of a country that you wanted to escape from
-只因為 - -just because it was your tradition. -Yeah.
最愛東西 [Jessie] These are my favorite things.
-看起血腸 - -This is-- Looks like a blood sausage. -Yeah.
韓式糯米 [Jessie] This is soondae.
- - -[Phil] Yeah. -[Jessie] Pork belly.
- - -[Phil] Do we dip it? -[Sokeel] You're supposed to dip it.
-這個這個 -這個 -[Jessie] This one. Yeah, this one. -[Phil] This one?
好吃 [Phil] That's delicious...
而且 ...and spicy.
第一次 The first time I had North Korean food.
他們不以美食著稱 Not famous for their cuisine.
-可惜沒錯 - -Right, unfortunately. Yeah. -[Phil] Right?
他們什麼著名東西 -Not famous for much. -Wow!
[Phil] Look how happy you are.
-開心 -真的開心 -I'm so happy. Yeah. -So happy.
- -真的 -[Jessie] Right. -Really?
北韓家鄉有名食物 This is my hometown famous food in North Korea.
[Phil] From when you were a kid.
相信 [Jessie] Can you believe it?
馬鈴薯 This is a potato.
-外皮馬鈴薯 -外皮馬鈴薯 -The outside is potato? -[Jessie] Outside is potato.
內餡 [Phil] What's inside?
內餡一些蔬菜豬肉 -Inside is some vegetable and pork. -[Phil] It's very good.
一些沒錯 Some... Yeah.
Oh, my God.
-喜歡 - -I love it! -I love how happy you are.
[Phil] Oh, my goodness.
好感 It was so touching to me,
一幕太美 and so beautiful,
這麼簡單東西 that the simplest thing,
馬鈴薯餃子 a potato dumpling,
竟然一個這麼影響 could have such an effect on a person.
這些只是食物 These are not just... foods.
而是記憶 They're memories.
這位小姐來說 And for this young lady,
對潔希來回到純樸時候 for Jesse, it's a return to a very innocent time.
開心 [Jessie] I'm so happy.
[Phil] I love it.
之前生活 [Phil] You know, you've lived
我們無法想像 a life that we can't imagine.
大家知道 What do you think the most important thing is
重要什麼 for people to know?
大家知道 [Jessie] People to know...
我們 We are human beings.
我們無法選擇父母 We couldn't choose parents.
有人選擇父母 Right? Nobody.
我們無法選擇要生哪個國家地方 We couldn't choose the hometown, country.
- - -Right? -[Phil] Right.
有人可以 Nobody in the world.
我們可以選擇什麼樣人生 But we can choose our life.
精彩 You have an incredible story.
I'm so happy for you.
Thank you.
希望妳有吃不完餃子 I want you to have all the dumplings you want
一輩子吃不完 for the rest of your life.
我們 Let's eat.
我們 [Phil] We celebrate.
生活 We celebrate you.
南北 [Phil] Like the two Koreas,
首爾對比典範 Seoul is an example of contrast.
這裡北村韓屋村 This is Bukchon Village.
歷史回溯到14世紀 很多地方保存 It dates back to the 14th century, and a lot of it's still intact.
好像走進一幅 It's like going into a painting
那個年代畫作 from that time.
那種屋頂 I love the rooftops. I love the tiles.
些小窄巷 I love the little, narrow streets.
但是地鐵幾站 But just a few subway stops away,
好像送到一個星球 it feels like you were beamed to another planet.
這裡東大門設計廣場 That's where you'll find Dongdaemun Plaza.
哈哈設計 Designed by Zaha Hadid,
這棟現代建築有著面板彎曲外觀 it's a curvy, aluminum-paneled masterpiece of modern architecture.
現代首爾美食 This modern Seoul has food to go with it.
提醒不是每個韓國餐桌上 A good reminder that not every Korean table
冒泡 has a bubbling pot of stew on it.
紐約翠貝卡區有間餐廳 There's a restaurant in New York, in Tribeca,
叫做正植 called Jungsik,
廚林正植 and Chef Yim Jungsik
首爾餐廳 has a great restaurant here in Seoul.
已經摘下米其林二星 It's won two Michelin stars.
今晚 朋友余強納森 So tonight, I'm going with my friend Jonathan Yee,
畢業美國烹飪學院 a Culinary Institute of America grad,
飲業工作 who works in the hospitality industry.
15兒子伊森一起 He brought along his 15-year-old son Ethan.
高興認識 It's very nice to meet you.
- - -Have you been here before? -I have.
- -沒有 -Have you? -No.
-沒有興奮 - -Are you excited? -Yeah.
-緊張 - -Are you nervous? -No.
[Phil] Chef!
菲爾高興認識 Phil. Very nice to meet you.
This looks beautiful.
首先一些 [Yim] You're having some snacks to start with.
大家看看 [Phil] Look at this.
左邊 [Yim] So, the left one is some egg,
蘑菇做成 made of mushroom stock,
上面松露 and a truffle sauce on top.
看看 [Phil] Oh, my goodness. Look at that.
Oh, so delicate.
松露 Have you had truffle before,
-黑松 -沒有 -black truffle? -No.
-那個特殊味道就是松露 - -[Phil] That's what that flavor is. -Wow.
得要存錢得到 Yeah. You gotta save up for that.
一道 [Phil] All right. Next.
比目魚塔塔檸檬醬鱒魚 [Yim] Flouder tartare, with a lemon sauce and trout roe.
一口吃掉 You do just one bite.
一口 -Pop it? -[Yim] Oh, my dear.
炸生芝麻香醬 Deep-fried oyster with a sesame aioli.
裡面芹菜 And pickled celery inside.
海膽 [Phil] That's uni.
Have you had uni before?
-沒有 -第一次 -Nope. -[Yim] His first time, right?
太棒了我們伊森 I love this. Let's look at Ethan.
不要覺得壓力 No pressure.
可以 Okay for you? -Uh-huh. -[Yim] Okay, you try?
特別前面味道人工香味 It's unique. It felt very artificial in the beginning because
感覺好像足球一部分 it looked like he used a piece of a soccer field,
其實好吃 but it was actually really good.
-人工草坪 - -AstroTurf. -Yeah.
嘗試新鮮東西很棒 This is the great thing about trying stuff, right?
有趣享受美味 It's fun, enjoyable, delicious,
慰藉 therapeutic, healing.
-今天癒什 - -[Phil] What are we healing today? -It's healing--
Healing our souls.
非常創意 [Jonathan] Chef is extremely creative
韓國西方食材融合 in the way that he's able to meld Western and Korean ingredients together.
你好 Oh... hello!
蛤蜊奶油 Now, the charcoal lobster with clam butter sauce.
Are you a lobster fan?
- -什麼 -I never tried lobster. -What?
- -太棒了 -Yeah. -This is fantastic.
人生這個 What greater thing in life is there
喜歡東西真是太棒了 就是目的原因 than to turn people on to what you like? That's why I'm doing this.
好吃 That's good.
龍蝦好吃 Lobster, good.
-好吃 -好吃 -Good? -Yeah.
- -我們可能胃口養大 -Yeah? -We might be creating a monster.
剛剛這樣 [Jonathan] [chuckles] I was just thinking that.
這什麼東西 龍蝦松露 "Dad, what's this crap you're serving? Where's my lobster and truffles?"
太棒了菲爾絕對 [Jonathan] That's amazing, Phil. I would have never
沒辦嘗試東西 been able to persuade him to try all of these.
努力那麼失敗 五分辦到 What I've been trying to do, you've done in five minutes.
大功告成 My job is done here.
體驗世界各地美食 [Phil] I've had all kinds of food experiences around the world,
這件 but I've never done this.
我們航空膳食 We actually went to the Korean Airlines catering facility.
查爾斯逛逛 And Chef Charles is showing me around.
-菲爾歡迎 -朋友你好 -Phil, welcome! -Hello, my friend.
-高興認識 -高興認識你好 -It's so good to see you. -It's very nice to see you. How are you?
大概看出查爾斯不是韓國 其實瑞士人 You probably figured out Chef Charles isn't Korean. He's actually Swiss.
監督一千八百位員工 And he oversees a staff of 1,800 people
機場膳食工作 out here at their airport facility.
菲爾有個禮物 Phil, I have a small gift.
必須穿這個 You have to put this on.
-為了衛生考量 -為了衛生 -[chef] It's for the hygiene, sanitation. -[Phil] For hygiene.
我們膳食 We're going into the laboratory.
-口罩 -口罩 -[chef] The mask. -Mask, wow.
今天電視穿好看一點 [chef] You're on TV today, so you have to look good.
穿這個好看 Well, who doesn't look good in this?
太棒了 Okay, fantastic.
- -我們 -Good. -Let's go.
我們 Here we go.
[Phil] Wow.
韓式 [chef] Here we have our bibimbap.
- - -I had it. -You had it?
-飛機 -好吃 -On the flight here. -How was it?
好吃 It was fantastic.
現在 I want to eat it right now.
聰明 嘴巴遮起不能 You've wisely covered my mouth, so I can't eat.
他們全副武裝只是為了那個 But they didn't make me get all dressed up just for that.
空氣塵室 This is our air shower.
手舉起來 Hands up!
-舒服可以 -有趣 -That was very pleasant. Can I go-- -It was fun.
下次可以衣服 Can I go in without my clothes next time?
纖維弄掉 All fibers must be gone?
-沒錯 - -Absolutely. -Wow.
輩子這麼 [Phil] I think this is the cleanest I've ever been.
-他們沙拉 - [Phil] They're making salad.
他們檢查沙拉 This is inspection of the salad.
他們檢查沙拉 [chef] That's the inspection of the salad.
-只有兩個 - -Just these two people? -Yes.
- -每天 -[Phil] Come on. -[chef] On a daily basis.
多付他們一點薪水 -You gotta pay them a little more. -[chef chuckles]
現在食區 [chef] So, we move now into the hot kitchen.
-各位團隊 -你好 -[chef] Guys? This is my team. -[Phil] Hello.
高興認識你們 Nice to meet you.
這間廚房每天平均 [chef] In this kitchen, we make an average
生產七萬份餐點 of 70,000 meals a day.
-什麼 -每天七萬份餐點 -What? -Seventy thousand meals every day.
誇張 [Phil] That's crazy.
司區 This section is the cheese.
我們切起 We cut the cheese.
還以裡面 Chef. I thought we were clean in here.
一定試試我們韓式 You have to taste our galbi-jjim.
好吃 How is it?
必須實話 I have to be honest.
好吃 It's fantastic.
韓式 This is our bibimbap.
就是我們想看重點 [Phil] This is the stuff. This is what you want to see.
他們現在四千 [chef] They're going to make now 4,000 bibimbap.
可以看到11分工合作 So, you can see 11 people at work.
-四千 - -[Phil] Making 4,000. -[chef] Yeah.
了不起 [Phil] Amazing.
韓式就是 It's this fantastic
結合蔬菜 mix of vegetables, rice,
辣醬好吃料理 and that spicy sauce.
韓式紅辣椒 Gochujang sauce.
喜歡吃辣 Good. I like it spicy.
喜歡一樣東西 [Phil] It's one of my favorite things.
這裡工作環境 You're working with
很多限制 strict limitations.
來說真正藝術 And, to me, the real artistry
就是克服這些限制 is in overcoming that limitation.
- -沒錯 -Right? -Definitely.
首爾一件 [Phil] One of the things you have to do
就是7-11 when you come to Seoul is go into a 7-Eleven
看看一排排架上 and look at the racks
洋芋片 of chips.
到底怎麼回事 What's going on, people?
你們洋芋片 You love your chips.
我們幾包看看 Let's explore a few of them, shall we?
蝦餅 Shrimp chips.
起來 Oh, they look like--
Oh, boy.
首先蝦子味道 The-- First of all, the smell of shrimp
腦門 hits you in the face.
感覺蝦子摔倒洋芋片 It tastes a little like a shrimp fell on a potato chip.
那股味道 But that smell, that smell--
感覺瞬間移動海鮮市場 you're at the fish market all of a sudden.
退潮魚市 At low tide.
這個盒子 Here's a box
看起炸雞 of what looks like fried chicken.
可愛 Isn't that adorable?
A little drumstick.
一點想到真正炸雞 Slight reminder of fried chicken.
非常不明 It's very subtle.
這個品客 Look at this, Pringles.
焦糖奶油 Butter caramel.
記得 I love-- I remember--
年紀記得品客時候 厲害 I'm old enough to remember when Pringles came out. How about that?
有意思 That's interesting.
這個 Would I eat this? No.
看看 Churro chips. Look at that.
口味不錯 Oh, yeah. That's a nice snack.
這個真的中國花椒 So, they're actually using the Chinese peppercorn in this chip?
太酷 That's cool.
辣味玉米脆片起士 That's like a spicy nacho cheese, right?
黑胡椒蟹肉 Black pepper crab.
口味 Spicy ramen flavor.
辣味 Rice hot snacks?
什麼 They're what?
-炒年糕 -炒年糕 -[man] Tteokbokki chips. -Tteokbokki chips?
起來辣椒口味 That looks like a hot pepper.
深夜烤箱雞肉 Late-night, oven-roasted chicken.
他們認真營造氣氛 Wow. They're really trying to take you somewhere.
想像一下現在夜深人靜 Imagine it's late at night,
一個朋友沒有 and you have no friends.
你們K-pop [Phil] You've heard of K-pop.
如果K-pop歌迷 And if you're a K-pop aficionado,
一定知道南允道 you know who Eric Nam is.
可以YouTube影片 You can watch his videos on YouTube,
可以專輯 and buy his albums. ♪ Baby, that'd be fine with me ♪
K-pop所知 [Phil] I don't know anything about K-pop,
喜歡允道 but I like Eric.
允道我們大庭廣眾 所以警告 I should warn you though, Eric, because now we're out in public,
我們可能搶劫 因為 that we may get mobbed because...
菲爾他們打招呼 Phil, they're saying hi.
菲爾 This is Phil!
如果想要覺得自己無關緊要 [Phil] If you want to feel old and insignificant,
一位K-pop歌手 首爾街上 walk with a K-pop star down the streets of Seoul.
沒錯 Yes, it's me.
我們一間炸雞啤酒店 [Phil] We get away from my fans at a place serving chimaek,
炸雞啤酒 Korean fried chicken and beer.
全世界流行韓式吃法 A Korean food trend that's popular worldwide these days.
隔壁 [Phil] I was next door.
女兒Kit Kat I was looking for green tea Kit Kats for my daughter.
超愛那個 She loves that.
看到一個 And I saw a little...
- -沒錯 -That's him. -That is me.
允道就是這麼 That's how big Eric is.
甚至自己大利品牌 He has his own pasta.
老派愛心手勢 And you're doing the old-school heart thing.
沒錯 I'm doing the hearts.
愛心手勢 Have you learned the newer ones?
沒錯手指愛心 There you go. You got the finger hearts.
-漢堡愛心 - -You learned the hamburger heart? -No!
-什麼 -最近學會 -What's that? -I learned this recently
-就是漢堡時候 - -where you're biting into a hamburger... -Yes.
變成愛心 ...and it goes into a heart.
品牌適合這個手勢 That's kind of good for my brand, right?
-符合形象 -所以這樣 -Yeah. It's very on-brand for you. -So, you do this.
-變成愛心 -覺得自己 -Yeah, and then you're back at a heart. -I feel stupid. Um...
聽到 Do you hear the oil...
冒泡 bubbling...
雞皮聲音 and the skins crisping?
傳統韓國雞肉料理 直到韓戰 [Phil] Koreans traditionally steamed their chicken until the Korean War,
受到美軍影響他們開始用炸 when the U.S. military turned them on to frying it.
他們自己研發出更薄的 Then, they took that and made it their own using a lighter batter
外皮酥脆 and frying the chicken twice to make it extra crispy.
普通炸雞 Alright, this is just the basic fried chicken.
-普通 - -[Phil] Basic. -Yeah.
Oh, look at this!
- -我們客氣 -[Eric] Oh, yes! -We're going crazy.
微波大利 不是健康食物 [Phil] This is not a health food like your microwave pasta.
[Phil] I'm a leg man.
這樣 Alright.
好吃 Oh, yeah. That's beautiful.
熱氣出來 [Eric] Oh, man, that steam.
熱騰騰 Smoking hot!
[Phil] Alright, I'm going for sweet.
[Eric] Oh, there's more?
醬汁 [Eric] The sauce is spicy.
Wow, I love spicy!
開動 [Eric] Dig in.
啤酒啤酒就是時候 -Beer! That's what beer's for. -Uh-huh.
超級巨星 怎樣變成超級巨星 You're a superstar. How does this happen to a person?
- -想進一行 -Oh, man. -I'm looking to get into this business.
2011波士大學畢業 So, I went to Boston College, and I graduated 2011.
勤業眾信當顧 I was gonna be a consultant at Deloitte,
策略營運顧問 Strategy and Operations.
擔心 But I was afraid that I would be
30 thirty
and just, you know,
沒有熱忱工作綁著 locked into a job that I wasn't, like, super passionate about.
所以休息一年 So, I took a year off,
印度 and I went to India
非營工作 to do nonprofit work.
那裡時候 While I was there,
YouTube影片 I had put up YouTube videos
高中唱歌影片 from high school of me singing.
And, um...
類似韓國版美國偶像 a TV show much like American Idol
或是X音素節目看到 不要韓國 or X Factor in Korea saw it, and said, "Would you like to come to Korea?
-他們會付機票試鏡 -什麼 -We'll pay for your flight. Audition." -What?
心想當然 I was like, "Yes. This is my dream."
所以韓國試鏡 So, I get to Korea. I audition.
五名 I get to the top five.
電話時候 節目 I still remember when I called. "Hey, Mom. I'm on this show.
表現不錯 謝天謝 I think it's gonna do well." She was like, "Oh, God. Well, thank God.
可以唱歌發洩一下 You're gonna get the bug out of your system,
知道其實唱歌 心想 and know how bad you are at singing." I was like, "Thank you, Mom."
-這樣 - -That's your mother? -Yeah.
覺得只是擔心 I think she was just terrified for me.
因為放棄非常穩定工作 You know, you're giving up a completely stable job.
就連昨天 緊張完全走音 Even yesterday, she goes, "I get nervous you're gonna miss all your notes."
Wow. "Thanks, Mom.
不要看好 Maybe you don't come to every show."
五名 But, I get to the top five.
辭職 Quit my job.
唱片 Sign a record deal.
七年現在 And here we are, about seven years later.
世界巔峰 Top of the world!
Almost there.
-韓國已經差不多 - -I've done what I could in Korea... -Yeah.
現在想要美國發展 ...and now I'm trying to do it back in the States.
所以一張唱片 -So, this last album... -Yeah.
全都英文歌 -...um, was all in English. -Yeah.
專輯名稱我們開始 It's called Before We Begin.
專輯行銷能媽媽聽好 I would like the commercial for the album to be your mother saying "Now, listen.
專輯不是非常不過 This isn't going to be very good, but...
試試 try it. You heard from me.
I'm not endorsing it."
不要 "Don't blame me."
-喜歡 - -"Don't blame me if you don't like it." -Yeah.
-瀟灑離場 -允道媽媽 -Then she'd walk off. -"This is Eric's mom.
喜歡音樂可別 Don't blame me if you don't like his music.
我個喜歡但是 Personally, it's not for me, but..."
發誓 Mom, I love you. I swear.
She's gonna call me and go...
-一個 -一個 -[Phil] Alright, one more. -[Eric] One more.
I'm fried chickened out.
五塊 I've had five pieces.
-知道什麼名字 -什麼 -Know what my new name for you is? -What?
輕量級 Lightweight.
- -早安 Aha, good morning.
你們 Hello, there.
- -得到 -Hi! -[man] Can you see?
-得到你們得到 -可以 -I can see. Can you see me? -[woman] I can!
準備東西特別 Dad, I got you something today. This is special for you.
韓式雞 This is Korean chicken soup,
但是 but it's so much like
知道 what you know
雞湯 as chicken soup.
-好喝 - -It's so delicious. -That's yours?
It's called "samgyetang."
如果猶太餐廳 If I told you this came from Fine & Schapiro,
湯太好喝 you would say, "Yes. This is excellent chicken soup."
Wow. This is from the hotel?
- -好喝 -[man] Yeah. -This is very good.
-那邊什麼近況 -這裡 -So, what's going on over there? -I love it here. I love it.
無限蔓延城市 It's a sprawling city.
兩千五百 Twenty-five million people
首爾 live in the metropolitan area of Seoul.
哪一年來首爾 What year were you in Seoul?
1944 Forty-four.
找到這個 I found this. This is a--
得到 Can you see?
得到什麼 Yeah, I can see. What is that?
-一艘大船 -一艘船 -Oh, that's a ship, a big ship. -A ship.
Yeah. Were you on it?
我們 The ship took us from
菲律賓 Philippines to
-韓國 - -Korea. -Wow.
當時什麼樣子 What was it like?
船上五天 I was there five days on the ship.
喜歡 Yeah? Did you like it?
四天生病 I was sick four days.
當時很年 You were young.
當時19 You were like-- What were you, like, 19 years old?
當時想像兒子 Could you have imagined that you'd have-- that your son
有天韓國 Someday be in Korea.
天會韓國 Someday be in Korea.
而且慶祝 And celebrating it.
而且這裡美食 And loving it, and having delicious food,
認識很棒 and meeting wonderful people.
-今天哪裡 -今天一天 -Where you going today? -You know, it's our last day.
我們聚餐 I like to have a big reunion
邀請這週 of everyone we met
見到所有人 along the week,
韓式烤肉 and we'll go for Korean barbecue.
- - -[woman] Oh, how great. -Yeah.
-洛杉磯一樣 - -Something like you have in LA? -Right.
坐在桌前炭火 You sit at a table, and you put on a fire...
-所有小盤子 -東西上去 -All the little dishes-- -...and you throw everything in there?
I love it.
今天有什麼 What's your joke today?
科漢先生醫生 Mr. Cohen goes to the doctor,
虛弱 and he says he feels very weak
無助無精打采 and helpless and has low energy
而且沒有性生活 and no sex life,
生活很慘醫生怎麼 and it's terrible. "What can I do?"
醫生 And the doctor says,
運動 "Do you do any exercise?"
沒有 He said, "No."
散步 "Do you walk a little?"
開始散步 "I'll tell you what you do. You start walking
每天 every day,
兩個街區 a block, two blocks.
不知不覺四百八百公尺 Before you know it, you're walking a quarter of a mile, a half-mile."
- -過四五個 -Yeah. -"And call me back
電話 in about four months or five months.
知道效果如何 Let me know how things go."
科漢先生回去醫生 So, he calls him back, Mr. Cohen.
醫生科漢先生你好 He says, "Hi, Mr. Cohen. How are you?" he says.
散步 科漢先生當然 "Are you walking?" He says, "Oh, boy, am I walking.
感覺超棒 It's really great."
性生活改善 He said, "And has your sex life improved?"
知道48公里 He said, "I don't know. I'm 30 miles from home."
莫妮卡一副樣子  Monica, you're laughing like you never heard that joke.
知道 You know what?
忘記這個 I forgot that one.
你們兩個 I'm toasting you both
湯匙雞湯來敬 with a spoonful of chicken soup.
我們大家 Regards to everybody there.
大家 Regards, everybody!
- - [men] Bye!
熱騰騰東西 [Phil] Wow, hot stuff coming in.
木炭 Oh, that's the coals.
木炭 [Irene] Yes, it's the coals.
溫暖舒服 Nice and warm.
旅程一餐 [Phil] So, here we are for the last meal of my trip,
我們烤肉餐廳清味心 at a fantastic barbecue place called Chung-mi-shim.
Oh, look.
湯姆艾琳 Tom and Irene are here,
強納森 as well as Jonathan,
伊森 Ethan,
and there's Ki.
這個美好傳統可以回溯到13世紀 And this great tradition goes back to the 13th century here,
蒙古人佔領韓國 when the Mongols occupied Korea
這個概念進來 and introduced the idea
就是大家薄切 of community grilling thinly sliced,
肉片 marinated meats
木炭 over hot coals.
-看看 -什麼 -Oh, look at that. -What is this?
舌頭 [Phil] That's tongue, right?
對了父親 By the way, my father,
猶太德國移民 Jewish-German immigrant,
tongue's his favorite meat.
自首 I have a confession to make. I've never tried tongue before.
害怕 I'm a little bit scared.
如果 [Phil] If nobody told you,
好吃 you would just say that's tasty, right?
伊森第一次 It's Ethan's first time as well.
-你們 -我們辦到 -[Phil] Ha-ha! I'm proud of you both. -We did it.
-真的好吃 -重點嘗試新東西好吃 -It's really good. -It's all about trying new stuff. Yes.
好多舌頭各位 [Phil] We're getting a lot of tongue, you guys.
-好吃 - That's good! Did you try that?
青江 [Irene] It's pickled bok choy.
- - -Is that what it is? -Yes.
-好吃 -試試 -It's amazing. -[Irene] Let me try.
-可以這個 -一點舌頭 -Can I have more of this one? -And a little less tongue.
各位 [Phil] Wow, here we go, people.
-開始 - -Now it's a party. -A little soju?
烤肉一個重點就是喝酒 [Phil] A big part of the barbecue experience here is drinking.
就是啤酒燒酒 Which means beer and soju,
燒酒傳統大米蒸餾 a liquor traditionally distilled from rice.
如果時候喝瘋 啤酒燒酒混著 Sometimes if they're going a little crazy, they mix the beer and soju together.
我們喝燒酒炸彈 [Irene] Are we doing soju bombs?
可以這個 [Phil] Oh, yeah. I guess we could. Look at this.
嚴格說來不是燒酒炸彈 效果還是差不多 These aren't technically soju bombs, but things may still get messy.
幹嘛 What does that do?
-酒會混合一起 -酒會混合一起 -[Jonathan] It mixes it. -[Irene] It mixes it.
乾杯 Bottoms up.
- -乾杯 -I'm doing it. I'm gonna slug it. -Cheers.
-突然一下 -真的 -I just got inspired. -Is that true?
菲爾 [Tom] Oh, my. Go, go, Phillip. Go, go, go.
-[Tom] Oh, my gosh. -[Irene cheering]
看看上面油花 [Phil] Look at the marbling here.
最愛 [Irene] Oh, this is my favorite.
一口吃掉 It's all in one bite.
-一口吃掉 -不用盤子 [Ethan] One bite.
-艾琳厲害 -一口 [Phil] I'm proud of you. Look at you go.
-做得好 -很大一口 [Phil] That's a big bite.
強納森注意 很快筷子放下 [Tom] Jon, I noticed you were very quick to put your chopsticks down.
看吧只有 Whereas I-- See, I'm only--
-我們隨時準備出手 -我們 -We stay like gunslingers. -Yeah, we're--
-一次筷子放下 - You and I have not let go -of our chopsticks once. -No.
-我們所有人 - We wanna beat everyone to this.
-牛排幾分 -三分 -[Irene] How do you like your beef? -[Phil] Medium rare.
-三分 -三分 -[Irene] Medium rare. -[Phil] Yeah!
-好吃 -超軟好吃 That's super tender and great.
入味牛肉好吃 The marinade is great. The beef is great.
Holy moly.
大概這輩 好吃韓式烤肉 This is probably the best Korean barbecue I have ever had in my life.
開心 I'm so happy!
斗篷雨衣 Can I get a poncho
如果繼續坐在艾琳旁邊 需要一件 if I'm gonna continue sitting next to Irene?
-抱歉 -因為 -Sorry. -Because...
看看回去樣子 [Phil] Look at it falling back in.
小姐流氓只是小姐 That was like Lady and the Tramp without the lady.
看看 Look at that.
喜歡口琴 It's like my favorite kind of harmonica.
這樣地方 [Phil] In a place like this,
龐大 that's so huge,
混亂城市 so chaotic,
充滿看不懂招牌 with signs you can't read,
需要靠當地人指路明燈 the locals are your way around the uncertainty.
-只要開口就行了 - -You just have to ask. -Go for it.
發現世界各地 分享自己文化 I've always found that people everywhere wanna share their culture,
自己故事 share their stories,
幫助認識事物 help you navigate the new things.
因為他們自己家鄉 Because they're proud of where they live.
只要付出一點努力 All you gotta do is make a little effort.
所以旅程 幫助所有人 So, to everyone in Seoul who helped me on this trip,
不能忘記重要事情 I don't wanna forget to say the most important thing.
謝謝 [in Korean] Thank you.
謝謝 [in Korean] Thank you.
謝謝 [in Korean] Thank you.
一起 ♪ Come sit at his table ♪
快活人東西 ♪ If you're happy, hungry Willing and able ♪
看看一起東西 ♪ See how breaking bread ♪
怎樣陌生人變成朋友 ♪ Can turn a stranger Right into a friend ♪
驅車前來 ♪ He will drive to you ♪
飛奔 ♪ He will fly to you ♪
唱歌 ♪ He will sing for you ♪
跳舞 ♪ And he'll dance for you ♪
一起歡笑 ♪ He will laugh with you ♪
哭泣 ♪ And he'll cry for you ♪
只求一樣回報 ♪ There's just one thing He asks in return ♪
♪ Somebody feed, somebody feed ♪
♪ Can somebody ♪
菲爾 ♪ Somebody feed Phil ♪
♪ Oh please somebody ♪
♪ Somebody feed Phil ♪


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To do a good job, an artisan needs the best tools.

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一丁不識   to be completely illiterate

 一了百了   Once the main matter is  settled, all other matters  following it are also settled.  

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