一丁不識 to be completely illiterate
一了百了 Once the main matter is settled, all other matters following it are also settled.
一刀兩斷 to remove oneself totally and permanently from a relationship
一口咬定 to insist on one's view and refuse to withdraw or modify one's previous remark
一大筆錢 [idiom] a king’s ransom
一五一十 to narrate systematically and in full detail of the whole affair or the story from the beginning to end to someone
一分為二 everything has its good and bad sides
一切就緒 everything is ready
一孔之見 to express a limited, narrow and one-sided view of something
一心一意 heart and soul; intently; to give all one's attention to someone or something
一心一德 to be united as one with the same thoughts and aspirations
一手包辦 to take care of a matter completely by oneself
一手遮天 to deceive or trick the public
一文不值 worthless
一日三秋 a short time away from somebody seems to be a very long time apart
一日千里 to improve, to develop or to grow at a tremendous pace
一毛不拔 It is used to ridicule someone who is very selfish or stingy.
一丘之貉 It is used to describe a group of individuals who are just as bad as one another.
一本正經 to be honest and upright, and to behave in a dignified and solemn manner
一本萬利 to invest a small amount of capital and be able to reap large profits using it
一目十行 to read rapidly
一目瞭然 able to have a clear and thorough understanding at a glance
一石二鳥 [idiom] kill two birds with one stone
一如既往 as always
一字一板 to speak in a calm and clear way
一字褒貶 a concise and deliberate choice of words
一帆風順 Have a nice trip! plain sailing
一成不變 to remain unchanged over time
一衣帶水 separated only by a strip of water
一技之長 to possess a type of technical skill or has a speciality in a particular field
一改故轍 to change completely from one's old habit to a new one
一步登天 to attain the highest level in one step
一決雌雄 to fight a decisive battle; to have a show-down
一見如故 [idiom] get on like a house on fire; to feel like old friends at the first meeting
一見鍾情 to fall in love at first sight
一言九鼎 one's words carry great weight
一言不發 to not say anything
一言為定 that is settled then
一言蔽之 to sum it up in a line of conversation
一言難盡 [idiom] It's a long story.
一身是膽 to be full of courage
一事無成 to achieve nothing; to find oneself a complete failure in life
一刻千金 time is extremely precious
一呼百諾 It is used to describe someone who possesses an illustrious prestige and power and has a lot of attendants as a result.
一呼百應 to respond en masse
一命嗚呼 to breathe one's last
一往情深 to cherish a deep-seated affection for somebody or something
一拍即合 to hit it off with somebody
一板三眼 to follow a set pattern in action or speech
一枝獨秀 to be in a league of one's own ; to be the most outstanding
一波三折 full of twists and turns or ups and downs
一知半解 It is used to describe what one knows is incomplete and has a superficial understanding of it.
一門心思 to be concentrated solely on doing something
一哄而散 to break up in an uproar
一面之詞 one side of the story
一差二錯 a possible mistake or a mishap
一席之地 ① a tiny place ② a position
一息尚存 so long as one still has a breath left
一氣呵成 to complete in one go so that there is coherence in thought and unity in style
一笑置之 to dismiss something with a laugh
一紙空文 a mere scrap of paper
一脈相承 can be traced to the same origin
一般見識 to lower oneself to the same level as somebody
一針見血 to hit the nail on the head
一馬平川 a wide expanse of level land
一馬當先 to take the lead
一乾二淨 thoroughly
一掃而光 to make a clean sweep of
一敗塗地 to suffer a crushing defeat
一望而知 [idiom] see with half an eye
一望無際 [idiom] as far as the eye can see
一清二楚 extremely clear
一貧如洗 It is used to describe someone who is either destitute or impoverished.; [idiom] poor as a church mouse
一勞永逸 to settle a matter once and for all
一廂情願 the feeling is not mutual
一揮而就 to finish a piece of painting or writing quickly
一朝一夕 in a short period of time
一無可取 to be devoid of any merit
一無所有 [idiom] to not have a thing to one's name
一無所知 to know nothing about it
一無所長 to have no special skill
一無長物 to not have a thing to one's name
一無是處 be entirely wrong
一筆勾消 cancel; to write off at one stroke
一筆抹煞 to hastily deny someone completely
一絲一毫 a tiny bit
一絲不苟 to work with meticulous attention and conscientiously
一視同仁 to treat all the people equally without any discrimination
一塌糊塗 be in a complete mess
一意孤行 to insist on having one's own way despite somebody's advice to the contrary
一概而論 to treat the different matters, problems and things as the same
一落千丈 to suffer a drastic decline
一葉知秋 a straw in the wind
一路平安 It is used to wish someone a pleasant journey.
一團漆黑 extremely dark ② to be entirely ignorant of
一塵不染 spotless
一網打盡 to catch the whole lot in a dragnet
一語破的 to hit the mark with a single comment
一語道破 to hit the nail on the head
一鳴驚人 to become famous overnight
一模一樣 exactly the same in appearance
一盤散沙 in a state of disunity; lacking the spirit of cooperation
一箭雙鵰 [idiom] Kill two birds with one stone.
一髮千鈞 to be in imminent peril
一頭霧水 to be confused
一應俱全 nothing is missing
一舉一動 every act and every move of a person
一舉成名 to become famous overnight
一舉兩得 to achieve a double advantage with a single action ② to kill two birds with one stone
一擲千金 to throw away money recklessly
一瀉千里 to flow down in a rushing torrent to a far distance ② to be bold and flowing in writing
一竅不通 It is used to describe someone who either knows nothing or does not understand something at all.
一曝十寒 a short attention span in one's learning or work
一蹴而就 to achieve success in a very short period of time
一蹶不振 unable to pull oneself together whenever one has met with failure
一籌莫展 to be unable to find a solution to a problem
一觸即發 may break out at any moment
一觸即潰 to collapse on a first encounter
一鱗半爪 only bits and pieces of something
七七八八 more or less complete
七上八下 to be perturbed
七孔八洞 extremely tattered
七手八腳 [proverb] Too many cooks spoil the broth.
七拼八湊 to assemble something at random
七零八落 Everything is broken and in disorder. ② sparse
七嘴八舌 Everybody voicing their opinion or talking at the same time, in a manner of confusion.
七竅生煙 to seethe with anger
九牛一毛 [idiom] a drop in the ocean
九死一生 to be in an extremely dangerous situation
九霄雲外 to be unimaginably far away
人山人海 [idiom] the world and his wife
人之常情 normal human feelings
人心惶惶 People are nervous or agitated.
人言可畏 [phrase] Gossip is a fearful thing.
人急智生 to have quick wits in an emergency
人跡罕至 [idiom] off the beaten track
入不敷出 cannot make both ends meet
入木三分 (of an analysis) incisive ② (of Chinese calligraphy) written in a forceful hand
入情入理 is sensible and reasonable
入鄉隨俗 Do as the natives do.
八面威風 (of a person) to flatter oneself as having a grandiose sense of self-importance and arrogance, but has enough reputation, prestige, power, and influence to cause awe to others
八面玲瓏 [idiom] all things to all people
刀光劍影 to be engaged in hot battle
刀耕火耨 slash-and-burn agriculture
力不從心 lacking the ability to do what one would like to do
十全十美 be perfect in every respect
十年寒窗 a student's long years of hard study
十室九空 It is a scene of desolation left after a vast number of people who have died or fled due to a famine, war and tyranny.
十拿九穩 to be quite certain of
十惡不赦 guilty of unpardonable wickedness